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macOS Sonoma Wireless Issues Discussion.

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Would anyone be so kind as to write a dummies guide for OCLP and Broadcom wifi.

I cannot seem to see which kexts go where, where to get said kexts etc..

Maybe I am just tired and looking into this tomorrow will be best for me.

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5 minutes ago, SavageAUS said:

Would anyone be so kind as to write a dummies guide for OCLP and Broadcom wifi.

I cannot seem to see which kexts go where, where to get said kexts etc..

Maybe I am just tired and looking into this tomorrow will be best for me.

On it...

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11 minutes ago, SavageAUS said:

Would anyone be so kind as to write a dummies guide for OCLP and Broadcom wifi.

I cannot seem to see which kexts go where, where to get said kexts etc..

Maybe I am just tired and looking into this tomorrow will be best for me.

Same, getting the right combinations to get Sonoma to boot for me with these added kexts is proving difficult 

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29 minutes ago, Max.1974 said:

Oh great new!!!! OMG!!!


I never used before this OCLP, and if was possible, someone have a link to try works my fence T1919?


If someone have a tutorial to explain how build OCLP i will thanks a lot!!


Thanks !!! 


Congrats @Cyberdevs and all!!! 

Go to my website and you can find several guides about building OCLP:

Start here: https://macmeup.com/building-oclp-alpha/ and here: https://macmeup.com/building-oclp-0-6-8-preview-for-macos-sonoma/

20 minutes ago, Max.1974 said:

Can you post this link from 0.6.8 version? Please 


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1 hour ago, SavageAUS said:

Would anyone be so kind as to write a dummies guide for OCLP and Broadcom wifi.

I cannot seem to see which kexts go where, where to get said kexts etc..

Maybe I am just tired and looking into this tomorrow will be best for me.

Here you Go 😂



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Good morning.

I know that it is not the ideal situation that many of us want to have the system as vanilla as possible, but what the OCLP team has achieved is amazing.

My wifi is Fenvi T919.

I have followed TO THE LETTER the instructions that have been published here (Hackintosh notes):
And it has worked well. I have wifi and Airdrop back in Sonoma.
Note that khronokernel's instructions must be followed exactly.

Don't forget to enable (Enabled=True) 3 extensions to be added and the extension to be blocked, they are disabled by default.
If I don't block com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily the system won't boot with KP.

I'm attaching my config.plist in case it helps anyone having trouble, check out these specific details:

  • csr-active-config | data | 03080000
  • boot-args | string | amphi=0x80 amfi=0x80
  • com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily blocked
  • IOSkywalk.kext, IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext and AirPortBrcmNIC.kext added in this order (Kexts folder and config.plist).

For the future I hope the integration of the amfi-disabled branch with the sonoma-development branch to be able to work without the need to disable AMFI. I guess incremental updates are lost with this setup. But the OCLP approach works, at least for me.


Note: as it's a preliminary fix, maybe it doesn't work on some systems.















Important: com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily blocking must have Enabled=True and Strategy=Exclude. Otherwise you get kernel panic at boot.





Thank you, OCLP team!!!



Edited by miliuco
Fixed typo amphi / amfi
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19 minutos atrás, miliuco disse:

Bom dia.

Eu sei que não é a situação ideal que muitos de nós queremos ter o sistema o mais baunilha possível, mas o que a equipe da OCLP alcançou é incrível.

Meu wifi é Fenvi T919.

Eu segui PARA A CARTA as instruções que foram publicadas aqui (notas Hackintosh):
E funcionou bem. Eu tenho wi-fi e Airdrop de volta em Sonoma.
Observe que as instruções do khronokernel devem ser seguidas exatamente.

Não se esqueça de ativar (Ativado = Verdadeiro) 3 extensões a serem adicionadas e a extensão a ser bloqueada, elas são desativadas por padrão.
Se eu não bloquear com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily, o sistema não inicializará com KP.

Estou anexando meu config.plist caso isso ajude alguém com problemas, confira estes detalhes específicos:

  • csr-active-config | dados | 03080000
  • boot-args | string | amphi=0x80
  • com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily bloqueado
  • IOSkywalk.kext, IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext e AirPortBrcmNIC.kext adicionados nesta ordem (pasta Kexts e config.plist).

Para o futuro, espero que a integração do ramo com deficiência amfi com o ramo de desenvolvimento sonoma possa funcionar sem a necessidade de desativar o AMFI. Acho que as atualizações incrementais são perdidas com essa configuração. Mas a abordagem OCLP funciona, pelo menos para mim.


