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[pre-release] macOS Big Sur

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3 hours ago, d5aqoep said:

Here is my Gigabyte Z490 Vision G EFI based on 0.6.1 final release with latest release kexts. It should work with most Z490 Systems. Make sure you use Big Sur Beta 6 and higher. If you want to use this for Catalina, add correct Cpuid1Data and Cpuid1Mask under Open Core's Kernel section.


Just tried out your Shared EFI file and I could boot in to my. Beta6 os . 

on my gigabyte.Z490 maser mother board. the sound icon looked active.(didn't test it) and no network.

 perhaps it will help others get started.

                                                            Thanks for shearing



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  Chipset Model: Intel UHD Graphics 630

  Type: GPU

  Bus: Built-In

  Slot: Internal@0,2,0

  VRAM (Dynamic, Max): 2048 MB

  Vendor: Intel

  Device ID: 0x3e9b

  Revision ID: 0x0002

  Metal: Supported, feature set macOS GPUFamily2 v1

  Metal Family: Supported, Metal GPUFamily macOS 2

BigSur beta 6

asrock 390

how to enable hevc 

or where to get info


Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 22.57.54.png

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1 hour ago, ITzTravelInTime said:

Update: this is wat i get with the patch, it's correct but it still doesn't boot and gives me the same kp, any ideas?


  Hide contents



@jmacie @ITzTravelInTime I really wish I could help you more on this matter but my brain doesn't seem to agree.  :no:


Edited by Ellybz
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11 hours ago, jmacie said:

It's cool, I'm not buying a new system though. Maybe after the source code comes out we'll get it patched.


probably we need additional stuff but this ssdt patch seems to be somewhat mandatory since other systems can't boot without it

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1 hour ago, ITzTravelInTime said:


возможно, нам нужны дополнительные вещи, но этот патч ssdt кажется в некоторой степени обязательным, поскольку другие системы не могут загружаться без него

The following is interesting - the deployed system from under the virtual machine can already be started.  But installation from a USB stick or from under Catalina does not work.  Already the brain explodes)).

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34 minutes ago, Антико said:

The following is interesting - the deployed system from under the virtual machine can already be started.  But installation from a USB stick or from under Catalina does not work.  Already the brain explodes)).


Doesn't surprises me since the vm has different aml tables than the host system and that many features of the cpu can be altered to get the os to boot into a vm

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6 minutes ago, ITzTravelInTime said:


Меня это не удивляет, так как у виртуальной машины есть таблицы AML, отличные от таблицы хоста, и что многие функции процессора можно изменить, чтобы заставить ОС загружаться в виртуальную машину.

Sorry, maybe you misunderstood me.  You can install it on ssd from under a virtual machine, and then run it as if nothing had happened.  Perhaps I misunderstood you.))


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2 minutes ago, Антико said:

Sorry, maybe you misunderstood me.  You can install it on ssd from under a virtual machine, and then run it as if nothing had happened.  Perhaps I misunderstood you.))


ohh, i see it, well i still have the same problem even with an already installed system, so i think we are in slightly different situations, but i still have to try the newer betas, but i don't think that they are going to chenge much about our problem, but i will test it anyway and then report back when i have time

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On 9/6/2020 at 9:20 AM, Alex HQuest said:

Another bug reported to Apple. If you install a product that adds a kernel extension, Big Sur now enforces the user to approve the kext before it can be made active by the OS. This approval happens by opening SysPrefs, then to Security & Privacy; a button is displayed on the General tab, right from the "Allow apps downloaded from App Store and identified developers". On Big Sur b6, this causes the Security & Privacy pane to close and return back to main SysPrefs page, with an error message. Therefore, your application won't work as you cannot approve the kext.


Perks of using beta software...

Workaround: If you open the Security & Privacy pane before the application install is started, it will be auto refreshed during the install process and it allows you to click the Allow extension button.

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1 hour ago, Alex HQuest said:

Workaround: If you open the Security & Privacy pane before the application install is started, it will be auto refreshed during the install process and it allows you to click the Allow extension button.

