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[pre-release] macOS Ventura

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8 hours ago, aben said:


Hello again! 


I believe I have possibly discovered the reason why your LVDS panel goes blank when using KBL framebuffers. Context: I had a look into your display's native EDID (extracted from the IOREG you shared earlier in the thread, thanks for that) and ran a few test runs; it looks like KBL's LVDS connectors actually fails to activate LVDS panels that have screen dimensions of a 17-inch defined in its native EDID. (most likely there was no reason for Apple to include support for 17inch LVDS panels by the time KBL generation was introduced)

To further prove above theory and potentially solve your issue, I have attached a .plist file below for your convenience, which contains your display's EDID modified to dimensions natively supported by KBL profiles. To inject rectified EDID, you'll need to copy/include the property AAPL00,override-no-connect with its corresponding value to your iGPU device location PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) under DeviceProperties of your config.plistTheoretically, this should, at the least, help activate your LVDS panel on Ventura.

Good luck!

EDID_17inch.plist 588 B · 5 downloads

Thank you so much for your reply, unfortunately, same dimmed screen, while working fully on hdmi external display, recovery boots to dimmed screen, os installer boots on dimmed screen, and also the the installed Ventura os. i am using latest kexts and latest oc 8.3. wish to find a solution, thanks in advance for all your support.  

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Bluetooth on m.2. adapter is only buggy if you use it to wake your system from sleep.  Thankfully I don't need it.

Also, I don't have another option, all my 44 PCIe lanes are maxed out. (GPU, TB, Audio card, Quad NVMe controller, USB PCie Hub.)


@surenmunoo@ricoc90@rafale77 and the others who chipped in.


Thanks for the input,


I thought Sidecar was the only feature limited to Igpu because of the T2 chip. 

have not seen any infos limiting Universal control on MacPro7,1.  ( I've seen a couple of threads stating the opposite ). That is really a bummer. 😕


So to resume, I can Airplay between Ipad and Hack, use Airdrop, Handoff, Continuity, even the new feature using the camera from an IOS device in Hackintosh ( Facetime, whatsapp, etc..),

but I cannot use my keyboard & mouse between both?   What the 🤬 Apple?  


To be continued...


Edited by Ellybz
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1 hour ago, PC IT said:

Thank you so much for your reply, unfortunately, same dimmed screen, while working fully on hdmi external display, recovery boots to dimmed screen, os installer boots on dimmed screen, and also the the installed Ventura os. i am using latest kexts and latest oc 8.3. wish to find a solution, thanks in advance for all your support.  

Thanks for testing and reporting. I think your EDID will most likely also need slight modifications to detailed-timings as well; haven’t gotten around to testing this parameter yet since my panel did go fully dim (I.e no backlight) when injecting your exact dimensions on KBL, while it works ok on SKL, which led me to conclude that KBL doesn’t support these dimensions. Testing would’ve been a lot easier if I had access to your exact model 😅

I’ll test additional approaches and help offer a few more EDID combinations later on; hopefully one of them works, if not then I’m afraid your 1600 x 900 LVDS panel is simply not compatible with KBL profiles.

Edited by aben
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Downloaded installer package and tried to update to Ventura beta. After first reboot, it is stuck on mach reboot. Using the 0.8.2 opencore with latest kext releases - lilu, virtualsmc, whatevergreen, restrictevents (macpro7,1), applealc and intelmausi kexts.

EFI is working fine in Monterey. Same efi, no changes. Tried disabling secureboot but still no go. Z370 with RX580 and intel gpu disabled in bios. Not sure what I missed. 

Maybe download full version and install using usb?

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On 7/21/2022 at 4:15 PM, PC IT said:

Hi to all, I am still having the same black screen issue on my Skylake using the latest kexts and oc 8.3, smbios 14.1, what happen is when the system boots to the black screen the display is only if i connect an external hdmi which is working perfectly, i wish someone can log into my pc via team viewer to check if any solution for the internal display, the display is working properly in Monerey but with Ventura it isnt.


Any suggestions, anyone can help me solving this issue. with many thanks.

on Monterey, display and hdmi working perfectly.

on Ventura , only external hdmi display works, internal display shows a black screen.


@PC IT I'm not good enough at this stuff to suggest fixes without seeing your EFI.  I'm curious about your issue, so if you have time, please post your EFI after you have removed private parms from your config.plist (PlatformInfo.Generic).

