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53 minutes ago, pitrysha said:

Maybe you need AHCIPortInjector.kext?



Thanks. I used to use that in the Snow Leopard days but now use device-id injection via DSDT.

macOS works fine with the device-id injection. The problem is Legacy boot with OpenDuet.

OpenDuet does not "see" the SATA drives so cannot boot macOS.

The Old Duet pkg worked and that's what I am using but that has other issues.

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I am trying to install Mojave using opencore. I have followed the guide for Skylake systems.

My issues are 2 fold. 

First is the kernel panic. I have attached the screenshot of it. Its related to AppleIntelSKLGraphics.kext. 

I have followed various combinations of the guide just to get into the system but I end up getting a kp.

The kp happens on the second boot during installation. I can boot into the installer just fine. The files get copied and the installer reboots and then I am presented with the kernel panic. 


I have tried the DVMT Patches in Config.plist and I still can't the panic to go away. If I follow the default recommendation of opencore to not add anything to plist, I can boot to the installer but the installation is slow as described below. I am attaching my efi folder zipped and the images of the kernel panic.


Second, if I do not use a device id for Graphics, the installer will take an eternity.... it shows 1h and 45 minutes to complete install but after 1 hour it just hangs. The progress is painfully slow. 


My system specs are:

Lenovo ideapad 110 15ISK.

Intel i3 6006U 

Intel HD 520 graphics.

4gb ram 

128gb SSD in primary slot with Windows 10 on it

128gb SSd in ODD using a caddy, to which I am installing Mojave.

NO DVMT settings in the BIOS. 



Edited by ghajini08
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Did anyboby notice this in Geekbench with OC?


With SpoofVendor = Yes, the bios and motherboard show as Acidanthera.





With SpoofVendor = No, the bios and motherboard show as ASUSTeK and American Megatrends




But, in both cases, the device model should not show under motherboard. It's not part of the motherboard designation.




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I have a long standing problem with my Hack1, which existed under Clover and which I was hoping that a migration to OC might solve, but it didn't ;P


The migration went very well by the way (save for a strange random USB high power issue which I reported here for now), kudos to the devs for this clean implementation!


So, the issue is as follows: while suspend/resume work (and work well and reliably, no panic whatsoever), after the first suspend/wake cycle, kernel_task will suck around 70/75% of CPU for ever, until next boot.


Looking at before/after spindump traces, the problem seem very much ACPI related, but I'm afraid I just don't have enough knowledge to make sense of it: the main difference between the before after is that in the after scenario, two tasks are responsible for ~80% of kernel_task cpu time. Here's the (abridged) output of spindump, with the two offending tasks showing after the '[...]' where I removed tasks with very low cpu footprint:


Date/Time:       2020-07-04 18:10:41 +0200
End time:        2020-07-04 18:10:51 +0200
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.14.6 (Build 18G5033)
Architecture:    x86_64h
Report Version:  28

Data Source:     Stackshots
Shared Cache:    0x5c2a000 CC52E530-7068-33C4-BFF6-79E8270EFF8E

Command:         kernel_task
Path:            /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Version:         ??? (???)
PID:             0

Duration:        10.00s
Steps:           1000 (10ms sampling interval)

Hardware model:  iMac19,1
Active cpus:     4
Boot args:       -v debug=0x100 keepsyms=1 alcid=1 shikigva=80

Time Awake Since Boot: 84000s
Time Since Wake: 39s

Fan speed:       842 rpm

Heavy format: stacks are sorted by count
Use -i and -timeline to re-report with chronological sorting

Process:         kernel_task [0]
UUID:            2C6A35B5-EEFD-317A-9A3D-901B9CC558CF
Path:            /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Architecture:    x86_64
UID:             0
Version:         Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Mon Apr 27 20:09:39 PDT 2020; root:xnu-4903.278.35~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Footprint:       32.88 MB
Start time:      2020-07-04 18:10:41 +0200
End time:        2020-07-04 18:10:51 +0200
Num samples:     1000 (1-1000)
CPU Time:        7.703s (30.3G cycles, 21.1G instructions, 1.43c/i)

  Thread 0x65               Thread name "VM_pageout_scan"                       1000 samples (1-1000)     priority 91 (base 91)
 *1000  vm_pageout_continue + 0 (kernel + 2531072) [0xffffff8000469f00]

  Thread 0x66               Thread name "idle #0"     1000 samples (1-1000)     priority 0 (base 0)       idle time 2.275s (7.8G cycles, 681.6M instructions, 11.50c/i)
 *781  idle_thread + 0 (kernel + 1905520) [0xffffff80003d1370] (runnable)
 *216  call_continuation + 46 (kernel + 1425614) [0xffffff800035c0ce]
   *216  idle_thread + 32 (kernel + 1905552) [0xffffff80003d1390]
     *216  processor_idle + 247 (kernel + 1905063) [0xffffff80003d11a7]
       *213  machine_idle + 760 (kernel + 3008968) [0xffffff80004de9c8] (runnable)
       *2    machine_idle + 81 (kernel + 3008289) [0xffffff80004de721] (runnable)
       *1    machine_idle + 762 (kernel + 3008970) [0xffffff80004de9ca] (runnable)
 *3    call_continuation + 35 (kernel + 1425603) [0xffffff800035c0c3]
   *3    ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 25 (kernel + 2972521) [0xffffff80004d5b69] (runnable)


