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Bluetooth on Elitedesk 800 G5 Mini

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Could anyone kindly help me out with enabling Bluetooth on the Elitedesk 800 G5 Mini on Sonoma 14.5?

I am using @deeveedee's fantastic OC package with (at least) what I think should be the changes to achieve BT support.


What I've done so far:


1. Added the Kext files to EFI/OC/Kexts (IntelBTPatcher, IntelBluetoothFirmware & BlueToolFixup)

2. Added the three Intel Bluetooth kext's to config.plist


3. Copied the config.plist from the 16 port USB-config to USBPorts.kext

4. Removed all four entries for Rear Right #1 and #2.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>1.0 Copyright © 2018-2020 Headsoft. All rights reserved.</string>
						<string>Rear Left Top USB2</string>
						<string>Rear Left Bottom USB2</string>
						<string>Front Left USB2</string>
						<string>Front C USB2</string>
						<string>Front Right USB2</string>
						<string>M.2 Bluetooth</string>
						<string>Rear Left Bottom USB3</string>
						<string>Front Left USB3</string>
						<string>Front C USB3</string>
						<string>Front C USB3</string>
						<string>Rear Left Top USB3</string>
						<string>Front Right USB3</string>


5. Disabled all four rear USB ports in BIOS (to be sure)

6. Reset NVRAM


7. Identified that the Bluetooth USB Host Controller is located under System Report:

Bluetooth USB Host Controller:

  Product ID:	0x0029
  Vendor ID:	0x8087  (Intel Corporation)
  Version:	0.01
  Speed:	Up to 12 Mb/s
  Location ID:	0x14600000 / 1
  Current Available (mA):	500
  Current Required (mA):	100
  Extra Operating Current (mA):	0
  Built-In:	Yes


8. Identified that the Bluetooth controller still not identified

  Bluetooth Controller:
  Address:	NULL
  State:	Off
  Chipset:	BCM_4350C2
  Discoverable:	Off
  Firmware Version:	v0 c0
  Supported Devices:	0x392039 < HFP AVRCP A2DP HID Braille LEA AACP GATT SerialPort >
  Transport:	USB
  Vendor ID:	0x004C (Apple)


Any clues what I'm missing here? 🙂 

Edited by HerrOtttesen
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@HerrOtttesen Could you provide the following:

  • your EFI
  • the macOS version
  • the manufacturer (appears to be Intel) and model of your Wi-Fi / Bluetooth card

If you are indeed using Intel Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, remember that macOS does NOT natively support Intel Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, so you need this solution for Intel.


EDIT: My apologies, @HerrOtttesen.  I see that you already specified your OS as Sonoma 14.5 and you listed the Intel kexts.  Please post your EFI.  Thank you.


EDIT2: @HerrOtttesen I did not have Intel Bluetooth installed / enabled in my hack, so I just installed an Intel 9560NGW Wi-Fi/Bluetooth card and confirmed that my Intel Bluetooth is able to connect to a Bluetooth speaker in Sonoma 14.5.  I did not perform any other testing.  Without seeing your EFI, I won't be able to help further.  If you don't want to post your EFI and wish to diagnose this yourself, do the following:

  1. Make sure that your Intel Wi-Fi / Bluetooth card is installed and coax antenna connectors are securely fastened to the correct terminals
  2. In BIOS, make sure that Bluetooth USB is enabled and m.2 Bluetooth is enabled (two separate checkboxes must be checked for working Bluetooth in BiOS configuration)
  3. Make sure that you have copied the following kexts to your OC/Kexts folder: BlueToolFixup.kext v2.6.8, IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext v2.4.0, IntelBTPatcher.kext v2.4.0
  4. Make sure that you are properly injecting the required Bluetooth kexts in your OC config.plist (see attached sample config.plist)
  5. In your OC config.plist, include NVRAM > Add and Delete entries for bluetoothExternalDongleFailed and bluetoothInternalControllerInfo (see attached sample config.plist)
  6. Make sure that your USBPorts.kext includes port HS14.  For my test, I have enabled XhciPortLimit in my OC config.plist (see attached sample config.plist) and I am using the USBPorts-16.kext (renamed to USBPorts.kext) from the EFI that I provided here (all 16 USB ports are enabled just for my test)


Edited by deeveedee
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, deeveedee said:

@HerrOtttesen Could you provide the following:

  • your EFI
  • the macOS version
  • the manufacturer (appears to be Intel) and model of your Wi-Fi / Bluetooth card

If you are indeed using Intel Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, remember that macOS does NOT natively support Intel Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, so you need this solution for Intel.


