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2 minutes ago, ameenjuz said:

i m talking about acpidump.efi please read my prevoius commit

i need latest acpidump.efi for extracting dsdt using OpenCore

not need 3rd tool, now it's integrated...




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8 minutes ago, gengik84 said:

not need 3rd tool, now it's integrated...

thanks for information

but it is not available in release version yet

i should use debug version for this option

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Yeah it’s possible. I think scanpolicy is set to 0 at the moment. I’m not sure how that all works yet but I can try the scan policy you linked.

Mind you I don’t have a “Linux” entry in my firmware just a uefi os entry.



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[mention]apianti [/mention] I just installed arch on an ssd in my desktop and it is listed as NO NAME entry in OC and it boots just fine. I installed it the same way as I did on my laptop but no entry exists for it. I’ll try reinstall the boot loader for arch on my laptop and try again and see how it goes. Now to figure out how to rename the NO NAME to Arch Linux on my desktop.



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Hi Guys,

Today I updated my OpenCore 0.5.9 with the last build and it boots but at the start I see a notification with "OCS: No schema for HideSelf at 4 index, context <MISC>" as you could see in the picture enclosed below.

In the config.plist isn't any entry pertaining to HideSelf as was in the 0.5.8 version.

How can I solve this?



Edited by MorenoAv
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1 hour ago, MorenoAv said:

Hi Guys,

Today I updated my OpenCore 0.5.9 with the last build and it boots but at the start I see a notification with "OCS: No schema for HideSelf at 4 index, context <MISC>" as you could see in the picture enclosed below.

In the config.plist isn't any entry pertaining to HideSelf as was in the 0.5.8 version.

How can I solve this?



Do you mean you've removed HideSelf key in Misc -> Boot ! 

Can you post your config.plist. Please.

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1 hour ago, UefiBooter said:

does no one bother to read the docs ...




you'll see HideSelf was removed


cmon guys your experienced users filling the thread with silly questions already covered in the documentation.


@MorenoAv wrote that there was no entry for HideSelf. Personally, I asked for confirmation that he deleted Hideself in config.plist. Where are the stupid questions? :hysterical:

Edited by Matgen84
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Inserting the patch for PNLF into the DSDT the long version, caused video corruption after a few minutes.  kinda of like kaleidoscope thing. parts start disappearing letter's become greek. Not immediate but after shutting down for a few hours. 


had to revert back to PNLFless DSDT. using the patch Fix Backlight from Rehabman's Laptop repository in MaciASL causes truncate message.

Using the SSDT-PNLF works yet: truncate message during system boot.  one message.


Used 3 different MaciASL's  6.1, 6.2, 6.3.  


I think originally used 5.0a?  many years ago for Sierra and left it as is. running Sierra.

Upgrading to these new ones, unable to compile a good DSDT with the same patches used

5 years ago for Sierra.  sendup with 201 errors.


I tossed the old APIC namely DSDT, SSDT Power,  because could no longer use them with newer MaciASL.

Errors.  version change.  cannot use every single patch without errors.


in Acidanthera's MaciASL 1.57 there is three options:  legacy stable dev. version is 6.3a

would like to compile without truncating. Any suggestions?


Thank you


OC is sweet.


In the Tab UEFI, the Reserved>HD3000 errata corruption would that work? or cause a problem?






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@makk, various glitches on Intel HD 2000/3000 GPUs are indeed the case due to hardware bug. You can try using reserved memory feature to workaround it, but we cannot guarantee it.


As for issues with iasl, I use the latest iasl version usually and have no issues with it. Cannot comment for others.

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30 minutes ago, vit9696 said:

@makk, various glitches on Intel HD 2000/3000 GPUs are indeed the case due to hardware bug. You can try using reserved memory feature to workaround it, but we cannot guarantee it.


As for issues with iasl, I use the latest iasl version usually and have no issues with it. Cannot comment for others.


Can you elaborate more about that feature? Why did you develop it? I have a sandy bridge laptop and I have some glitches and then freezes on High Sierra that lead to UI freezes. I've tried everything.


I switched from Clover to OpenCore to see if ReservedMemory fixed anything and it doesn't.


Is there a place to discuss this further? 


The freezes seem to appear when filling the RAM with many apps/processes open. Many times I get UI freezes but the mouse still works.


EDIT: also, why 256MB the reserverd memory size? I have 8GB of RAM and macOS sets up 512MB for the HD3000. I even tried that on the config.plist. same results.

Edited by el_charlie
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27 minutes ago, MorenoAv said:

Hi @Matgen84, @UefiBooter,

I asked because I didn't see HideSelf in config.plist, neither in the documentation and at boot I see the mention to it... 



It was removed. The notice you see at boot is simply notifying you of this.