  Thread 0x433a1            Thread name "thread call high #5"                   1000 samples (1-1000)     priority 93 (base 93)     cpu time 3.371s (13.2G cycles, 9.3G instructions, 1.43c/i)
 *581  ??? (kernel + 2023520) [0xffffff80003ee060]
 *73   ??? (kernel + 2023520) [0xffffff80003ee060] (runnable)
 *342  call_continuation + 46 (kernel + 1425614) [0xffffff800035c0ce]
   *340  ??? (kernel + 2024261) [0xffffff80003ee345]
     *340  ??? (kernel + 2025381) [0xffffff80003ee7a5]
       *338  AcpiOsThreadCallDispatch + 29 (AppleACPIPlatform + 123434) [0xffffff7f8265822a]
         *320  AcpiEvAsynchExecuteGpeMethod + 135 (AppleACPIPlatform + 207422) [0xffffff7f8266ca3e]
           *315  AcpiNsEvaluate + 830 (AppleACPIPlatform + 300273) [0xffffff7f826834f1]
             *311  AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 469 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335738) [0xffffff7f8268bf7a]
               *309  AcpiPsParseAml + 318 (AppleACPIPlatform + 332470) [0xffffff7f8268b2b6]
                 *152  AcpiPsParseLoop + 985 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326481) [0xffffff7f82689b51]
                   *124  AcpiDsExecEndOp + 270 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190520) [0xffffff7f82668838]
                     *115  AcpiDsEvaluateNamePath + 102 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188674) [0xffffff7f82668102]
                       *96   AcpiDsCreateOperand + 372 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187245) [0xffffff7f82667b6d]
                         *95   AcpiNsLookup + 1549 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292769) [0xffffff7f826817a1]
                           *94   AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 1157 (AppleACPIPlatform + 313742) [0xffffff7f8268698e]
                             *63   AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 212 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312244) [0xffffff7f826863b4] (running)
                             *26   AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 216 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312248) [0xffffff7f826863b8] (running)
                             *5    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 203 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312235) [0xffffff7f826863ab] (running)
                           *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 333 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312918) [0xffffff7f82686656] (running)
                         *1    AcpiNsLookup + 168 (AppleACPIPlatform + 291388) [0xffffff7f8268123c]
                           *1    AcpiNsOpensScope + 68 (AppleACPIPlatform + 316153) [0xffffff7f826872f9] (running)
                       *16   AcpiDsCreateOperand + 188 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187061) [0xffffff7f82667ab5]
                         *11   AcpiExGetNameString + 874 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255001) [0xffffff7f82678419]
                           *6    AcpiExNameSegment + 234 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255653) [0xffffff7f826786a5] (running)
                           *4    AcpiExNameSegment + 250 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255669) [0xffffff7f826786b5] (running)
                           *1    AcpiExNameSegment + 58 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255477) [0xffffff7f826785f5] (running)
                         *3    AcpiExGetNameString + 854 (AppleACPIPlatform + 254981) [0xffffff7f82678405]
                           *3    AcpiExAllocateNameString + 75 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255225) [0xffffff7f826784f9]
                             *3    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
                               *2    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                                 *1    kalloc_canblock + 173 (kernel + 1817197) [0xffffff80003bba6d] (running)
                                 *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2118304) [0xffffff80004052a0]
                                     *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 204 (kernel + 2963900) [0xffffff80004d39bc] (running)
                               *1    IOMalloc + 55 (kernel + 8489127) [0xffffff8000a188a7] (running)
                         *2    AcpiExGetNameString + 126 (AppleACPIPlatform + 254253) [0xffffff7f8267812d] (running)
                       *3    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 438 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187311) [0xffffff7f82667baf]
                         *2    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                           *2    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                             *2    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
                         *1    AcpiOsFree + 229 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124418) [0xffffff7f82658602] (running)
                     *7    AcpiDsEvaluateNamePath + 190 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188762) [0xffffff7f8266815a]
                       *7    AcpiExResolveToValue + 581 (AppleACPIPlatform + 268553) [0xffffff7f8267b909]
                         *6    AcpiExResolveNodeToValue + 507 (AppleACPIPlatform + 267311) [0xffffff7f8267b42f]
                           *2    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 731 (AppleACPIPlatform + 244387) [0xffffff7f82675aa3]
                             *2    AcpiExExtractFromField + 203 (AppleACPIPlatform + 249143) [0xffffff7f82676d37]
                               *2    AcpiExFieldDatumIo + 465 (AppleACPIPlatform + 248279) [0xffffff7f826769d7]
                                 *2    AcpiExAccessRegion + 825 (AppleACPIPlatform + 246849) [0xffffff7f82676441]
                                   *2    AcpiEvAddressSpaceDispatch + 820 (AppleACPIPlatform + 216394) [0xffffff7f8266ed4a]
                                     *2    AcpiExSystemMemorySpaceHandler + 211 (AppleACPIPlatform + 265147) [0xffffff7f8267abbb]
                                       *2    AcpiOsReadMemory + 73 (AppleACPIPlatform + 126394) [0xffffff7f82658dba]
                                         *1    ??? (kernel + 2946849) [0xffffff80004cf721] (running)
                                         *1    ??? (kernel + 2946723) [0xffffff80004cf6a3] (running)
                           *2    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 324 (AppleACPIPlatform + 243980) [0xffffff7f8267590c]
                             *2    AcpiUtCreateIntegerObject + 65 (AppleACPIPlatform + 380519) [0xffffff7f82696e67]
                               *1    AcpiUtCreateInternalObjectDbg + 134 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379734) [0xffffff7f82696b56] (running)
                               *1    AcpiUtCreateInternalObjectDbg + 70 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379670) [0xffffff7f82696b16]
                                 *1    AcpiUtAllocateObjectDescDbg + 60 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379900) [0xffffff7f82696bfc]
                                   *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                                     *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                                       *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                                         *1    ??? (kernel + 2118304) [0xffffff80004052a0]
                                           *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 23 (kernel + 2963719) [0xffffff80004d3907] (running)
                           *1    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 884 (AppleACPIPlatform + 244540) [0xffffff7f82675b3c]
                             *1    AcpiExReleaseMutexObject + 0 (AppleACPIPlatform + 252736) [0xffffff7f82677b40] (running)
                           *1    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 717 (AppleACPIPlatform + 244373) [0xffffff7f82675a95]
                             *1    AcpiExAcquireGlobalLock + 94 (AppleACPIPlatform + 277795) [0xffffff7f8267dd23]
                               *1    AcpiExAcquireMutexObject + 131 (AppleACPIPlatform + 251948) [0xffffff7f8267782c] (running)
                         *1    AcpiExResolveNodeToValue + 318 (AppleACPIPlatform + 267122) [0xffffff7f8267b372] (running)
                     *2    AcpiDsEvaluateNamePath + 257 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188829) [0xffffff7f8266819d]
                       *2    AcpiDsResultPush + 118 (AppleACPIPlatform + 200003) [0xffffff7f8266ad43]
                         *2    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                           *2    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                             *2    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                               *2    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2121384) [0xffffff8000405ea8] (running)
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2115069) [0xffffff80004045fd] (running)
                   *10   AcpiDsExecEndOp + 297 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190547) [0xffffff7f82668853]
                     *10   AcpiDsCreateOperands + 274 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188278) [0xffffff7f82667f76]
                       *4    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 806 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187679) [0xffffff7f82667d1f]
                         *4    AcpiDsResultPop + 478 (AppleACPIPlatform + 199781) [0xffffff7f8266ac65]
                           *4    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                             *4    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                               *2    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                                 *1    zfree + 1955 (kernel + 2120739) [0xffffff8000405c23] (running)
                                 *1    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2111868) [0xffffff800040397c] (running)
                               *1    kfree + 138 (kernel + 1817930) [0xffffff80003bbd4a] (running)
                               *1    kfree + 9 (kernel + 1817801) [0xffffff80003bbcc9] (running)
                       *3    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 188 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187061) [0xffffff7f82667ab5]
                         *2    AcpiExGetNameString + 874 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255001) [0xffffff7f82678419]
                           *1    AcpiExNameSegment + 234 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255653) [0xffffff7f826786a5] (running)
                           *1    AcpiExNameSegment + 58 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255477) [0xffffff7f826785f5] (running)
                         *1    AcpiExGetNameString + 126 (AppleACPIPlatform + 254253) [0xffffff7f8267812d] (running)
                       *1    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 948 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187821) [0xffffff7f82667dad]
                         *1    AcpiDbDisplayArgumentObject + 13 (AppleACPIPlatform + 136393) [0xffffff7f8265b4c9] (running)
                       *1    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 630 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187503) [0xffffff7f82667c6f]
                         *1    AcpiUtCreateInternalObjectDbg + 70 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379670) [0xffffff7f82696b16]
                           *1    AcpiUtAllocateObjectDescDbg + 60 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379900) [0xffffff7f82696bfc]
                             *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 18 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127682) [0xffffff7f826592c2]
                               *1    AcpiUtTrackStackPtr + 12 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366080) [0xffffff7f82693600] (running)
                       *1    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 372 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187245) [0xffffff7f82667b6d]
                         *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1549 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292769) [0xffffff7f826817a1]
                           *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312707) [0xffffff7f82686583]
                             *1    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 212 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312244) [0xffffff7f826863b4] (running)
                   *6    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1482 (AppleACPIPlatform + 191732) [0xffffff7f82668cf4]
                     *6    AcpiDsGetPredicateValue + 612 (AppleACPIPlatform + 189508) [0xffffff7f82668444]
                       *6    AcpiUtUpdateObjectReference + 323 (AppleACPIPlatform + 369142) [0xffffff7f826941f6]
                         *6    AcpiUtUpdateRefCount + 1875 (AppleACPIPlatform + 371303) [0xffffff7f82694a67]
                           *6    AcpiUtDeleteObjectDesc + 66 (AppleACPIPlatform + 380149) [0xffffff7f82696cf5]
                             *6    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                               *5    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                                 *4    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                                   *1    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
                                   *1    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                                     *1    ??? (kernel + 2111284) [0xffffff8000403734] (running)
                                   *1    zfree + 491 (kernel + 2119275) [0xffffff800040566b] (running)
                                   *1    zfree + 464 (kernel + 2119248) [0xffffff8000405650] (running)
                                 *1    kfree + 153 (kernel + 1817945) [0xffffff80003bbd59] (running)
                               *1    IOFree + 38 (kernel + 8489190) [0xffffff8000a188e6] (running)
                   *3    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1372 (AppleACPIPlatform + 191622) [0xffffff7f82668c86]
                     *3    AcpiDsClearOperands + 64 (AppleACPIPlatform + 186810) [0xffffff7f826679ba]
                       *3    AcpiUtUpdateObjectReference + 323 (AppleACPIPlatform + 369142) [0xffffff7f826941f6]
                         *2    AcpiUtUpdateRefCount + 254 (AppleACPIPlatform + 369682) [0xffffff7f82694412]
                           *2    ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 25 (kernel + 2972521) [0xffffff80004d5b69] (running)
                         *1    AcpiUtUpdateRefCount + 1875 (AppleACPIPlatform + 371303) [0xffffff7f82694a67]
                           *1    AcpiUtDeleteObjectDesc + 66 (AppleACPIPlatform + 380149) [0xffffff7f82696cf5]
                             *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 22 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127848) [0xffffff7f82659368]
                               *1    AcpiUtTrackStackPtr + 31 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366099) [0xffffff7f82693613] (running)
                   *2    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 664 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190914) [0xffffff7f826689c2]
                     *2    AcpiExOpcode_2A_0T_1R + 84 (AppleACPIPlatform + 261416) [0xffffff7f82679d28]
                       *1    AcpiUtCreateInternalObjectDbg + 70 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379670) [0xffffff7f82696b16]
                         *1    AcpiUtAllocateObjectDescDbg + 60 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379900) [0xffffff7f82696bfc]
                           *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                             *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                               *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2115771) [0xffffff80004048bb] (running)
                       *1    AcpiUtCreateInternalObjectDbg + 59 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379659) [0xffffff7f82696b0b]
                         *1    AcpiUtTraceStr + 33 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366819) [0xffffff7f826938e3] (running)
                   *2    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 192 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190442) [0xffffff7f826687ea]
                     *1    AcpiDbSingleStep + 46 (AppleACPIPlatform + 151075) [0xffffff7f8265ee23] (running)
                     *1    AcpiDbSingleStep + 43 (AppleACPIPlatform + 151072) [0xffffff7f8265ee20] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1940 (AppleACPIPlatform + 192190) [0xffffff7f82668ebe] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1899 (AppleACPIPlatform + 192149) [0xffffff7f82668e95]
                     *1    AcpiDsDeleteResultIfNotUsed + 6 (AppleACPIPlatform + 186394) [0xffffff7f8266781a] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1837 (AppleACPIPlatform + 192087) [0xffffff7f82668e57]
                     *1    AcpiDsResultPush + 287 (AppleACPIPlatform + 200172) [0xffffff7f8266adec] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1410 (AppleACPIPlatform + 191660) [0xffffff7f82668cac] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 355 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190605) [0xffffff7f8266888d]
                     *1    AcpiExResolveOperands + 1226 (AppleACPIPlatform + 271306) [0xffffff7f8267c3ca]
                       *1    AcpiExDumpOperands + 138 (AppleACPIPlatform + 241118) [0xffffff7f82674dde]
                         *1    AcpiExDumpOperand + 10 (AppleACPIPlatform + 239430) [0xffffff7f82674746] (running)
                 *108  AcpiPsParseLoop + 1071 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326567) [0xffffff7f82689ba7]
                   *108  AcpiPsGetNextNamepath + 146 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322947) [0xffffff7f82688d83]
                     *103  AcpiNsLookup + 1549 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292769) [0xffffff7f826817a1]
                       *101  AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 1157 (AppleACPIPlatform + 313742) [0xffffff7f8268698e]
                         *72   AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 212 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312244) [0xffffff7f826863b4] (running)
                         *21   AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 216 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312248) [0xffffff7f826863b8] (running)
