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[pre-release] macOS Big Sur

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20 minutes ago, lasn2096 said:

1. The UUIDs are something like this "1486A08F-9233-452B-85F3-50D6B1ECE523B"

2. When I run this command "diskutil apfs listSnapshots <volume mount point>" this will give you a list of UUID, take a good look at the output, in my case I had two

3. This command "diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot <volume mount point> -uuid <uuid of snapshot>" will delete the UUID you must do with each. Example "diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot <volume mount point> -uuid 1486A08F-9233-452B-85F3-50D6B1ECE523B"

4. Finally to verify that all the UUIDs have been removed run again "diskutil apfs listSnapshots <volume mount point>" and the output of this should be "No Snapshots for disk"

which one i delete these of snapshots

found 2

i m confused which one i delete 


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Created a Big Sur installer USB for the ASrock Z270M Exteam4 system, after some EFI tuning and proper file gathering the install worked. Top tip, after copying the EFI to the SSD, select NVRAM reset before booting.





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16 hours ago, fusion71au said:


No es necesario parchear el instalador si su SMBIOS es oficialmente compatible con Big Sur (ese parche es para permitir la instalación en Macs más antiguos, evitando las comprobaciones de compatibilidad).


IIRC, solo vi el arranque previo al arranque en la instalación de la segunda etapa (la que tiene aproximadamente 30 minutos restantes). El arranque final en la tercera etapa muestra solo el volumen de Big Sur para arrancar desde el menú OpenCore. Interrumpir a la mitad de la barra de carga durante esta etapa (cuando la barra de progreso se ralentiza y se crea la instantánea) ---> Reiniciar al menú OpenCore ahora muestra tanto "instalador de macOS" como  el volumen Big Sur ---> Elija Big Sur Volume ---> 1 reinicio, siga eligiendo Big Sur Volume, no el instalador.


Para aquellos que reciben el error 66 que intentan montar su volumen raíz a pesar de deshabilitar SIP para la raíz autenticada -> significa que su sistema todavía tiene Instantáneas del sistema APFS habilitadas. Estos se pueden eliminar siguiendo los pasos a continuación (crédito para guiar en reddit


Procedimiento de fijación de instantáneas APFS

  1. Arrancar en el instalador Big Sur USB
  2. Abra una terminal, escriba `csrutil disable` y reinicie
  3. Cuando vuelva al instalador, ejecute `diskutil list` para encontrar la ubicación del disco" Macintosh HD ", como disk2s5
  4. Móntelo usando `diskutil mountDisk <identificador de disco>` como `diskutil mountDisk disk2s5` luego ejecute` mount -uw <punto de montaje de volumen> `como` mount -uw / Volumes / Macintosh \ HD / `para montarlo como lectura, escritura
  5. Ejecute `/System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs_systemsnapshot -v <punto de montaje de volumen> -r" "`
  6. Luego, para eliminar las instantáneas en el disco, ejecute `diskutil apfs listSnapshots <punto de montaje de volumen>` y tome nota de cada UUID de las instantáneas
  7. Ejecute `diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot <punto de montaje de volumen> -uuid <uuid de la instantánea>` para todas las instantáneas en el disco.
  8. Verifique que no haya más instantáneas ejecutando `diskutil apfs listSnapshots <punto de montaje de volumen>` debería devolver "No Snapshots for disk"
  9. Reinicie en el escritorio de Big Sur y asegúrese de que ejecutar `sudo mount -uw /` no devuelva errores y que ejecutar `diskutil info /` devuelva un disco como disk2s5 y no una instantánea como disk2s5s1




Aquí hay un ejemplo real del mundo real (salida del terminal después de arrancar en Big Sur Recovery o USB Installer). Tenga en cuenta en este ejemplo, <punto de montaje de volumen> era / Volumes / Big_Sur ,

El UUID de la instantánea fue DD99DFC1-7FA2-4B1E-9F75-04380B0AFCA4 ...


Reinicie en Big Sur apropiado y abra el terminal para instalar kext (s), por ejemplo, digamos que desea reemplazar /S/L/E/IO80211Family.kext original con IO80211Family.kext original de su carpeta ~ / Downloads


excellent your explanation is just what I was looking for to delete 2 sanapshot that my system has. I had tried with others but did not understand it. I'm going to try and see how it turns out.
congratulations and thanks for sharing.

