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Big Sur 11.3b4 multibooting chainloading tweaks brew migrating apps


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tags: Big Sur 11.3b4 multibooting chainloading tweaks brew migrating apps
Some updated tips and observations concerning Big Sur 11.3 b4 installation to an available APFS HDD container/partition.  Assumes an existing working ESP bootloader.  System file modifications are made in recovery terminal with SIP disabled (csrutil disable and csrutil authenticated-root disable)  Any changes to the system files in recovery console require creating a new shapshot to be retained.


1. Go ahead and make your USB installer with OC 0.6.5 or later, but if you have an existing install of Catalina you can save time by starting the Big Sur installer directly from Catalina, choosing the target partition, and letting the installer copy over the install files rather than waiting on USB to boot and copy. You can then use the USB installer to reboot Big Sur as required to complete the installation.


2. If you are a linux multi-booter and using GRUB2 as your main bootloader, and if you have an existing Catalina install with a working chainloaded Open Core or Clover, suggest you don't disturb/break your existing bootloader by making tweaks for Big Sur.  You can make an additional small 200MB FAT32 partition on your HDD and put your Big Sur bootloader there.  Note that if you choose to use clover you can directly chainload from GRUB2 by adding this entry to your grub.cfg file (where xxxx-xxxx is your Big Sur bootloder partition from lsblk -f or sudo blkid terminal output in Linux):


menuentry "Clover"{
    insmod part_gpt
    search --no-floppy --set=root --fs-uuid xxxx-xxxx
    chainloader /EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERX64.efi  # or whatever path you use


With Open Core version 0.6.4 and earlier chainloading from GRUB2 was relatively simple with grub.cfg menu entry:


menuentry "Open_Core"{
    insmod part_gpt
    search --no-floppy --set=root --fs-uuid xxxx-xxxx
    chainloader /EFI/OC/OpenCore.efi  # or whatever path you use


It now appears that Open Core 0.6.5 and newer have undergone code change that prevents directly chainloading OpenCore.efi from GRUB2.
However, if you want to continue to use GRUB2 as your main ESP bootloader, you can work around this issue by installing Refind 0.13.2 to the same ESP with GRUB2 and chainload to Refind in grub.cfg with the following menu entry (where xxxx:xxxx is your ESP UUID}:


menuentry "refind"{
   insmod part_gpt
   search --no-floppy --set=root --fs-uuid xxxx-xxxx
   chainloader /EFI/refind/refind_x64.efi


You can launch Open Core from the Refind GUI.  Here is a sample refind.conf that will chainload Open Core 0.6.7 (where xxxx is the volume name or UUID name of your Open Core partition):


menuentry "OpenCore" {
    icon /EFI/refind/icons/os_mac.png
    volume xxxx
    loader /EFI/OC/OpenCore.efi
    options "-v"   


You may have to change the Vault configuration in Open Core config.plist from Secure to Optional.


This chainloading is an extra step but it preserves GRUB2 as the main bootloader and facilitates use of newer Open Core versions.


Note that you can install GRUB2, Refind and Open Core all on the ESP or you can install Open Core to a separate partition in order to edit/tweak your Big Sur bootloader settings without breaking an existing working ESP bootloader.  
When editing config.plist files, if you are not comfortable using an XML editor, and you have Catalina installed, you can download ProperTree from github and launch it from Catalina.  For Linux multibooters, you can modify your linux /etc/grub.d/40_custom to include any custom bootloader menu entries you want to keep, and then run update-grub from within Linux.
3. When your install is finished and you are finally at the working desktop, you may want to make a backup. With Catalina this was easily done by using Disk Utility from a bootable USB installer to restore to an APFS formatted backup media.  The Big Sur Disk Utility ASR has repeatedly failed to replicate (bootable) Big Sur and it appears Disk Utility from Catalina 10.15.7 can not perform this task with Big Sur APFS containers. You can, however, use third party freeware other than dd to make a sector by sector clone of the entire Big Sur container onto removable media.  Alternatively, depending on the size of your AFPS container/partition and transfer rate, using dd can take quite a long time to do the backup.


