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Am 6.8.2019 um 15:33 sagte Download-Fritz:

@Andres ZeroCross Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, erkannte Einträge auszublenden, und wir sehen keinen Grund, solche Einträge zu implementieren

Haben Sie Recht mit einem der Open Core-Entwickler?

Ich habe die folgende Frage:
1. Wie kann ich ein Hintergrundbild als .pnp- oder .jpeg-Format für das grafische Startmenü in Open Core 0.6.1 verwenden?
2. Wie kann ich die Option "Neustart" und "Herunterfahren" am unteren Bildschirmrand (oder an einer anderen Stelle) im grafischen Startmenü hinzufügen, wie ich es von Clover kenne?


Danke für die Hilfe.

Am 15.8.2020 um 21:28 sagte MacNB:


Es tut mir leid, dass ich Ihnen nicht zustimmen muss.

OC hat einen ziemlich guten Boot-Selektor. 

Es verfügt über einen einfachen textbasierten integrierten Boot-Selektor und eine API zum Hinzufügen eines externen Boot-Selektors.

Und es gibt ein Beispiel für einen externen Boot-Selektor namens OpenCanopy, der vom OC-Team hinzugefügt wurde.

Ja, OpenCanopy befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung und wird sich nach Abschluss weiter verbessern.

Dieser Boot-Selektor funktioniert fast wie ein nativer Mac-Boot-Selektor.

Sie können sogar Mac-ähnliche Tastenkombinationen wie die OPT-Taste während des Startvorgangs verwenden, um die Startauswahl anzuzeigen - genau wie bei einem echten Mac


Folgendes zeigt OpenCanopy auf meinem System an (Hack 4):




Ich hatte kein Problem beim Booten von Windows von OC. Meine Windows-Version ist Retail und wurde vollständig aktiviert, BEVOR OC jemals installiert wurde.

Es ist nach dem Booten über OC weiterhin aktiviert. Auf diesem System habe ich nicht einmal einen DSDT und Windows bootet einwandfrei.


Hier ist ein anderes System, das ich habe, nämlich das LEGACY-System, das NICHT einmal UEFI hat, aber mit dem Duet Legacy-Boot von OC kann ich weiterhin OpenCanopy verwenden und Windows 10 (Hack 2) booten:



OK, auf diesem Legacy-System konnte ich Windows NICHT anfänglich starten, da dies mit dem blauen Bildschirm ACPI_BIOS_ERROR des Todes fehlschlagen würde .

Das liegt daran, dass der DSDT, den ich hatte und der von OC in Windows injiziert wurde, kein Windows-Booten ermöglichte (z. B. _OSI-Überprüfungen).

Ich habe diesen DSDT mit der großzügigen Verwendung von _OSI Guarding vollständig modifiziert und kann jetzt Windows 10 ohne Probleme und ohne Probleme mit der Aktivierung starten. Diese Windows-Version verfügt über eine OEM-Lizenz (DELL).

Ich werde eine Anleitung schreiben, wie ich diese DSDT geändert habe, um hoffentlich das Booten von Windows über OC zu ermöglichen.


Ich kann sogar den Start-Disk-Selektor von macOS in den Systemeinstellungen verwenden, um ein Betriebssystem zum Booten auszuwählen, und OC kümmert sich um das Booten dieses Betriebssystems (sowohl auf UEFI- als auch auf Legacy-BIOS-Systemen).


Ich verstehe also nicht, dass Ihr Problem bei der Boot-Auswahl von OC liegt.


BEARBEITEN: Wenn Sie ein Problem beim Booten von Windows haben, hat dies nichts mit der Startauswahl zu tun, sondern mit der Kernfunktion von OC - die beabsichtigt war. Diese Design-Wahl haben die Entwickler getroffen, um macOS genau wie einen Mac zu starten und anderen Betriebssystemen zu ermöglichen, wie ein Mac zu booten.

Könnten Sie Ihren EFI-Ordner anzeigen?
Mich interessiert, wie Sie die SSD-Symbole in das grafische Startmenü integriert haben.


Edited by AlfredoM
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21 minutes ago, AlfredoM said:

Haben Sie Recht mit einem der Open Core-Entwickler?

