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did you apply last patch. the log show other value




if none of this work you will have to find where the calculation fails 

can be here



or from previous call



or wrong value here (there's a wg patch for this)



this is a calculation issue. check wg


after all this you now are pro at patches

Edited by jalavoui
7 minutes ago, jalavoui said:

check also wg from github

well you can see my hacks also if you want. theyre old code from icl frame


Fix the invalid maximum link rate issue on some laptops (Dell XPS 15 9570, etc.)

Add the enable-dpcd-max-link-rate-fix property to IGPU, otherwise a kernel panic would happen due to a division-by-zero. Or instead of this property, use the boot-arg -igfxmlr.
Starting from v1.3.7, it also fixes the invalid max link rate value read from the extended DPCD buffer. This fixes the kernel panic on new laptops, such as Dell Inspiron 7590 with Sharp display.
Starting from v1.4.4, it probes the maximum link rate value automatically if the property dpcd-max-link-rate is not specified, and it now supports Ice Lake platforms.
You could also manually specify a maximum link rate value via the dpcd-max-link-rate for the builtin display. Typically use 0x14 for 4K display and 0x0A for 1080p display. All possible values are 0x06 (RBR), 0x0A (HBR), 0x14 (HBR2) and 0x1E (HBR3).
If an invalid value is specified or property dpcd-max-link-rate is not specified, the driver will probe the maximum link rate from DPCD instead.
If the probed value is not supported by the driver (which should rarely happen), you need to manually specify a valid one, otherwise the graphics driver will trigger a kernel panic due to a division-by-zero later.



MAX_LINK_RATE value is valid

Edited by ASUS Vivobook
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 6001 ][hwCRTCToIODetailedTi] pixelClock = 787400000
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 6096 ][hwCRTCToIODetailedTi] return
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod] Current:
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  active h=2560, v=1600
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  scaled h=0, v=0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  pixelClock 787400000
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  scalerFlags 0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  signalConfig 0

Maybe my pixelclock should be this

The patch was this so...

84 c0 0f 84 dd 00 00 00 48 ff 05 80 7d 0e 00 49 8b 85 18 01 00 00
84 c0 49 c7 85 18 01 00 00 00 e9 05 11 90 90 49 8b 85 18 01 00 00

the rep value is the previous pixel value 0x1105E900 = 285 600 000


Mac calculate a different current value 0xC03C8

(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 6001 ][hwCRTCToIODetailedTi] pixelClock = 787400000
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 6096 ][hwCRTCToIODetailedTi] return
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod] Current:
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  active h=2560, v=1600
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  scaled h=0, v=0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  pixelClock 787400000


Edited by ASUS Vivobook

the {&kextG11FBT, f10, r10, arrsize(f10), 1} prevents edp code to load(). try but might give kp as it calls other display functions 


out of ideas for now


the wrong value might come from agdc




idk if wg as something for this. it does have some validatetimings functions





try play with this from wg



so you can change



Edited by jalavoui

- {&kextG11FBT, f10, r10, arrsize(f10), 1}, already in use


- Calculated -> DataM1=0x7e0017e3, DataN1=0x800000, LinkM1=0x1fd, LinkN1=0x80000

this calculation is different from linux log


- have tried  787400000 pixelclock (0xC03C8) of the current Mac value also ... nothing changed