If you clone to USB media and then boot the clone to test the backup on the same computer from which it was made, both the Big Sur USB clone and the Big Sur HDD container installation show up within disk utility, in the USB media area.  The clone will have the same UUIDs.


4. If your Open Core keyboard language is not properly configured the recovery console language may default to Chinese or some other language.  To avoid this make sure your keyboard language is specified in Open Core NVRAM section of the config.plist.
Recovery terminal is available for system file changes.


The mount command within recovery terminal will show volumes.  You can then run: diskutil mountDisk diskXsY (where x is the number of your Big Sur disk and y is the read-only slice from the mount command output).


You can then run: mount -uw /Volumes/thenameofyourBigSurvolume (not Data volume) to make the normally read-only volume writable.


Make any desired system file changes from the console and reseal (where X is your Big Sur volume name shown with mount command):


bless --folder /Volumes/X/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot


5.  If you have an existing Catalina installation with brew and numerous brew installed programs such as ntfs-3g, you can directly copy the brew files/programs (usr/local) to the corresponding file system locations within Big Sur and if necessary, manually create the soft links to enable programs.  If you need to write to the system file tree you can do this from the recovery console as previously referenced.


NTFS volumes will normally mount read-only but read-write can be enabled if the installed /sbin/mount_ntfs supports read/write:


From terminal make a mount point of your choice for each ntfs volume.  Example: sudo mkdir ~/ntfs
Unmount the target read-only ntfs volume where x is disk number and y is slice: sudo umount /dev/diskxsy
Mount ntfs volume as read-write: sudo mount -t ntfs -o rw,auto,nobrowse /dev/diskxsy ~/ntfs
Link to desktop: sudo ln -s ~/ntfs ~/Desktop/whatever_name_you_choose
Make sure finder is configured to show mounted volumes on the desktop.


Keep in mind that if you use ntfs-3g with osxfuse to automount ntfs volumes, install version 4.0.5 or later of osxfuse.  You may have to copy the ntfs-3g mount_ntfs binary directly to /sbin using recovery console.  Note that brew's ntfs-3g 2017.3.23_3 has previously failed to mount NTFS volumes with all files and folders visible.  You can use a prior Catalina Version, although it may be necessary to copy mount_ntfs directory to sbin. 


Any changes made in recovery console should be followed by creating a new shapshot: 


bless --folder /Volumes/x/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot (where X is your Big Sur volume name shown with mount command.


Here are some post-install terminal tweaks/info for zsh.  If you do not know what they do, don't use them:


defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
defaults write com.apple.TextEdit RichText -int 0  
defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES
sudo defaults write /.Spotlight-V100/VolumeConfiguration Exclusions -array "/Volumes"
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true
sudo mdutil -i off -d /Volumes/whatevervolumename  (Disable Indexing AND Searching of specified Volume)
sudo mdutil -a -i off
top -o CMPRS
top -o MEM


6. If you have an existing Catalina installation with third party programs they may work without modification by copying them directly from Catalina Applications folder to the Big Sur Applications folder AND copying the corresponding entries for those programs from Catalina ~/Library/Application Support to Big Sur ~/Library/Application Support.  Note that ~/Library/Application Support refers to Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support.


7. A suitable Open Core NVRAM csr-active-config value to receive software updates with a supported hardware profile is 67080000.


8. Automator utility can create an apple script or shell script app for Big Sur but it may fail with error message when run from the desktop if absolute paths are not specified within the script.  Test by opening the app in automator and click the step button and see if the app executes with the desired result.  Test by running the command line directly within the zsh terminal.


9.  The attached EFI with OC was modified for Skylake/520/Sunrise Point but you may find that it works for a range of models with similar Intel hardware.  Supply your own Platforminfo.  If you multi-boot with linux you can run lspci -k from terminal in linux to show your pci hardware configuration.  This may be omitted from the post due to upload limitations.


10.  If you desire an Open Core GUI, change the config.plist PickerMode specification from BuiltIn to External and make sure you have the required Resources installed for your version of Open Core.  Set the applicable resolution for Open Core or all icons may not be completely visible.  Change HideAuxiliary to true if you do not want to see recovery.


