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[pre-release] macOS Ventura

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My RX580's ports were ok in Ventura and I just use WEG I have one display connected to DP and one to HDMI and both work just fine, I can't talk about the 570 tho because I don't have access to any 570 GPU so I just can't comment on that but since 2017 27' iMacs come either with RX 570 or 580 there shouldn't be any issues in that regard and as far as I remember there are no purple lines during the boot stages on my displays.

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12 minutes ago, Cyberdevs said:


My RX580's ports were ok in Ventura and I just use WEG I have one display connected to DP and one to HDMI and both work just fine, I can't talk about the 570 tho because I don't have access to any 570 GPU so I just can't comment on that but since 2017 27' iMacs come either with RX 570 or 580 there shouldn't be any issues in that regard and as far as I remember there are no purple lines during the boot stages on my displays.

In regards to purple lines and DP ports not working but resolved after adding -lilubetaall boot flag, was to answer @Stefanalmare's question.  But yes RX 580 is what I am working with and I just can't seem to inject Orinoco Framebuffer. 

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2 hours ago, Cyberdevs said:

No it's still there:



These Device ID are available in AMD9500Controller.kext:

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0x67E01002 0x67E31002 0x67E81002 0x67EB1002 0x67EF1002 0x67FF1002 0x67E11002 0x67E71002 0x67E91002 0x67C01002 0x67C11002 0x67C21002 0x67C41002 0x67C71002 0x67DF1002 0x67D01002 0x67C81002 0x67C91002 0x67CA1002 0x67CC1002 0x67CF1002


Mine is 0x67DF1002 and it should work. But no avail until now. Only black screen no matter the port I use. It worked like it suppose to on all macos's I used.

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I give up with the HDMI. I patched successfully intel hd 630 KBL FB (device-id = <1B590000>). I got H264 and HVEC support. However, the HDMI is completely dysfunctional.


I tried patching the connections - the ports, bus id, alldata. Tried other framebuffers, all boot args I could find helpful in the WEG manual and still no functioning HDMI. It simply does not even register that something is plugged in. IORegister also does not show anything (on Monterey it registers the external monitor as AppleDisplay). And in Hackintool the Framebuffer I mostly try to make work (<00001B59>) has exactly the same connectors as the ones I have on Monterey (where the HDMI is working). The one on the screenshot is the one that gets in red (external signal) on Monterey when I connect external display. On Ventura nothing happens at all, as if nothing is being plugged in, which means that somehow it does not even know that an HDMI port exists.




If you have any suggestions what else I might try, I would be eternally grateful :)


P.S. From what I read in the WEG code, it is most probably related to computeLaneCount failure of the Lilu Pather, but I have no clue how I can fix it.



Edited by mav96
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15 minutes ago, Stefanalmare said:

Mine is 0x67DF1002 and it should work. But no avail until now. Only black screen no matter the port I use. It worked like it suppose to on all macos's I used.

What is the brand for your GPU? Some GPUs are problematic as you might already know but since it's working in Monterey maybe it's just a misconfiguration in the config.plist or something that you over looked somehow?

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Guys, many times when I start Ventura, the computer shuts down before reaching the desktop, giving the following kernel panic