Ich habe die folgende Frage:
1. Wie kann ich ein Hintergrundbild als .pnp- oder .jpeg-Format für das grafische Startmenü in Open Core 0.6.1 verwenden?
2. Wie kann ich die Option "Neustart" und "Herunterfahren" am unteren Bildschirmrand (oder an einer anderen Stelle) im grafischen Startmenü hinzufügen, wie ich es von Clover kenne?


Danke für die Hilfe.

Könnten Sie Ihren EFI-Ordner anzeigen?
Mich interessiert, wie Sie die SSD-Symbole in das grafische Startmenü integriert haben.



Entschuldigung, ich spreche kein Deutsch

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24 minutes ago, MacNB said:


Entschuldigung, ich spreche kein Deutsch

Could you view your EFI folder?
I am interested in how you integrated the SSD icons into the graphical start menu.

On 8/6/2019 at 3:33 PM, Download-Fritz said:

@Andres ZeroCross There is no way to hide detected entries and we do not see any reason to implement such

@Download-FritzAre you right about any of the Open Core developers?

I have the following question:
1. How can I use a background image in .pnp or .jpeg format for the graphical start menu in Open Core 0.6.1?
2. How can I add the restart and shutdown options to the bottom of the screen (or elsewhere) in the graphical start menu as I know from Clover?

Thanks for your help.

Edited by AlfredoM
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10 hours ago, AlfredoM said:

Could you view your EFI folder?
I am interested in how you integrated the SSD icons into the graphical start menu.

@Download-FritzAre you right about any of the Open Core developers?

I have the following question:
1. How can I use a background image in .pnp or .jpeg format for the graphical start menu in Open Core 0.6.1?
2. How can I add the restart and shutdown options to the bottom of the screen (or elsewhere) in the graphical start menu as I know from Clover?

Thanks for your help.


I was asked the same question recently by someone else recently, and my answer was:


There are no settings in config.plist to set the SSD icons.


What I did was :

  1. Create the custom icons (based on the type of SSD/NVMe I have) using Photoshop.
  2. I used Image2Icon App to convert the .PNG file to .ICNS file. Actually, you can use OC's icnspack terminal command to convert the PNG to ICNS. That command is in OC's Utility folder.
  3. Mount the Preboot APFS partition. Copy the .icns file to the root of the partition and rename it .VolumeIcon.icns (NOTE there's a '.' in front of VolumeIcon.icns to make it a hidden file). If your partition HFS+, then simply copy the  .VolumeIcon.icns to the root of the HFS+ partition. If you wish to have custom NAME displayed for the OS then create a text file called .contentDetails at the root of the partition containing the required name (e.g. Windows 10 Pro).

If you are booting Windows then, you copy the Windows drive icon file (also called .VolumeIcon.icns) to the same folder as the bootmgfw.efi file. Typically, that file is the folder \EFI\Microsoft\Boot.


Currently you CANNOT set or change the background image of OpenCanopy.

You cannot add restart or shutdown icons at the bottom of the screen like clover.

Edited by MacNB
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51 minutes ago, MacNB said:


I was asked the same question recently by someone else recently, and my answer was:


There are no settings in config.plist to set the SSD icons.


What I did was :

  1. Create the custom icons (based on the type of SSD/NVMe I have) using Photoshop.
  2. I used Image2Icon App to convert the .PNG file to .ICNS file. Actually, you can use OC's icnspack terminal command to convert the PNG to ICNS. That command is in OC's Utility folder.
  3. Mount the Preboot APFS partition. Copy the .icns file to the root of the partition and rename it .VolumeIcon.icns (NOTE there's a '.' in front of VolumeIcon.icns to make it a hidden file). If your partition HFS+, then simply copy the  .VolumeIcon.icns to the root of the HFS+ partition. If you wish to have custom NAME displayed for the OS then create a text file called .contentDetails at the root of the partition containing the required name (e.g. Windows 10 Pro).

If you are booting Windows then, you copy the Windows drive icon file (also called .VolumeIcon.icns) to the same folder as the bootmgfw.efi file. Typically, that file is the folder \EFI\Microsoft\Boot.


Currently you set or change the background image of OpenCanopy.

You cannot add restart or shutdown icons at the bottom of the screen like clover.