11.  Removing old/unwanted snapshots.
Boot into recovery mode and disable SIP: csrutil disable/csrutil authenticated-root disable.


Reboot into recovery mode if necessary.


Run the mount command to see your Big Sur partition name and disk/slice.

In terminal type:


diskutil mount /dev/diskXsY  and hit enter (where X and Y are your Big Sur disk and slice)


then type: mount -uw /Volumes/X and hit enter (where X is your Big Sur volume name)


Your Big Sur volume should now be read-write.


Run: bless --folder /Volumes/x/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot (and hit enter to generate a new snapshot)


Now you can remove old/unwanted snapshots.


diskutil apfs listSnapshots diskXsY  for a list of snapshots/uuids


delete unwanted snapshots one at a time:


diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot diskXsY -uuid (the snapshot uuid you want to delete)


12.  Change the Big Sur login background.  
Boot into recovery mode with SIP/authenticated-root disabled.  


From prompt run: cd /


cd into the desktop pictures folder (where X represents the name of your Big Sur install volume)


cd /Volumes/X/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures


The default Big Sur login background in Desktop Pictures is Big Sur Graphic.heic.  You can optionally save this graphic by typing:


mv /Volumes/X/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Big\ Sur\ Graphic.heic  /Volumes/X/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Big\ Sur\ Graphic.heic.orig


Create a symlink to the desired login graphic....using Big Sur.heic as an example:


ln -s /Volumes/X/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Big\ Sur.heic    /Volumes/X/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Big\ Sur\ Graphic.heic


Run: bless --folder /Volumes/x/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot



13. Memory and Swap.
Note if you disable swap without enough memory your machine may freeze or slow to a crawl.  The risk/performance tradeoff is up to you.


turn off swap:
sudo launchctl unload -wF /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist


re-enable swap:
sudo launchctl load -wF /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist


delete swap:
sudo rm /private/var/vm/swapfile*


for those who have nvram.plist:

search for swap enabled:
nvram.plist vm_compressor=4


or swap disabled:
nvram.plist vm_compressor=2


view swap status:
sysctl -a vm.compressor_mode


nvram config to enable swap:
sudo nvram boot-args="vm_compressor=4"


disable swap:
sudo nvram boot-args="vm_compressor=2"


14.  Disabling Sleep/Hibernation
check state:
sudo pmset -g | grep hibernatemode


sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0


remove file to reclaim space:
sudo rm /private/var/vm/sleepimage
in /private/var/vm/ make a dummy:
sudo touch /private/var/vm/sleepimage


prevent write access to it:
sudo chmod 000 /private/var/vm/sleepimage
sudo chflags schg /private/var/vm/sleepimage


15. Manually install kexts to System/Library/Extensions.   
You need to enter recovery mode, open terminal, type at prompt  csrutil status
hit enter

verify response is "disabled"

if not, run at prompt: csrutil disable


type at prompt csrutil authenticated-root status
hit enter

verify response is "disabled"

if not run at prompt: csrutil authenticated-root disable


reboot into recovery mode if required


open terminal, at prompt run: mount
hit enter

verify volumes, disk numbers, slices.


confirm with: diskutil list


at prompt type:
diskutil mountDisk diskXsY  where X is the Big Sur disk number and Y is the Big Sur slice.
hit enter


at prompt type:
mount -uw /Volumes/your Big Sur volume name
hit enter


at prompt type: mount
hit enter

Your Big Sur volume should no longer indicate read-only


at prompt:  cp -r where/ever/your/kext/is/whatever.kext /Volumes/your Big Sur volume name/System/Library/Extensions

hit enter


for each kext:

at prompt: chown -R 0:0 /Volumes/your Big Sur volume name/System/Library/Extensions/target.kext && chmod -R 755  /Volumes/your Big Sur volume name/System/Library/Extensions/target.kext

hit enter


then type at prompt:  touch /Volumes/your Big Sur volume name/System/Library/Extensions/whatever.kext(s)

hit enter


then type at prompt: kmutil install --volume-root /Volumes/your Big Sur volume name  --update-all --force

hit enter, wait for finish


then type at prompt: /Volumes/your Big Sur volume name/usr/sbin/kcditto

hit enter, wait for finish


then type at prompt:

bless --folder /Volumes/your Big Sur volume name/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot

hit enter, wait for finish



16. some intel wifi info
Lilu.kext should load first and -lilubetaall in boot arguments in config.plist.