                         *7    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 203 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312235) [0xffffff7f826863ab] (running)
                         *1    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 373 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312405) [0xffffff7f82686455] (running)
                       *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 1144 (AppleACPIPlatform + 313729) [0xffffff7f82686981] (running)
                       *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 324 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312909) [0xffffff7f8268664d]
                         *1    AcpiNsLocal + 68 (AppleACPIPlatform + 314204) [0xffffff7f82686b5c] (running)
                     *3    AcpiNsLookup + 1008 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292228) [0xffffff7f82681584] (running)
                     *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1520 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292740) [0xffffff7f82681784] (running)
                     *1    AcpiNsLookup + 479 (AppleACPIPlatform + 291699) [0xffffff7f82681373] (running)
                 *26   AcpiPsParseLoop + 771 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326267) [0xffffff7f82689a7b]
                   *9    AcpiPsCreateOp + 117 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328543) [0xffffff7f8268a35f]
                     *9    AcpiPsPeekOpcode + 11 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331234) [0xffffff7f8268ade2] (running)
                   *7    AcpiPsCreateOp + 443 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328869) [0xffffff7f8268a4a5]
                     *5    AcpiPsAllocOp + 78 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334642) [0xffffff7f8268bb32]
                       *4    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                         *4    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                           *4    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                             *2    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2118304) [0xffffff80004052a0]
                               *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 204 (kernel + 2963900) [0xffffff80004d39bc] (running)
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2122316) [0xffffff800040624c] (running)
                       *1    ??? (AppleUSBNCM + 2065494204) [0xffffff80001980bc] (running)
                     *1    AcpiPsAllocOp + 134 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334698) [0xffffff7f8268bb6a]
                       *1    strncpy + 37 (kernel + 2730101) [0xffffff800049a875] (running)
                     *1    AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo + 59 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331024) [0xffffff7f8268ad10] (running)
                   *3    AcpiPsCreateOp + 619 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329045) [0xffffff7f8268a555]
                     *1    AcpiDsExecBeginOp + 657 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190223) [0xffffff7f8266870f] (running)
                     *1    AcpiDsExecBeginOp + 638 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190204) [0xffffff7f826686fc] (running)
                     *1    AcpiDsExecBeginOp + 255 (AppleACPIPlatform + 189821) [0xffffff7f8266857d]
                       *1    AcpiDsExecBeginControlOp + 165 (AppleACPIPlatform + 168529) [0xffffff7f82663251]
                         *1    AcpiUtCreateControlState + 14 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384613) [0xffffff7f82697e65]
                           *1    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                             *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                               *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                                 *1    kalloc_canblock + 67 (kernel + 1817091) [0xffffff80003bba03] (running)
                   *2    AcpiPsCreateOp + 772 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329198) [0xffffff7f8268a5ee]
                     *1    AcpiUtStatusExit + 144 (AppleACPIPlatform + 367292) [0xffffff7f82693abc] (running)
                     *1    AcpiUtStatusExit + 129 (AppleACPIPlatform + 367277) [0xffffff7f82693aad] (running)
                   *1    AcpiUtTracePtr + 132 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366785) [0xffffff7f826938c1] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCreateOp + 632 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329058) [0xffffff7f8268a562]
                     *1    AcpiPsNextParseState + 312 (AppleACPIPlatform + 332103) [0xffffff7f8268b147]
                       *1    AcpiUtStatusExit + 10 (AppleACPIPlatform + 367158) [0xffffff7f82693a36] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCreateOp + 149 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328575) [0xffffff7f8268a37f] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCreateOp + 139 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328565) [0xffffff7f8268a375] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCreateOp + 109 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328535) [0xffffff7f8268a357] (running)
                 *9    AcpiPsParseLoop + 1226 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326722) [0xffffff7f82689c42]
                   *4    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 1125 (AppleACPIPlatform + 325217) [0xffffff7f82689661]
                     *3    AcpiPsGetNextNamepath + 146 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322947) [0xffffff7f82688d83]
                       *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1770 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292990) [0xffffff7f8268187e] (running)
                       *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1549 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292769) [0xffffff7f826817a1]
                         *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312707) [0xffffff7f82686583]
                           *1    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 212 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312244) [0xffffff7f826863b4] (running)
                       *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1520 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292740) [0xffffff7f82681784] (running)
                     *1    AcpiPsGetNextNamepath + 74 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322875) [0xffffff7f82688d3b]
                       *1    AcpiPsGetNextNamestring + 54 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322670) [0xffffff7f82688c6e] (running)
                   *2    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 60 (AppleACPIPlatform + 324152) [0xffffff7f82689238]
                     *1    AcpiUtTracePtr + 52 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366705) [0xffffff7f82693871] (running)
                     *1    AcpiUtTracePtr + 4 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366657) [0xffffff7f82693841] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 234 (AppleACPIPlatform + 324326) [0xffffff7f826892e6]
                     *1    AcpiPsAllocOp + 78 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334642) [0xffffff7f8268bb32]
                       *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                         *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                           *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2121150) [0xffffff8000405dbe] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 83 (AppleACPIPlatform + 324175) [0xffffff7f8268924f] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsGetNextPackageEnd + 0 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322360) [0xffffff7f82688b38] (running)
                 *7    AcpiPsParseLoop + 1028 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326524) [0xffffff7f82689b7c]
                   *5    AcpiPsCompleteOp + 77 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329354) [0xffffff7f8268a68a]
                     *4    AcpiPsCompleteThisOp + 490 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331746) [0xffffff7f8268afe2]
                       *4    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree + 100 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335085) [0xffffff7f8268bced]
                         *4    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                           *3    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                             *3    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                               *2    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2111431) [0xffffff80004037c7] (running)
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2111327) [0xffffff800040375f] (running)
                               *1    zfree + 68 (kernel + 2118852) [0xffffff80004054c4] (running)
                           *1    IOFree + 30 (kernel + 8489182) [0xffffff8000a188de] (running)
                     *1    AcpiPsCompleteThisOp + 382 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331638) [0xffffff7f8268af76] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCompleteOp + 756 (AppleACPIPlatform + 330033) [0xffffff7f8268a931]
                     *1    AcpiPsPopScope + 111 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333910) [0xffffff7f8268b856]
                       *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                         *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                           *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                             *1    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2111567) [0xffffff800040384f] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCompleteOp + 599 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329876) [0xffffff7f8268a894]
                     *1    AcpiPsPopScope + 111 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333910) [0xffffff7f8268b856]
                       *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 22 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127848) [0xffffff7f82659368]
                         *1    AcpiUtTrackStackPtr + 46 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366114) [0xffffff7f82693622] (running)
                 *6    AcpiPsParseLoop + 719 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326215) [0xffffff7f82689a47]
                   *5    AcpiPsPushScope + 63 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333640) [0xffffff7f8268b748]
                     *5    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                       *5    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                         *5    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                           *5    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                             *2    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2122120) [0xffffff8000406188] (running)
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2121402) [0xffffff8000405eba] (running)
                             *1    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2115108) [0xffffff8000404624] (running)
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2115068) [0xffffff80004045fc] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsPushScope + 87 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333664) [0xffffff7f8268b760] (running)
                 *1    AcpiExStartTraceOpcode + 1 (AppleACPIPlatform + 121272) [0xffffff7f826579b8] (running)
               *2    AcpiPsParseAml + 657 (AppleACPIPlatform + 332809) [0xffffff7f8268b409]
                 *1    AcpiDsTerminateControlMethod + 439 (AppleACPIPlatform + 176237) [0xffffff7f8266506d]
                   *1    AcpiExStopTraceMethod + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 121159) [0xffffff7f82657947]
                     *1    AcpiNsGetNormalizedPathname + 77 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304272) [0xffffff7f82684490]
                       *1    AcpiOsAllocateZeroed + 23 (AppleACPIPlatform + 362169) [0xffffff7f826926b9]
                         *1    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
                           *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                             *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2115146) [0xffffff800040464a] (running)
                 *1    AcpiDsTerminateControlMethod + 92 (AppleACPIPlatform + 175890) [0xffffff7f82664f12]
                   *1    AcpiExExitInterpreter + 99 (AppleACPIPlatform + 277524) [0xffffff7f8267dc14]
                     *1    AcpiUtReleaseMutex + 161 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379557) [0xffffff7f82696aa5]
                       *1    AcpiOsSignalSemaphore + 19 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124917) [0xffffff7f826587f5]
                         *1    semaphore_signal + 25 (kernel + 1938553) [0xffffff80003d9479]
                           *1    semaphore_signal_internal + 274 (kernel + 1937938) [0xffffff80003d9212] (running)
             *2    AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 79 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335348) [0xffffff7f8268bdf4]
               *2    AcpiDsBeginMethodExecution + 78 (AppleACPIPlatform + 174246) [0xffffff7f826648a6]
                 *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                   *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                     *1    zfree + 1960 (kernel + 2120744) [0xffffff8000405c28]
                       *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 204 (kernel + 2963900) [0xffffff80004d39bc] (running)
                 *1    AcpiExStartTraceMethod + 25 (AppleACPIPlatform + 120882) [0xffffff7f82657832]
                   *1    AcpiNsGetNormalizedPathname + 77 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304272) [0xffffff7f82684490]
                     *1    AcpiOsAllocateZeroed + 23 (AppleACPIPlatform + 362169) [0xffffff7f826926b9]
                       *1    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
                         *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                           *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2118304) [0xffffff80004052a0]
                               *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 204 (kernel + 2963900) [0xffffff80004d39bc] (running)
             *1    AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 545 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335814) [0xffffff7f8268bfc6]
               *1    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree + 100 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335085) [0xffffff7f8268bced]
                 *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                   *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                     *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                       *1    zfree + 207 (kernel + 2118991) [0xffffff800040554f] (running)
             *1    AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 366 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335635) [0xffffff7f8268bf13]
               *1    AcpiDsInitAmlWalk + 149 (AppleACPIPlatform + 201683) [0xffffff7f8266b3d3]
                 *1    AcpiPsInitScope + 50 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333455) [0xffffff7f8268b68f]
                   *1    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                     *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                       *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                         *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                           *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2122120) [0xffffff8000406188] (running)
           *3    AcpiNsEvaluate + 290 (AppleACPIPlatform + 299733) [0xffffff7f826832d5]
             *2    AcpiNsGetNormalizedPathname + 77 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304272) [0xffffff7f82684490]
               *2    AcpiOsAllocateZeroed + 23 (AppleACPIPlatform + 362169) [0xffffff7f826926b9]
                 *2    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
                   *2    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                     *2    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                       *2    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 6 (kernel + 2970902) [0xffffff80004d5516] (running)
             *1    AcpiNsGetNormalizedPathname + 64 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304259) [0xffffff7f82684483]
               *1    AcpiNsBuildNormalizedPath + 244 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304713) [0xffffff7f82684649] (running)
           *1    AcpiNsEvaluate + 600 (AppleACPIPlatform + 300043) [0xffffff7f8268340b]
             *1    AcpiNsGetNode + 68 (AppleACPIPlatform + 316648) [0xffffff7f826874e8]
               *1    AcpiUtAcquireMutex + 159 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379238) [0xffffff7f82696966]
                 *1    AcpiOsWaitSemaphore + 46 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124774) [0xffffff7f82658766]
                   *1    ??? (kernel + 1939274) [0xffffff80003d974a] (running)
           *1    AcpiNsEvaluate + 272 (AppleACPIPlatform + 299715) [0xffffff7f826832c3]
             *1    AcpiUtMatchPredefinedMethod + 55 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384149) [0xffffff7f82697c95] (running)
         *18   ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 25 (kernel + 2972521) [0xffffff80004d5b69] (running)
       *2    ??? (kernel + 1848336) [0xffffff80003c3410]
         *2    mach_msg_send_from_kernel_proper + 188 (kernel + 1791196) [0xffffff80003b54dc]
           *2    ipc_kmsg_send + 469 (kernel + 1637445) [0xffffff800038fc45]
             *2    ipc_mqueue_send + 65 (kernel + 1653409) [0xffffff8000393aa1]
               *1    ipc_mqueue_post + 867 (kernel + 1654931) [0xffffff8000394093] (running)
               *1    ipc_mqueue_post + 95 (kernel + 1654159) [0xffffff8000393d8f]
                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2090856) [0xffffff80003fe768]
                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2087800) [0xffffff80003fdb78] (running)
   *2    ??? (kernel + 2024719) [0xffffff80003ee50f] (running)
 *4    call_continuation + 35 (kernel + 1425603) [0xffffff800035c0c3]
   *4    ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 25 (kernel + 2972521) [0xffffff80004d5b69] (running)

