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[GUIDE] Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, Sequoia on HP EliteDesk 800 G4/G5 Mini - The perfect MacMini8,1 Hackintosh

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Sonoma 14.0 Beta 3 RSR applied without any issues.  See details here.  My hack continues to boot/run perfectly after removal of SBUS ACPI patches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was reviewing the Open Core 0.9.4 commits and don't see much that applies to our HP EliteDesk HackMinis.  One commit that caught my eye is the LAPIC patch cleanup.   The LAPIC patch is typically applied to HP machines (and the patch is enabled in the EFI attached here).  I'm not sure what this cleanup does.  I do plan to update to Open Core 0.9.4 and associated updated Acidanthera kexts, but there's not much in 0.9.4 that requires this update.


EDIT: I was reviewing the OC 0.9.4 Change Log and see that the LAPIC patch cleanup is for "legacy versions of macOS."  I'm guessing that this change is not relevant to the new work that we're doing in this thread with Ventura and Sonoma, making an upgrade to OC 0.9.4 even less important for those who don't want to upgrade.

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OC 0.9.4 has been officially released.  The changelog confirms (for me) that there is no compelling reason to upgrade 0.9.3->0.9.4 for this HackMini8,1.  NVMEFix.kext has been updated for Sonoma, so my next posted EFI will remove the MaxKernel limit for NVMeFix.kext.


I have not yet posted an updated OC 0.9.4 EFI at this time.

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I'm going to be taking a break from this forum for a while, so I won't be posting an OC 0.9.4 EFI any time soon.  Regardless of whether you upgrade OC, you may want to test with the new release of NVMEfix.kext (if you do upgrade NVMeFix.kext, don't forget to delete the NVMeFix.kext MaxKernel limit from your OC config.plist).


Good luck everyone!  See you again some time in the future.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I will not be using OCLP (Open Core Legacy Patcher) on this HackMini8,1 for the reasons I state starting here.  I do not trust it and I do not think that it is safe.  I'm not making this statement to win any popularity contests.


EDIT: Because of my OCLP security concerns, I will not use OCLP on any "production" systems that required access to sensitive data, private credentials and other critical systems.  For example, I will not use OCLP on a Mac that I use with my Apple Developer Account, access on-line banking and even something that seems as harmless as access Facebook (which allows single-sign-on to other applications).  I will only be using OCLP in a hobby / experimental environment where no critical or production systems can be accessed or harmed.

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4 hours ago, deeveedee said:

I will not be using OCLP (Open Core Legacy Patcher) on this HackMini8,1 for the reasons I state starting here.  I do not trust it and I do not think that it is safe.  I'm not making this statement to win any popularity contests.


Did you came back ?

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@hiphopboy No.  My account has been hacked and someone else has stolen my identity to post here.


EDIT: I never left.


EDIT2: I was joking. It was a bad joke.  My account was not hacked and I never left.  I just needed to take some time away to perform testing with OCLP.


@miliuco I'll have to figure out how to stop making you sad so often.  If my posts make you sad, PM me because the silly emoji tells me nothing.


@hiphopboy I'm also sorry that I make you sad.

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I don't see another emoji to express my unpleasant surprise upon reading that your account has been hacked (now doubting if it was so) or any other unpleasant thing that has happened to you.

I chose sad emoji to represent my displeasure at reading these things.

No one should attack you in this way or criticize you as some have done for what you have written. This is a bad time for free speech, I see.

It is a way to be with you in the face of these attacks.

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@miliuco The personal attacks motivate me (although I doubt that is the intent of the attackers).  Take the personal attacks by Ausdauersportler here.  As you can see from the subsequent exchange (an entertaining read in my opinion), I thoroughly enjoyed the banter.  I have found without exception that someone like Ausdauersportler who leads with personal attacks is either not confident / intelligent enough to make the technical argument or doesn't have a technically sound argument.  It's an attempt to put the opponent on the defensive, but it only works if the opponent backs down.  I didn't and don't.