Use either Itlwm.kext with Heliport.app  OR AirportItlwm.kext.  Don't load both Itlwm.kext and AirportItlwm.kext.


Experience has shown that Itlwm.kext version 1.2.0 works well with Catalina and Big Sur when using the Heliport.app.


If you have both Catalina and Big Sur installed and prefer to use AirportItlwm.kext, you can rename one of them (example: Catalina version renamed to AirportItlwm2.kext) and inject them with Open Core by specifying MinKernel and MaxKernel versions in the config.plist to load the appropriate kext based on whether Catalina or Big Sur is booting.




constructive comments and amplifications welcome




Edited by HenryV
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  • 1 month later...



Thank you so very much! Finally a real Unix user! 


I enjoyed very much reading this post by you. It is very refreshing. So to the point and facts! Fantastic!


Just reading it cleared my head!


I am having some problems and I hope and if you are available, I can really use your help.

I spent years in the HP-UX and Sun Solaris as administrator and HP Openview Network Node Manager running on RAID on Sun Server. I forgot the nomenclature of the unit.   It has been over 15 years since I wore this hat and gave it up as I was burned out from being 24 x 7 person.  Couldn't sleep

Took a few years to clear my head from the Tron world.


Now I am back as a simple user trying to keep up my laptops from being malwared.  I choose the Mac any day.


I have installed both Catalina 10.15.7 and Big Sur 11.2.3 running well now. Using Clover 5133 and have only these two OS's on SSD.


I tried to boot up with OC and my problems are these don't work: Audio, Trackpad, and Battery these main issues.

I have zipped up my EFI it is 6.8 OC with the one I was testing before.  


To give you heads up, for this HP Probook, I started with Mojave then upgraded to Catalina running on Clover.

1 I used Rehabman's Project for HP Probook and it worked great with a few changes as he made a broad covering config.plist and SSDT's

plus kexts for SDCard and a few other things he put together to make sure everything worked and they do.

So here I was now facing upgrading to Catalina do I chose OC or stay with Clover was the question so I started testing OC and in the meantime

upgraded Clover from 4701 Rehabman's modded one to Clover 5122 then finally 5133 with OcQuirks to run Big Sur.


On OC without Rehabman's ACPI patches to the config.plist the battery messages appear on boot up screen prior to Console.

So I copied each Patch or fix from Clover config.plist to OC config.plist which caused the Debug in OC (using debug version) to spit out messages

about the ACPI patches but it worked to a point. Once in the Console Desktop mode, the Battery Icon does not stay on.  It is not loaded correctly.


In the SSDT-4x0G2b.aml has the battery info and all the rest as a hotpatch. But for some reason it is not loading correctly as theres is probably a minor issue with OC on this. Because it works fine In Clover.  Clover propagates is correctly.  OC doesn't.

The audio doesn't work with CodecCommander and AppleALC.kext.

The trackpad isn't loaded VoodooPS2Controller.kext 192 Rehabman's version.  version 222 doesn't load either.


Running on HP Probook 450 G2 HD 5500 Intel, CPU i5 5200U Broadwell-U setup Series 9 chipset north and south bridges.

8Gb Ram and it is doing quite well. 


Thank you 


Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 5.39.50 AM.png


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I tried out the ApplePS2SmartTouchpad.kext and it loads and boots up with no pauses.

VoodooPS2Controller.kext pauses on boot up at the trackpad kext load


Problem with ApplePS2 cannot disable when USB mouse plugged.

Is there a fix I can write into info.plist or is this a no go?


Thank you

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17 hours ago, makk said:



Thank you so very much! Finally a real Unix user! 


I enjoyed very much reading this post by you. It is very refreshing. So to the point and facts! Fantastic!