Edited by ASUS Vivobook
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8786 ][SetupTimings        ]         timing ha=-1767492602, va=-4638712
__text:0000000000071F5E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
__text:0000000000071F5E ; Attributes: bp-based frame
__text:0000000000071F5E ; AppleIntelBaseController::SetupTimings(AppleIntelFramebuffer *, AppleIntelDisplayPath *, IODetailedTimingInformationV2 const*, CRTCParams *)
__text:0000000000071F5E __ZN24AppleIntelBaseController12SetupTimingsEP21AppleIntelFramebufferP21AppleIntelDisplayPathPK29IODetailedTimingInformationV2P10CRTCParams proc near
__text:0000000000071F5E                                         ; CODE XREF: AppleIntelBaseController::hwSetMode(AppleIntelFramebuffer *,AppleIntelDisplayPath *,IODetailedTimingInformationV2 const*)+2E9↓p
__text:0000000000071F5E                                         ; AppleIntelBaseController::hwSetStream(AppleIntelFramebuffer *,AppleIntelDisplayPath *,IODetailedTimingInformationV2 const*)+E8↓p
__text:0000000000071F5E                                         ; DATA XREF: ...
__text:0000000000071F5E var_50          = dword ptr -50h
__text:0000000000071F5E var_48          = qword ptr -48h
__text:0000000000071F5E var_40          = qword ptr -40h
__text:0000000000071F5E var_38          = qword ptr -38h
__text:0000000000071F5E var_30          = qword ptr -30h
__text:0000000000071F5E ; __unwind {
__text:0000000000071F5E                 push    rbp
__text:0000000000071F5F                 mov     rbp, rsp
__text:0000000000071F62                 push    r15
__text:0000000000071F64                 push    r14
__text:0000000000071F66                 push    r13
__text:0000000000071F68                 push    r12
__text:0000000000071F6A                 push    rbx
__text:0000000000071F6B                 sub     rsp, 28h
__text:0000000000071F6F                 mov     r15, r8
__text:0000000000071F72                 mov     r14, rcx
__text:0000000000071F75                 mov     rbx, rsi
__text:0000000000071F78                 inc     cs:qword_1572B0
__text:0000000000071F7F                 mov     edi, 8
__text:0000000000071F84                 mov     esi, 6
__text:0000000000071F89                 call    _IntelLogEnabled
__text:0000000000071F8E                 test    al, al
__text:0000000000071F90                 jz      short loc_71FDC
__text:0000000000071F92                 inc     cs:qword_1572C0
__text:0000000000071F99                 mov     eax, [rbx+1DCh]
__text:0000000000071F9F                 mov     [rsp+50h+var_38], r15
__text:0000000000071FA4                 mov     [rsp+50h+var_40], r14
__text:0000000000071FA9                 mov     [rsp+50h+var_48], rbx
__text:0000000000071FAE                 mov     [rsp+50h+var_50], eax
__text:0000000000071FB1                 lea     rdx, aLibraryCachesC_10 ; "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/G"...
__text:0000000000071FB8                 lea     r8, aSetuptimings ; "SetupTimings"
__text:0000000000071FBF                 lea     r9, aFbDPTimingPPar ; "(fb%d:%p, timing=%p, params=%p)\n"
__text:0000000000071FC6                 mov     ecx, 2250h
__text:0000000000071FCB                 mov     edi, 8
__text:0000000000071FD0                 mov     esi, 6
__text:0000000000071FD5                 xor     eax, eax
__text:0000000000071FD7                 call    _IntelLog
__text:0000000000071FDC loc_71FDC:                              ; CODE XREF: AppleIntelBaseController::SetupTimings(AppleIntelFramebuffer *,AppleIntelDisplayPath *,IODetailedTimingInformationV2 const*,CRTCParams *)+32↑j
__text:0000000000071FDC                 mov     edi, 8
__text:0000000000071FE1                 mov     esi, 6
__text:0000000000071FE6                 call    _IntelLogEnabled
__text:0000000000071FEB                 test    al, al
__text:0000000000071FED                 jz      short loc_72030
__text:0000000000071FEF                 inc     cs:qword_1572D0
__text:0000000000071FF6                 mov     eax, [r14+40h]
__text:0000000000071FFA                 mov     ecx, [r14+50h]
__text:0000000000071FFE                 mov     dword ptr [rsp+50h+var_48], ecx
__text:0000000000072002                 mov     [rsp+50h+var_50], eax
__text:0000000000072005                 lea     rdx, aLibraryCachesC_10 ; "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/G"...
__text:000000000007200C                 lea     r8, aSetuptimings ; "SetupTimings"
__text:0000000000072013                 lea     r9, aTimingHaDVaD ; "timing ha=%d, va=%d\n"
__text:000000000007201A                 mov     ecx, 2252h
__text:000000000007201F                 mov     edi, 8
__text:0000000000072024                 mov     esi, 6
__text:0000000000072029                 xor     eax, eax
__text:000000000007202B                 call    _IntelLog


Edited by ASUS Vivobook

Look at this function :