Edit: You also have a typo in your boot arguments, missing the equals sign: -v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 alcid 7

It should read: -v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 alcid=7

Edited by Tiem
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24 minutes ago, el_charlie said:


Can you elaborate more about that feature? Why did you develop it? I have a sandy bridge laptop and I have some glitches and then freezes on High Sierra that lead to UI freezes. I've tried everything.


I switched from Clover to OpenCore to see if ReservedMemory fixed anything and it doesn't.


Is there a place to discuss this further? 


The freezes seem to appear when filling the RAM with many apps/processes open. Many times I get UI freezes but the mouse still works.


EDIT: also, why 256MB the reserverd memory size? I have 8GB of RAM and macOS sets up 512MB for the HD3000. I even tried that on the config.plist. same results.



Yes, I have these too.  What I found is have to have minimal in DSDT,  overloading it with GFX HDEF specifics causes serious Console>Desktop to not respond> Froze state. Mouse and Keyboard works but the console is not giving you a Workable Display as in normal. 


Been able to narrow this down to certain two problems, but have not found the root as in completely without a bench testing  unit where there is no HDD SDD purely bench.


Can't debug with full house


have to have bench to place one item at a time to see which 'thing' is causing problem.

While in a live unit, such as our Desktops, Laptops it's running full steam with many apps. Hard to narrow it down because too many programs using the same things that causes the problem then it multiplies.


DSDT. should have minimal regarding HD3000 and leave it in GFX0 renaming it causes more issues.

Such as ACPI Warning:  Truncated 64 bit constant found in 32 bit Table> SSDT DSDT problem that is not actually  the root of the problem it is within the BIOS and the way it was written ACPI portion handling of hardware to software,  handoffs, toss the ball from me to you sorta thing.


narrowed it down to on my system SSDT-PNLF <Backlight for Display it worked in Sierra. Switching to High Sierra big problems.  What was hidden surfaces.  Sierra was not so defined in ACPI. Also HD3000 is not so good.


Sandybridge is sandy and washes a lot.


Plus this PC is a PC not a Mac.


To upgrade to High Sierra need a HD400 and better.


DSDT editing have to figure out how far one can go without causing Lockups.  

At the moment the interaction between HD3000 and the switches to make it smooth are the problem.


> Display to be able to dim and brighten.

> Display to be able to use GL/QE/CL to use apps.

> Display to be able to sleep


1 DSDT what's in it?

2 SSDT to use instead of DSDT full and complete.

3 Use Drivers/kexts to read APIC with good logic. So the machine parts know how to act and when and appropriately.


DSDT is like one part of a big library more like a dictionary or Encyclopedia.  The Book. And A driver needs to be able to understand this book.  


need a bench tester to iron out the problem


For my end, as long as no SSDT-PNLF and no PNLF in DSDT no lockups or freezes.

These two cannot live happy without causing some issue.  So need a clear fix.


In Clover I used ADD PNLF 0x0A and removed the PNLF from DSDT. 

But in Opencore no other function but to use SSDT-PNLF.


So now looking at Fkeys without FN adapatin; extension keys to switch to PC keys to find a solution to get Brightness back.


When the Console your Desktop Freezes, it's a graphics related issue in DSDT / SSDT conflict.


Boot your system -v and see if you see:


ACPI Warning: Truncated 64 Bit constant found in 32 Bit Table fffffffffffffff0 => fffffff0 (some numbers) -dsobject 832


ACPI table is not syncing correctly


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would like to know how to increase the value to  max bright for this backlight fix.  how to increase the brightness factor?


I just found another light PNLF patch from an Older Asus Laptop. testing now

but, the brightness factor is low compared to SSDT-PNLF version. n


I set backlight-level in config-plist to 0710 ? whatever the value is was shooting for 1808?



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Got solution for Ivy Bridge XCPM patch for Catalina 10.15.5.


I compared the Kernels from 10.15.4 and 10.15.5 with a Disassembler and examined the _xcpm_bootstrap looking for 0xC4 & 0x3B (which were patched in 10.15.4).

In 10.15.5, they changed code a bit and "CMP BL, 0x3B" is not there but offset to a table dereference to 0xC4 was there.

Changing the 0xC4 to 0xC6 (for Ivy Bridge) enables XCPM.


The patch is (ONLY for 10.15.5):

Find: 8D43C43C42

Replace: 8D43C63C42


Full OC entry in Kernel->Patch:

				<string>_xcpm_bootstrap (For Ivy Bridge) 10.15.5 by MacNB</string>


I get P-States from 1.6Ghz up to my overclock 4.8Ghz.

Thanks to all who helped.


I cannot upload screenshots as the site keeps failing to upload.

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So this is my bios boot selection. EFI Hard Drive 1 is macOS, the rest is self explanatory.


This is what shows up in OC.

The EFI partition does not boot, just a black screen.

No linux options.


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