Thats right :wink_anim:

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Some tips and observations concerning DP installion to an available APFS HDD container/partition.
Assumes an existing working ESP bootloader.

1. Go ahead and make your USB installer with OC 0.6.0 or later, but if you have an existing install of Catalina you can save time by starting the Big Sur installer directly from Catalina, choosing the target partition, and letting the installer copy over the install files rather than waiting on USB to boot and copy. You can then use the USB installer to reboot Big Sur as required to complete the installation.

2. If you are a linux multi-booter and using grub2 as your main bootloader, and if you have an existing Catalina install with a working chainloaded OC or Clover, suggest you don't disturb/break your existing bootloader by making tweaks for Big Sur.  You can make an additional small 200MB FAT32 partition on your HDD and put your Big Sur bootloader there and chainload it from grub.cfg. Run lsblk -f or sudo blockid from linux terminal and note the UUID of the Big Sur FAT32 bootloader partition you made.  Temporarily edit your boot grub.cfg and add the following entry where xxxx-xxxx is your Big Sur FAT32 bootloader partition UUID:

for open core:

menuentry "Open_Core"{
    insmod part_gpt
    search --no-floppy --set=root --fs-uuid xxxx-xxxx
    chainloader /EFI/OC/OpenCore.efi  # or whatever path you use

or for clover:

menuentry "Clover"{
    insmod part_gpt
    search --no-floppy --set=root --fs-uuid xxxx-xxxx
    chainloader /EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERX64.efi  # or whatever path you use

This way you can easily edit/tweak your Big Sur bootloader settings without breaking your existing working ESP bootloader.  If you are not confortable using an XML editor to edit config.plist, and you have Catalina installed, you can download ProperTree from github and use it from Catalina.  Later you can modify your linux /etc/grub.d/40_custom to include any custom bootloader menuentries you want to keep, and then run update-grub.
3. When your install is finished and you are finally at the working desktop, you may want to make a backup. With Catalina this was easily done by using Disk Utility from a bootable USB installer to restore to an APFS formatted backup media.  The Big Sur DP4 installer Disk Utility has repeatedly failed to replicate Big Sur and it appears Disk Utility from Catalina 10.15.6 can not perform this task with Big Sur APFS containers. You can, however, clone the entire Big Sur container to removable media with third party software. Alternatively, and depending on the size of your AFPS container/partition and transfer rate, using dd can take quite a long time to do the backup.

If you clone to USB media and then boot the clone to test the backup on the same computer from which it was made, both the Big Sur USB clone and the Big Sur HDD container installation show up within disk utility, but only in the USB media area.

4. The recovery console for DP4 does not appear to have a language selector that works, but defaults to a mostly non-English type of character based language.  The language selector button with drop down menu on the top right does not appear to work.

Despite the language issue, recovery terminal is available.

Mount command does work and you can mount -uw /dev/diskxsy to make the normally read-only volume writable (where x is the number of your Big Sur disk and y is the read-only slice from the mount command output).

Make your changes from the console and reseal (where x is your Big Sur volume name shown with mount command):
bless --folder /Volumes/x/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot

5.  If you have an existing Catalina installation with brew and numerous brew installed programs such as ntfs-3g, you can directly copy the brew files/programs to the corresponding file system locations within Big Sur and if necessary, manually create the soft links to enable programs.  If you need to write to the system file tree in the system snapshot you can do this from the recovery console as previously referenced.

NTFS volumes will normally mount read-only but read-write can be enabled without ntfs-3g and without osxfuse as follows:

From terminal make a mountpoint of your choice for each ntfs volume.  Example: sudo mkdir ~/ntfs
Unmount the target read-only ntfs volume where x is disk number and y is slice: sudo umount /dev/diskxsy
Mount ntfs volume as read-write: sudo mount -t ntfs -o rw,auto,nobrowse /dev/diskxsy ~/ntfs
Link to desktop: sudo ln -s ~/ntfs ~/Desktop/whatever_name_you_choose
Make sure finder is configured to show hard disks on the desktop.