__text:000000000006F748 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
__text:000000000006F748 ; Attributes: bp-based frame
__text:000000000006F748 ; __int64 __fastcall AppleIntelBaseController::hwUpdateRegCache(AppleIntelBaseController *__hidden this, AppleIntelFramebuffer *, AppleIntelDisplayPath *)
__text:000000000006F748 __ZN24AppleIntelBaseController16hwUpdateRegCacheEP21AppleIntelFramebufferP21AppleIntelDisplayPath proc near
__text:000000000006F748                                         ; CODE XREF: AppleIntelFramebuffer::prepareToExitSleep(void)+3A8↑p
__text:000000000006F748                                         ; AppleIntelBaseController::hwGetCRTC(AppleIntelFramebuffer *,AppleIntelDisplayPath *)+73↓p
__text:000000000006F748                                         ; DATA XREF: ...
__text:000000000006F748 ; __unwind {
__text:000000000006F748                 push    rbp
__text:000000000006F749                 mov     rbp, rsp
__text:000000000006F74C                 push    r15
__text:000000000006F74E                 push    r14
__text:000000000006F750                 push    r12
__text:000000000006F752                 push    rbx
__text:000000000006F753                 inc     cs:qword_156D08
__text:000000000006F75A                 mov     r14, rdx
__text:000000000006F75D                 mov     rbx, rdi
__text:000000000006F760                 lea     r12, [rdi+0C40h]
__text:000000000006F767                 mov     rdi, [rdi+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F76E                 mov     esi, 0C7208h    ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F773                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F778                 mov     [rbx+0D78h], eax
__text:000000000006F77E                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F785                 mov     esi, offset loc_C720C ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F78A                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F78F                 mov     [rbx+0D7Ch], eax
__text:000000000006F795                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F79C                 mov     esi, 0C7204h    ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F7A1                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F7A6                 mov     [rbx+0D80h], eax
__text:000000000006F7AC                 inc     cs:qword_155768
__text:000000000006F7B3                 mov     r15d, [r14+3640h]
__text:000000000006F7BA                 shl     r15d, 0Ch
__text:000000000006F7BE                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F7C5                 lea     esi, [r15+60000h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F7CC                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F7D1                 mov     [r14+138h], eax
__text:000000000006F7D8                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F7DF                 lea     esi, [r15+60004h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F7E6                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F7EB                 mov     [r14+13Ch], eax
__text:000000000006F7F2                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F7F9                 lea     esi, [r15+60008h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F800                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F805                 mov     [r14+140h], eax
__text:000000000006F80C                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F813                 lea     esi, loc_6000C[r15] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F81A                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F81F                 mov     [r14+144h], eax
__text:000000000006F826                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F82D                 lea     esi, [r15+60010h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F834                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F839                 mov     [r14+148h], eax
__text:000000000006F840                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F847                 lea     esi, [r15+60014h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F84E                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F853                 mov     [r14+14Ch], eax
__text:000000000006F85A                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F861                 lea     esi, [r15+60028h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F868                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F86D                 mov     [r14+15Ch], eax
__text:000000000006F874                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F87B                 lea     esi, [r15+60030h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F882                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F887                 mov     [r14+168h], eax
__text:000000000006F88E                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F895                 lea     esi, [r15+60034h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F89C                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F8A1                 mov     [r14+16Ch], eax
__text:000000000006F8A8                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F8AF                 lea     esi, [r15+60040h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F8B6                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F8BB                 mov     [r14+160h], eax
__text:000000000006F8C2                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F8C9                 lea     esi, [r15+60044h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F8D0                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F8D5                 mov     [r14+164h], eax
__text:000000000006F8DC                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F8E3                 lea     esi, [r15+60400h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F8EA                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F8EF                 mov     [r14+12Ch], eax
__text:000000000006F8F6                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F8FD                 lea     esi, [r15+60404h] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F904                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F909                 mov     [r14+130h], eax
__text:000000000006F910                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F917                 lea     esi, loc_60410[r15] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F91E                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F923                 mov     [r14+134h], eax
__text:000000000006F92A                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F931                 lea     esi, loc_70008[r15] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F938                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F93D                 mov     [r14+154h], eax
__text:000000000006F944                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F94B                 mov     esi, [r14+34h]  ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F94F                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F954                 mov     [r14+18Ch], eax
__text:000000000006F95B                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F962                 lea     esi, loc_70030[r15] ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F969                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F96E                 mov     [r14+158h], eax
__text:000000000006F975                 mov     rdi, [rbx+0C40h] ; this
__text:000000000006F97C                 add     r15d, 6001Ch
__text:000000000006F983                 mov     rsi, r15        ; unsigned __int64
__text:000000000006F986                 call    __ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em ; AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager::ReadRegister32(ulong)
__text:000000000006F98B                 mov     [r14+150h], eax
__text:000000000006F992                 mov     rdi, [r14+32C8h] ; this
__text:000000000006F999                 test    rdi, rdi
__text:000000000006F99C                 jz      short loc_6F9AA
__text:000000000006F99E                 inc     cs:qword_156D10
__text:000000000006F9A5                 call    __ZN15AppleIntelPlane19updateRegisterCacheEv ;

