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Sonoma installation on unsupported iMac7,1 with OCLP assistance

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I am looking for information on installation of Sonoma on iMac7,1 if it possible.

OpenCore Legacy Patcher lists iMac7,1 as "Supported Models" but my attempt to create installation USB drive and install Sonoma provides an error which you will find in attached screenshot. GitHub page mention iMac7,1 in the list as well and I wonder how I can remedy the issue.


I have followed the procedure:
1. Downloaded OCLP 1.5

2. Using OCLP created USB Sonoma installation media

3. Selected in settings Target Model iMac7.1 to SMBIOS Spoof Model iMac19,2

4. With assistance OCLP OC installed into EFI partition

5. Boot iMac7,1 with Option key depressed

6. Selected boot from OC USB drive

7. Following screen provided option to boot from HDD and Sonoma installer from USB drive

8. Booted into Sonoma installer

9. On the screen got information provided in attached picture

10. The computer was sitting in this state for a while (at least 30 minutes) without any progress

Note: following post inspires that is should be possible



If somebody has any experience with installation most recent OSX your assistance/suggestion will be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you in advance



Edited by osx151212
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