EDIT: My apologies, @HerrOtttesen.  I see that you already specified your OS as Sonoma 14.5 and you listed the Intel kexts.  Please post your EFI.  Thank you.

I updated it afterwards and was about to tell you that I've updated the post - but since I'm still so "newbie"/"fresh" on this forum, everything still needs to be approved by admin .. 

I've attached my config.plist, thanks :) 

And the card is an Intel AX200NGW.



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@HerrOtttesen If you followed my steps here, compared my sample config.plist to your config.plist and Bluetooth is still not working, I will review your configuration after you post your entire EFI (not just your config.plist).  If your EFI is too large to post, see this.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, deeveedee said:

@HerrOtttesen Could you provide the following:

  • your EFI
  • the macOS version
  • the manufacturer (appears to be Intel) and model of your Wi-Fi / Bluetooth card

If you are indeed using Intel Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, remember that macOS does NOT natively support Intel Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, so you need this solution for Intel.


EDIT: My apologies, @HerrOtttesen.  I see that you already specified your OS as Sonoma 14.5 and you listed the Intel kexts.  Please post your EFI.  Thank you.


EDIT2: @HerrOtttesen I did not have Intel Bluetooth installed / enabled in my hack, so I just installed an Intel 9560NGW Wi-Fi/Bluetooth card and confirmed that my Intel Bluetooth is able to connect to a Bluetooth speaker in Sonoma 14.5.  I did not perform any other testing.  Without seeing your EFI, I won't be able to help further.  If you don't want to post your EFI and wish to diagnose this yourself, do the following:

  1. Make sure that your Intel Wi-Fi / Bluetooth card is installed and coax antenna connectors are securely fastened to the correct terminals
  2. In BIOS, make sure that Bluetooth USB is enabled and m.2 Bluetooth is enabled (two separate checkboxes must be checked for working Bluetooth in BiOS configuration)
  3. Make sure that you have copied the following kexts to your OC/Kexts folder: BlueToolFixup.kext v2.6.8, IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext v2.4.0, IntelBTPatcher.kext v2.4.0
  4. Make sure that you are properly injecting the required Bluetooth kexts in your OC config.plist (see attached sample config.plist)
  5. In your OC config.plist, include NVRAM > Add and Delete entries for bluetoothExternalDongleFailed and bluetoothInternalControllerInfo (see attached sample config.plist)
  6. Make sure that your USBPorts.kext includes port HS14.  For my test, I have enabled XhciPortLimit in my OC config.plist (see attached sample config.plist) and I am using the USBPorts-16.kext (renamed to USBPorts.kext) from the EFI that I provided here (all 16 USB ports are enabled just for my test)

config.plist.zip 3.28 kB · 3 downloads



Hi again, and thank you SO much for your well explained answer!


I’ve changed the inputs for the kexts, as well as added in the NVRAM-values - and it worked!!!


Thank you SO much!!!


Is there any downside of having the XhciPortLimit value set to true?


I’ve already changed to 14 ports and disabled two of the back ports. Could I just replace with the 16 ports file and enable the ports in BIOS?


Attached EFI folder

Edited by HerrOtttesen
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@HerrOtttesen Congratulations!  There are different opinions regarding XhciPortLimit Quirk.  


  1. Acidanthera's "official position" here is that enabling XhciPortLimit quirk should be avoided.  The quirk, is intended for temporary use to simplify USB port testing / mapping.  Data corruption may result when using an XHCI port map that includes more than 15 logical ports.
  2. I've been told that there are many who keep XhciPortLimit quirk enabled for daily use with more than 15 logical XHCI ports.  Those users claim to have trouble-free operation with more than 15 logical XHCI ports.