Some of my dumped linux registers are coincident to this fun 

PIPE_DDI_FUNC_CTL_A (0x00060400): 0x8a000006 (enabled, no port, DP SST, 8 bpc, -VSync, -HSync, EDP A ON, x4)
HTOTAL_A (0x00060000): 0x0a9f09ff (2560 active, 2720 total)
HBLANK_A (0x00060004): 0x0a9f09ff (2560 start, 2720 end)
HSYNC_A (0x00060008): 0x0a4f0a2f (2608 start, 2640 end)
VTOTAL_A (0x0006000c): 0x06d5063f (1600 active, 1750 total)
VBLANK_A (0x00060010): 0x06d50000 (1 start, 1750 end)
VSYNC_A (0x00060014): 0x06480642 (1603 start, 1609 end)
VSYNCSHIFT_A (0x00060028): 0x00000000
PIPEA_DATA_M1 (0x00060030): 0x7e5d159e (TU 64, val 0x5d159e 6100382)
PIPEA_DATA_N1 (0x00060034): 0x00800000 (val 0x800000 8388608)
PIPEA_LINK_M1 (0x00060040): 0x0007c1cd (val 0x7c1cd 508365)
PIPEA_LINK_N1 (0x00060044): 0x00080000 (val 0x80000 524288)
PCH_PP_CONTROL (0x000c7204): 0x00000067 (blacklight enabled, power down on reset, panel on)
PCH_PP_ON_DELAYS (0x000c7208): 0x07d00001

In the requests array I think I should add this req, there are register important to me... it isn't this the method to solve them?


Here the log after adding this request.. boot to full black screen, with no mouse visible (i think something has changed but i don't understand what)


But ine log show always these values...

(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8833 ][SetupTimings        ]          TRANS_HTOTAL     = 0x33843405
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8834 ][SetupTimings        ]          TRANS_HBLANK     = 0x33843405
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8835 ][SetupTimings        ]          TRANS_HSYNC      = 0x35053585
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8836 ][SetupTimings        ]          TRANS_VTOTAL     = 0x17871807
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8837 ][SetupTimings        ]          TRANS_VBLANK     = 0x17871807
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8838 ][SetupTimings        ]          TRANS_VSYNC      = 0x8070807
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8839 ][SetupTimings        ]          TRANS_VSYNCSHIFT = 0x0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8872 ][SetupParams         ]           FB0: pipe A
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8878 ][SetupParams         ]           TRANS_CLK_SEL = 0x10000000
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8886 ][SetupParams         ]           PIPE_SRCSZ = 0x9ff063f
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp :15960 ][isVSCSDPForColorimet]           FB0: return = 0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 8960 ][SetupParams         ]           TRANS_MSA_MISC = 0x25
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 9084 ][SetupParams         ]           TRANS_DDI_FUNC_CTL = 0x8a000006
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 9085 ][SetupParams         ]           TRANS_DDI_FUNC_CTL2 = 0x0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 9158 ][SetupParams         ]           TRANS_CONF = 0x80000024
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 9159 ][SetupParams         ]           PIPE_MISC = 0x800810


Edited by ASUS Vivobook

Look up, I think I discovered something interesting about registers but don't know if it is useful.. seems that nothing change if applying that request... there Is also always the agdc problem..

Edited by ASUS Vivobook

By putting pixel clock like agdc statement trying to equalize the values (first pixel patch to 285600000) got this log... I have disabled DataM and LinkM size check patches also...igfb starts at 11:08:43


Edited by ASUS Vivobook

Disabling CRT patch got the old problem, I putted always the pixel clock patch equals to agdc value, disabled DataM and LinkM size check patches... I'm trying some different configs to understand better your work...