Keep in mind that if you use ntfs-3g with osxfuse to automount ntfs volumes, install version 3.11.0 or later of osxfuse.  You may have to copy the ntfs-3g mount_ntfs binary directly to /sbin.

Here are some post-install termainal tweaks tested in zsh.  If you do not know what they do, don't use them:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
defaults write com.apple.TextEdit RichText -int 0  
defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES
sudo defaults write /.Spotlight-V100/VolumeConfiguration Exclusions -array "/Volumes"
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true

6. If you have an existing Catalina installation with third party programs they may work without modification by copying them directly from Catalina Applications folder to the Big Sur Applications folder AND copying the corresponding entries for those programs from Catalina ~/Library/Application Support to Big Sur ~/Library/Application Support.

7. System Preferences Trackpad.prefPane does not appear to be working as of DP4.  Substituting the Trackpad.prefPane from Catalina also not working.

8. Automator utility can create an apple script or shell script app for Big Sur but it fails with error message when run from the desktop.  If you open the app in automator and click the step button the app executes with the desired result.  Running the command line directly within the zsh terminal also executes properly.

9.  The attached EFI with OC was modified for Skylake/520/Sunrise Point but you may find that it works for a  range of models with similar Intel hardware.  Supply your own Platforminfo.  If you multi-boot with linux you can run lspci -k from terminal in linux to show your pci hardware configuration.

10.  If you desire the OC GUI, change the config.plist PickerMode specification from BuiltIn to External, but be aware that all icons may not be completely visible.  Change HideAuxiliary to true if you do not want to see recovery.

A big thank you to all who have unselfishly devoted their time, energy and intellect to making Big Sur and previous distros available to those who are looking for alternatives and who are willing to learn.


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@jmacie @ITzTravelInTime @Антико

I was thinking about your Kp issue with X99. I really don't know how determined you are to make it work, but If I had a X99, I would probably start checking all my ACPI Devices in LPC0 ( DMAC, RTC, etc..) against the ACPI dump of a Mac Pro or another successful build.  It might take some time but the issue might be really small and easy to remap with an SSDT

Just my two cent..

Edited by Ellybz
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1 hour ago, Ellybz said:

@jmacie @ITzTravelInTime @Антико

I was thinking about your Kp issue with X99. I really don't know how determined you are to make it work, but If I had a X99, I would probably start checking all my ACPI Devices in LPC0 ( DMAC, RTC, etc..) against the ACPI dump of a Mac Pro or another successful build.  It might take some time but the issue might be really small and easy to remap with an SSDT

Just my two cent..

Thank you, This bit of information is what I was looking for 35 posts ago. I will emphasize this to the numerous other x99 users that I'm sure will want to contribute. Thanks again!

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2 hours ago, Ellybz said:

@jmacie @ITzTravelInTime @Антико

I was thinking about your Kp issue with X99. I really don't know how determined you are to make it work, but If I had a X99, I would probably start checking all my ACPI Devices in LPC0 ( DMAC, RTC, etc..) against the ACPI dump of a Mac Pro or another successful build.  It might take some time but the issue might be really small and easy to remap with an SSDT

Just my two cent..

 I would ratrher compare it to one of those chinenese motherboards which are able to boot into big sur since there is no official mac featuring a socket 2011v3 cpu.


Please if you own wny of theose chinese x99 motherboards, like the huananzhi ones, send me your ssdt and dsdt, so i can use those to figure out why big Sur won't boot on other x99 systems

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1 час назад ITzTravelInTime сказал:

 Я бы с удовольствием сравнил ее с одним из тех китайских материнских плат, которые загружаются в большом количестве, поскольку не является официальным Mac с процессором socket 2011v3.


Пожалуйста, если у вас есть несколько китайских материнских плат x99, таких как huananzhi, пришлите мне свои ssdt и dsdt, чтобы я мог использовать их, чтобы выяснить, почему Big Sur не загружается на другие системы x99.

Perhaps this post will help you with this?

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