{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2022-06-18 19:40:08.00 +0200","os_version":"macOS 13.0 (22A5266r)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"2D76588D-3DA6-4C04-80DA-F0AB97E42773"}
{"macOSProcessedStackshotData":"bm8gb24gZGlzayBwYW5pYyBzdGFja3Nob3QgZm91bmQgaW4gY29yZWZpbGU=","macOSPanicString":"panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7fa81862a8): \"[3:0:0][PPLIB] Failed to send PPLIB IRI to Accelerator.\n\" @AmdRadeonController.cpp:2001\nPanicked task 0xffffff8baf3035b8: 10 threads: pid 168: WindowServer\nBacktrace (CPU 2), panicked thread: 0xffffff907aff0a70, Frame : Return Address\n0xffffffab5165b500 : 0xffffff801b1323dd \n0xffffffab5165b550 : 0xffffff801b29ab56 \n0xffffffab5165b590 : 0xffffff801b289df0 \n0xffffffab5165b5e0 : 0xffffff801b0cd951 \n0xffffffab5165b600 : 0xffffff801b1326bd \n0xffffffab5165b6f0 : 0xffffff801b131d69 \n0xffffffab5165b750 : 0xffffff801b91613b \n0xffffffab5165b840 : 0xffffff7fa81862a8 \n0xffffffab5165b950 : 0xffffff7fa8147fc9 \n0xffffffab5165b990 : 0xffffff7fa8185146 \n0xffffffab5165b9e0 : 0xffffff7fa814c870 \n0xffffffab5165ba40 : 0xffffff7fb0fcacf9 \n0xffffffab5165bad0 : 0xffffff7fa814c7fc \n0xffffffab5165baf0 : 0xffffff7fb0fc0f0e \n0xffffffab5165bb80 : 0xffffff801b8177dc \n0xffffffab5165bbe0 : 0xffffff801b887dd7 \n0xffffffab5165bc50 : 0xffffff801b241257 \n0xffffffab5165bca0 : 0xffffff801b10a806 \n0xffffffab5165bd50 : 0xffffff801b123218 \n0xffffffab5165bdc0 : 0xffffff801b12393a \n0xffffffab5165bef0 : 0xffffff801b26cd4a \n0xffffffab5165bfa0 : 0xffffff801b0cddb6 \n      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:\n         com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(597.0)[1418696D-9CF9-3249-B6B4-CA695BF037F6]@0xffffff7fb0fb0000->0xffffff7fb0fdefff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[98643CEB-CCC7-3DA8-B1DE-0C82D4D28F2B]@0xffffff801dbfc000->0xffffff801dc2afff\n         com.apple.kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer(4.0.9)[97BFB693-7A25-3C1D-A3B4-B33F335DA4F1]@0xffffff7fa8137000->0xffffff7fa83c0fff\n            dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(7.1.14)[B3BE5F58-0040-3606-907A-FFE6385C38C1]@0xffffff7faff0a000->0xffffff7faff0dfff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[62C52EB0-4D0B-3A00-B4B0-A1841EA15AB4]@0xffffff801d78c000->0xffffff801d78dfff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(597)[1418696D-9CF9-3249-B6B4-CA695BF037F6]@0xffffff7fb0fb0000->0xffffff7fb0fdefff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[98643CEB-CCC7-3DA8-B1DE-0C82D4D28F2B]@0xffffff801dbfc000->0xffffff801dc2afff\n\nProcess name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff907aff0a70): WindowServer\nBoot args: -v agdpmod=pikera unfairgva=1\n\nMac OS version:\n22A5266r\n\nKernel version:\nDarwin Kernel Version 22.0.0: Tue May 24 20:31:35 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.\/RELEASE_X86_64\nKernel UUID: 198748B0-2858-345A-957A-45C9ACB4C2F2\nroots installed: 0\nKernelCache slide: 0x000000001ae00000\nKernelCache base:  0xffffff801b000000\nKernel slide:      0x000000001ae10000\nKernel text base:  0xffffff801b010000\n__HIB  text base: 0xffffff801af00000\nSystem model name: iMacPro1,1 (Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94)\nSystem shutdown begun: NO\nPanic diags file available: YES (0x0)\nHibernation exit count: 0\n\nSystem uptime in nanoseconds: 18527074634\nLast Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano\n  Uptime  : 0x00000004504cba96\n  Sleep   : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000\n  Wake    : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000e78fe33ed 0x0000000000000000\nCompressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space\nZone info:\n  Zone map: 0xffffff80795cc000 - 0xffffffa0795cc000\n  . PGZ   : 0xffffff80795cc000 - 0xffffff807d5cd000\n  . VM    : 0xffffff807d5cd000 - 0xffffff8549900000\n  . RO    : 0xffffff8549900000 - 0xffffff86e2f66000\n  . GEN0  : 0xffffff86e2f66000 - 0xffffff8baf299000\n  . GEN1  : 0xffffff8baf299000 - 0xffffff907b5cc000\n  . GEN2  : 0xffffff907b5cc000 - 0xffffff95478ff000\n  . GEN3  : 0xffffff95478ff000 - 0xffffff9a13c32000\n  . DATA  : 0xffffff9a13c32000 - 0xffffffa0795cc000\n  Metadata: 0xffffffcb92096000 - 0xffffffcbb2096000\n  Bitmaps : 0xffffffcbb2096000 - 0xffffffcbbe096000\n\n\n\n"}

And it only happens with RX6600, with RX6650XT it always goes well... does anyone understand that Panic?