(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 5910 ][hwCRTCToIODetailedTi] FB0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelController.cpp : 5925 ][hwCRTCToIODetailedTi] Pipe0 not enabled
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod] Current:
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  active h=0, v=0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  scaled h=0, v=0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  pixelClock 0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  scalerFlags 0
(AppleIntelTGLGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][DEBUG][DISPLAY   ][AppleIntelFB.cpp         : 2675 ][getCurrentDisplayMod]  signalConfig 0

it could be the fulcrum of the discussion... and this is the place where start the misfact... and there are no call to "

__ZN21AppleIntelFramebuffer21getCurrentDisplayModeEPiS0_ proc near

so It seems that this method it is called externally from the framebuffer....

__text:0000000000049FDA __ZN21AppleIntelFramebuffer21getCurrentDisplayModeEPiS0_ proc near
__text:000000000004A00D                 test    al, al
__text:000000000004A00F                 jz      short loc_4A057
__text:000000000004A066                 test    al, al
__text:000000000004A068                 jz      short loc_4A0AD
__text:000000000004A0CA                 test    al, al
__text:000000000004A0CC                 jz      short loc_4A128
__text:000000000004A139                 test    rdi, rdi
__text:000000000004A13C                 jz      short loc_4A16D
__text:000000000004A16D loc_4A16D:                              ; CODE XREF: AppleIntelFramebuffer::getCurrentDisplayMode(int *,int *)+162↑j
__text:000000000004A16D                 cmp     dword ptr [r13+4250h], 0FFFFFFFBh
__text:000000000004A175                 jnz     loc_4A424
__text:000000000004A17B                 inc     cs:qword_1500B8
__text:000000000004A182                 inc     cs:qword_14F7D0
__text:000000000004A189                 cmp     byte ptr [r13+44DEh], 0
__text:000000000004A191                 jz      loc_4A424
__text:000000000004A197                 inc     cs:qword_1500B0
__text:000000000004A19E                 cmp     qword ptr [r13+4260h], 0
__text:000000000004A1A6                 jz      loc_4A424
__text:000000000004A1AC                 mov     [rbp+var_38], r14
__text:000000000004A1B0                 inc     cs:qword_1500A8
__text:000000000004A1B7                 mov     rdi, [r13+1D0h]
__text:000000000004A1BE                 lea     rdx, [rbp+var_F8]
__text:000000000004A1C5                 mov     rsi, r13
__text:000000000004A1C8                 call    __ZN24AppleIntelBaseController35hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformationEP21AppleIntelFramebufferP29IODetailedTimingInformationV2 ; AppleIntelBaseController::hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformation(AppleIntelFramebuffer *,IODetailedTimingInformationV2 *)
__text:000000000004A1CD                 mov     edi, 8
__text:000000000004A1D2                 mov     esi, 6
__text:000000000004A1D7                 call    _IntelLogEnabled
__text:000000000004A1DC                 test    al, al
__text:000000000004A1DE                 jz      short loc_4A25B
__text:000000000004A1E0                 inc     cs:qword_1500C8
__text:000000000004A1E7                 mov     eax, [rbp+var_B8]
__text:000000000004A1ED                 mov     [rbp+var_30], rax
__text:000000000004A1F1                 mov     r11d, [rbp+var_A8]
__text:000000000004A1F8                 mov     ebx, [rbp+var_E4]
__text:000000000004A1FE                 mov     r14d, [rbp+var_E0]
__text:000000000004A205                 mov     r12d, [rbp+var_DC]
__text:000000000004A20C                 mov     r10d, [rbp+var_D8]
__text:000000000004A213                 sub     rsp, 8
__text:000000000004A217                 lea     rdx, aLibraryCachesC_7 ; "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/G"...
__text:000000000004A21E                 lea     r8, aGetcurrentdisp ; "getCurrentDisplayMode"
__text:000000000004A225                 lea     r9, aCurrentActiveH ; "Current:\n active h=%d, v=%d\n scaled h"...
__text:000000000004A22C                 mov     ecx, 0A73h
__text:000000000004A231                 mov     edi, 8
__text:000000000004A236                 mov     esi, 6
__text:000000000004A23B                 mov     eax, 0
__text:000000000004A240                 push    r10
__text:000000000004A242                 push    rbx
__text:000000000004A243                 push    [rbp+var_D0]
__text:000000000004A249                 push    r12
__text:000000000004A24B                 push    r14
__text:000000000004A24D                 push    r11
__text:000000000004A24F                 push    [rbp+var_30]
__text:000000000004A252                 call    _IntelLog
__text:000000000004A257                 add     rsp, 40h