Given that there are two schools of thought and I have only thoroughly tested one of them, I can only tell you what I do: for daily operation, I use an XHCI port map that includes no more than 15 logical ports with XhciPortLimit quirk disabled.



EDIT: @HerrOtttesen I reviewed your EFI and have the following observations.  If your EFI is working to your satisfaction, feel free to leave it as-is.  These are not critical and are only for you to learn:

  • As you know, your USBPorts.kext includes fewer than 15 logical ports.  You can restore additional ports from my sample USBPorts-16.kext (up to the 15-port limit) if you need to.
  • In your config.plist, you have removed "no-hda-gfx" from the DeviceProperties for PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x3).  My instructions are not as good as they should be.  You should delete both the <key>no-hda-gfx</key> and the <data>00000000</data> (not just the <key>).:Screenshot2024-07-24at8_27_32PM.png.55d5d37cc0d4dc41a0df7f634d430057.png
  • The DeviceProperties for PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) in my config.plist are specified for my DP->DVI graphics adapters.  If you do not have DP->DVI graphics adapters, there may be ways that you can simplify your graphics DeviceProperties.  Read my instructions again if you want to learn more.
  • The MaxKernel limit that I specified for Intel Bluetooth kexts (23.99.99) prevents these kexts from being injected in macOS Sequoia (and later versions).  With the limit, the Intel Bluetooth kexts will not be injected if you boot macOS newer than Sonoma (e.g., the kexts won't be injected if you boot Sequoia with these MaxKernel limits).  I defined this MaxKernel limit, because I multi-boot Sonoma and Sequoia and my understanding is that one or more of the Intel Bluetooth kexts are different for Sequoia.  I don't use Bluetooth with the EliteDesk 800 G4/G5 Mini (I only installed and tested Bluetooth to learn and to answer your question), so I'm not certain.
Edited by deeveedee
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I attempted to install Intel Bluetooth kexts (v 2.5.0 from here) for testing Sequoia.  Intel Bluetooth does not work for me in Sequoia Beta 4.  When I reverted to Sonoma 14.5, my Bluetooth was no longer working in Sonoma.  In order to restore working Bluetooth in Sonoma (after the unsuccessful test in Sequoia), I needed to power-down my EliteDesk 800 G4 Mini, remove the adapter power cord from the back of the unit, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds (not sure how much time is actually required) and then restore power.  This full-power-down cleared the borked state of my Intel Bluetooth card, so Bluetooth is working again in Sonoma.  I tried the same full-power-down before booting Sequoia, but still no working Bluetooth in Sequoia.


EDIT: OpenIntelWireless troubleshooting recommends starting from a "cold boot" to resolve issues.  "Cold boot" for the EliteDesk 800 G4 / G5 Mini (and many other PCs) can be achieved by removing power and pressing/holding the power button before powering-up.  For laptops, removing power may include removing the battery.

Edited by deeveedee
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1 hour ago, deeveedee said:

I attempted to install Intel Bluetooth kexts (v 2.5.0 from here) for testing Sequoia.  Intel Bluetooth does not work for me in Sequoia Beta 4.  When I reverted to Sonoma 14.5, my Bluetooth was no longer working in Sonoma.  In order to restore working Bluetooth in Sonoma (after the unsuccessful test in Sequoia), I needed to power-down my EliteDesk 800 G4 Mini, remove the adapter power cord from the back of the unit, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds (not sure how much time is actually required) and then restore power.  This full-power-down cleared the borked state of my Intel Bluetooth card, so Bluetooth is working again in Sonoma.  I tried the same full-power-down before booting Sequoia, but still no working Bluetooth in Sequoia.


Probably a case of bad BT firmware upload that typically doesn't reset on a warm (re)boot. This sometimes also happens for wifi firmwares (for future reference in case it happens to anyone).

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Reporting this in case it helps others to diagnose/debug Intel Bluetooth in Sequoia...

I haven't spent any time debugging Bluetooth in Sequoia (I don't use it on my HackMini8,1), however, I did notice one difference between the macOS SystemReport for Sonoma 14.6 and Sequoia Beta 4.  In Sonoma 14.6 (where Bluetooth is working), Chipset is reported as "THIRD_PARTY_DONGLE."  In Sequoia Beta 4 (where Bluetooth is not working), ChIpset is reported as "BCM_4350C2."