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which flag (args) replaces this Clover option

"inject Nvidia"
I have to activate it to activate my GeForce Nvidia GT320m in my laptop and I want to test on BigSur with non Metal Nvidia

thank you for your answer

be careful because the arg to activate Maxwell and Pascal does not work !!!





question !

quelle flag (args) remplace cete option de Clover 

"inject Nvidia" 
je suis Obligee de le activer pour activer ma GeForce Nvidia GT320m dans mon laptop et je veux faire des testes sur BigSur avec des Nvidia non Metal 

merci pour vous reponse

atention car le arg pour activer les Maxwell et Pascal ne fonctionne pas !!! 

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10 minutes ago, osxone said:


if we do not help each other then there will be fewer members and hackintosh will die out, help each other


that's a weird way to ask for help

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Hello everyone in this forum! You have been great so far and thanks to your guidance I was able to install and boot through OpenCore 0.6.0 Big Sur beta 2 on a spare SSD working as an external drive through an enclosure. I installed it from an USB installer that I created following MaLd0n guide. Everything appears to be working well except for the wifi which is a BRCM94331. I read in Dortania that support for this wifi card was dropped in Big Sur but I was hoping that with some workaround it could work. I even tried creating a SSDT but no luck with it. My build is a GA-Z97-HD3 i5-4790K, RX-580, 16 GB RAM (disable iGPU). I see that when I try to open Network in System Preferences is not responding. Was the Network preferences disabled in Big Sur or it's just a bug? If someone can take a look at what I've achieved and share with me some solution for the wifi it would great. Attached is my OC folder (I removed some drivers and files from the OC zipped folder which were not really important, such as the boot chime and opencanopy resources to keep the file size small).

OC copy.zip


Send me Jorges-iMac.zip

Edited by jlrycm
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8 minutes ago, jlrycm said:

Hello everyone in this forum! You have been great so far and thanks to your guidance I was able to install and boot through OpenCore 0.6.0 Big Sur beta 2 on a spare SSD working as an external drive through an enclosure. I installed it from an USB installer that I created following MaLd0n guide. Everything appears to be working well except for the wifi which is a BRCM94331. I read in Dortania that support for this wifi card was dropped in Big Sur but I was hoping that with some workaround it could work. I even tried creating a SSDT but no luck with it. My build is a GA-Z97-HD3 i5-4790K, RX-580, 16 GB RAM (disable iGPU). I see that when I try to open Network in System Preferences is not responding. Was the Network preferences disabled in Big Sur or it's just a bug? If someone can take a look at what I've achieved and share with me some solution for the wifi it would great. Attached is my OC folder (I removed some drivers and files from the OC zipped folder which were not really important, such as the boot chime and opencanopy resources to keep the file size small).

OC copy.zip


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Regarding the problem Stuck on ramrod mentioned in the link: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Desktop-Guide/extras/big-sur/#stuck-on-ramrod where the instalation restarts on a infinite loop with a line near the bottom that says: ramrod exited with status 1 - Rebooting



I want to inform that I had this problem after installing it on an OCZ Vertex 2 SSD and with or without vsmcgen=1,  and with FakeSMC or with VIrtualSMC I could not overcome the problem.
I tested the same Open Core configuration without changing anything on a HDD and (it was painful to wait, but...)  it worked without any problem.
I tested it on a Vertex 3 SSD(more recent than the Vertex 2) and it also worked without any problem.
My problem with "Stuck on ramrod" reboot loop was caused by some incompatibility with these old OCZ Vertex 2 and perhaps related to Apple APFS and it had nothing to do with using or not vsmcgen=1 or VirtualSMC/FakeSMC. 1326397168_Screenshot2020-07-12at19_16_47.thumb.png.26aa637dca144e494a4ce003d2201c01.png 

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20 hours ago, fusion71au said:


No need to patch installer if your SMBIOS is officially supported in Big Sur (that patch is to allow install into older Macs, bypassing compatibility checks).


IIRC, I only saw Preboot booting into the second stage install (the one with approx 30 minutes remaining).  The final boot into the third stage shows only the Big Sur volume to boot from the OpenCore menu.  Interrupting half way through the loading bar during this stage (when the progress bar slows to a crawl and the snapshot is being created) ---> Restart to OpenCore Menu now shows both "macOS Installer" and the Big Sur volume ---> Choose Big Sur Volume ---> 1 reboot, keep on choosing Big Sur volume, not the installer.