  Thread 0x433f5            Thread name "thread call high #10"                  1000 samples (1-1000)     priority 93 (base 93)
 *1000  ??? (kernel + 2023520) [0xffffff80003ee060]

  Thread 0x43467            Thread name "thread call high #17"                  1000 samples (1-1000)     priority 93 (base 93)     cpu time 4.282s (16.8G cycles, 11.8G instructions, 1.43c/i)
 *465  ??? (kernel + 2023520) [0xffffff80003ee060]
 *109  ??? (kernel + 2023520) [0xffffff80003ee060] (runnable)
 *419  call_continuation + 46 (kernel + 1425614) [0xffffff800035c0ce]
   *418  ??? (kernel + 2024261) [0xffffff80003ee345]
     *418  ??? (kernel + 2025381) [0xffffff80003ee7a5]
       *417  AcpiOsThreadCallDispatch + 29 (AppleACPIPlatform + 123434) [0xffffff7f8265822a]
         *397  AcpiEvAsynchExecuteGpeMethod + 135 (AppleACPIPlatform + 207422) [0xffffff7f8266ca3e]
           *393  AcpiNsEvaluate + 830 (AppleACPIPlatform + 300273) [0xffffff7f826834f1]
             *385  AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 469 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335738) [0xffffff7f8268bf7a]
               *378  AcpiPsParseAml + 318 (AppleACPIPlatform + 332470) [0xffffff7f8268b2b6]
                 *183  AcpiPsParseLoop + 985 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326481) [0xffffff7f82689b51]
                   *147  AcpiDsExecEndOp + 270 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190520) [0xffffff7f82668838]
                     *135  AcpiDsEvaluateNamePath + 102 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188674) [0xffffff7f82668102]
                       *119  AcpiDsCreateOperand + 372 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187245) [0xffffff7f82667b6d]
                         *119  AcpiNsLookup + 1549 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292769) [0xffffff7f826817a1]
                           *117  AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 1157 (AppleACPIPlatform + 313742) [0xffffff7f8268698e]
                             *88   AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 212 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312244) [0xffffff7f826863b4] (running)
                             *20   AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 216 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312248) [0xffffff7f826863b8] (running)
                             *8    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 203 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312235) [0xffffff7f826863ab] (running)
                             *1    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 8 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312040) [0xffffff7f826862e8] (running)
                           *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 246 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312831) [0xffffff7f826865ff] (running)
                           *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 98 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312683) [0xffffff7f8268656b]
                             *1    AcpiUtRepairName + 53 (AppleACPIPlatform + 385117) [0xffffff7f8269805d] (running)
                       *15   AcpiDsCreateOperand + 188 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187061) [0xffffff7f82667ab5]
                         *9    AcpiExGetNameString + 874 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255001) [0xffffff7f82678419]
                           *6    AcpiExNameSegment + 234 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255653) [0xffffff7f826786a5] (running)
                           *2    AcpiExNameSegment + 250 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255669) [0xffffff7f826786b5] (running)
                           *1    AcpiExNameSegment + 241 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255660) [0xffffff7f826786ac]
                             *1    AcpiUtValidNameChar + 22 (AppleACPIPlatform + 68773) [0xffffff7f8264aca5] (running)
                         *3    AcpiExGetNameString + 854 (AppleACPIPlatform + 254981) [0xffffff7f82678405]
                           *3    AcpiExAllocateNameString + 75 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255225) [0xffffff7f826784f9]
                             *3    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
                               *3    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                                 *3    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                                   *2    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                                     *1    ??? (kernel + 2122120) [0xffffff8000406188] (running)
                                     *1    ??? (kernel + 2121397) [0xffffff8000405eb5] (running)
                                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2118304) [0xffffff80004052a0]
                                     *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 204 (kernel + 2963900) [0xffffff80004d39bc] (running)
                         *3    AcpiExGetNameString + 126 (AppleACPIPlatform + 254253) [0xffffff7f8267812d] (running)
                       *1    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 438 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187311) [0xffffff7f82667baf]
                         *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                           *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                             *1    zfree + 79 (kernel + 2118863) [0xffffff80004054cf] (running)
                     *10   AcpiDsEvaluateNamePath + 190 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188762) [0xffffff7f8266815a]
                       *10   AcpiExResolveToValue + 581 (AppleACPIPlatform + 268553) [0xffffff7f8267b909]
                         *10   AcpiExResolveNodeToValue + 507 (AppleACPIPlatform + 267311) [0xffffff7f8267b42f]
                           *4    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 731 (AppleACPIPlatform + 244387) [0xffffff7f82675aa3]
                             *4    AcpiExExtractFromField + 203 (AppleACPIPlatform + 249143) [0xffffff7f82676d37]
                               *2    AcpiExFieldDatumIo + 465 (AppleACPIPlatform + 248279) [0xffffff7f826769d7]
                                 *2    AcpiExAccessRegion + 825 (AppleACPIPlatform + 246849) [0xffffff7f82676441]
                                   *1    AcpiEvAddressSpaceDispatch + 820 (AppleACPIPlatform + 216394) [0xffffff7f8266ed4a]
                                     *1    AcpiExSystemMemorySpaceHandler + 211 (AppleACPIPlatform + 265147) [0xffffff7f8267abbb]
                                       *1    AcpiOsReadMemory + 73 (AppleACPIPlatform + 126394) [0xffffff7f82658dba]
                                         *1    ??? (kernel + 2946716) [0xffffff80004cf69c] (running)
                                   *1    AcpiEvAddressSpaceDispatch + 80 (AppleACPIPlatform + 215654) [0xffffff7f8266ea66]
                                     *1    AcpiNsGetSecondaryObject + 64 (AppleACPIPlatform + 306311) [0xffffff7f82684c87] (running)
                               *1    AcpiExFieldDatumIo + 848 (AppleACPIPlatform + 248662) [0xffffff7f82676b56] (running)
                               *1    AcpiExFieldDatumIo + 8 (AppleACPIPlatform + 247822) [0xffffff7f8267680e] (running)
                           *2    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 884 (AppleACPIPlatform + 244540) [0xffffff7f82675b3c]
                             *2    AcpiExReleaseGlobalLock + 78 (AppleACPIPlatform + 277940) [0xffffff7f8267ddb4]
                               *2    AcpiExReleaseMutexObject + 189 (AppleACPIPlatform + 252925) [0xffffff7f82677bfd]
                                 *2    AcpiEvReleaseGlobalLock + 160 (AppleACPIPlatform + 204364) [0xffffff7f8266be4c]
                                   *2    AcpiOsSignalSemaphore + 19 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124917) [0xffffff7f826587f5]
                                     *2    semaphore_signal + 25 (kernel + 1938553) [0xffffff80003d9479]
                                       *2    semaphore_signal_internal + 274 (kernel + 1937938) [0xffffff80003d9212] (running)
                           *2    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 717 (AppleACPIPlatform + 244373) [0xffffff7f82675a95]
                             *2    AcpiExAcquireGlobalLock + 94 (AppleACPIPlatform + 277795) [0xffffff7f8267dd23]
                               *2    AcpiExAcquireMutexObject + 167 (AppleACPIPlatform + 251984) [0xffffff7f82677850]
                                 *1    AcpiEvAcquireGlobalLock + 62 (AppleACPIPlatform + 203930) [0xffffff7f8266bc9a]
                                   *1    AcpiExSystemWaitMutex + 60 (AppleACPIPlatform + 276622) [0xffffff7f8267d88e]
                                     *1    AcpiOsWaitSemaphore + 142 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124870) [0xffffff7f826587c6]
                                       *1    semaphore_timedwait + 126 (kernel + 1939966) [0xffffff80003d99fe]
                                         *1    ??? (kernel + 1939274) [0xffffff80003d974a] (running)
                                 *1    AcpiEvAcquireGlobalLock + 8 (AppleACPIPlatform + 203876) [0xffffff7f8266bc64] (running)
                           *1    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 324 (AppleACPIPlatform + 243980) [0xffffff7f8267590c]
                             *1    AcpiUtCreateIntegerObject + 65 (AppleACPIPlatform + 380519) [0xffffff7f82696e67]
                               *1    AcpiUtCreateInternalObjectDbg + 59 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379659) [0xffffff7f82696b0b]
                                 *1    AcpiUtTraceStr + 18 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366804) [0xffffff7f826938d4] (running)
                           *1    AcpiExReadDataFromField + 319 (AppleACPIPlatform + 243975) [0xffffff7f82675907] (running)
                     *2    AcpiDsEvaluateNamePath + 257 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188829) [0xffffff7f8266819d]
                       *1    AcpiDsResultPush + 118 (AppleACPIPlatform + 200003) [0xffffff7f8266ad43]
                         *1    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                           *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                             *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                               *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2121384) [0xffffff8000405ea8] (running)
                       *1    AcpiDsResultPush + 6 (AppleACPIPlatform + 199891) [0xffffff7f8266acd3] (running)
                   *9    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 297 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190547) [0xffffff7f82668853]
                     *9    AcpiDsCreateOperands + 274 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188278) [0xffffff7f82667f76]
                       *4    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 806 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187679) [0xffffff7f82667d1f]
                         *3    AcpiDsResultPop + 478 (AppleACPIPlatform + 199781) [0xffffff7f8266ac65]
                           *3    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                             *3    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                               *3    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                                 *2    zfree + 491 (kernel + 2119275) [0xffffff800040566b] (running)
                                 *1    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2111868) [0xffffff800040397c] (running)
                         *1    AcpiDsResultPop + 96 (AppleACPIPlatform + 199399) [0xffffff7f8266aae7] (running)
                       *2    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 188 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187061) [0xffffff7f82667ab5]
                         *1    AcpiExGetNameString + 874 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255001) [0xffffff7f82678419]
                           *1    AcpiExNameSegment + 234 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255653) [0xffffff7f826786a5] (running)
                         *1    AcpiExGetNameString + 503 (AppleACPIPlatform + 254630) [0xffffff7f826782a6]
                           *1    AcpiExNameSegment + 234 (AppleACPIPlatform + 255653) [0xffffff7f826786a5] (running)
                       *1    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 948 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187821) [0xffffff7f82667dad]
                         *1    AcpiOsGetThreadId + 5 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127120) [0xffffff7f82659090] (running)
                       *1    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 438 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187311) [0xffffff7f82667baf]
                         *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                           *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                             *1    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2111868) [0xffffff800040397c] (running)
                       *1    AcpiDsCreateOperand + 372 (AppleACPIPlatform + 187245) [0xffffff7f82667b6d]
                         *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1549 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292769) [0xffffff7f826817a1]
                           *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312707) [0xffffff7f82686583]
                             *1    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 203 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312235) [0xffffff7f826863ab] (running)
                   *6    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1372 (AppleACPIPlatform + 191622) [0xffffff7f82668c86]
                     *6    AcpiDsClearOperands + 64 (AppleACPIPlatform + 186810) [0xffffff7f826679ba]
                       *6    AcpiUtUpdateObjectReference + 323 (AppleACPIPlatform + 369142) [0xffffff7f826941f6]
                         *4    AcpiUtUpdateRefCount + 1875 (AppleACPIPlatform + 371303) [0xffffff7f82694a67]
                           *3    AcpiUtDeleteObjectDesc + 66 (AppleACPIPlatform + 380149) [0xffffff7f82696cf5]
                             *3    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                               *1    IOFree + 30 (kernel + 8489182) [0xffffff8000a188de] (running)
                               *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                                 *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                                   *1    zfree + 491 (kernel + 2119275) [0xffffff800040566b] (running)
                               *1    IOFree + 11 (kernel + 8489163) [0xffffff8000a188cb] (running)
                           *1    AcpiUtDeleteObjectDesc + 29 (AppleACPIPlatform + 380112) [0xffffff7f82696cd0] (running)
                         *2    AcpiUtUpdateRefCount + 254 (AppleACPIPlatform + 369682) [0xffffff7f82694412]
                           *2    ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 25 (kernel + 2972521) [0xffffff80004d5b69] (running)
                   *5    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1482 (AppleACPIPlatform + 191732) [0xffffff7f82668cf4]
                     *2    AcpiDsGetPredicateValue + 612 (AppleACPIPlatform + 189508) [0xffffff7f82668444]
                       *2    AcpiUtUpdateObjectReference + 323 (AppleACPIPlatform + 369142) [0xffffff7f826941f6]
                         *1    AcpiUtUpdateRefCount + 1875 (AppleACPIPlatform + 371303) [0xffffff7f82694a67]
                           *1    AcpiUtDeleteObjectDesc + 66 (AppleACPIPlatform + 380149) [0xffffff7f82696cf5]
                             *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                               *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                                 *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                                   *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 0 (kernel + 2963696) [0xffffff80004d38f0] (running)