Just reading it cleared my head!


I am having some problems and I hope and if you are available, I can really use your help.

I spent years in the HP-UX and Sun Solaris as administrator and HP Openview Network Node Manager running on RAID on Sun Server. I forgot the nomenclature of the unit.   It has been over 15 years since I wore this hat and gave it up as I was burned out from being 24 x 7 person.  Couldn't sleep

Took a few years to clear my head from the Tron world.


Now I am back as a simple user trying to keep up my laptops from being malwared.  I choose the Mac any day.


I have installed both Catalina 10.15.7 and Big Sur 11.2.3 running well now. Using Clover 5133 and have only these two OS's on SSD.


I tried to boot up with OC and my problems are these don't work: Audio, Trackpad, and Battery these main issues.

I have zipped up my EFI it is 6.8 OC with the one I was testing before.  


To give you heads up, for this HP Probook, I started with Mojave then upgraded to Catalina running on Clover.

1 I used Rehabman's Project for HP Probook and it worked great with a few changes as he made a broad covering config.plist and SSDT's

plus kexts for SDCard and a few other things he put together to make sure everything worked and they do.

So here I was now facing upgrading to Catalina do I chose OC or stay with Clover was the question so I started testing OC and in the meantime

upgraded Clover from 4701 Rehabman's modded one to Clover 5122 then finally 5133 with OcQuirks to run Big Sur.


On OC without Rehabman's ACPI patches to the config.plist the battery messages appear on boot up screen prior to Console.

So I copied each Patch or fix from Clover config.plist to OC config.plist which caused the Debug in OC (using debug version) to spit out messages

about the ACPI patches but it worked to a point. Once in the Console Desktop mode, the Battery Icon does not stay on.  It is not loaded correctly.


In the SSDT-4x0G2b.aml has the battery info and all the rest as a hotpatch. But for some reason it is not loading correctly as theres is probably a minor issue with OC on this. Because it works fine In Clover.  Clover propagates is correctly.  OC doesn't.

The audio doesn't work with CodecCommander and AppleALC.kext.

The trackpad isn't loaded VoodooPS2Controller.kext 192 Rehabman's version.  version 222 doesn't load either.


Running on HP Probook 450 G2 HD 5500 Intel, CPU i5 5200U Broadwell-U setup Series 9 chipset north and south bridges.

8Gb Ram and it is doing quite well. 


Thank you 


Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 5.39.50 AM.png

EFI.zip 7.31 MB · 1 download


From your post I gather that you are doing fine with Big Sur but are having problems with Catalina 10.15.7 and Open Core 0.6.8.


In running a next generation (Skylake) the same Open Core configuration works fine for both mac OS versions.


If you are using a boot manager such as Refind you can put an experimental version of Open Core on a separate FAT32 partition and chainload it so you can make changes without disturbing your existing boot loader.


Start with a basic config.plist without any unusual patches or configurations.


HP laptops generally require LapicKernelPanic and UnblockFsConnect to be enabled in Open Core.


I suggest you remove all drivers from Open Core except the minimum such as OpenRuntime.efi and OpenHfsPlus.efi (only if you need it for anything installed/runing on HFS+).  You and add ApfsDriverLoader.efi.  Use OpenCanopy.efi if you use the OC GUI, otherwise disable it.


Don't use the alcid kernel swtich, use AppleALC.kext and modify the OC confi.plist with the correct layout-id for your audio.  You can extract the audio layout info from a live linux session:


cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 | less


The first line should provide your codec. It will look something like this:

Codec: Realtek ALC294


You can also run lspci-k from terminal in linux to see your pci hardware and the modules linux loads for them.


If your audio device under DeviceProperties is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x0) the codec layout-id would be entered in that section of the of the config.plist.


Remove any other kexts that modify AppleHDA.  Remove CodecCommander at this point.  Remove any VoodooHDA kext.


While on the subject of kexts, remove all but the essentials to start, and add them one by one if you need them and observe any issues.


You can download a pack of current kexts from here:



I would suggest you change csr-active-config in NVRAM of config.plist to 67080000, encoded as ZwgAAA==, not the 5wMAAA== data value in your posted EFI.zip.  