__text:000000000006BC2E ; AppleIntelBaseController::hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformation(AppleIntelFramebuffer *, IODetailedTimingInformationV2 *)
__text:000000000006BC2E __ZN24AppleIntelBaseController35hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformationEP21AppleIntelFramebufferP29IODetailedTimingInformationV2 proc near
__text:000000000006BC2E                                         ; CODE XREF: AppleIntelFramebuffer::getCurrentDisplayMode(int *,int *)+1EE↑p
__text:000000000006BC2E                                         ; DATA XREF: __llvm_prf_data:0000000000179A48↓o
__text:000000000006BC2E var_40          = qword ptr -40h
__text:000000000006BC2E var_29          = byte ptr -29h
__text:000000000006BC2E ; __unwind {
__text:000000000006BC2E                 push    rbp
__text:000000000006BC2F                 mov     rbp, rsp
__text:000000000006BC32                 push    r15
__text:000000000006BC34                 push    r14
__text:000000000006BC36                 push    r13
__text:000000000006BC38                 push    r12
__text:000000000006BC3A                 push    rbx
__text:000000000006BC3B                 sub     rsp, 18h
__text:000000000006BC3F                 inc     cs:qword_156248
__text:000000000006BC46                 inc     cs:qword_155220
__text:000000000006BC4D                 inc     cs:qword_15A158
__text:000000000006BC54                 mov     r15, rdx
__text:000000000006BC57                 mov     rbx, rsi
__text:000000000006BC5A                 mov     r14, rdi
__text:000000000006BC5D                 cmp     dword ptr [rsi+3FD8h], 0FFFFFFFFh
__text:000000000006BC64                 jz      short loc_6BC7D
__text:000000000006BC66                 inc     cs:qword_155228
__text:000000000006BC6D                 inc     cs:qword_15A160
__text:000000000006BC74                 lea     rax, [rbx+4A08h]
__text:000000000006BC7B                 jmp     short loc_6BC8B
__text:000000000006BC7D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000000006BC7D loc_6BC7D:                              ; CODE XREF: AppleIntelBaseController::hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformation(AppleIntelFramebuffer *,IODetailedTimingInformationV2 *)+36↑j
__text:000000000006BC7D                 inc     cs:qword_15A168
__text:000000000006BC84                 lea     rax, [rbx+49F0h]
__text:000000000006BC8B loc_6BC8B:                              ; CODE XREF: AppleIntelBaseController::hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformation(AppleIntelFramebuffer *,IODetailedTimingInformationV2 *)+4D↑j
__text:000000000006BC8B                 mov     r12, [rax]
__text:000000000006BC8E                 test    r12, r12
__text:000000000006BC91                 jz      loc_6BD85
__text:000000000006BC97                 mov     edi, 8
__text:000000000006BC9C                 mov     esi, 6
__text:000000000006BCA1                 call    _IntelLogEnabled
__text:000000000006BCA6                 test    al, al
__text:000000000006BCA8                 jz      short loc_6BCE5
__text:000000000006BCAA                 inc     cs:qword_156270
__text:000000000006BCB1                 mov     eax, [rbx+1DCh]
__text:000000000006BCB7                 mov     dword ptr [rsp+40h+var_40], eax
__text:000000000006BCBA                 lea     rdx, aLibraryCachesC_10 ; "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/G"...
__text:000000000006BCC1                 lea     r8, aHwcrtctoiodeta ; "hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformation"
__text:000000000006BCC8                 lea     r9, aFbD        ; "FB%d\n"
__text:000000000006BCCF                 mov     ecx, 1716h
__text:000000000006BCD4                 mov     edi, 8
__text:000000000006BCD9                 mov     esi, 6
__text:000000000006BCDE                 xor     eax, eax
__text:000000000006BCE0                 call    _IntelLog
__text:000000000006BCE5 loc_6BCE5:                              ; CODE XREF: AppleIntelBaseController::hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformation(AppleIntelFramebuffer *,IODetailedTimingInformationV2 *)+7A↑j
__text:000000000006BCE5                 mov     rdi, [r14+9B8h]
__text:000000000006BCEC                 call    _IORecursiveLockLock
__text:000000000006BCF1                 cmp     dword ptr [r12+154h], 0
__text:000000000006BCFA                 js      loc_6BDD2
__text:000000000006BD00                 inc     cs:qword_156278
__text:000000000006BD07                 mov     esi, 0A0h       ; size_t
__text:000000000006BD0C                 mov     rdi, r15        ; void *
__text:000000000006BD0F                 call    _bzero
__text:000000000006BD14                 mov     edi, 8
__text:000000000006BD19                 mov     esi, 6
__text:000000000006BD1E                 call    _IntelLogEnabled
__text:000000000006BD23                 test    al, al
__text:000000000006BD25                 jz      short loc_6BD6B
__text:000000000006BD27                 inc     cs:qword_156288
__text:000000000006BD2E                 inc     cs:qword_155768
__text:000000000006BD35                 mov     eax, [r12+3640h]
__text:000000000006BD3D                 mov     dword ptr [rsp+40h+var_40], eax
__text:000000000006BD40                 lea     rdx, aLibraryCachesC_10 ; "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/G"...
__text:000000000006BD47                 lea     r8, aHwcrtctoiodeta ; "hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformation"
__text:000000000006BD4E                 lea     r9, aPipeXNotEnable ; "Pipe%x not enabled\n"
__text:000000000006BD55                 mov     ecx, 1725h
__text:000000000006BD5A                 mov     edi, 8
__text:000000000006BD5F                 mov     esi, 6
__text:000000000006BD64                 xor     eax, eax
__text:000000000006BD66                 call    _IntelLog