                         *1    AcpiUtUpdateRefCount + 254 (AppleACPIPlatform + 369682) [0xffffff7f82694412]
                           *1    ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 25 (kernel + 2972521) [0xffffff80004d5b69] (running)
                     *2    AcpiDsGetPredicateValue + 87 (AppleACPIPlatform + 188983) [0xffffff7f82668237]
                       *2    AcpiDsResultPop + 478 (AppleACPIPlatform + 199781) [0xffffff7f8266ac65]
                         *2    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                           *2    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                             *2    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                               *2    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2111740) [0xffffff80004038fc] (running)
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2111300) [0xffffff8000403744] (running)
                     *1    AcpiUtTracePtr + 132 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366785) [0xffffff7f826938c1] (running)
                   *4    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1837 (AppleACPIPlatform + 192087) [0xffffff7f82668e57]
                     *4    AcpiDsResultPush + 118 (AppleACPIPlatform + 200003) [0xffffff7f8266ad43]
                       *4    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                         *3    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                           *3    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                             *2    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2118486) [0xffffff8000405356] (running)
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2118304) [0xffffff80004052a0]
                                 *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 204 (kernel + 2963900) [0xffffff80004d39bc] (running)
                             *1    kalloc_canblock + 165 (kernel + 1817189) [0xffffff80003bba65] (running)
                         *1    ??? (AppleUSBNCM + 2065494204) [0xffffff80001980bc] (running)
                   *3    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 664 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190914) [0xffffff7f826689c2]
                     *1    AcpiExOpcode_2A_0T_1R + 239 (AppleACPIPlatform + 261571) [0xffffff7f82679dc3]
                       *1    AcpiExDoLogicalOp + 390 (AppleACPIPlatform + 251713) [0xffffff7f82677741] (running)
                     *1    AcpiExOpcode_2A_0T_1R + 84 (AppleACPIPlatform + 261416) [0xffffff7f82679d28]
                       *1    AcpiUtCreateInternalObjectDbg + 70 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379670) [0xffffff7f82696b16]
                         *1    AcpiUtAllocateObjectDescDbg + 60 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379900) [0xffffff7f82696bfc]
                           *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                             *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                               *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2121791) [0xffffff800040603f] (running)
                     *1    AcpiExOpcode_1A_1T_1R + 282 (AppleACPIPlatform + 257222) [0xffffff7f82678cc6]
                       *1    AcpiUtCreateInternalObjectDbg + 6 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379606) [0xffffff7f82696ad6] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1967 (AppleACPIPlatform + 192217) [0xffffff7f82668ed9] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1958 (AppleACPIPlatform + 192208) [0xffffff7f82668ed0]
                     *1    AcpiUtStatusExit + 6 (AppleACPIPlatform + 367154) [0xffffff7f82693a32] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1919 (AppleACPIPlatform + 192169) [0xffffff7f82668ea9] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1899 (AppleACPIPlatform + 192149) [0xffffff7f82668e95]
                     *1    AcpiDsDeleteResultIfNotUsed + 72 (AppleACPIPlatform + 186460) [0xffffff7f8266785c]
                       *1    AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo + 63 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331028) [0xffffff7f8268ad14] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1109 (AppleACPIPlatform + 191359) [0xffffff7f82668b7f]
                     *1    AcpiDsExecEndControlOp + 757 (AppleACPIPlatform + 169383) [0xffffff7f826635a7]
                       *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                         *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                           *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                             *1    zfree + 207 (kernel + 2118991) [0xffffff800040554f] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 355 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190605) [0xffffff7f8266888d]
                     *1    AcpiExResolveOperands + 578 (AppleACPIPlatform + 270658) [0xffffff7f8267c142] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 192 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190442) [0xffffff7f826687ea]
                     *1    AcpiDbSingleStep + 183 (AppleACPIPlatform + 151212) [0xffffff7f8265eeac] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 151 (AppleACPIPlatform + 190401) [0xffffff7f826687c1] (running)
                   *1    AcpiDsClearOperands + 0 (AppleACPIPlatform + 186746) [0xffffff7f8266797a] (running)
                 *132  AcpiPsParseLoop + 1071 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326567) [0xffffff7f82689ba7]
                   *131  AcpiPsGetNextNamepath + 146 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322947) [0xffffff7f82688d83]
                     *125  AcpiNsLookup + 1549 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292769) [0xffffff7f826817a1]
                       *123  AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 1157 (AppleACPIPlatform + 313742) [0xffffff7f8268698e]
                         *92   AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 212 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312244) [0xffffff7f826863b4] (running)
                         *22   AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 216 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312248) [0xffffff7f826863b8] (running)
                         *5    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 203 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312235) [0xffffff7f826863ab] (running)
                         *2    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 195 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312227) [0xffffff7f826863a3] (running)
                         *1    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 373 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312405) [0xffffff7f82686455] (running)
                         *1    AcpiNsSearchOneScope + 40 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312072) [0xffffff7f82686308] (running)
                       *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 324 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312909) [0xffffff7f8268664d]
                         *1    AcpiNsLocal + 42 (AppleACPIPlatform + 314178) [0xffffff7f82686b42]
                           *1    AcpiUtTrace + 64 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366589) [0xffffff7f826937fd] (running)
                       *1    AcpiNsSearchAndEnter + 98 (AppleACPIPlatform + 312683) [0xffffff7f8268656b]
                         *1    AcpiUtRepairName + 45 (AppleACPIPlatform + 385109) [0xffffff7f82698055] (running)
                     *3    AcpiNsLookup + 479 (AppleACPIPlatform + 291699) [0xffffff7f82681373] (running)
                     *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1933 (AppleACPIPlatform + 293153) [0xffffff7f82681921] (running)
                     *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1008 (AppleACPIPlatform + 292228) [0xffffff7f82681584] (running)
                     *1    AcpiNsLookup + 168 (AppleACPIPlatform + 291388) [0xffffff7f8268123c]
                       *1    AcpiNsOpensScope + 68 (AppleACPIPlatform + 316153) [0xffffff7f826872f9] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsGetNextNamepath + 74 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322875) [0xffffff7f82688d3b]
                     *1    AcpiPsGetNextNamestring + 54 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322670) [0xffffff7f82688c6e] (running)
                 *26   AcpiPsParseLoop + 771 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326267) [0xffffff7f82689a7b]
                   *9    AcpiPsCreateOp + 443 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328869) [0xffffff7f8268a4a5]
                     *7    AcpiPsAllocOp + 78 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334642) [0xffffff7f8268bb32]
                       *5    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                         *4    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                           *4    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                             *3    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2122480) [0xffffff80004062f0] (running)
                         *1    IOMalloc + 65 (kernel + 8489137) [0xffffff8000a188b1]
                           *1    IOStatistics::countAlloc(unsigned int, unsigned long) + 275 (kernel + 9015475) [0xffffff8000a990b3] (running)
                       *1    ??? (AppleUSBNCM + 2065494204) [0xffffff80001980bc] (running)
                       *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 156 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127820) [0xffffff7f8265934c] (running)
                     *1    AcpiPsAllocOp + 134 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334698) [0xffffff7f8268bb6a]
                       *1    strncpy + 49 (kernel + 2730113) [0xffffff800049a881] (running)
                     *1    AcpiPsAllocOp + 28 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334592) [0xffffff7f8268bb00] (running)
                   *8    AcpiPsCreateOp + 117 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328543) [0xffffff7f8268a35f]
                     *8    AcpiPsPeekOpcode + 11 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331234) [0xffffff7f8268ade2] (running)
                   *2    AcpiPsCreateOp + 539 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328965) [0xffffff7f8268a505]
                     *2    AcpiPsAppendArg + 7 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334277) [0xffffff7f8268b9c5] (running)
                   *1    AcpiUtTracePtr + 0 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366653) [0xffffff7f8269383d] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsAppendArg + 1 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334271) [0xffffff7f8268b9bf] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo + 71 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331036) [0xffffff7f8268ad1c] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCreateOp + 772 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329198) [0xffffff7f8268a5ee]
                     *1    AcpiUtStatusExit + 129 (AppleACPIPlatform + 367277) [0xffffff7f82693aad] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCreateOp + 632 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329058) [0xffffff7f8268a562]
                     *1    AcpiPsNextParseState + 51 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331842) [0xffffff7f8268b042]
                       *1    AcpiUtTracePtr + 52 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366705) [0xffffff7f82693871] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCreateOp + 619 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329045) [0xffffff7f8268a555]
                     *1    AcpiDsExecBeginOp + 255 (AppleACPIPlatform + 189821) [0xffffff7f8266857d]
                       *1    AcpiDsExecBeginControlOp + 165 (AppleACPIPlatform + 168529) [0xffffff7f82663251]
                         *1    AcpiUtCreateControlState + 14 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384613) [0xffffff7f82697e65]
                           *1    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                             *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                               *1    IOMalloc + 55 (kernel + 8489127) [0xffffff8000a188a7] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCreateOp + 558 (AppleACPIPlatform + 328984) [0xffffff7f8268a518] (running)
                 *18   AcpiPsParseLoop + 1028 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326524) [0xffffff7f82689b7c]
                   *13   AcpiPsCompleteOp + 77 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329354) [0xffffff7f8268a68a]
                     *13   AcpiPsCompleteThisOp + 490 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331746) [0xffffff7f8268afe2]
                       *13   AcpiPsDeleteParseTree + 100 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335085) [0xffffff7f8268bced]
                         *9    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                           *7    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                             *6    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                               *3    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2112392) [0xffffff8000403b88] (running)
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2111868) [0xffffff800040397c] (running)
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2111246) [0xffffff800040370e] (running)
                               *2    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
                               *1    zfree + 491 (kernel + 2119275) [0xffffff800040566b] (running)
                             *1    kfree + 369 (kernel + 1818161) [0xffffff80003bbe31] (running)
                           *1    IOStatistics::countAlloc(unsigned int, unsigned long) + 289 (kernel + 9015489) [0xffffff8000a990c1] (running)
                           *1    IOFree + 30 (kernel + 8489182) [0xffffff8000a188de] (running)
                         *1    AcpiPsFreeOp + 123 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334920) [0xffffff7f8268bc48] (running)
                         *1    AcpiPsFreeOp + 106 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334903) [0xffffff7f8268bc37] (running)
                         *1    AcpiPsFreeOp + 13 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334810) [0xffffff7f8268bbda] (running)
                         *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 138 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127964) [0xffffff7f826593dc] (running)
                   *2    AcpiPsCompleteOp + 756 (AppleACPIPlatform + 330033) [0xffffff7f8268a931]
                     *2    AcpiPsPopScope + 111 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333910) [0xffffff7f8268b856]
                       *2    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                         *1    IOStatistics::countAlloc(unsigned int, unsigned long) + 259 (kernel + 9015459) [0xffffff8000a990a3] (running)
                         *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                           *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                             *1    zfree + 445 (kernel + 2119229) [0xffffff800040563d] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCompleteOp + 684 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329961) [0xffffff7f8268a8e9]
                     *1    AcpiPsCompleteThisOp + 490 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331746) [0xffffff7f8268afe2]
                       *1    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree + 100 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335085) [0xffffff7f8268bced]
