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z790 aero g 13900k macOS Ventura 13.0.1


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Before I used the Gigabyte z790 aero g motherboard, I slept normally for the first time and got stuck for the second time. Now I have changed to ASUS z790-f, and now I will crash when I sleep. What is the problem?

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Although the same chipset they are two different boards so you have to appreciate the setup and operation will not be the same as there will be subtle changes between the two. In terms of the Asus Z790 forget about the Gigabyte Z790 is the first step.

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On 12/2/2022 at 3:35 AM, ucdosjiafu said:

They eliminated them one by one, but no problem was found. Is it the problem of Gigabyte M2 solid state?


Hi, are you configure or check in Hackintool in Pcie and ASPM menu on BIOS? Need keep more controlled and I just can fix that with SSDT-USBPORTS that im create following a guide tutorial (its not easy).



USB ports, only fix that TO ME on this Step by step GUIDE in GitHub. For exemple: https://github.com/5T33Z0/OC-Little-Translated/tree/main/03_USB_Fixes/ACPI_Mapping_USB_Ports 


Another think is, your mouse and keyboard, they are a Bluethoot devices? Try forget all them and paring again, is because when we installed they usually use same MAC Address. Uninstall and reinstall resolve many issues to me. 


Disable Power NAP on System settings too.


Need config pmset too, check on Hackintool. 


It's Hackintosh world, sincerely need read. Or buy a Mac Studio. ☺️



Check that controlled many devices with ASPM. 





Try install brew to fix more details about it controlled nvme power settings. 


In terminal install brew:


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" 


After, run


Brew install smartmoontools


Check your Nvme on disk0 for exemple:


Diskutil List and 


Smartctl -a /dev/disk0


Good look... 


You can check details on that video (not need speak Portuguese, ok?) and need NVMeFix.kext 

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这是Hackintosh世界,真诚地需要阅读。或者购买一台Mac Studio。☺️



检查使用 ASPM 控制了许多设备。









/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" 










Smartctl -a /dev/disk0











The m2 Broadcom drive free network card does not load the USB Bluetooth driver and can sleep normally. If you open the USB Bluetooth customized port, you cannot sleep. How can I solve this problem?

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3 hours ago, ucdosjiafu said:

The m2 Broadcom drive free network card does not load the USB Bluetooth driver and can sleep normally. If you open the USB Bluetooth customized port, you cannot sleep. How can I solve this problem?


You need first, follow steps to create your SSDTS, with Opencore GUIDE and use SSDTTime, configure your USBPorts, "mapping" correctly and after that, use only necessary kexts. If you cannot do this, and don't use EFI folder from anywhere, like similar, because that its wrong think to do. 


If you need put Hack on way run nice, call Maldon and them he will pleasure help you, and don't forget donation for his job.


Its necessary (on this days) read too much to learn or call for specialized helpers. Dortania has step by step guide to do this, and it's hard, but if you really study, you can get it.


I recommend for your Bluetooth and Wireless card use Fenvi T-1919 that not need any kext on EFI. It's native recognized. 







Edited by Max.1974
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On 12/2/2022 at 8:10 AM, ucdosjiafu said:

Before I used the Gigabyte z790 aero g motherboard, I slept normally for the first time and got stuck for the second time. Now I have changed to ASUS z790-f, and now I will crash when I sleep. What is the problem?

@ucdosjiafu if you are looking to unload the Z790  please consider myself.



USB is most likely the first choice in wakey wakey sleepy sleepy then the  graphics is the second

and third make sure you turned off hibernation, 


Some boot arguments you can try: I use all of these due to sleepy sleepy wakey wakey on Laptop Kaby Lake with IPS and Dual Graphics cards strange beast.


-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 forceRenderStandby=0 alcid=3 -wegnoegpu -igfxonln=1 agdpmod=vit9696 igfxagdc=0 -swd_panic=1 unfairgva=1 -force_uni_control


Remove the stock sleepimage as follows:


sudo rm -rf /var/vm/sleepimage

sudo mkdir /var/vm/sleepimage


pmset <- power managment settings using Terminal 

to see the current pmset  settings -> in Terminal type: pmset -g


must us a '-a' to set permanent.

1 is on

0 is off

for sleep timers can set to any digits such as 30 for 30 minutes

same goes for disksleep and displaysleep


sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 <-- some machines do hibernate but in most cases best to turn off. could be a source of no wake.

sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 0

sudo pmset -a powernap 0  <-- note if this is set to 1 or higher may not wake up.  powernap is for real macs in this case.

sudo pmset -a standby 0 <-- standby another culprit turn off

sudo pmset -a proximitywake 0

sudo pmset -a networkoversleep 0

sudo pmset -a sleep 20

sudo pmset -a disksleep 15

sudo pmset -a displaysleep 15

sudo pmset -a tcpkeepalive 0 or 1 depending if you have apps that need to update and keep tabs online somewhere --this does cause wakey issues if you want sleep till tomorrow.

