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@Download-Fritz Because i see almost every user make a lot of SSDTs, disabling Addresses, Devices Status, Devices, _DSM, _OSI, while dropping one table with the same, but patches included is time saves and i think this have some effect on performances IMHO!


@carlo_67, where i can buy a IM shirt like yours please :drool: , i think it's the best shirt i can use :thumbsup_anim: 

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no need to disable System Integrity Protection(SIP) .


I have the question whetheer or not to have SIP protection activated. In OpenCore. I have set the sip that brigs Olarila in its 6700000 installation and I use the hack for tests and changes at startup using terminal. What would be the recommended option. 

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4 minutes ago, Download-Fritz said:

@ammoune78 SSDTs are used to avoid patching DSDT. DSDT may update with FW updates, FW settings changes, or whatever. Any noticeable performance effects is without a doubt placebo, measurable... I don't know how Apple's ACPI stack works.


Yes for each FW update, we need extracting and patching, to don't miss something! And yeah, for me, Apple uses one of the best ACPI code and structure i ever seen, simple, small and pointfull. But i still don't know why they didn't implement Windows 2015 into _INI, onto newest hardware, is it still in developement? They let newest hardware install bootcamp software windows 10 compatible, while the ACPI don't have the proper code for it.

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I'm getting black screen after 2nd boot during installation, I can get to the install screen, choose SSD, Apple Logo takes 8 mins, then the screen goes black for 5 mins and then the computer shutdown. When i start back up i belive it's going through the 2nd install part of the installation but i can't see anything.


I went through a similar thing with clover when i installed 10.13.6 ages ago, i think it was fixed with VegaGraphicsFixup.kext which isnt used anymore for OC.

I have tried (-v debug=0x100 slide=128 keepsyms=1 npci=0x2000 agdpmod=vit9696 alcid=1) and without agdpmod=vit9696 but still black screen, i'm using Display Port on my RX480. I've searched but can't find any solution! Whatevergreen and Lilu latest as well. 

working EFI without credits.zip

Edited by ekwipt
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16 hours ago, Download-Fritz said:

No, you just guard your changes with conditional statements querying OSI

I’m sorry but I don’t understand. Would you mind expanding that in some detail as i would prefer to boot Windows from OC rather than having to use UEFI boot menu (not wife friendly).

Edited by SavageAUS
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First time OC’er. Taking baby steps. Problem is Mac OS X afps partitions missing in boot menu that is until OC loads Clover on other partition’s EFI folder and returns back to OC menu. So Clover must have loaded a necessary efi driver?




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23 hours ago, ghost8282 said:

Hi, latest modifications (14th April, from 20fa82d to e6acc72) seems to have broken (for me) the external boot picker: mac os boot fine but boot picker has a black screen; was working fine without the modifications.

Not sure how I could help tracking the issue.

with commit c85b332 (OpenCanopy: Improve mouse pointer performance) I now have the mouse pointer at the upper left corner, but frozen, and still a black screen with no icons. Pressing enter from the keyboard does nothing. All is updated, including OcBinaryData.

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Does anyone have a guide/instructions as to what needs to be done in detail to make Windows 10 boot from OC? I get a acpi bios error when trying to boot windows from OC but boots fine for UEFI boot menu but i would prefer to use bootloader (wife friendly) I know i can use a fork of this project to get what i need but i would rather use the origin for better support...

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Hi, I'm trying to get Atheros AR9285 working at Catalina but I can't with OpenCore.


I have installed using Hackintool and put AtherosWifiInjector.kext and still no way to work but prior to migrating to OC I was abble use that wifi just fine with Clover.


There's any option that I can try to make installer and kext load to work property at OC?



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6 hours ago, SavageAUS said:

Does anyone have a guide/instructions as to what needs to be done in detail to make Windows 10 boot from OC? I get a acpi bios error when trying to boot windows from OC but boots fine for UEFI boot menu but i would prefer to use bootloader (wife friendly) I know i can use a fork of this project to get what i need but i would rather use the origin for better support...

In your custom SSDT's you have to include the statement: If (_OSI ("Darwin")) 

and at the end of the patch you need: Return (_OSI (Arg0))

This prevents windows from try to load the custom SSDT patches made for OSX. Windows wouldn't boot for me until I corrected most of my patches with that statement. OC loads Windows 10 just fine now. Not all of the SSDT patches need this, some do. It's hard to figure out which ones, doesn't hurt to add it to all of them though. 

Edited by vettz500
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Was wondering if anyone would kindly take a look at my OC Efi folder? So far I have just the keyboard working. Baby steps. Nothing else works. Only sees EFI, Windows, and shell. Selecting Windows results in BS. No AFPS Catalina install shows. Copied over SSDT-PLUG and SSDT-EC-USB compiled. Have my DSDT in there too. Debug version of OC. No verbose mesages tough on screen. 




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I'd like also to report that from v.0.5.7 I cannot boot with Target=83, I'm stuck at tianocore logo (nothing wrong printed on the display); all is ok with Target=0.


PS: I don't know if you virtual machines are supported by opencore, just to report my findings, if virtual machines are not supported by opencore please tell me so I will not post anymore OT.


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49 minutes ago, Download-Fritz said:

@telepati Because you apparently have severe issues with parsing the English language or basic respect, I have taken care of the issue on my end, no worries.




Man, I have respect for all of you. I am the first time using OC on Real Mac and I really didn't know it was a known bug. I assumed that this error is special for mac. I asked you this question because I think you are the developer of OpenCanopy. You are free to take a stand against me, but know that this is not a movement that has been done by counting what we have spoken before. And I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

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Heya, I switched from Clover to OpenCore recently (fresh install, new ssd) and everything "works" lovely except a few things...


I am randomly getting hard lockups that require a power off (reset button doesn't even work). I can't seem to figure out why...


One thing that might be causing it is strange USB behavior i am having. My non USB 3.0 ports work for about 3 or so minutes after booting up, then completely shut down. No power coming out of them or anything. Like they crash completely. Initially i thought maybe it was the port limit patch / usbinjectall but after creating a USB map kext and removing the limit patch / usbinjectall kext it still does this.


I have another SSD that i use to boot windows for gaming, and i can game for days without freezes / USB issues, so i don't believe its hardware failure.




Random bits of info that might help:


Mobo is asrock Z77 Extreme4, running OpenCore 0.5.7, used the Ivy Bridge section of the vanilla guide to build my config.plist


Mobo has onboard Intel graphics, but I am running a Geforce GTX 780 with 'build in' apple drivers. Not sure if my integrated card needs to be configured or just ignored? I read that it helps with encoding/decoding media, etc. Not sure if this would cause my issues though


I am using FakePCIID and the BCM57XXX as BCM57765 kext to get ethernet to work. "Sanity checker" says FakePCIID is no good, but couldn't find a way to get ethernet working... Not sure if that would cause freezing / usb crashing though?


I have not yet implemented CPU-PM (could that cause this? seems unlikely?)


CSM is enabled in bios, guides usually always say to disable, but never could get it to boot with this mobo. This worked lovely in clover for 4 years enabled, so who knows




Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 12.28.32 PM.png


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2 hours ago, telepati said:


Man, I have respect for all of you. I am the first time using OC on Real Mac and I really didn't know it was a known bug. I assumed that this error is special for mac. I asked you this question because I think you are the developer of OpenCanopy. You are free to take a stand against me, but know that this is not a movement that has been done by counting what we have spoken before. And I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

I don't frequent too much the forum, but one thing I read and it was asked to you was to not directly tag Download fritz for things related to opencanopy. Just report things without directly tagging him...simple to understand.

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