For the ACPI section of OC config.plist, here is a Broadwell laptop iinstall guide for OC 0.6.0. The majority of the info will probably apply to 0.6.8:



Remove all but the minimum of ACPI .amls to eliminate problems.


Make sure Lilu.kext loads first and you may want to use the -lilubetaall kernel switch in NVRAM config.plist if your version of Lilu.kext requires it.  To troubleshoot, remove all kexts except Lilu, WhateverGreen, VirtualSMC, SMCProcessor, SMCSuperIO and VoodooPS2Controller.  You can add ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext.

Try those mods with Open Core 0.6.8 and see if you can boot both Catalina and Big Sur from the same config.plist.  You can go back later and add AppleALC , as well as add ACPIBatterManager.kext or SMCBatteryManager.kext to see if either will work without special patching.


Let me know how those issues work out for you.







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Thank you for this great help and aid!


I will work on it as suggested.


I will let you know what the outcome is.


the LapicKernel option creates a panic and reboots. I had to uncheck to boot.

FSconnect on or off boots.  

The SSDT-4x0G2b.aml has the statements to prevent Lapic, but the FSConnect not sure of perfectly. Yet with or without it checked it boots.
Probably best to uncheck it to see if it is a cause to certain aspects of Battery and Audio and Trackpad.

I just found two more kexts for Voodoo Synaptics and this other one for the HID and they are booting with it in injected in clover.

I usually use Clover to be the basis for a working boot.  Then I try OC.


 I believe now the issue is the CodecCommander I just booted with Clover and codeccommander was unable to load the HDA so now no audio. Removed to see what is up on boot.  Was not a problem before was always loading the HDA.


I tried all the methods as you suggested, in my previous runs.  Layout id instead of alcid set to 3 as in Clover.

However did not work. Disabled in config.plist and re-enabled still no audio strange as it may sound resetting NVRAM on each boot.


I think maybe it is stuck and needs a kick. lloll


where's the hammer? haha




I cannot tell you how many times rebooted to see.

Then once by accident on the OC choser I selected EFI boot and wella Audio! But could not replicate afterwards.

The ALC.kext does load but does not load AppleHDA does not connect for some reason.

When reviewing the debug logs states successfully loaded but does not connect to open.


The battery don't know enough about it to tell you anything except the icon doesn't show up on the menu bar.


Canopy stopped loading as well. Weird. 



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Greetings HenryV


No luck.


The Battery in System Preference is ok but no icon  on menu bar the show battery in menu is checked.  Small potatoes but annoying.

No audio no matter what I do.  No luck.


Trackpad no luck.


Not sure what else to try.


So I am in Clover 5133.


I can boot into Catalina no problems but the same problem with OC reciprocated.


I can boot into Catalina when I encounter an issue with Big Sur.


I switched to VirtualSMC and have problems if I revert back to FakeSMC for Booting Big Sur rather strange.

But I can boot into Catalina in either one: Fake or Virtual. 

With FakeSMC I get full on HWMonitor with CPU Freqs.  Can't boot into Big Sur pauses or stops loading after SuperIO Found {Fatal} stops.

So in clover boot screen menu disabled the Sensors. Boots in, but no Audio, the icons for boot drives disappear.  Cannot connect to EFI on main drive or USB.  Weird.  This is only in Big Sur. What is the issue here? Snapshot? How to get around this. 

or perhaps fakesmc version? I can see that causing issue for Big Sur boot up.

I downloaded the HWMonitor Sensor package from Chris1111 his very latest. This may be the problem.


Also waiting on new version of VoodooPS2Controller from Acidanthera.  The NumLock Light doesn't come on.
With AppleSmartTouchPad the Light comes on or stays on but cannot disable trackpad when USB mouse connected.
Otherwise it is smooth on boot. No flags or errors.


I hope these issues are cleared out by a fix in the bootloaders rather than installing tons of patches.