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12 hours ago, aben said:

@PC IT Hi! I've compiled a test build of WEG (attached below) which removes some conditional flags when using KBL kexts on SKL systems; unsure whether it actually helps with your display issue, but please give it a go.
Binaries may also be found here: https://github.com/abenraj/WhateverGreen/actions/runs/2722939169

WhateverGreen-1.6.1-RELEASE.zip 537.63 kB · 7 downloads

Hello aben, thank you for all your support, unfortunately it is still dimmed lcd display, while working perfectly on external hdmi display, i will send you ioreg for Montrey in which the. skylake with the 17.3 inch display is working perfectly, smbios Macbookpro 14.1, and another ioreg file for  Ventura, i think the controller might be unsupported by Kabylake as you mentioned, so we might be able to patch the kabylake using skylake parameters for this display, i wish we continue trying tests to activate this display, Thank you

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7 hours ago, PC IT said:

Hello aben, thank you for all your support, unfortunately it is still dimmed lcd display, while working perfectly on external hdmi display, i will send you ioreg for Montrey in which the. skylake with the 17.3 inch display is working perfectly, smbios Macbookpro 14.1, and another ioreg file for  Ventura, i think the controller might be unsupported by Kabylake as you mentioned, so we might be able to patch the kabylake using skylake parameters for this display, i wish we continue trying tests to activate this display, Thank you

Hi Aben, find attached the ioreg file for Monterey Os in which the display is perfectly working, i installed OC 8.3 with all updated kexts and your suggested whatever green kexts.  

MacBook Pro 14.1 Montery.zip

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27 minutes ago, Hervé said:

What differences are we supposed to see between your last 2 x IOReg extracts? Both show a built-in LCD on con0 and an external screen on con1 (HDMI presumably). So all looks Ok on that front.


Any reason for injecting the values recommended for KBL desktop (layout-id 0x59160000 + fake id 0x5916) rather than those recommended for laptops (layout-id 0x591B0000 + fake id 0x591B)? Are you using boot arg igfxonln=1?



Thank you Herv'e for your reply, can you look at my OC 8.3 folder to check it-fix it?? 

I sent 2 ioreg files, One is a main display mirrored to the hdmi display with original lcd resolution, and the second one is when it is external display. 


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Thank you Herv'e, tried your suggestion, tried your clover pack, made some adjustions as on my pc, same thing, in the 3rd booting phase, the screen dimmed as it is changing from the main display to an external display, main lcd remains black, any suggestions??

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@PC IT I started looking at your config.plist / ACPI and then stopped when seeing that you enable both your SSDT-OLARILA-MOBILE.aml and SSDT-DELL-LATITUDE-7280.aml.  These SSDTs contain redundant and in some cases conflicting definitions (e.g., _SB.USBX has different definitions, GFX0.PNLF has different definitions, one hard-codes OSYS while the other defines XOSI), one of your SSDTs defines XOSI, but you don't have an _OSI -> XOSI rename patch, ...


I stopped looking.  This EFI is starting to look like a combintation of different approaches.  Are you sure this was working before Ventura?


If the SSDT conflicts are in fact able to coexist you may want to replace PNLF with the Acidanthera version of PNLF. With my Kabylake R, my screen backlight didn't work properly when using the old-style PNLF that you employ.


EDIT... looking further, your config.plist is attempting to enable Kexts that aren't included in your OC/Kexts folder (e.g., AirportItlwm.kext).  If you do get this working, I would suggest that you conduct your own thorough review/cleanup of this EFI.  It will be a great learning experience.


EDIT2: One final suggestion - this EFI needs work.  I would suggest taking this to your own thread separate from this Ventura pre-release thread.  This started as my 2 cents, but it has turned into about 5 cents.

Edited by deeveedee
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4 hours ago, Hervé said:

What if you disconnect the external screen? And when you reconnect it?

Thank you Herv'e, yes i tried to disconnect the external display , same while in Montery, both are work properly the internal and external on using the same OC configuration files, bios is updated too, any suggestions??

@deeveedee, thank you for your suggestion that it might be not proper ssdt file, i use this ssdt just to make the vrightness keys working properly, i am using this ssdts in my system since Catalina, all working perfectly, also i tried the newly ssdts available with oc repo, the same result, when booting ventura, the 3rd booting phase the screen dimmed and only external hdmi display working, i wish you can send me any config plist files - oc folder to try, wishing this big screen can work with Ventura, i am using Montery now and it is working perfectly, 2nd problem, i cannot boot the installer only by using the wegvesa boot arg.


Waiting any suggestions, Thank you 


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44 minutes ago, deeveedee said:

@PC IT You have convinced me that I spend way too much time polishing my EFI.

Deeveedee, i also think i am having some issues with the ssdt, but its working properly with Montery and Catalina! Aben said the lcd controller might be not supported with Ventura, Can i send the original acpi files to make a new dsdt-ssdt for my system to try?  

