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[pre-release] macOS Ventura

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@Cyberdevs I now tested the modifications you applied to my EFI folder and report as follows:


After slight "modifications" to your modifications, your modified EFI folder works quite well with iMac17,1 as the configured SMBIOS - no problems discovered so far - the "pikera...." boot arg now seems to be superfluous, great.


Using that EFI, obviously with all the relevant settings applied, does still not allow me to select a framebuffer that is actually working with a SMBIOS setting of iMac18,3 and the KBL framebuffer that you inserted, as well as some of the others that I have retested - particularly the 2 headless fbs. that KBL offers. 


I have again attached the EFI folder, this time with most of your modifications included, but without the extensive "obliterations" of relevant, "ostensibly sensitive" identifiction data, only the serial number has been partly obliterated making it easier for us to exchange information required to hopefully arrive at a resolution of this problem I am experiencing.


Thank you very much for your, to say the least, extensive input, which is much appreciated, in assisting me in this effort to hopefully finally sort this out eventually.


Greetings Henties




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@Cyberdevs I follow what you are saying, in my particular environment I should perhaps try another one of the SMBIOSes you have listed, that's actually quite fair, will do so  and report back. At this juncture I need to attend to some other chores I have been neglecting, will revert back as soon as time permits.


In the interim it would be interesting if there are others that can, and are willing to make their contribution in helping me in resolving this peculiar problem.


For quite a while I have been wondering whether this particular problem will just be history once Ventura 13 beta has been installed, with a framebuffer in Ventura 13 beta 4 being readily available for configuration in the native Ventura environment which the installer created. Just wandering.


Greetings Henties

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19 hours ago, D3v1L said:

if any1 wanna try...this is my efi...


Aorus Pro z390 bios f12




just add your/new smbios data and try...

in ssdt there are : MCHC smbus fix, USB-EC fake, USBX power and PMC for nvram.....


cpufriend is set to "false"...if you have cpu like mine (i5 9600K), you can set cpufriend and cpu data to true...otherwise, make your cpudata kext...


No WEG, no devirtualisemmio, no mmio whitelist, IRQ 0/8 patch...


everything is ok (for update and/or clean install of Ventura...)


maybe only need to set your usbmap (i use kext for this 'couse i use other system in my rig)


kext update at this time, OC 0.8.4




EFI.zip 9.46 MB · 19 downloads

Wow 'bout 20 download, no one say it works, it not works...cool 🤣

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@Cyberdevs Success.

I took the plunge and installed Ventura beta 4 into an existing APFS HDD partition with ample free space thus creating a volume group of which Ventura 13 Beta (22A5311f) is just one of the members of that particular APFS volume group.


Subsequently I used Migration Assistant to migrate all data, settings as well as apps from the Skylake NVMe, all apps are functional except 3 Rogue Amoeba programs and Little Snitch. For the latter the latest nightly build sorted out the problems with Ventura, Amoeba is presently working on Ventura compatible updates for its product range.

Xcode also still needs to be updated with the beta for Ventura, but that can wait.


What this all means is that my Skylake hack has received another lease of "modern" life, with the KBL 0x59120000

framebuffer also allowing video processing with hardware acceleration.


Will now install Monterey 12.5 Release (21G72) over itself with a SMBIS of iMac18.1, hoping that this will also sort out the

the KBL framebuffer spoofing problem in that particular environment. If successful one single EFI folder can be used to boot any of the 2 macOS versions in operation.


Greetings Henties 


Screenshot 2022-08-03 at 12.42.59 PM.png

Skylake AKA 18.1 SMBIOS with spoofed KBL FB.png

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27 minutes ago, Cyberdevs said:

One thing that I don't understand is why go to all these trouble when you could just simply use your RX 580 and iMac18,3 SMBIOS.


I thought it was a given that we hackers are all masochists at heart.  Why else would we do this?

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15 minutes ago, deeveedee said:

I thought it was a given that we hackers are all masochists at heart.  Why else would we do this?

Of course we are, but judging from the issues Henties posted he was trying to get the iGPU to work which it will when you set the config correctly, it will handle the required tasks and the dGPU will handle the rest. What is confusing to me is that at the end he end up using the dGPU and not the iGPU.

In a real Mac like 2017 iMacs (iMac18,1- iMac18,2 and iMac18,3) the iGPU isn't show in the system reports but it still servers its purpose and in our hacks if it is enabled in the BIOS/UEFI and the config is set to activate it, it will do the same.

BUT getting it to work as a primary GPU like I do in My SkyLake rig (because of the lack of a supported dGPU) is whole other story.

