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Hello! I am finally running a Catalina Hackintosh on my very basic system 


Integrated UHD 630 video

Gigabyte B365M DS3H

OCZ Vertex 4 SSD


Bottom line I didn't get the video (and I'm sure many other things) correct. BUT I GOT IT INSTALLED!!


Hoping I can fix it after the fact. 


So I want to use HDMI but it never works. I am using VGA right now and it "works"


However I get screen tearing like vsync isn't on.


I looked around for other people who had similar issues... but as you can see I used whatevergreen.kext and attempted to setup my config.plist with all the right stuff for my card. I injected intel and all that jazz. I'm obviously missing something and even after searching the video card part of the forum I'm coming up empty.


More than just my video card, I'm curious what I can do to find other things I did wrong and fix those too! 


I notice that my text input can lag when I'm typing and stuff like that. 


Thank you in advance for any replies. 



Edited by misjudgedinall
11 hours ago, misjudgedinall said:

Hello! I am finally running a Catalina Hackintosh on my very basic system 


Integrated UHD 630 video

Gigabyte B365M DS3H

OCZ Vertex 4 SSD



Hi, I'm not able to answer your questions, but I would strongly advise that you hide your serial number when you post your image for security purposes.

Kodi is having a heck of a time playing faster than 5 FPS I've found some guides on how to setup the INTEL UDH 630 and it looks pretty in-depth. I'll write back if I ever figure it out. 


Pretty motivated because the screen saver is all slow and crappy, YouTube and other web videos have tearing and Kodi is not playable. 


I also would like to play some games on this guy someday just for fun. 



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