For those getting error 66 trying to mount their root volume despite disabling SIP for authenticated root --> it means your system still has APFS System Snapshots enabled.  These can be removed following the steps below (credit to guide on reddit


Fixing APFS Snapshot Procedure

  1. Boot into the Big Sur installer USB
  2. Open a terminal, type `csrutil disable` and reboot
  3. When back into the installer, run `diskutil list` to find the location of the "Macintosh HD" disk, such as disk2s5
  4. Mount it using `diskutil mountDisk <disk identifier>` such as `diskutil mountDisk disk2s5` then run `mount -uw <volume mount point>` such as `mount -uw /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/` to mount it as read write
  5. Run `/System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs_systemsnapshot -v <volume mount point> -r ""`
  6. Then, to delete the snapshots on the disk, run `diskutil apfs listSnapshots <volume mount point>` and take note of each UUID of the snapshots
  7. Run `diskutil apfs deleteSnapshot <volume mount point> -uuid <uuid of snapshot>` for all snapshots on the disk.
  8. Verify that there are no more snapshots by running `diskutil apfs listSnapshots <volume mount point>` it should return "No Snapshots for disk"
  9. Reboot into the Big Sur desktop and make sure that running `sudo mount -uw /` returns no errors and that running `diskutil info /` returns a disk such as disk2s5 and not a snapshot such as disk2s5s1




Here is actual real world example (output from terminal after booting into Big Sur Recovery or USB Installer).  Note in this example, <volume mount point> was /Volumes/Big_Sur,

UUID of snapshot was DD99DFC1-7FA2-4B1E-9F75-04380B0AFCA4...


Reboot into Big Sur proper and open terminal to install kext(s) eg say you want to replace original /S/L/E/IO80211Family.kext with older IO80211Family.kext from your ~/Downloads folder


Many thanks for this guide @fusion71au! Now my Atheros AR9285 works perfectly! And now the menu bar goes fast, like my real iMac. In my opinion, @chris1111, these snapshots conflict with the menu bar, making it unusable and very slow. Thanks again




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I created a Big Sur beta 2 installer USB for my X299 Gigabyte UD4 test system, the install worked. Top tip, after copying the EFI to the SSD, I selected NVRAM reset before booting.


Everything seems to be working as expected.


I can confirm that the EFI OC 0.6.0 folder for USB installer I shared before here is working fine :






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when i boot into Catalina. When in Catalina the incompatible disk message will appear and on the desktop i can see the update disk

i think that this issue appeared in Catalina after deletion of snapshot of Big Sur

anyone have solution


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5 hours ago, manmo71 said:
  Reveal hidden contents




Here is your config.plist file with a different platform-id

Try this and see. config.plist

No dice, didn't work... lost boot, graphic accelaration, sound... :wacko:


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29 minutes ago, MorenoAv said:

No dice, didn't work... lost boot, graphic accretion, sound... :wacko:


If you're trying on the Z390 I, try my EFI Folder your specs are almost identical to mine, your board is just the smaller form factor. Remember to clean your NVRAM before booting the Folder. You will have to add your own values like the S/N, MLB, ROM and SmUID. Good luck.


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10 hours ago, Matgen84 said:


I've 3 Hard Drives: Catalina and Windows (Internal), BigSur (External)



8 hours ago, Matgen84 said:


Thanks a lot :) I follow all your explantations: 


  • OC Debug: I don't have any output with Ioreg command. macOS 10.16 recognizes the right names which is not the case with Opencore. Strange.

SOLVED :)  change name in the hidden text file /System/Volumes/Preboot/UUID/System/Library/CoreServices/.disk_label.contentDetails



Hi @Matgen84


From your screenshot, you are running the release version of OC (REL-060-2020-07-10), not the debug version.


To get a debug log with the ioreg command, you also need the correct setting for Misc/Debug/Target in your config.plist (I have it set at 5).  Refer to OC documentation (Configuration.pdf) and OpenCore desktop guide for more details.

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Finally a working beta 2 direct installation with working wifi, had to skip the snapshot creation phase during install and was able to roll back the drivers!

Thx guys for all the helpful stuff found on this thread, keep up the good work for developer too obv!

P.s on an old optiplex runs perfect! xD


Schermata 2020-07-13 alle 00.12.58.png

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