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2 hours ago, Cyberdevs said:


One thing that I don't understand is why go to all these trouble when you could just simply use your RX 580 and iMac18,3 SMBIOS.

You tell me🤪 because I don't know what the advantage would be going that route. I used iMac18,1 because of a number of users reported success with that SMBIOS on Skylake platforms.


Greetings Henties


OK an earlier post has covered this in detail.

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@Henties - you are correct.  iMac18,x is a close match for Skylake.  Once you choose the MacModel (e.g., iMac18,x), look at the "sub-Models" (e.g. iMac18,1, iMac18,3).  You'll find that iMac18,1 uses iGPU and iMac18,3 uses dGPU.  Choose the submodel that's the best match for your hack (in your case, iMac18,3 which most resembles your hack with a dGPU).

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5 minutes ago, Henties said:

You tell me🤪 because I don't know what the advantage would be going that route. I used iMac18,1 because of a number of users reported success with that SMBIOS on Skylake platforms.

You stated that you wanted to get the Intel HD530 to work (as my rig in the screenshot) so I gave you the instructions to activate it :hysterical:, and since the iGPU (HD 530 and even HD 630) won't work properly with the iMac18,3 I suggested to use the different SMBIOS.

Anyways IMHO the whole hackintosh experience is about learning stuff and having fun in the process and yes sometimes it could be frustrating and exhausting but that's what makes it even more fun.

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42 minutes ago, miliuco said:


I've tried your EFI.

My PC is not burning. For now...
But it won't start. KP right after the picker. I suspect it has to do with the SSDT but I haven't stopped to investigate.
Very nice OpenCore theme.

Tnx for theme 🙂

ssdt is only a merge of dortania ssdt's btw, i think maybe you need to set to true DevirtualiseMMIO quirk... Btw, tnx 4 try it 

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@deeveedee  @Cyberdevs One never stops learning. After changing the SMBIOS to iMac18,3 my Skylake based hack is finally working the way desired and that without any iGPU entries under DeviceProperties-->Add, in addition it also prompts me to upgrade to Ventura 13 beta 4 when in the Monterey environment.


This certainly simplifies maintenance as well as future upgrading considerably.


Regards Henties 

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2 minutes ago, Henties said:

One never stops learning.

Preach Brother preach!!!! - That one statement shows me every day no matter how much I think know, proves to me how little I actually do.

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Some feedback on my quest to also elevate my Haswell build, driven by an Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz CPU, into a Ventura future.


Let the attached screenshots speak for themselves.


Even hardware acceleration is working, obviously only within the ambit of the CPU's capability.


I was quite surprised at the "Geekbench" performance I am still getting from this "grandad" of my hacking collection. This build remains quite a viable machine for general computing tasks, even the latest Adobe Lightroom Classic, Bridge as well as Photoshop are still performing to my satisfaction.


Let me therefore take the opportunity to thank all those hackers that helped me to reach this milestone, in particular singling out @Cyberdevs for his valuable inputs and patience.


Greetings Henties

Haswell with iMac18,3.png

Haswell Hardware Accelaration.png

Haswell ready for Ventura.png

Haswell Geekbench scores.png

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27 minutes ago, galisrule said:

Question to anyone. Is there a way of disabling CSM other than from the bios? 


It is a part of BIOS so it can be disabled only inside it.

Anyway even if CSM enabled then you can live without asking for him. You still have the ability to call UEFI boot and use hardware NVRAM.

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On 8/4/2022 at 5:54 PM, Henties said:

Some feedback on my quest to also elevate my Haswell build, driven by an Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz CPU, into a Ventura future.


Let the attached screenshots speak for themselves.


Even hardware acceleration is working, obviously only within the ambit of the CPU's capability.


I was quite surprised at the "Geekbench" performance I am still getting from this "grandad" of my hacking collection. This build remains quite a viable machine for general computing tasks, even the latest Adobe Lightroom Classic, Bridge as well as Photoshop are still performing to my satisfaction.


Let me therefore take the opportunity to thank all those hackers that helped me to reach this milestone, in particular singling out @Cyberdevs for his valuable inputs and patience.


Greetings Henties

Haswell with iMac18,3.png

Haswell Hardware Accelaration.png

Haswell ready for Ventura.png

Haswell Geekbench scores.png




Z170-AR+6700K+ RX580





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3 hours ago, ISPP3015 said:



Z170-AR+6700K+ RX580





It will work only with WhateverGreen else KP on KBL graphics kext can't connect to skylake GPU.

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Hi ☺️


a quick question...


Is it normal for all those GPUs to appear in ioregistryexplorer with SMBios MacPro7.1?

Shouldn't there be only one?




Thank you very much 🙇‍♂️

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