Thanks and have a good day




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  • macOS Big Sur now adds root auth to SIP so the final value now is 0x867 or 67080000 hex-swapped

csrutil disable

csrutil authenticated-root disable


1 First need to have 67080000 in Bootloader  Opencore would be this one

2 then procede


Clover needs this one:

1 0x867 in RtVariables


Then the @@it works



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11 hours ago, makk said:

Greetings HenryV


No luck.


The Battery in System Preference is ok but no icon  on menu bar the show battery in menu is checked.  Small potatoes but annoying.

No audio no matter what I do.  No luck.


Trackpad no luck.


Not sure what else to try.


So I am in Clover 5133.


I can boot into Catalina no problems but the same problem with OC reciprocated.


I can boot into Catalina when I encounter an issue with Big Sur.


I switched to VirtualSMC and have problems if I revert back to FakeSMC for Booting Big Sur rather strange.

But I can boot into Catalina in either one: Fake or Virtual. 

With FakeSMC I get full on HWMonitor with CPU Freqs.  Can't boot into Big Sur pauses or stops loading after SuperIO Found {Fatal} stops.

So in clover boot screen menu disabled the Sensors. Boots in, but no Audio, the icons for boot drives disappear.  Cannot connect to EFI on main drive or USB.  Weird.  This is only in Big Sur. What is the issue here? Snapshot? How to get around this. 

or perhaps fakesmc version? I can see that causing issue for Big Sur boot up.

I downloaded the HWMonitor Sensor package from Chris1111 his very latest. This may be the problem.


Also waiting on new version of VoodooPS2Controller from Acidanthera.  The NumLock Light doesn't come on.
With AppleSmartTouchPad the Light comes on or stays on but cannot disable trackpad when USB mouse connected.
Otherwise it is smooth on boot. No flags or errors.


I hope these issues are cleared out by a fix in the bootloaders rather than installing tons of patches.


Thanks and have a good day




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Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 10.52.25 PM.png

config.plist.zipFetching info...


As indicated, it would be better to use Open Core and strip the drivers and ACPI and kexts to a minimum to troubleshoot.  Consider changing your hardware profile.  You may have to load kexts in SLE or LE if OC or Clover is not configured to force them to load.

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With OC 6.9


FakePCIID.kext took out


Put in new AppleALC.kext, VirtualSMC, Lilu,

The Big Fix: Ran the SSDTTime it spit out SSDT-HPET and patches of configs for config.plist and wella Audio

Clover IRQ conflicting with OC. ( I borked on this one because I completely forgot about the FixHPET, IPIC, TIMR, RTC which

is used in Clover plus and RTC patch in ACPI which I left alone and enabled.


Now need help with EC.  


Would like the Battery Icon to always appear in the Menu bar and in System Preferences Tab portion for Battery rather than the Light Bulb For Energy Saver. Battery One looks better and has more Information.

While, having USB 2 and 3 properly in System Report and IOREG.  Do you know how to do this?

PROBLEM. All the patches- 35 of them in ACPI>DSDT>Patches work in concert with SSDT's. If I disable the EC0 to EC change patch, then I lose Battery Information, icon and well it goes nill. There's got to be a correct way to do this. Some patching and SSDT.  


1 EC > some fellow Hackintosher made and ECEnabler.kext. Need more information as to how to attach it to this system.

2 VoodooPS2Controller which one will work with this HP? Right now have 1.9.2 Rehabman. Vits is 2.2.3 latest has Input in it.

I have running in Clover VoodooI2C.kext with has input.kext  

A few other things. 


Thank you HenryV for the push forward.

Edited by makk
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No kexts in /L/E or /S/L/E


I installed to see if I got more volume and bass boost by using VoodooHDA.kext.  Need an amp attached to the audio port and external speakers

Plus HDMI TV connection for visual and to get the big sound.  Otherwise on the laptop speakers the bass is too powerful and flutters.


When the time comes.


How did you put Clover on a partition?  Is it possible to put both on the EFI? Dual Bootloaders with a switcher?

A menu that you can select either one? Is this what you are doing?

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Just got an reply from 1Revenger1 who made the patch ECEnabler.kext.


Would you like to take a crack at it?


If someone can enhance this bugger it will save several steps in the EC portion.



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