Nota: como é uma correção preliminar, talvez não funcione em alguns sistemas.


  Revelar conteúdos ocultos













Obrigado, equipe da OCLP!!!


config.plist 27.63 kB·1 download


Works fine to me my friend


Good morning, im not sleep yeat kkkk





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OCLP team to the rescue.

Broadcom lives again even on AMD.

If you are getting slow speeds try removing AirportBrcmFixup.kext, especially if you weren't using it prior.

Also make sure the kexts are in the correct order! I made that mistake and wifi was not working until I put IOSkywalkFamily before IO80211FamilyLegacy.

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Well, I have compiled OCLP and the FENVI clone works perfectly for me... 👍




I've done this on my home computer to try, but I don't think I'll do all this again on it... I see it better for laptops... I prefer to have SIP activated and be able to do updates normally... because the computer is connected by cable to the router so I manage perfectly without Wi-Fi


Thank you very much to the developers for making this possible... and to everyone in general for the perfect explanations to carry it out 🙇‍♂️

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I don't know what I am doing wrong but so far I'm not getting the success with my Fenvi and OCLP like you guys.

Trying on a clean Sonoma install I either get a panic or boot to a few moments of searching for wifi then the Icon blanks out.

I've posted my EFI Folder here so that someone can perhaps spot my error/errors.



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6 minutes ago, eSaF said:

I don't know what I am doing wrong but so far I'm not getting the success with my Fenvi and OCLP like you guys.

Trying on a clean Sonoma install I either get a panic or boot to a few moments of searching for wifi then the Icon blanks out.

I've posted my EFI Folder here so that someone can perhaps spot my error/errors.


efi.zip 23.3 MB · 0 downloads


I think you don't block the com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily kext.



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You're missing com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily blocking, as @HyperX7 says.




Block it, restart and apply root patch.


1 hour ago, Cyberdevs said:

This must be set to Exclude otherwise it will end up in Kernel Panic.

My mistake was Enabled=False for the first boot. After enabling it, all is fine.

Edited by miliuco
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58 minutes ago, miliuco said:


You're missing com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily blocking, as @HyperX7 says.




Block it, restart and apply root patch.


My mistake was Enabled=False for the first boot. After enabling it, all is fine.

Yeah that’s a little but a crucial part of the process which can be overlooked easily that’s why i mentioned it so you could add it to your post to avoid confusion 😉

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14 minutes ago, Cyberdevs said:

Yeah that’s a little but a crucial part of the process which can be overlooked easily that’s why i mentioned it so you could add it to your post to avoid confusion 😉



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10 minutes ago, Cyberdevs said:

Yeah that’s a little but a crucial part of the process which can be overlooked easily that’s why i mentioned it so you could add it to your post to avoid confusion 😉

You Guys Rock!!! That is what I was missing.:thumbsup_anim:

Here is another query for yah, why am I missing such small details that make me chase my tail for hours trying to figure out what's wrong, could it be my advancing age?

I am so dreading the coming changes if this is the state I am going to be in each time. :wallbash:

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 07.42.34.png

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 07.43.56.png

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no it’s no only you we all get tired and get confused from time to time.

last night I stayed up late and tried to get it to work but the OCLP was giving me all sort of errors and one time I even saw it gave me the finger lol (kidding) but at the end I got it to work and today after few hours of sleep I woke up just to make sure everything is working as it should so when we face something new it’s normal to miss a thing or two. 
Don’t be so hard on yourself man!

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I don't want to jink the fantastic work the OCLP Devs has done so far, but even in it's Beta Stage they have knocked this one out of the park.

You have to give them Props for this. :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by eSaF
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38 minutes ago, mariosun said:

continuity cam and airdrop work for you?

Some problems here


If we can help, you can tell us what's going on. 


How Broadcom model are you using? 





1 hour ago, eSaF said:

You Guys Rock!!! That is what I was missing.:thumbsup_anim:

Here is another query for yah, why am I missing such small details that make me chase my tail for hours trying to figure out what's wrong, could it be my advancing age?

I am so dreading the coming changes if this is the state I am going to be in each time. :wallbash:

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 07.42.34.png

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 07.43.56.png


Congrats young boy, its not your age!!

Its all news to us with this OCLP



Edited by Max.1974
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