                         *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                           *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                             *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                               *1    zfree + 1658 (kernel + 2120442) [0xffffff8000405afa]
                                 *1    ??? (kernel + 2111851) [0xffffff800040396b] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCompleteOp + 658 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329935) [0xffffff7f8268a8cf]
                     *1    AcpiDsExecEndOp + 1109 (AppleACPIPlatform + 191359) [0xffffff7f82668b7f]
                       *1    AcpiDsExecEndControlOp + 281 (AppleACPIPlatform + 168907) [0xffffff7f826633cb] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsCompleteOp + 58 (AppleACPIPlatform + 329335) [0xffffff7f8268a677]
                     *1    AcpiUtTracePtr + 12 (AppleACPIPlatform + 366665) [0xffffff7f82693849] (running)
                 *8    AcpiPsParseLoop + 1226 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326722) [0xffffff7f82689c42]
                   *2    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 1010 (AppleACPIPlatform + 325102) [0xffffff7f826895ee]
                     *2    AcpiPsGetNextPackageEnd + 61 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322421) [0xffffff7f82688b75]
                       *2    AcpiPsGetNextPackageLength + 111 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322573) [0xffffff7f82688c0d] (running)
                   *2    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 142 (AppleACPIPlatform + 324234) [0xffffff7f8268928a]
                     *2    AcpiPsPeekOpcode + 11 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331234) [0xffffff7f8268ade2] (running)
                   *2    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 1125 (AppleACPIPlatform + 325217) [0xffffff7f82689661]
                     *1    strncpy + 197 (kernel + 2730261) [0xffffff800049a915] (running)
                     *1    AcpiPsGetNextNamepath + 146 (AppleACPIPlatform + 322947) [0xffffff7f82688d83]
                       *1    AcpiNsLookup + 1904 (AppleACPIPlatform + 293124) [0xffffff7f82681904]
                         *1    AcpiUtStatusExit + 14 (AppleACPIPlatform + 367162) [0xffffff7f82693a3a] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 1002 (AppleACPIPlatform + 325094) [0xffffff7f826895e6] (running)
                   *1    AcpiPsGetNextArg + 234 (AppleACPIPlatform + 324326) [0xffffff7f826892e6]
                     *1    AcpiPsAllocOp + 78 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334642) [0xffffff7f8268bb32]
                       *1    ??? (AppleUSBNCM + 2065494204) [0xffffff80001980bc] (running)
                 *7    AcpiPsParseLoop + 719 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326215) [0xffffff7f82689a47]
                   *7    AcpiPsPushScope + 63 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333640) [0xffffff7f8268b748]
                     *7    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                       *5    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                         *5    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                           *5    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                             *3    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2118304) [0xffffff80004052a0]
                               *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 204 (kernel + 2963900) [0xffffff80004d39bc] (running)
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2121384) [0xffffff8000405ea8] (running)
                       *1    ??? (AppleUSBNCM + 2065494204) [0xffffff80001980bc] (running)
                       *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 156 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127820) [0xffffff7f8265934c] (running)
                 *1    AcpiUtStatusExit + 0 (AppleACPIPlatform + 367148) [0xffffff7f82693a2c] (running)
                 *1    AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo + 36 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331001) [0xffffff7f8268acf9] (running)
                 *1    AcpiPsParseLoop + 1206 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326702) [0xffffff7f82689c2e] (running)
                 *1    AcpiPsParseLoop + 999 (AppleACPIPlatform + 326495) [0xffffff7f82689b5f]
                   *1    AcpiPsNextParseState + 74 (AppleACPIPlatform + 331865) [0xffffff7f8268b059] (running)
               *4    AcpiPsParseAml + 657 (AppleACPIPlatform + 332809) [0xffffff7f8268b409]
                 *1    AcpiDsTerminateControlMethod + 439 (AppleACPIPlatform + 176237) [0xffffff7f8266506d]
                   *1    AcpiExStopTraceMethod + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 121159) [0xffffff7f82657947]
                     *1    AcpiNsGetNormalizedPathname + 77 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304272) [0xffffff7f82684490]
                       *1    AcpiOsAllocateZeroed + 23 (AppleACPIPlatform + 362169) [0xffffff7f826926b9]
                         *1    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
                           *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                             *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                               *1    ??? (kernel + 2115146) [0xffffff800040464a] (running)
                 *1    AcpiDsTerminateControlMethod + 109 (AppleACPIPlatform + 175907) [0xffffff7f82664f23]
                   *1    AcpiExEnterInterpreter + 80 (AppleACPIPlatform + 277309) [0xffffff7f8267db3d]
                     *1    current_thread + 0 (kernel + 2975312) [0xffffff80004d6650] (running)
                 *1    AcpiDsTerminateControlMethod + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 175902) [0xffffff7f82664f1e]
                   *1    AcpiNsDeleteNamespaceSubtree + 64 (AppleACPIPlatform + 294397) [0xffffff7f82681dfd]
                     *1    current_thread + 14 (kernel + 2975326) [0xffffff80004d665e] (running)
                 *1    AcpiDsTerminateControlMethod + 92 (AppleACPIPlatform + 175890) [0xffffff7f82664f12]
                   *1    AcpiExExitInterpreter + 99 (AppleACPIPlatform + 277524) [0xffffff7f8267dc14]
                     *1    AcpiUtReleaseMutex + 161 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379557) [0xffffff7f82696aa5]
                       *1    AcpiOsSignalSemaphore + 19 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124917) [0xffffff7f826587f5]
                         *1    semaphore_signal + 25 (kernel + 1938553) [0xffffff80003d9479]
                           *1    semaphore_signal_internal + 274 (kernel + 1937938) [0xffffff80003d9212] (running)
               *1    AcpiPsParseAml + 986 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333138) [0xffffff7f8268b552]
                 *1    AcpiDsDeleteWalkState + 204 (AppleACPIPlatform + 202205) [0xffffff7f8266b5dd]
                   *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                     *1    kfree + 138 (kernel + 1817930) [0xffffff80003bbd4a] (running)
               *1    AcpiPsParseAml + 669 (AppleACPIPlatform + 332821) [0xffffff7f8268b415]
                 *1    AcpiPsCleanupScope + 73 (AppleACPIPlatform + 334123) [0xffffff7f8268b92b]
                   *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                     *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                       *1    kfree + 186 (kernel + 1817978) [0xffffff80003bbd7a]
                         *1    zfree + 1960 (kernel + 2120744) [0xffffff8000405c28]
                           *1    lck_mtx_unlock_slow + 7 (kernel + 2963703) [0xffffff80004d38f7] (running)
               *1    AcpiPsParseAml + 163 (AppleACPIPlatform + 332315) [0xffffff7f8268b21b]
                 *1    AcpiUtCreateThreadState + 16 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384410) [0xffffff7f82697d9a]
                   *1    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                     *1    AcpiOsAcquireObject + 122 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127786) [0xffffff7f8265932a]
                       *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                         *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                           *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                             *1    ??? (kernel + 2121384) [0xffffff8000405ea8] (running)
             *3    AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 309 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335578) [0xffffff7f8268beda]
               *3    AcpiDsCreateWalkState + 65 (AppleACPIPlatform + 201388) [0xffffff7f8266b2ac]
                 *3    AcpiOsAllocateZeroed + 23 (AppleACPIPlatform + 362169) [0xffffff7f826926b9]
                   *3    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
                     *3    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                       *3    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                         *1    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
                         *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                           *1    ??? (kernel + 2121384) [0xffffff8000405ea8] (running)
                         *1    ??? (kernel + 2115146) [0xffffff800040464a] (running)
             *2    AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 366 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335635) [0xffffff7f8268bf13]
               *1    AcpiDsInitAmlWalk + 261 (AppleACPIPlatform + 201795) [0xffffff7f8266b443]
                 *1    AcpiDsScopeStackPush + 684 (AppleACPIPlatform + 198798) [0xffffff7f8266a88e]
                   *1    AcpiUtStatusExit + 6 (AppleACPIPlatform + 367154) [0xffffff7f82693a32] (running)
               *1    AcpiDsInitAmlWalk + 149 (AppleACPIPlatform + 201683) [0xffffff7f8266b3d3]
                 *1    AcpiPsInitScope + 50 (AppleACPIPlatform + 333455) [0xffffff7f8268b68f]
                   *1    AcpiUtCreateGenericState + 24 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384383) [0xffffff7f82697d7f]
                     *1    ??? (AppleUSBNCM + 2065494204) [0xffffff80001980bc] (running)
             *1    AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 545 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335814) [0xffffff7f8268bfc6]
               *1    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree + 100 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335085) [0xffffff7f8268bced]
                 *1    AcpiOsReleaseObject + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 127962) [0xffffff7f826593da]
                   *1    IOFree + 19 (kernel + 8489171) [0xffffff8000a188d3]
                     *1    kfree + 62 (kernel + 1817854) [0xffffff80003bbcfe] (running)
             *1    AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 79 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335348) [0xffffff7f8268bdf4]
               *1    AcpiDsBeginMethodExecution + 78 (AppleACPIPlatform + 174246) [0xffffff7f826648a6]
                 *1    AcpiExStartTraceMethod + 25 (AppleACPIPlatform + 120882) [0xffffff7f82657832]
                   *1    AcpiNsGetNormalizedPathname + 64 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304259) [0xffffff7f82684483]
                     *1    AcpiNsBuildNormalizedPath + 277 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304746) [0xffffff7f8268466a] (running)
             *1    AcpiPsExecuteMethod + 54 (AppleACPIPlatform + 335323) [0xffffff7f8268bddb]
               *1    AcpiTbCheckDsdtHeader + 30 (AppleACPIPlatform + 356890) [0xffffff7f8269121a] (running)
           *1    AcpiNsEvaluate + 838 (AppleACPIPlatform + 300281) [0xffffff7f826834f9]
             *1    AcpiExExitInterpreter + 136 (AppleACPIPlatform + 277561) [0xffffff7f8267dc39]
               *1    AcpiUtReleaseMutex + 161 (AppleACPIPlatform + 379557) [0xffffff7f82696aa5]
                 *1    AcpiOsSignalSemaphore + 19 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124917) [0xffffff7f826587f5]
                   *1    semaphore_signal + 25 (kernel + 1938553) [0xffffff80003d9479]
                     *1    semaphore_signal_internal + 274 (kernel + 1937938) [0xffffff80003d9212] (running)
           *1    AcpiNsEvaluate + 290 (AppleACPIPlatform + 299733) [0xffffff7f826832d5]
             *1    AcpiNsGetNormalizedPathname + 77 (AppleACPIPlatform + 304272) [0xffffff7f82684490]
               *1    AcpiOsAllocateZeroed + 23 (AppleACPIPlatform + 362169) [0xffffff7f826926b9]
                 *1    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
                   *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                     *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                       *1    lck_mtx_lock_spin_always + 32 (kernel + 2970928) [0xffffff80004d5530] (running)
           *1    AcpiNsEvaluate + 272 (AppleACPIPlatform + 299715) [0xffffff7f826832c3]
             *1    AcpiUtMatchPredefinedMethod + 29 (AppleACPIPlatform + 384123) [0xffffff7f82697c7b] (running)
           *1    AcpiNsEvaluate + 152 (AppleACPIPlatform + 299595) [0xffffff7f8268324b]
             *1    AcpiNsGetAttachedObject + 58 (AppleACPIPlatform + 306108) [0xffffff7f82684bbc] (running)
         *18   ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 25 (kernel + 2972521) [0xffffff80004d5b69] (running)
         *2    AcpiEvAsynchExecuteGpeMethod + 109 (AppleACPIPlatform + 207396) [0xffffff7f8266ca24]
           *2    AcpiOsAllocateZeroed + 23 (AppleACPIPlatform + 362169) [0xffffff7f826926b9]
             *1    AcpiOsAllocate + 104 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124151) [0xffffff7f826584f7]
               *1    IOMalloc + 39 (kernel + 8489111) [0xffffff8000a18897]
                 *1    kalloc_canblock + 148 (kernel + 1817172) [0xffffff80003bba54]
                   *1    ??? (kernel + 2115761) [0xffffff80004048b1]
                     *1    ??? (kernel + 2121188) [0xffffff8000405de4] (running)
             *1    AcpiOsAllocate + 6 (AppleACPIPlatform + 124053) [0xffffff7f82658495] (running)
       *1    IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice::sProcessPoll(void*, void*) + 35 (IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice + 12239) [0xffffff7f825a4fcf]
         *1    IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice::PollForNewMedia() + 38 (IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice + 19228) [0xffffff7f825a6b1c]
           *1    IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice::DetermineMediaPresence() + 158 (IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice + 20812) [0xffffff7f825a714c]
             *1    IOSCSIPrimaryCommandsDevice::SendCommand(OSObject*, unsigned int) + 283 (IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily + 10295) [0xffffff7f80c4e837]
               *1    IOCommandGate::runAction(int (*)(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 312 (kernel + 8754936) [0xffffff8000a596f8]
                 *1    WaitForTask(OSObject*, IOCommandGate*, OSObject*) + 63 (IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily + 20474) [0xffffff7f80c50ffa]
                   *1    IOEventSource::sleepGate(void*, unsigned int) + 75 (kernel + 8746587) [0xffffff8000a5765b]
                     *1    IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void*, unsigned int) + 203 (kernel + 8739211) [0xffffff8000a5598b]
                       *1    lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel + 1833088) [0xffffff80003bf880]
                         *1    thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1884543) [0xffffff80003cc17f]
                           *1    ??? (kernel + 1891033) [0xffffff80003cdad9]
                             *1    machine_switch_context + 195 (kernel + 2980243) [0xffffff80004d7993]
   *1    ??? (kernel + 2023526) [0xffffff80003ee066] (running)
 *7    call_continuation + 35 (kernel + 1425603) [0xffffff800035c0c3]
   *7    ml_set_interrupts_enabled + 25 (kernel + 2972521) [0xffffff80004d5b69] (running)