Edited by PoMpIs
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4 hours ago, Cyberdevs said:


Try this, test it on a USB disc first and if it works you can replace your own efi.

For the audio it's better to use the DeviceProperties rather than injecting it via nvram.

OC.zip 9.08 MB · 4 downloads

Thank you so much!

I forgot to remove Layout-Id from DeviceProperties.



2 hours ago, 5T33Z0 said:

@MifJpnAlphaPlus You don't have the latest Kexts and OpenCore is outdated as well:




Once again, I admire your writing talent for explanations.

I didn't think OC-AT was so good. To be honest, I was surprised!
Someone who is a little careless like me will notice this post.😄

Your efforts have made me super understand!


Thank you!!

Edited by MifJpnAlphaPlus
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19 minutes ago, PoMpIs said:

Guys, many times when I start Ventura, the computer shuts down before reaching the desktop, giving the following kernel panic

{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2022-06-18 19:40:08.00 +0200","os_version":"macOS 13.0 (22A5266r)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"2D76588D-3DA6-4C04-80DA-F0AB97E42773"}
{"macOSProcessedStackshotData":"bm8gb24gZGlzayBwYW5pYyBzdGFja3Nob3QgZm91bmQgaW4gY29yZWZpbGU=","macOSPanicString":"panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7fa81862a8): \"[3:0:0][PPLIB] Failed to send PPLIB IRI to Accelerator.\n\" @AmdRadeonController.cpp:2001\nPanicked task 0xffffff8baf3035b8: 10 threads: pid 168: WindowServer\nBacktrace (CPU 2), panicked thread: 0xffffff907aff0a70, Frame : Return Address\n0xffffffab5165b500 : 0xffffff801b1323dd \n0xffffffab5165b550 : 0xffffff801b29ab56 \n0xffffffab5165b590 : 0xffffff801b289df0 \n0xffffffab5165b5e0 : 0xffffff801b0cd951 \n0xffffffab5165b600 : 0xffffff801b1326bd \n0xffffffab5165b6f0 : 0xffffff801b131d69 \n0xffffffab5165b750 : 0xffffff801b91613b \n0xffffffab5165b840 : 0xffffff7fa81862a8 \n0xffffffab5165b950 : 0xffffff7fa8147fc9 \n0xffffffab5165b990 : 0xffffff7fa8185146 \n0xffffffab5165b9e0 : 0xffffff7fa814c870 \n0xffffffab5165ba40 : 0xffffff7fb0fcacf9 \n0xffffffab5165bad0 : 0xffffff7fa814c7fc \n0xffffffab5165baf0 : 0xffffff7fb0fc0f0e \n0xffffffab5165bb80 : 0xffffff801b8177dc \n0xffffffab5165bbe0 : 0xffffff801b887dd7 \n0xffffffab5165bc50 : 0xffffff801b241257 \n0xffffffab5165bca0 : 0xffffff801b10a806 \n0xffffffab5165bd50 : 0xffffff801b123218 \n0xffffffab5165bdc0 : 0xffffff801b12393a \n0xffffffab5165bef0 : 0xffffff801b26cd4a \n0xffffffab5165bfa0 : 0xffffff801b0cddb6 \n      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:\n         