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I'm spawning this new thread to try to find a solution for getting Realtek 8139 onboard NIC to work.

I heard of many people with standalone PCI 8139 working but I didn't find a solution yet for my onboard one, so any idea is welcome.

I'm using 10.4.8 with semthex kernel (8.8.1).

The furthest I got at this time is having the board recognized using the 10.4.3 kext for IONetworkingFamily and IOPCIFamily.


I'm making some test recompiling the AppleRTL8139 kext sources.

I'll put the results here in a few days.

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ok if you happen to have the 0x813910EC here is what i did to fix it mine is onboard as well donno if this will work for others but i decided to try something and here is what i did


open terminal

sudo -s

nano /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleRTL8139Ethernet.kext/Contents/Info.plist


find the string that looks like

<string>0x813910ec 0x13001186 0x12111113</string>


and delete everything but 0x813910ec

so it looks like

<string>0x813910ec</string> or which ever version you need

then hit Control O

Control T save over Info.plist

Control X

then reboot

and should be working i hope this helps people

i got this message when force to load AppleRTL8139. :thumbsdown_anim:



>kextload -t IONetworkingFamily.kext/contents/Plugins/AppleRTL8139Ethernet.kext

can't add kernel extension IONetworkingFamily.kext/contents/Plugins/AppleRTL8139Ethernet.kext (validation error) (run kextload on this kext with -t for diagnostic output)
kernel extension IONetworkingFamily.kext/contents/Plugins/AppleRTL8139Ethernet.kext has problems:
Validation failures:
"Executable file doesn't contain kernel extension code" = true

Im sorry i forgot to add that i downloaded the IONetworkingFamily.kext from



its the Kext on post #18


Im running 10.4.8


So download that Kext then replace it with the one in the /System/Library/extensions

then follow what i posted earlier donno if its going to work for everyone but its working for me

ok so i tried the version (10.4.3 i guess) posted by billy and that get me closer to it: i can now configure my ethernet card in Network Preferences (it has the right mac address) but it doesn't seem to actually work.

I tried both dhcp (can't get an ip) and manually set ip: can't reach nowhere this way.

I also tried playing around different combination for ethernet speed and duplex-mode (half/full).

No answers from the net.


Anyway since it now sees the board with the right mac address i think i'll start playing with the source code for the kext again.


You just keep posting any idea! :censored2:

OK, here is the closest I have come to getting it working.


1.) I moved the IONetworking kext (10.4.8 version/v. 1.5.1) from extensions disabled to extensions(replacing v. 1.5.0).

2.) I added the RTL8139 kext (from 10.4.7 IONetworking) to the IONetworking kext under plug-ins. If you tried to load RTL8139 outside of IONetworking kext it will not load.


Now at this point my Linksys USB200M USB NIC is working perfectly, but my internal 8139 is not even showing up. If I used the full 10.4.7 IONetworking kext, I would have the same problem with the USB NIC, it would not show up at all.


3.) I copied to IOPCIFamily kext from my working 10.4.7 installation.


Now at this point both my USB NIC and my internal are NIC are both being recognized. The USB NIC is working perfectly. The Realtek 8139 internal is being seen but not receiving a DHCP address. If I set the IP manually it still does no good, and I can not ping anything.

So, I'm trying to find out why the board is recognized with older versions of IOPCIFamily and not with the latest.

I recompiled the IOPCIFamily and that points me oput that there's some strange problem in mapping the memory for the device.

Still investigating on that, I'll keep you informed...



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