  Thread 0x43468            Thread name "thread call high #18"                  1000 samples (1-1000)     priority 93 (base 93)
 *1000  ??? (kernel + 2023520) [0xffffff80003ee060]

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff7f80c4c000 - 0xffffff7f80c5ffff  com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily 408.250.3 (408.250.3) <9535DF1A-0E51-30FA-AFEA-BF2FAF23A246>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily
   *0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80fb5fff  com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily 6.0.14 (6.0.14d8)                 <7D0EAC74-96D6-3A62-9E8D-FC73D3FC2B11>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOBluetoothFamily
   *0xffffff7f81331000 - 0xffffff7f81342fff  com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily 2.1 (2.1)                           <713ED8FE-40CC-38C0-907C-FF187FF2F8F7>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOStorageFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOStorageFamily
   *0xffffff7f81cc0000 - 0xffffff7f81db7fff  com.apple.filesystems.apfs 945.275.9 (945.275.9)                    <4524BBB1-77AB-3CC0-B8AA-43A0D4CF4557>  /System/Library/Extensions/apfs.kext/Contents/MacOS/apfs
   *0xffffff7f825a2000 - 0xffffff7f825aefff  com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 408.250.3 (408.250.3)     <17F9ACBE-3D1A-3A53-8C97-13A780E5FEA3>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice
   *0xffffff7f8263a000 - 0xffffff7f826b1fff  com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform 6.1 (6.1)                        <D3046075-3959-3554-8355-66E246EB7C9F>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPlatform.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleACPIPlatform
   *0xffffff7f8290b000 - 0xffffff7f82964fff  com.apple.iokit.IOAcceleratorFamily2 404.14 (404.14)                <2C70A8E8-377F-31E5-9FFB-2E31828C35A7>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOAcceleratorFamily2
   *0xffffff7f82b00000 - 0xffffff7f82eebfff  com.apple.kext.AMDRadeonX4000 2.11.21 (2.1.1)                       <45456359-B670-30AE-B70B-2AB9ED269372>  /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX4000.kext/Contents/MacOS/AMDRadeonX4000
   *0xffffff7f832d9000 - 0xffffff7f832dafff  com.apple.driver.AppleOSXWatchdog 1.0 (1)                           <A042B28A-8AA5-37C3-A5BD-08A0F26001AB>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleOSXWatchdog.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleOSXWatchdog
   *0xffffff7f837c1000 - 0xffffff7f837c9fff  com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall 5.0 (202)                         <F55D241E-CC58-37BF-B1B5-E9E150FC3DC2>  /System/Library/Extensions/ALF.kext/Contents/MacOS/ALF
   *0xffffff7f84eb8000 - 0xffffff7f84ebefff  SMCSuperIO                                                          <3EBEC0A6-5D45-3034-A52E-8B63A6FABDA1>  /Library/Extensions/SMCSuperIO.kext/Contents/MacOS/SMCSuperIO
   *0xffffff7f84f49000 - 0xffffff7f84f55fff  com.apple.nke.asp-tcp 8.0.2 (8.0.2)                                 <68B2A485-552B-3750-8CA9-170495CEAB23>  /System/Library/Filesystems/AppleShare/asp_tcp.kext/Contents/MacOS/asp_tcp
   *0xffffff7f84f68000 - 0xffffff7f84fb4fff  com.apple.filesystems.afpfs 11.1 (11.1)                             <C1481943-7CEB-32D4-8EBD-8F9A4D2135C8>  /System/Library/Filesystems/AppleShare/afpfs.kext/Contents/MacOS/afpfs
   *0xffffff7f84fc9000 - 0xffffff7f84fcffff  com.apple.driver.usb.cdc.ncm 5.0.0 (5.0.0)                          <FA869B90-D7DD-3794-A482-DF2F26E60D32>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBNCM.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleUSBNCM
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4903.278.35)                                                <2C6A35B5-EEFD-317A-9A3D-901B9CC558CF>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