com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(597.0)[1418696D-9CF9-3249-B6B4-CA695BF037F6]@0xffffff7fb0fb0000->0xffffff7fb0fdefff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[98643CEB-CCC7-3DA8-B1DE-0C82D4D28F2B]@0xffffff801dbfc000->0xffffff801dc2afff\n         com.apple.kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer(4.0.9)[97BFB693-7A25-3C1D-A3B4-B33F335DA4F1]@0xffffff7fa8137000->0xffffff7fa83c0fff\n            dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(7.1.14)[B3BE5F58-0040-3606-907A-FFE6385C38C1]@0xffffff7faff0a000->0xffffff7faff0dfff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[62C52EB0-4D0B-3A00-B4B0-A1841EA15AB4]@0xffffff801d78c000->0xffffff801d78dfff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(597)[1418696D-9CF9-3249-B6B4-CA695BF037F6]@0xffffff7fb0fb0000->0xffffff7fb0fdefff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[98643CEB-CCC7-3DA8-B1DE-0C82D4D28F2B]@0xffffff801dbfc000->0xffffff801dc2afff\n\nProcess name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff907aff0a70): WindowServer\nBoot args: -v agdpmod=pikera unfairgva=1\n\nMac OS version:\n22A5266r\n\nKernel version:\nDarwin Kernel Version 22.0.0: Tue May 24 20:31:35 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.\/RELEASE_X86_64\nKernel UUID: 198748B0-2858-345A-957A-45C9ACB4C2F2\nroots installed: 0\nKernelCache slide: 0x000000001ae00000\nKernelCache base:  0xffffff801b000000\nKernel slide:      0x000000001ae10000\nKernel text base:  0xffffff801b010000\n__HIB  text base: 0xffffff801af00000\nSystem model name: iMacPro1,1 (Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94)\nSystem shutdown begun: NO\nPanic diags file available: YES (0x0)\nHibernation exit count: 0\n\nSystem uptime in nanoseconds: 18527074634\nLast Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano\n  Uptime  : 0x00000004504cba96\n  Sleep   : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000\n  Wake    : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000e78fe33ed 0x0000000000000000\nCompressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space\nZone info:\n  Zone map: 0xffffff80795cc000 - 0xffffffa0795cc000\n  . PGZ   : 0xffffff80795cc000 - 0xffffff807d5cd000\n  . VM    : 0xffffff807d5cd000 - 0xffffff8549900000\n  . RO    : 0xffffff8549900000 - 0xffffff86e2f66000\n  . GEN0  : 0xffffff86e2f66000 - 0xffffff8baf299000\n  . GEN1  : 0xffffff8baf299000 - 0xffffff907b5cc000\n  . GEN2  : 0xffffff907b5cc000 - 0xffffff95478ff000\n  . GEN3  : 0xffffff95478ff000 - 0xffffff9a13c32000\n  . DATA  : 0xffffff9a13c32000 - 0xffffffa0795cc000\n  Metadata: 0xffffffcb92096000 - 0xffffffcbb2096000\n  Bitmaps : 0xffffffcbb2096000 - 0xffffffcbbe096000\n\n\n\n"}

