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I try to build VirtualSMC-master but Build is succeeded I can't find Debug folder please help.

Happy Christmas to All


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I found that folder.


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3 hours ago, Stefanalmare said:

Or use this: VirtualSMC.sh


Excellent work, it's an automatised version of the steps required for build VirtualSMC. Thanks.


In another thread of the forum, @Shaneee and @chris1111 talked about doing it this way:

Your script do the work fast, at the end VirtualSMC release version and plugins are in the VirtualSMC/build/Release/package/Kexts folder.


Edited by miliuco
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3 hours ago, miliuco said:


Excellent work, it's an automatised version of the steps required for build VirtualSMC. Thanks.


In another thread of the forum, @Shaneee and @chris1111 talked about doing it this way:

Your script do the work fast, at the end VirtualSMC release version and plugins are in the VirtualSMC/build/Release/package/Kexts folder.


You can make your own script:

Lilu.sh BrcmPatchRAM.sh FeatureUnlock.sh WhateverGreen.sh VoodooPS2.sh

Edited by Stefanalmare
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4 hours ago, miliuco said:


Excellent work, it's an automatised version of the steps required for build VirtualSMC. Thanks.


In another thread of the forum, @Shaneee and @chris1111 talked about doing it this way:

Your script do the work fast, at the end VirtualSMC release version and plugins are in the VirtualSMC/build/Release/package/Kexts folder.


I have separate folders for each project and use sym links for anything that needs to be placed relative to another location. This way you can put your repositories wherever you like.


For example, I have a gfxutil folder containing repositories for my fork and the upstream fork, named joevt-gfxutil and acidenthera-gfxutil. I can add other folders for other forks or different branches or different commits for easy comparing. The gfxutil folder can contain notes and BBEdit worksheets and to-do lists without affecting the repository folders. The gfxutil repository requires an edk2 folder in the parent folder but my edk2 repository is nowhere near the gfxutil repository. Instead, I just put a edk2 symlink in the gfxutil folder (parent of joevt-gfxutil and acidenthera-gfxutil).

ln -s /Volumes/Work/Programming/EFIProjects/edk2/tianocore-edk2 /Volumes/Work/Programming/EFIProjects/gfxutil/edk2


Another example, The RefindPlus build process requires that a RefindPlusPkg be in its edk2 folder but the name of the folder is joevt-RefindPlus and it is not in the edk2 folder. So I put symlink named RefindPlusPkg in the edk2 folder that points to my joevt-RefindPlus repository.

ln -s "${WORK_DIR}" "${EDK2_DIR}/RefindPlusPkg"


So for joevt-Lilu, I put a symlink named MacKernelSDK in the repository. The symlink points to the acidenthera-MacKernelSDK repository. Same for joevt-Whatevergeen. joevt-Whatevergreen also has a symlink named Lilu.kext that points to the debug build in the joevt-Lilu folder.

cd /Volumes/Work/Programming/KextProjects/Lilu/joevt-Lilu
ln -s /Volumes/Work/Programming/KextProjects/MacKernelSDK/acidanthera-MacKernelSDK MacKernelSDK
cd /Volumes/Work/Programming/KextProjects/WhateverGreen/joevt-WhateverGreen
ln -s /Volumes/Work/Programming/KextProjects/Lilu/joevt-Lilu/DerivedData/Lilu/Build/Products/Debug/Lilu.kext Lilu.kext
ln -s /Volumes/Work/Programming/KextProjects/MacKernelSDK/acidanthera-MacKernelSDK MacKernelSDK


edit: @Stefanalmare's setup & build scripts also uses symlinks.


Edited by joevt
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hi. i have a question.

my hp 4230s is boot on 10.6~10.13.6 with UEFI.
but not support Native NVRAM.
so i can't save brightness value after reboot.
i tried to install oc nvram script. but no luck.
how can i use emulate NVRAM+UEFI mode?

thanks in advance.

Sent from my SM-N960N using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, Andrey1970 said:

The safe mode works only with supported Mac-models.

-no_compat_check won't help with safe mode and with install.


I'm using MP6,1 which I'm assuming is supported.


Here's the verbose output behind the screen. After this displays for a short while it drops back to the OC bootpicker.


In this boot I tried setting securebootmodel to default (I had it disabled up to now) to see if it made any difference. It didn't. And booting with securebootmodel set to disabled gives similar output (minus the middle KernelCollections section).



Edited by Riley Freeman
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11 hours ago, 5T33Z0 said:

Try iMac13,2 in combination with these Patches: https://github.com/5T33Z0/OC-Little-Translated/tree/main/09_Board-ID_VMM-Spoof


This way, you can use a natively supported smbios for your 3rd Gen Core I7 on Big Sur and Monterey.


Thanks, but that seems like a lot of work just to fix safe mode. Why is that broken when I can boot into regular Big Sur just fine? Monterey isn't an option for either machine due to them having Kepler cards.


This is actually the reason I was trying to get into safe mode in the first place. I set up a Big Sur install on the Z68 which is connected to the display via DP. When I brought it over to the X79 which uses DVI I got stuck on a black screen with mouse cursor in place of the login window. I read that booting into safe mode could fix this so I wanted to give that a try.

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21 hours ago, Riley Freeman said:

I'm using MP6,1 which I'm assuming is supported.

Probably at you Automatic = No and board-id and other in PlatformInfo don't correspond MacPro6,1
Recommend to use Automatic = Yes

Edited by Andrey1970
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I thought maybe this would be the right place to ask the question because I've asked around and no one seems to be able to give me an answer not to mention a solution.


I, and pretty much everyone else using an external audio interface for making music in macOS, needs vt-d to be enabled in BIOS. Without it being enabled, the audio interface doesn't show up in the system.