It seems it's looping on some ACPI allocation/deallocation routines (I see a lot of calls to kalloc/kfree in those dumps, and the dumps always look mostly the same no matter how long after the beginning of the problem the snapshot is taken.


Help would be much appreciated, I'm out of my depth here :)



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Hi guys.

I've just flashed my Gigabyte TitanRidge TB3 card with the new firmware provided by @DSM2 and his team on Hackintosh-Forum.DE and MacRumors Forum here: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/testing-tb3-aic-with-mp-5-1.2143042/page-31

I followed this eminent guide by @ameyrupji: https://github.com/ameyrupji/thunderbolt-macpro-5-1/blob/master/GC-TitanRidge.md?fbclid=IwAR05Z3oG3fZc2ArzPiYgQcG0P7PEXlmbCktf0ulODeFaTSJa2BF0iWMaCDM to get everything working.


Now to my question.

On my MacBook Pro late 2016 I can boot Mac OS from my thunderbolt drive by pressing option at start and then selecting my external thunderbolt Mac OS Catalina boot drive.

However this is not possible on my Hackintosh with my flashed TitanRidge TB3 card, because the disk is not showing up in bootpicker. ScanPolicy set to 0 and ShowPicker set to YES.


Is this problem related to OpenCore or is it a firmware or hardware problem with the TB3 card?

As I understand it this procedure should work on real MacPro 5.1 with flashed Gigabyte TitanRidge TB3 cards runned under OpenCore.


Could anybody shed some light over this?


Edited by obus
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2 hours ago, obus said:

Hi guys.

I've just flashed my Gigabyte TitanRidge TB3 card with the new firmware provided by @DSM2 and his team on Hackintosh-Forum.DE and MacRumors Forum here: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/testing-tb3-aic-with-mp-5-1.2143042/page-31

I followed this eminent guide by @ameyrupji: https://github.com/ameyrupji/thunderbolt-macpro-5-1/blob/master/GC-TitanRidge.md?fbclid=IwAR05Z3oG3fZc2ArzPiYgQcG0P7PEXlmbCktf0ulODeFaTSJa2BF0iWMaCDM to get everything working.


Now to my question.

On my MacBook Pro late 2016 I can boot Mac OS from my thunderbolt drive by pressing option at start and then selecting my external thunderbolt Mac OS Catalina boot drive.

However this is not possible on my Hackintosh with my flashed TitanRidge TB3 card, because the disk is not showing up in bootpicker. ScanPolicy set to 0 and ShowPicker set to YES.


Is this problem related to OpenCore or is it a firmware or hardware problem with the TB3 card?

As I understand it this procedure should work on real MacPro 5.1 with flashed Gigabyte TitanRidge TB3 cards runned under OpenCore.


Could anybody shed some light over this?



Are you able to see the volumes on a TB connected drive in the UEFI shell ? 


If not perhaps you need drivers ?


If it does show it could be you need to tweak what devices OC scans

Edited by UefiBooter
clarification uefi shell.
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I'm ading files from OpenCore. OpenCore EFI was made according to instructions but it stops on boot as seen from photo.

I would like to use OpenCore EFI instead of EFI Clover in macOS Catalina.

Thank you very much.




Edited by luky35
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4 hours ago, UefiBooter said:


Are you able to see the volumes on a TB connected drive in the UEFI shell ? 


If not perhaps you need drivers ?


If it does show it could be you need to tweak what devices OC scans

Nope can't see the the volume in shell. Which driver should that be?

any suggestions?

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Greetings to all!

I'm seeing that things are moving faster with kernel collection and kext injection, after spending the whole day yesterday trying to install (install, not restore) big sur on qemu without success, I tried again today, since I saw that the work is still in development (as always) and some commits were added, to lilu too.

Kernel patching and kext injection seem to work, apart from manually pointing the boot picker after the first and second reboot I'm able to have the installation screen to show and proceed.

I'm stuck after the second reboot, when you choose to boot from "Preboot", with "No port micro restart (we don't support SMC on this platform)": after this it reboots and loops.




I will follow the progress on github, I don't know if you are already aware of the issue and/or if you have a solution or not, just to report my trials.

On another chinese forum a user said he solved the issue by pointing oc to clover, pointing to mac os (???????????) --> I don't like it at all. (edited, as it's a non sense..)


Thanks for your hard work, you are the best!

Edited by ghost8282
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mmmmm...now hangs at "Forcing CS_RUNTIME for entitlement: com.apple.rootless.restricted-block-devices".




If it matters: csr-active-config: ZwAAAA==


UPDATE: forced shutdown and new start, now proceding

Edited by ghost8282
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I have a problem with my i5-7600 Intel processor with Intel HD 630 graphics card in Open Core 0.6.0
After de-booting (error-free and no problems with HDMI), after the white font has gone through,

a black screen comes up when connected to the Dipslay port.
It probably has to do with the fact that in Clover 5107 (DP runs there) the 3 patches:
change GFX0 to IGPU, change HECI to IMEI and change MEI to IMEI
are probably not in the config.plist of OC. I created the config for OC with the tool "properFreeMaster".
I tried using the Open Core Configurator with Config Converter to convert the config.plist from Clover to OC,

but the config.plist created from it was not bootable at all.
Can someone please help me that my Hacki boots with the Intel HD 630 on the display port? Thank you.


attached my config.plist from Clover 5107 everything goes without problems also Intel HD 630 on the display port with 60 hertz and full UHD resolution


Edited by AlfredoM
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12 hours ago, Andrey1970 said:

boot-arg: vsmcgen=1

Not helping on CFL i7-8750H. Still the same “We don’t support SMC on this Platform” and reboot. 

Using only WEG, Lilu and VSMC to boot. All compiled from latest sources. 

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16 hours ago, ghost8282 said:


All seems to work, audio included.

A big thanks to Acidanthera team, great work!



Can you share your EFI or config.plist for reference ?

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4 hours ago, jsl2000 said:

Can you share your EFI or config.plist for reference ?


Sure, but there's nothing special in it, it's the same as my Catalina setup.

Not sure if it will be useful for you, because I'm running big sur on qemu (see spec in my signature).

However I'm passing through 2 cpus (sandy bridge e5-2687w), one gpu with hdmi audio (nvidia gtx titan black), an usb controller (inateck with fresco chipset) and the onboard audio (codec: realtek alc 898 --> mainboard: asus z9pe-d8 ws).



Since my installer was a raw image file I had to set ScanPolicy to 0 (in the attached config it's changed), to see it.

During installation, at each reboot opencore was always pointing at "install mac os beta", so you may need to manually change from where to boot: this is why in the config.plist bootpicker is set to "show".

Compile Opencore and all kexts as of today.

You may want to change Target in the config plist to save the log in a file.


Here is the config.plist (platform data are redacted):


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