And it only happens with RX6600, with RX6650XT it always goes well... does anyone understand that Panic?




try, if you have it, to REMOVE (not Auto or other but, no/nein xD ) XMP1 ram profile...i remember my 5700 make same error...and resolve with this...

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Guest 5T33Z0
37 minutes ago, PoMpIs said:

Guys, many times when I start Ventura, the computer shuts down before reaching the desktop, giving the following kernel panic

{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2022-06-18 19:40:08.00 +0200","os_version":"macOS 13.0 (22A5266r)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"2D76588D-3DA6-4C04-80DA-F0AB97E42773"}
{"macOSProcessedStackshotData":"bm8gb24gZGlzayBwYW5pYyBzdGFja3Nob3QgZm91bmQgaW4gY29yZWZpbGU=","macOSPanicString":"panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7fa81862a8): \"[3:0:0][PPLIB] Failed to send PPLIB IRI to Accelerator.\n\" @AmdRadeonController.cpp:2001\nPanicked task 0xffffff8baf3035b8: 10 threads: pid 168: WindowServer\nBacktrace (CPU 2), panicked thread: 0xffffff907aff0a70, Frame : Return Address\n0xffffffab5165b500 : 0xffffff801b1323dd \n0xffffffab5165b550 : 0xffffff801b29ab56 \n0xffffffab5165b590 : 0xffffff801b289df0 \n0xffffffab5165b5e0 : 0xffffff801b0cd951 \n0xffffffab5165b600 : 0xffffff801b1326bd \n0xffffffab5165b6f0 : 0xffffff801b131d69 \n0xffffffab5165b750 : 0xffffff801b91613b \n0xffffffab5165b840 : 0xffffff7fa81862a8 \n0xffffffab5165b950 : 0xffffff7fa8147fc9 \n0xffffffab5165b990 : 0xffffff7fa8185146 \n0xffffffab5165b9e0 : 0xffffff7fa814c870 \n0xffffffab5165ba40 : 0xffffff7fb0fcacf9 \n0xffffffab5165bad0 : 0xffffff7fa814c7fc \n0xffffffab5165baf0 : 0xffffff7fb0fc0f0e \n0xffffffab5165bb80 : 0xffffff801b8177dc \n0xffffffab5165bbe0 : 0xffffff801b887dd7 \n0xffffffab5165bc50 : 0xffffff801b241257 \n0xffffffab5165bca0 : 0xffffff801b10a806 \n0xffffffab5165bd50 : 0xffffff801b123218 \n0xffffffab5165bdc0 : 0xffffff801b12393a \n0xffffffab5165bef0 : 0xffffff801b26cd4a \n0xffffffab5165bfa0 : 0xffffff801b0cddb6 \n      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:\n         com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(597.0)[1418696D-9CF9-3249-B6B4-CA695BF037F6]@0xffffff7fb0fb0000->0xffffff7fb0fdefff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[98643CEB-CCC7-3DA8-B1DE-0C82D4D28F2B]@0xffffff801dbfc000->0xffffff801dc2afff\n         com.apple.kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer(4.0.9)[97BFB693-7A25-3C1D-A3B4-B33F335DA4F1]@0xffffff7fa8137000->0xffffff7fa83c0fff\n            dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(7.1.14)[B3BE5F58-0040-3606-907A-FFE6385C38C1]@0xffffff7faff0a000->0xffffff7faff0dfff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[62C52EB0-4D0B-3A00-B4B0-A1841EA15AB4]@0xffffff801d78c000->0xffffff801d78dfff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(597)[1418696D-9CF9-3249-B6B4-CA695BF037F6]@0xffffff7fb0fb0000->0xffffff7fb0fdefff\n            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[98643CEB-CCC7-3DA8-B1DE-0C82D4D28F2B]@0xffffff801dbfc000->0xffffff801dc2afff\n\nProcess name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff907aff0a70): WindowServer\nBoot args: -v agdpmod=pikera unfairgva=1\n\nMac OS version:\n22A5266r\n\nKernel version:\nDarwin Kernel Version 22.0.0: Tue May 24 20:31:35 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.\/RELEASE_X86_64\nKernel UUID: 198748B0-2858-345A-957A-45C9ACB4C2F2\nroots installed: 0\nKernelCache slide: 0x000000001ae00000\nKernelCache base:  0xffffff801b000000\nKernel slide:      0x000000001ae10000\nKernel text base:  0xffffff801b010000\n__HIB  text base: 0xffffff801af00000\nSystem model name: iMacPro1,1 (Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94)\nSystem shutdown begun: NO\nPanic diags file available: YES (0x0)\nHibernation exit count: 0\n\nSystem uptime in nanoseconds: 18527074634\nLast Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano\n  Uptime  : 0x00000004504cba96\n  Sleep   : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000\n  Wake    : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000e78fe33ed 0x0000000000000000\nCompressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space\nZone info:\n  Zone map: 0xffffff80795cc000 - 0xffffffa0795cc000\n  . PGZ   : 0xffffff80795cc000 - 0xffffff807d5cd000\n  . VM    : 0xffffff807d5cd000 - 0xffffff8549900000\n  . RO    : 0xffffff8549900000 - 0xffffff86e2f66000\n  . GEN0  : 0xffffff86e2f66000 - 0xffffff8baf299000\n  . GEN1  : 0xffffff8baf299000 - 0xffffff907b5cc000\n  . GEN2  : 0xffffff907b5cc000 - 0xffffff95478ff000\n  . GEN3  : 0xffffff95478ff000 - 0xffffff9a13c32000\n  . DATA  : 0xffffff9a13c32000 - 0xffffffa0795cc000\n  Metadata: 0xffffffcb92096000 - 0xffffffcbb2096000\n  Bitmaps : 0xffffffcbb2096000 - 0xffffffcbbe096000\n\n\n\n"}

And it only happens with RX6600, with RX6650XT it always goes well... does anyone understand that Panic?




