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[pre-release] macOS Ventura

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21 minutes ago, Hervé said:

why on earth did you decide to inject the KBL framebuffer @1f,3 


To be honest I have as yet not dug too deeply into this matter however in @Cyberdevs screenshot, which I used as a "quick fix" sample, the KBL framebuffer @1f,3 AAPL,ig-platform-id = 00001259, is used, I just tried to emulate that without giving it too much thought, nevertheless what you are saying makes sense:


To recap therefore I should therefore only modify the KBL id @2 Framebuffer and leave @1f,3 as is.


Will try and report back.


Discovered the reason that originally led me up the garden path.

The @Cyberdevs screenshot depicts the way that clover "organises" device properties with only the setting(s) against the 

highlighted entry being of relevance.


Greetings Henties

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13 minutes ago, eSaF said:

Actually it did occur to me that you may have many tabs opened at the time that induced the higher data output than my own. Now that you've successfully removed 'powerd', run  'First Aid' in 'Disk Utility' on all the Ventura volumes and check for any warnings, if none, you are good to go.


It's not that it removed "powerd"... simply by doing a clean installation of Beta 4 it hasn't shown up anymore... and the computer is working normally, it goes to sleep, and it doesn't wake up by itself like before, nor is there any high CPU usage for no reason 🤷‍♂



Captura de pantalla 2022-08-01 a las 14.44.51.png

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5 minutes ago, PoMpIs said:

It's not that it removed "powerd"... simply by doing a clean installation of Beta 4 it hasn't shown up anymore...

Yes 'Removed' was the wrong term used in my post. Glad you managed to solve the problem and your install is a good one with the health check. :thumbsup_anim:

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34 minutes ago, eSaF said:

Yes 'Removed' was the wrong term used in my post. Glad you managed to solve the problem and your install is a good one with the health check. :thumbsup_anim:


It probably won't last long working like this, I already expect anything from MacOS ventura 😆


Cheers 🙇‍♂️



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55 minutes ago, Henties said:

To recap therefore I should therefore only modify the KBL id @2 Framebuffer and leave @1f,3 as is.

You don't even need the @1f,3 entry as I said it is for my audio device all you need is the PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) --> device-id = 1259000 entry as shown in the screenshot.

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1 hour ago, Stefanalmare said:

@Slice, I don't speak about the problem with X299NVMe.kext and/or NVMe disk. I speak about HWMonitorSMC2 in Ventura. The window can not be resized and if I want to change the position on the desktop, it crash. It has same behaviour on Z690, Z390, B560.

Ventura has new windows manager and I'm powerless to do anything yet.

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1 hour ago, 5T33Z0 said:


Whether or not a device is headless depends on the chosen AAPL,ig-platform-id and the framebuffer it's associated with. A framebuffer is considered "empty" if it only contains dummiy connectors. Since ig-platform-id (0x59120000) has connectors, it's technically not an empty framebuffer (that would be 0x59120003). But it doesn't matter since you're only using it to trick macOS Ventura into "believing" you are using a Kaby Lake CPU with Intel HD 630 graphics.







Thks, it's all coming back now. Did all this many moons ago. A connectionless framebuffer would be the best choice for my Skylake environment.

Now wading through all the ones availablele for a Kaby Lake.


Greetings Henties

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4 hours ago, PoMpIs said:


It's not that it removed "powerd"... simply by doing a clean installation of Beta 4 it hasn't shown up anymore... and the computer is working normally, it goes to sleep, and it doesn't wake up by itself like before, nor is there any high CPU usage for no reason 🤷‍♂



Captura de pantalla 2022-08-01 a las 14.44.51.png

I did not do a clean installation but upgrade from beta 3 to beta 4 and as you have seen in the video I posted a few posts behind I am not running the powerd process yet the problem of CPU stress in idle is still there. But it seems that today everything is going well because strangely I did not have abnormal CPU consumption in idle.

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no more problem here...after add schedule via terminal, all goes well. "powerd" it's on 0,1/0,2% cpu usage every time. Normally.


all ok with my own ssdt and oc 0.8.4 🙂 👍 all perfect.

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2 hours ago, D3v1L said:

no more problem here...after add schedule via terminal, all goes well. "powerd" it's on 0,1/0,2% cpu usage every time. Normally.


all ok with my own ssdt and oc 0.8.4 🙂 👍 all perfect.

How add schedule via terminal? 

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@Hervé  @Cyberdevs in the meantime I have waded through and injected each one of the 19 KBL FBs available in Hackintool, into the correct iGPU address space being PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)


Not one of them allows me to install Ventura beta 4 from a USB installer, the same one that I used to install Ventura beta4 on my GA-Z490 Vision G hacks.