It has something to do with how macOS prioritizes kexts or drivers (I'm not an expert) during launch. The audio drivers need to be first in line when booting and that isn't happening for some reason in hackintosh.

The drivers need a certain size portion of memory or something allocated to them and it isn't happening.


The general advice is to then disable IOMAPPER if you need vt-d enabled. But then of course you don't get the effects you need from vt-d as IOMAPPER basically disables it.

I have a Gigabyte MB, and if enable vt-d and don't disable IOMAPPER, my audio interface works, but my ethernet and wifi stop working.


In the newest Dortania guide for 0.7.7 it says:




Description: Disables IOMapper support in XNU (VT-d), which may conflict with the firmware implementation.

Note 1: This option is a preferred alternative to deleting DMAR ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not obstruct VT-d support in other systems in case they need this.

Note 2: Misconfigured IOMMU in the firmware may result in broken devices such as ethernet or Wi-Fi adapters. For instance, an ethernet adapter may cycle in link-up link-down state infinitely and a Wi-Fi adapter may fail to discover networks. Gigabyte is one of the most common OEMs with these issues.


The thing mentioned in Note 2 is exactly what is happening on my system. Is there a way around this?

I tried dart=0 in boot args instead of disable IOMAPPER, and got my audio interface to work, until the next boot and it was gone again. But for one boot, I had my audio interface working and my ethernet and wifi as well.

I guess I could try dropping dmar in the ACPI, but I can't find a clear instruction on how to add that to my plist.


Is there a way to configure the IOMMU properly in the firmware so that I could have vt-d enabled without disable IOMAPPER?

Or is there another way around this problem. I know there are thousands of people with this problem since updating to Monterey, or there is about to be when they update to the newest macOS.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the most important thing, this problem started with Monterey. Though I can't say for sure for Big Sur as I jumped from Catalina.

Before, when I was in Catalina, I had vt-d enabled in BIOS, I didn't have IOMAPPER disabled, and my audio interface was working and so was my ethernet and wifi. So something happened in Monterey that made these problems surface.

Man I hope someone knows.





I don't want to make unnecessary extra posts so I came here to edit.


Thank you guys so much for your help. I dropped DMAR and replaced it with an edited one and now everything works beautifully. You have no idea how thankful I am. I've been banging my head against the wall for two months, while people have just been parroting to me to disable IOMAPPER even though I couldn't have.


And I learned something new and valuable. So happy now!

Edited by Maccer
To give extra thanks!
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1 hour ago, vit9696 said:

I do not think it has anything to do to SMBIOS judging from the screenshots. But to tell more need OpenCore DEBUG log from master with AppleDebug log also enabled. Also need EFI.


I booted the X79 with the debug version of 0.7.6. Attached is the efi folder and the boot log file. Hope this is enough.


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35 minutes ago, Maccer said:

I thought maybe this would be the right place to ask the question because I've asked around and no one seems to be able to give me an answer not to mention a solution.


I, and pretty much everyone else using an external audio interface for making music in macOS, needs vt-d to be enabled in BIOS. Without it being enabled, the audio interface doesn't show up in the system.

It has something to do with how macOS prioritizes kexts or drivers (I'm not an expert) during launch. The audio drivers need to be first in line when booting and that isn't happening for some reason in hackintosh.

The drivers need a certain size portion of memory or something allocated to them and it isn't happening.


The general advice is to then disable IOMAPPER if you need vt-d enabled. But then of course you don't get the effects you need from vt-d as IOMAPPER basically disables it.

I have a Gigabyte MB, and if enable vt-d and don't disable IOMAPPER, my audio interface works, but my ethernet and wifi stop working.


In the newest Dortania guide for 0.7.7 it says:




Description: Disables IOMapper support in XNU (VT-d), which may conflict with the firmware implementation.

Note 1: This option is a preferred alternative to deleting DMAR ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not obstruct VT-d support in other systems in case they need this.

Note 2: Misconfigured IOMMU in the firmware may result in broken devices such as ethernet or Wi-Fi adapters. For instance, an ethernet adapter may cycle in link-up link-down state infinitely and a Wi-Fi adapter may fail to discover networks. Gigabyte is one of the most common OEMs with these issues.


The thing mentioned in Note 2 is exactly what is happening on my system. Is there a way around this?

I tried dart=0 in boot args instead of disable IOMAPPER, and got my audio interface to work, until the next boot and it was gone again. But for one boot, I had my audio interface working and my ethernet and wifi as well.

I guess I could try dropping dmar in the ACPI, but I can't find a clear instruction on how to add that to my plist.


Is there a way to configure the IOMMU properly in the firmware so that I could have vt-d enabled without disable IOMAPPER?

Or is there another way around this problem. I know there are thousands of people with this problem since updating to Monterey, or there is about to be when they update to the newest macOS.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the most important thing, this problem started with Monterey. Though I can't say for sure for Big Sur as I jumped from Catalina.

Before, when I was in Catalina, I had vt-d enabled in BIOS, I didn't have IOMAPPER disabled, and my audio interface was working and so was my ethernet and wifi. So something happened in Monterey that made these problems surface.

Man I hope someone knows.

Block original DMAR and use this one. With VTD enabled.


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18 hours ago, Riley Freeman said:

Monterey isn't an option for either machine due to them having Kepler cards.

I used OCLP to add Kepler support for my GTX 680 in a MacPro3,1 running Monterey. I'm not sure what the procedure is for hackintosh.

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4 hours ago, joevt said:

I used OCLP to add Kepler support for my GTX 680 in a MacPro3,1 running Monterey. I'm not sure what the procedure is for hackintosh.


Thanks. I'm aware it's possible. I tried it once when I was running the Monterey beta on my Z68 but I like to keep my systems as vanilla as possible and having to hack in drivers after every update was just too much fuss for me.

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