Compare and contrast Ausdauersportler's approach of personal attacks with TheDebunker's (Ball of Neon's) approach starting here (subsequent posts well worth the read).  One of the two of them is genuinely intelligent.  The other is an actor with an inferiority complex who "Plays a doctor on TV" and has abilities limited to the eloquent delivery of his lines. 

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3 hours ago, hiphopboy said:


Can you share the lastest EFI you're using ?


Not enough has changed to justify the effort.  Maintaining this thread with my advice, latest EFIs, change logs ... is very time consuming. 


I am focused on OCLP Security Awareness for the forseeable future.

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With the sole intention of being more precise, without going into the topic of OCLP security, "it only helps with wifi" is not entirely accurate, there are other ways to have wifi in Sonoma, the correct thing is "it only helps with Wi-Fi and the entire associated Apple ecosystem: Airdrop, Continuity Camera, etc.", which is the real reason why many users go to OCLP in Sonoma if we have Fenvi cards and other compatible ones.

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7 hours ago, BALDY_MAN said:

I have stopped using OCLP. it only helps with wifi and I don't need wifi


I am pleased with the Dev responses in the OCLP Security Thread. One of my reasons for assisting with the creation of the OCLP Thread was to have a public repository of OCLP security issues until messaging and warnings are implemented. Unfortunately, the Dev responses suggest more potential security vulnerabilities than I had anticipated.


I will not be using OCLP to apply post-install patches on any 'production' systems where my private credentials, secure data and digital identity need to be protected and could be at risk.


There are many who are angry with me because I had the audacity to challenge the Devs and their generosity. That makes no sense. This is not personal, not a popularity contest, not a game of playing nice. This is serious and those who are treating the issue as a hobby and a game should only be using OCLP in a no-risk, hobby environment to play games.


I accept responsibility for helping to promote the use of OCLP. I am now trying to make all aware of the dangers.  Computer/data security happens to be my area of expertise and I recognize that there will be challenges and claims of overdoing it by those who have no idea what they are talking about.


BTW: This is so serious that I am suspicious of anyone who tries to clutter the OCLP thread with tangential garbage or makes attempts to damage my credibility or that of the OCLP security thread. There are people who want security vulnerabilities to remain unknown, unaddressed and fully exploitable. They will go to great lengths to win trust and popularity while hacking your data and stealing your identity. Ask Sam Bankman-Fried and Bernie Madoff how their customers loved them (until they didn't).


In this case, we must look a gift horse in the mouth. How quickly we have forgotten the lessons of the Trojan Horse and plenty of more current examples that should make us at least cautious.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am experimenting with VT-d and DMAR as mentioned here.  I have been disabling VT-d in BIOS and setting Kernel > Quirks > DisableIoMapper = True in config.plist (although setting both together is unnecessary).  I am currently testing with VT-d enabled in BIOS, Kernel > Quirks > DisableIoMapper = False and DMAR table modified by removing Reserved Regions.  So far, I have not noticed any difference in behavior or performance on this HackMini8,1 (and did not expect any difference).

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5 minutes ago, deeveedee said:

I am experimenting with VT-d and DMAR as mentioned here.  I have been disabling VT-d in BIOS and setting Kernel > Quirks > DisableIoMapper = False in config.plist (although setting both together is unnecessary).  I am currently testing with VT-d enabled in BIOS, Kernel > Quirks > DisableIoMapper = True and DMAR table modified by removing Reserved Regions.  So far, I have not noticed any difference in behavior or performance on this HackMini8,1 (and did not expect any difference).


i'm using with VT-d from the first time using your EFI, everything still ok, at least on both Sonoma

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50 minutes ago, hiphopboy said:

i'm using with VT-d from the first time using your EFI, everything still ok, at least on both Sonoma


Good to know.  I had DisableIoMapper False/True mixed-up in my original post and have corrected it.   I am currently running with VT-d enabled in BIOS and Kernel > Quirks > DisableIoMapper = False in config.plist.


EDIT: It does not appear that this hack needs DMAR modified (hack still boots ok with Kernel > Quirks > DisableIoMapper = False and VT-d enabled in BIOS without replacing original DMAR).  Still testing.

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