It seems that merely injecting is not all that is needed, there must be something else that is required but I am not able

to figure out what that should be.


I am using iMac17,1 as the system definition for this GA-Z170-UD3 hack.


I have attached a list of all the KBL FBs which I used for testing.


Appreciate your further assistance.


Greetings Henties


KBL Framebuffers tested.rtf

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Would someone be so kind as to remind me what the command was for the GPU to appear in the activity monitor please




It's that when I do a clean installation it doesn't come up anymore, and I don't remember... Among so many messages I can't find it 😅..


Thank you very much

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With Ventura 13 you cannot eject the EFI partition without having to cancel another disk

Here a Simple app to Eject EFI on Ventura 13 

Note: you can not Unmount "EFI 1" or "EFI 2" Only EFI is available to unmount.

Update: Eject EFI Ventura 13-V2 can unmount any EFI partition


For quick access I put in my Applications then drag to my DOCK





Eject EFI Ventura 13-V2 can unmount any EFI partition




Eject EFI Ventura 13.zip


Update Eject EFI Ventura 13-V2 can unmount any EFI partition

Eject EFI Ventura 13-V2.zip

Edited by chris1111
Eject EFI Ventura 13-V2 can unmount any EFI partition
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Guest ricoc90
23 minutes ago, PoMpIs said:

Would someone be so kind as to remind me what the command was for the GPU to appear in the activity monitor please


defaults write com.apple.ActivityMonitor ShowGPUTab -bool true


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On 7/27/2022 at 7:40 PM, Rocky12 said:

@datafeedexpert i'm not the expert if u asking about connector patching

config.plist-macOS Monterey.zip 5.98 kB · 17 downloads

@Rocky12Here is your IGPU properties screen shot , Have to check both display connecter ? HDMI works good but DP no display using your IGPU Properties and boot args you used in this config.plist { igfxfcms=1 -igfxdvmt igfxonln=1 } My Optiplex 7050 MT Have 3 Connector (HDMI - DP - VGA) ( i5-6500T )

Screenshot 2022-08-02 at 1.41.53 PM.png

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I have still not been successful in setting up a GA-Z170X-UD3 hack, presently configured with iMac17,1 SMBOS, as per the attached EFI folder, to a SMBIOS of iMac18,1 with a working iGPU framebuffer. 


The objective is to upgrade macOS Monterey to Ventura 13 beta 4 and still end up with a working framebuffer. 


I can actually get rid of the "Skylake No Entry" message after I have changed the SMBIOS from iMac17,1 to iMac18,1 in the config.plist section PlatformInfo-->Generic-->SystemProductName iMac18,1 


This change to my config.plist actually ensures that Ventura 13 beta 4 can actually be installed with a USB-stick installer, however without a working framebuffer.


I have tested all 19 Kaby Lake frame buffers available through the latest version of Hackintool. The attachment "KBL Framebuffers tested" refers.


The 19 tests actually involved plugging-in each framebuffer pair of the columns "AAPL,ig-platform-id" and "device-id" of the attached file, into the respective placeholders of the EFI config.plist file under:


DeviceProperties-->Add-->PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) and then followed by system restart.


None of the FB test combinations resulted in a functional framebuffer.


It could well be that I am approaching this from a totally wrong angle and would appreciate for anybody to help me along in finally achieving the desired result.


The attached EFI folder has been working for my Skylake system for many months/years without any problems whatsoever, including 

"Wake for network access",  "Enable Power Nap" and "Sleep"


The dGPU used is a AMD 580XT and under Skylake the iGPU is configured via a headless framebuffer.


Greetings Henties



EFI.zip KBL Framebuffers tested.rtf

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10 hours ago, ricoc90 said:


defaults write com.apple.ActivityMonitor ShowGPUTab -bool true



2 hours ago, 5T33Z0 said:

@PoMpIs defaults write com.apple.ActivityMonitor ShowGPUTab -bool true


Oh, ricoc was faster.


thanks a lot :hyper:



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if any1 wanna try...this is my efi...


Aorus Pro z390 bios f12




just add your/new smbios data and try...

in ssdt there are : MCHC smbus fix, USB-EC fake, USBX power and PMC for nvram.....


cpufriend is set to "false"...if you have cpu like mine (i5 9600K), you can set cpufriend and cpu data to true...otherwise, make your cpudata kext...


No WEG, no devirtualisemmio, no mmio whitelist, IRQ 0/8 patch...


everything is ok (for update and/or clean install of Ventura...)


maybe only need to set your usbmap (i use kext for this 'couse i use other system in my rig)


kext update at this time, OC 0.8.4





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