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Trying to add ITE IT8390E chip to SMCSuperIO.kext to be able to control the fan

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Hello everyone, as the title says, today I am trying to add the ITE IT8390E chip ( I found it because I used the Windows software HWInfo64 to view it ) into the SMCSuperIO kext to be able to control the fan on my Razer Laptop, but things are not going very well and I am having quite a few difficulties. with my project. As follows:

I researched and read through the commits on VirtualSMC/SuperIO and I followed those commits to see if I could add my device by:

1. At VirtualSMC/Sensors/SMCSuperIO/Resources folder. I created an additional plist for ITE IT8390E similar to ITE IT8721F. With DeviceID is 0x8390 = 33680


2. Next, I go to VirtualSMC/Sensors/SMCSuperIO/ITEDevices.cpp. I edited ITEDevices.cpp and added:

strcmp(detectedDevice->getModelName(), "ITE IT8390E") 

I add to line 391 of the Code (do the same for other ITEs)




I didn't edit Devices.cpp because I saw that in SMCSuperIO/DeviceGenerator there was generate.sh and I realized it would automatically rebuild Devices.cpp for me.


And here is the Code in Devices.cpp:



3. Then I Build the kext, and no problem happened. However, my ITE IT8390E is still not detected and my machine still cannot read/control the fan. I used Macs Fan Control app to do that but without success
4. After that, check if the SMCSuperIO kext loads with the command

kextstat | grep -E "SMCSuperIO"


And see that the Kext is still loading fine. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or missing something and if it's because HWInfo64 misread the name of my SuperIO Chip or not.

Right now I'm stuck and don't know what to do. If anyone knows or has experience about this please help me. Thank you very much..

Edited by kinhhoang161
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8300 is far from 8600 so it may work other way. Look for datasheet for such chip.

For debug you may insert IOLog (DebugLog) everywhere after device reading. Can't say more because FakeSMC plugins looks other.

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