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1 hour ago, deeveedee said:

@PC IT You have convinced me that I spend way too much time polishing my EFI.

You and I both... I must have caught the virus from you... I just spent an hour tinkering to shrink my ACPI by less than 1KB...

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@PC IT I do strongly believe that your 1600 x 900 built-in panel is not actually compatible with KBL's native LVDS/eDP connectors, regardless of macOS version. Would you mind performing a test: spoofing iGPU to KBL on Monterey and report status of built-in display, if possible? For successful spoof to KBL on versions older than Ventura: you'll need to include boot-arg flag -igfxsklaskbl along with same KBL properties used for faking on Ventura (device-id + ig-platform-id). If possible, test on Big Sur as well.

Also, please test below framebuffer patch on Ventura, the sequence basically drops LVDS connector flag CNConnectorAlwaysConnected, which forces built-in displays as external. Known to have fixed certain problematic eDP connectors in the past, give it a try.

framebuffer-patch-enable   DATA    01000000
framebuffer-con0-enable    DATA    01000000
framebuffer-con0-alldata   DATA    00000800 02000000 90000000


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On 7/22/2022 at 1:44 PM, Ellybz said:


Bluetooth on m.2. adapter is only buggy if you use it to wake your system from sleep.  Thankfully I don't need it.

Also, I don't have another option, all my 44 PCIe lanes are maxed out. (GPU, TB, Audio card, Quad NVMe controller, USB PCie Hub.)


@surenmunoo@ricoc90@rafale77 and the others who chipped in.


Thanks for the input,


I thought Sidecar was the only feature limited to Igpu because of the T2 chip. 

have not seen any infos limiting Universal control on MacPro7,1.  ( I've seen a couple of threads stating the opposite ). That is really a bummer. 😕


So to resume, I can Airplay between Ipad and Hack, use Airdrop, Handoff, Continuity, even the new feature using the camera from an IOS device in Hackintosh ( Facetime, whatsapp, etc..),

but I cannot use my keyboard & mouse between both?   What the 🤬 Apple?  


To be continued...


Just because I'm really stubborn, I kept looking for the solution with non IGPU systems and Universal Control and .......( Drum roll please )

IT IS NOW WORKING!!!! :hyper::yoji:


Solution was simple enough. Getting longer Wifi/Bluetooth antenna cables ( Shortening distance between  the BCM94360NG antennas and the IPad Pro ).



I can now use my mouse and keyboard ( even dragging files ) across the multiverse.  ( Also works in Monterey )


There you have it!! :thumbsup_anim:



image.png.8f93b6be4adc24784f792d5f04d68304.pngScreen Shot 2022-07-25 at 7.12.35 PM.png

Edited by Ellybz
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@Ellybz Well done!  Those look to be 5dBi or better antennas.  That seems a bit extreme to fix the signal from your hack and what I suspect is a short distance to your iPad.  Is it possible that your original antennas or coax cables were bad?  One benefit is that you're now getting your recommended daily dose of RF.

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5 hours ago, deeveedee said:

@Ellybz Well done!  Those look to be 5dBi or better antennas.  That seems a bit extreme to fix the signal from your hack and what I suspect is a short distance to your iPad.  Is it possible that your original antennas or coax cables were bad?  One benefit is that you're now getting your recommended daily dose of RF.

Standard 3dBi antennas that came with a WLAN PCIe card BCM94331 I bought four years ago ago on Ebay. Nothing fancy.


Despite changing cards BCM94331-> AX200-> BCM943360;  the BT reception was always mediocre at best, probably due to the positioning of the antennas ( Clustered in the back of my Hack, against a wall ).
Cables were examined and swapped, but no difference was noted...Until I gave the BT some Real Estates in top of the Hack, changing the cables to 50cm. That was it!

Distance between the antennas & IPad is now about 3.5 feet.

Edited by Ellybz
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Was wondering if there was anything different about downloading beta 3 update? I installed beta 1 then update beta 2 but keep getting your mac is up to date, still on version beta 2. disk size is fine, installs one and update 2 went well wifi and bluetooth working

oc 83 and latest kext Lilu v1.6.2 whatever v 1.6.1 so latest beta 

uhd 630 internal igpu works fine

z390 asrock phantom gaming 9

odd that beta 2 went without any issues

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1 hour ago, fuzzylogic said:

Was wondering if there was anything different about downloading beta 3 update?

Nothing different from Beta 2, you should have been abled to d/load via the builtin Software Update. Maybe something has changed slightly in your config.plist to prohibit Beta 3???!!!.

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