I used @chris1111 OpenCore Theme Icons & did the exact process described above ( No3 ). Simple & effective.




Edited by Ellybz
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2 hours ago, Synaesthesia said:

You can use OCBuilder or grab a prebuilt opencore at Opencore factory, newly compiled kexts here. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!APjCyRpzoAKp4xs&id=FE4038DA929BFB23!455036&cid=FE4038DA929BFB23

I can't use that. It requires Xcode and I'm on Linux. Even if I had Xcode, that project doesn't say how to add build options (e.g., ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT).

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43 minutes ago, Melab said:

I can't use that. It requires Xcode and I'm on Linux. Even if I had Xcode, that project doesn't say how to add build options (e.g., ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT).

There really isn't any point running OC if you're not running macOS :euro:

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3 hours ago, Melab said:

Thanks, but that's up to me to decide.


Hi @Melab I believe Opencore can be build with Xcode (macOS), VS2017 (Windows), GCC (Linux) via his own script build_oc.tool in opencorepkg directory. Not sure, sorry or maybe I misunderstood something.


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Opencore new update 0.6.1

AppleEthernetAquantiaAqtion.kext-not loading


Asus 10gb ethernet card not work in 10.15.6


If anyone has same issue please update.


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8 hours ago, Melab said:

I can't use that. It requires Xcode and I'm on Linux. Even if I had Xcode, that project doesn't say how to add build options (e.g., ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT).


See Page of the manual:

3.3 Contribution

OpenCore can be compiled as an ordinary EDK II package. Since UDK development was abandoned by TianoCore, OpenCore requires the use of EDK II Stable. Currently supported EDK II release is hosted in acidanthera/audk. The required patches for the package are present in Patches directory.

The only officially supported toolchain is XCODE5. Other toolchains might work, but are neither supported, nor recommended. Contribution of clean patches is welcome. Please do follow EDK II C Codestyle.

To compile with XCODE5, besides Xcode, one should also install NASM and MTOC. The latest Xcode version is recommended for use despite the toolchain name. Example command sequence may look as follows:


git clone --recursive --depth=1 https://github.com/acidanthera/audk UDK cd UDK
git clone https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg
source edksetup.sh

make -C BaseTools
build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p OpenCorePkg/OpenCorePkg.dsc


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10 hours ago, Ellybz said:



I used @chris1111 OpenCore Theme Icons & did the exact process described above ( No3 ). Simple & effective.





Hmmm. Actually, the method I described in my steps is totally different from @chris1111's method used on my Hack 4.

His method REPLACES all the content of OC/Resources folder.

My method REPLACES the content of .VolumeIcon.icns file on EACH partition and does not touch the Resources folder.

With my method, OpenCanopy uses the content of .VolumeIcon.icns files and overrides the image files it finds in the Recourses folder.

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That's exactly what I wrote. I used @Chris1111 Icons. :) & used .VolumeIcon.icns at the root of each particular drive. (Preboot, Volume or EFI depending if APFS, HFS or NTFS ))

50/50 Method.



There you go.

you can also find them here.




Edited by Ellybz
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10 hours ago, Matgen84 said:


Hi @Melab I believe Opencore can be build with Xcode (macOS), VS2017 (Windows), GCC (Linux) via his own script build_oc.tool in opencorepkg directory. Not sure, sorry or maybe I misunderstood something.


That script just downloads some things. It doesn't actually compile anything.

6 hours ago, MacNB said:


See Page of the manual:

3.3 Contribution

OpenCore can be compiled as an ordinary EDK II package. Since UDK development was abandoned by TianoCore, OpenCore requires the use of EDK II Stable. Currently supported EDK II release is hosted in acidanthera/audk. The required patches for the package are present in Patches directory.

The only officially supported toolchain is XCODE5. Other toolchains might work, but are neither supported, nor recommended. Contribution of clean patches is welcome. Please do follow EDK II C Codestyle.

To compile with XCODE5, besides Xcode, one should also install NASM and MTOC. The latest Xcode version is recommended for use despite the toolchain name. Example command sequence may look as follows:


git clone --recursive --depth=1 https://github.com/acidanthera/audk UDK cd UDK
git clone https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg
source edksetup.sh

make -C BaseTools
build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p OpenCorePkg/OpenCorePkg.dsc


What other toolchains have worked? Is the "build" command in that set of commands from Xcode or is it from the EDK?