Definitely related to AmdRadeonController. Maybe one of these methods help: https://github.com/5T33Z0/OC-Little-Translated/tree/main/01_Adding_missing_Devices_and_enabling_Features/AMD_Radeon_Tweaks



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1 hour ago, Cyberdevs said:

What is the brand for your GPU? Some GPUs are problematic as you might already know but since it's working in Monterey maybe it's just a misconfiguration in the config.plist or something that you over looked somehow?

It is MSI. I tried to flash Saphire but no light. Suggestions?

Edited by Stefanalmare
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On 6/17/2022 at 6:10 PM, eSaF said:

Hi - If I may offer some perspective. Are you talking about being able to keep correct Time using @MaLd0n Z390 EFI? if that is your query, you need to alter this setting in the config.plist Kernel/DisableRtcChecksum just like the attached, our Z390 doesn't need this Setting as it causes the BIOS Clock to glitch out. There is a possibility you'll need to reset your BIOS as having this setting Disabled  tends to glitch out the Time on GA-Z390 Motherboards and most noticeable when dual-booting OS X and Windows.


The easiest way to tell if the BIOS Clock is functioning as should, boot into the BIOS and look at the Seconds in Time it should be counting up and not static. To get this started again, you'll need to turn the machine off completely, remove the power cable then press the on Button for approx: 30 Seconds or short-out the CMOS Jumper, or remove the Battery for the same length of time.

On replacing the Battery and power Cable, switch the machine on, you'll be greeted with a BIOS Reset message you'll need to setup the BIOS again to run OS X. On doing so the machine will reboot a few times with the reset and the BIOS Clock Seconds will be counting up as it should be which will solve the Time problem. Sorry this is a bit of long winded method but it works. Good luck.


PS - I have the same board as @miliuco if you want to try my EFI Folder, it is attached also.

  Reveal hidden contents


EFI.zip 85.75 MB · 24 downloads

thanks eSaF for sharing your efi , itworks since the first boot . regarding the olarila s efi it works but always corrupt my bios cause the time stops working  once maldon told they re for easy boot and need to modify for each configuration.my board is a z390 aorus elite , same as miluco if i m not wrong but loos yours is a pro wifi also my cpu is i5 9600k with shappire rx 560 4g , at the first boot i realized that i lost wifi ( usb dongle working with chris 111 kexts ) it took a while since i get it work cause there s a driver in your efi to enable sip and i use occonfigurator to disable finally i got it . i find a bit hard to apply patchs and edit my config plist properly cause i don t have the skills to do it i just can fix littles things to get my hack working  also i did not find any mapped  usb kext but all my ports work . ventura works good very quick boot but only sleep when i do it manually or short press of on button not it self maybe it s my hack or a bug  not fixed yet . aniway thanks so much

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17 hours ago, jsl2000 said:

My DP/HDMI audio was enabled if SkylakeInjector.kext was disabled.

Please check my previous post at page 34.

Same here. But if disabling the kext, you loose the video playback.

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Just now, The Tech said:

Same here. But if disabling the kext, you loose the video playback.

In that case it usually means your config.plist does not provide correct DeviceProperty for HD 530.

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9 minutes ago, jsl2000 said:

In that case it usually means your config.plist does not provide correct DeviceProperty for HD 530.

As per PMHeart, the injector kext is required to have Video Playback on YT, etc. This isn't the case for you?

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2 hours ago, The Tech said:

As per PMHeart, the injector kext is required to have Video Playback on YT, etc. This isn't the case for you?

No, only SkylakeInjector.kext was disabled I can enable DP/HDMI audio from HD 530 and video play is fine on Youtube without this kext.

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