Bluetooth SystemReport: Sonoma 14.6 (Intel Bluetooth working)




Bluetooth SystemReport:Sequoia Beta 4 (Intel Bluetooth NOT working)




In Sonoma 14.6, I tested with Intel Bluetooth kexts version 2.4.0 from here.  In Sequoia Beta 4, I tested with Intel Bluetooth kexts 2.5.0 pre-release from here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For working Intel Bluetooth in Sequoia Beta, try -lilubetaall boot-arg as mentioned here.  I have not tested this.


EDIT: For me, adding -lilubetaall did not fix Intel Bluetooth.  Tested with 2.4.0 and 2.5.0 kexts and both produce kernel panic in Sequoia Beta 8 with -lilubetaall boot-arg.

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@CloverLeaf I hope you don't mind me pinging you.  If I understood you correctly, you indicated here that Intel Bluetooth is working for you with Sequoia Beta 7 or 8 and Intel 9560.  If my understanding is correct, could you please post your config.plist and kext versions for working Intel Bluetooth?  Thanks!

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@deeveedee Hey! Yes, my bluetooth is working just fine. Here's a link to the EFI folder - Dell 7400 


PS - this laptop works surprisingly well with the latest Sequoia. I am super impressed! I wish Airportitlwm.kext was working, but HeliPort is doing the job as well. I am able to hook up the laptop to a different docking stations and it works beautiful. The only thing that's a little bit annoying is the way it preserve (or not) the battery during the night. It drains about 20% of the battery for 14-15 hours. Battery is not brand new tho, holds charge for about 3.5 hours daily tasks.

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@CloverLeaf Thank you!  Our Bluetooth kext versions are the same, but if I replace my Bluetooth kexts with yours, my Bluetooth works in Sequoia.  The only thing that I can think is that I grabbed a developer build of the kexts that was not yet ready for prime time.  I didn't test beyond proving that your kexts (with same version) work and mine did not.  Thank you.


EDIT: I've performed a little more testing and think the difference is Bluetoolfixup.kext.  Even though we have the same version, my BluetoolFixup.kext is different from yours.  With your BluetoolFixup.kext, Intel Bluetooth works for me in Sequoia.  When I replaced my BluetoolFixup.kext with yours, I needed to Forget my connected Bluetooth devices in Sonoma and re-connect to them.  I could not connect to existing Bluetooth devices in Sonoma when I replaced my BluetoolFixup.kext with yours.


Thank you again for your help!

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@deeveedee Great! I am glad it worked for you! I also had some issues initially but I managed to fix it. I am almost positive the Bluetoolfixup.kext was the one that was causing issues on my side as well. I don't use the bluetooth with this hack on a daily basis but it's nice to see it working. Audio devices work great, but for example my SteelSeries mouse will not connect via bluetooth. Let's see how everything will work in the official release. 

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@CloverLeaf I got to the bottom of the problem that I had with Intel Bluetooth in Sequoia.  I was using Intel Bluetooth kexts that I had pulled from this thread or this thread.  I don't know which build specifically, but it was the custom (non-zxystd builds) that broke Intel Bluetooth for me.  Intel Bluetooth works for me in Sequoia Beta if I use the "official" zxystd Sequoia Bluetooth kexts from here (login to GitHub to download) and either the "official" Dortania Bluetoolfixup.kext with -lilubetaall or Shanee's Bluetoolfixup.kext from here without -lilubetaall (which appears to be the version that you are using).


In summary, a working Sequoia Beta configuration for Intel Bluetooth with Intel 9560 is

  • IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext and IntelBTPatcher.kext from here (use zxystd's build and not another build)
  • Acidanthera BluetoolFixup.kext with -lilubetaall  -OR- Shanee's Bluetoolfixup.kext from here without -lilubetaall
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you again for testing this even further!

I am now using Sonoma fully, with all functioning :D 


Will try to update to Sequoia as soon as the official release comes. I really enjoy that my cheap HP Mac Mini TM can run the latest OS without any major issues :D 


And @deeveedee - sorry for my late reply, as I've been away for a couple of months!

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