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54 minutes ago, Ellybz said:


That's exactly what I wrote. I used @Chris1111 Icons. :) & used .VolumeIcon.icns at the root of each particular drive. (Preboot, Volume or EFI depending if APFS, HFS or NTFS ))

50/50 Method.



There you go.

you can also find them here.





There is a forum where OpenCanopy lives:


In that forum you will also see that @vit9696 mentions that there will be customization gallery at dortania.github.io at some point. But for now I think the idea is to get all themes gathered into one place.


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Hi, ca someone please help me with the bellow error?

32:566 00:035 AAPL: [EB|#LOG:EXITBS:START] 2020-08-19T15:07:39

I try to install Big Sur with OpenCore 0.6.0 for several days but with out luck.

I follow the Dortania guide and also try the troubleshooting section related to this issue but didn't work, same problem

My specs are:

Cpu: I5-3570K

Mb: Asus P8-Z68-v/gen3

Gpu: MSI RX580 8G OCArmour

I'm attaching also my Efi folder and the entire Opencore error log.

Thank you



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25 minutes ago, mandstef said:

Привет, кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, помогите мне с ошибкой ниже?

32: 566 00: 035 AAPL: [EB | #LOG: EXITBS: START] 2020-08-19T15: 07: 39

Я пытаюсь установить Big Sur с OpenCore 0.6.0 в течение нескольких дней, но безуспешно.

Я следую руководству Dortania, а также пробую раздел устранения неполадок, связанный с этой проблемой, но не работал, та же проблема

Мои характеристики:

Процессор: I5-3570K

Мб: Asus P8-Z68-v / gen3

Графический процессор: MSI RX580 8G OCArmour

Прилагаю также свою папку Efi и весь журнал ошибок Opencore.




try again, it might work


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OpenCore 6.0 just double checking what does all of this mean first Bios screen as I turn on the computer, anything to be worried about?


Also in the Open Core Sanity Checker it says:


  • XHCI-unsupported.kext you probably don't need this 

I'm pretty sure I need this for a X99 board is this correct? )


  • IncreasePciBarSize = Yes but should normally be No

( if I change this to No, the machine doesn't boot )



  • boot-args = npci=0x2000 You need to add alcid=<layout> here since you are using AppleALC.kext

(I have this set in Devices properties ie: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0x0), layout-id, Data 01000000)




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18 hours ago, Melab said:

That script just downloads some things. It doesn't actually compile anything.

What other toolchains have worked? Is the "build" command in that set of commands from Xcode or is it from the EDK?


I have only built OC on macOS so no idea what other toolchains have worked.

The point was "The only officially supported toolchain is XCODE5."

That 'build' command is part of UDK/Basetools.


But you don't need to follow those steps in the manual.

All you need to do is :


git clone https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg

cd OpenCorePkg



The build_oc.tool will create the build environment, download any missing tools and compile & build the packages for you.

It does not JUST "downloads some thing".


BTW, If you are building for a LEGACY BIOS (none-UEFI) system, then you run ./build_duet.tool first and then ./build_oc.tool.


Just try it. It only takes a few minutes to see for yourself and learn (on what ever OS you have).

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10 hours ago, MacNB said:


I have only built OC on macOS so no idea what other toolchains have worked.

The point was "The only officially supported toolchain is XCODE5."

That 'build' command is part of UDK/Basetools.


But you don't need to follow those steps in the manual.

All you need to do is :


git clone https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg

cd OpenCorePkg



The build_oc.tool will create the build environment, download any missing tools and compile & build the packages for you.

It does not JUST "downloads some thing".


BTW, If you are building for a LEGACY BIOS (none-UEFI) system, then you run ./build_duet.tool first and then ./build_oc.tool.


Just try it. It only takes a few minutes to see for yourself and learn (on what ever OS you have).

I am away from my computer at the moment, but the only compiler commands that I saw in the build log (if I saw any at all) were for the BaseTools.


How do I change or specify build options? That hasn't been answered yet. If I want to build OpenCore with ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT set, how would I do that?

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