                            and For BT handoff the pass I believe?  Have to research this part but most likely.



USB shutdown fix can correct some issues as well.


For this need the ssdt and  a patch which is described at the web link below:




the USB is a big culprit for wake and sleep issues plus shutdown of the machine and reboots.

Doesn't release it's grip and stays on.  Now in the reverse can apply where no wake up. 180Degrees to the left or to the right.


So have to find the 0Degrees.


So also Power Management settings,

In Bios check to make sure Secure Boot is off, plus CFG lock is disabled, TPM is off disabled not enabled.

And the other BIOS settings that can cause interruptions to fine running smooth MacOS as we like.


However seeing that it is a Z790 chipset with Intel Core i9 13th generation, make sure the BIOS is configured for  other OS

there are a few videos on Youtube that show how to configure this.


Bluetooth requires USB port 255 on USB Mapping such as USBMap.kext, USBports.kext and the other one 

use Hackintool to find the port for IOUSBPort should see error messages on boot up relating this port.


Install temporarily USBInjectAll.kext, and XHCI-unsupported.kext.  Disable if you have one USBPorts.kext or USBMap.kext

can't have two USB kexts at the sametime.


IOREG to view internals.  


Will take a bit to get it right.



Edited by makk
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On 12/6/2022 at 12:01 PM, makk said:

@ucdosjiafu if you are looking to unload the Z790  please consider myself.



USB is most likely the first choice in wakey wakey sleepy sleepy then the  graphics is the second

and third make sure you turned off hibernation, 


Some boot arguments you can try: I use all of these due to sleepy sleepy wakey wakey on Laptop Kaby Lake with IPS and Dual Graphics cards strange beast.


-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 forceRenderStandby=0 alcid=3 -wegnoegpu -igfxonln=1 agdpmod=vit9696 igfxagdc=0 -swd_panic=1 unfairgva=1 -force_uni_control


Remove the stock sleepimage as follows:


sudo rm -rf /var/vm/sleepimage

sudo mkdir /var/vm/sleepimage


pmset <- power managment settings using Terminal 

to see the current pmset  settings -> in Terminal type: pmset -g


must us a '-a' to set permanent.

1 is on

0 is off

for sleep timers can set to any digits such as 30 for 30 minutes

same goes for disksleep and displaysleep


sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 <-- some machines do hibernate but in most cases best to turn off. could be a source of no wake.

sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 0

sudo pmset -a powernap 0  <-- note if this is set to 1 or higher may not wake up.  powernap is for real macs in this case.

sudo pmset -a standby 0 <-- standby another culprit turn off

sudo pmset -a proximitywake 0

sudo pmset -a networkoversleep 0

sudo pmset -a sleep 20

sudo pmset -a disksleep 15

sudo pmset -a displaysleep 15

sudo pmset -a tcpkeepalive 0 or 1 depending if you have apps that need to update and keep tabs online somewhere --this does cause wakey issues if you want sleep till tomorrow.

                            and For BT handoff the pass I believe?  Have to research this part but most likely.



USB shutdown fix can correct some issues as well.


For this need the ssdt and  a patch which is described at the web link below:




the USB is a big culprit for wake and sleep issues plus shutdown of the machine and reboots.

Doesn't release it's grip and stays on.  Now in the reverse can apply where no wake up. 180Degrees to the left or to the right.


So have to find the 0Degrees.


So also Power Management settings,

In Bios check to make sure Secure Boot is off, plus CFG lock is disabled, TPM is off disabled not enabled.

And the other BIOS settings that can cause interruptions to fine running smooth MacOS as we like.


However seeing that it is a Z790 chipset with Intel Core i9 13th generation, make sure the BIOS is configured for  other OS

there are a few videos on Youtube that show how to configure this.


Bluetooth requires USB port 255 on USB Mapping such as USBMap.kext, USBports.kext and the other one 

use Hackintool to find the port for IOUSBPort should see error messages on boot up relating this port.


Install temporarily USBInjectAll.kext, and XHCI-unsupported.kext.  Disable if you have one USBPorts.kext or USBMap.kext

can't have two USB kexts at the sametime.


IOREG to view internals.  


Will take a bit to get it right.




Very nice!! 

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