Edited by ASUS Vivobook

try go back to the connectors patch that shows a black screen with square mouse pointer. that might help avoid pipe0 error

then u fix the rest


the conn patch really needs a review


check this code it as wrapConnectionProbe() to help. it's based on wg adapted to tgl




your tgl is using pg3 not pg2 as linux. on my card it uses both pg2 and pg3 same as linux

the aux seems not to get called on tgl

maybe this matters


Edited by jalavoui

Recap, with these requests and with these patches I see the mouse, now I can try the last file you posted (the probe)

RouteRequestPlus requests[] = {
	{"__ZN16AppleIntelScaler13disableScalerEb",disableScaler, this->odisableScaler},
	{"__ZN15AppleIntelPlane11enablePlaneEb",enablePlane, this->oenablePlane},
	{"__ZN16AppleIntelScaler17programPipeScalerEP21AppleIntelDisplayPath",programPipeScaler, this->oprogramPipeScaler},
	{"__ZN15AppleIntelPlane19updateRegisterCacheEv",AppleIntelPlaneupdateRegisterCache, this->oAppleIntelPlaneupdateRegisterCache},
	{"__ZN16AppleIntelScaler19updateRegisterCacheEv",AppleIntelScalerupdateRegisterCache, this->oAppleIntelScalerupdateRegisterCache},
	{"__ZN31AppleIntelRegisterAccessManager14ReadRegister32Em",raReadRegister32, this->oraReadRegister32},
	{"__ZN24AppleIntelBaseController35hwCRTCToIODetailedTimingInformationEP21AppleIntelFramebufferP29IODetailedTimingInformationV2", releaseDoorbell},			
LookupPatchPlus const patches[] = {// tgl debug kext
	{&kextG11FBT, f2, r2, arrsize(f2),	1},				
	{&kextG11FBT, f6a, r6a, arrsize(f6a),	1}, //jala crt
	{&kextG11FBT, f6b, r6b, arrsize(f6b),	1}, //jala agdc
	{&kextG11FBT, f6e, r6e, arrsize(f6e),	1}, //jala pixelclock
	{&kextG11FBT, f7, r7, arrsize(f7),	1},				
	{&kextG11FBT, f10, r10, arrsize(f10),	1},			
	{&kextG11FBT, f13, r13, arrsize(f13),	1},
	{&kextG11FBT, f13b, r13b, arrsize(f13b),	1},				
	{&kextG11FBT, f15, r15, arrsize(f15),	1},			
	{&kextG11FBT, f19, r19, arrsize(f19),	1},				
	{&kextG11FBT, f20, r20, arrsize(f20),	1},


Edited by ASUS Vivobook

And this is the log with the wrapConnectionProbe fun, always same result

powerWell = PG3
fRefCountPG[3] = 1
Enabling PG3 hardware
powerWell = PG3
RefCountPG[3] = 0
Disabling PG3 hardware



Edited by ASUS Vivobook
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