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AudioGod's Aorus Z390 Master Patched DSDT EFI for Catalina Mini Guide and Discussion

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23 minutes ago, Quiggycn said:


I found the solution for IGPU Only mode. It is a common issue with OS X 10.15.4. The following allows the usage of your EFI for IGPU only:


- Get the normal EFI Download from 1st post.

- Adjust the config.plist:

1. Remove shiki bootargs

2. add igfxonln=1 bootarg (prevent HDMI issues after wake) and -wegnoegpu (Disable dedicated gpu)

- Add the right Framebuffer settings for the IGPU under Devices - Properties


For i9900k with Intel UHD 930 its: plattform-id 3E9B0007 and device id 0x3E988086. Patch can easily created with Hackintool.

So this EFI can be used with IGPU only also!


well done pal, good work.

the whole reason I don't have a igpu only version is it changes from cpu model to cpu and there doesn't seem to be a one size fits all unfortunately and I don't need the headache every time it fails for somebody so I choose to not support it and I still stand by that tbh but again awesome work on your part :) 

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Yeah thats true... i was so confused because i remember ist worked With the same settings before upgrading to 10.15.4 but wasnt sure. And just found the Information That its a Common Issue That was Solved With the last whatevergreen and bootarg igfxonln... its always hard For me to find These Details in the hackintosh scene. But totaly understandable With all These different system specs out there

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Clover & OpenCore EFI Updates (10.15.5 Ready), 4th MAY 2020 

(Use With Bios Revision F11c)



The EFIs and DSDTs have now been updated to the my latest versions.

Changes made include,


AppleALC 1.4.9

Lilu 1.4.4

WhateverGreen 1.3.9

VirtualSMC 1.1.3

AirportBrcmFixup 2.0.7

OcQuirks Revision 22 (I have made some changes to the plist that should make it play a lot more friendly now with the IGPU enabled) (Clover)

Clover Updated to Revision 5115

OpenCore Updated to Revision 0.5.8

Plus other major tweaks and changes to all of the configs



Clover EFI Update v5115 - 04/05/2020 - Use with Bios revision F11c Only or Replace with the older F10 DSDT if you don't want to update the bios


Clover Z390 Master Navi Vega EFI 040520.zip - Vega, Navi (5700, 5700XT etc), Radeon VII DSDT EFI

Clover Z390 Master Polaris EFI 040520.zip - RX500 Polaris Series (RX590, 580, 570 etc) DSDT EFI


Note - If your not using a 5700 XT or any other Navi GPU then remove agdpmod=pikera from the boot arguments.



OpenCore EFI Update v0.5.8 - 04/05/2020

Myself and @texem have now created a OpenCore EFI done the way the OpenCore Devs intended it to be made, There is no DSDT in use so you can use this EFI on any supported GPU and the SSDTs have been made so they will not be used in any other Operating System apart from MacOS.


OpenCore 058 Z390 Master 19,1 040520.zip - OpenCore v0.5.8, SMBios iMac19,1

OpenCore 058 Z390 Master 1,1 040520.zip - OpenCore v0.5.8, SMBios iMacPro1,1 (IGPU Disabled)


Note - If your not using a 5700 XT or any other Navi GPU then remove agdpmod=pikera from the boot arguments.




For OpenCore Using PlistEdit Pro add your details by modifying the following 



PLEASE NOTE - These EFIs are setup to be used with your msr Unlocked so make sure you use the F11c Unlocked Profile but if for any reason you can not unlock MSR then just modify following in the OpenCore config.plist :




Additional Downloads

mb_bios_z390-aorus-master_f11c.zip - Aorus Z390 Master Bios F11c 

PlistEdit Pro.zip - PlistEdit Pro (use to edit OpenCore)


CFG Unlock (MSR) F11c BIOS Profile - The Easy Way 

I have made this bios profile for you all to use that will unlock CFG on your motherboard making it play alot more friendly with the NVRam.

It also has all the bios settings listed on this guide pre done and saved onto the profile.

F11c MSR Unlocked Profile.zip - Use with Bios Revision F11c ONLY


1 - Download the profile and save it to a USB Key

2 - Go into the bios,

3 - Load the profile, 

4 - Save and exit

5 - Go straight back into the bios and save your bios to a new profile and name it Default CFG Unlocked or something like that.

6 - Boot back into Catalina go into your clover config and under Kernal and Kext Patches Uncheck KernalPM 

7 - Save the changes and then restart and your done, your motherboard will now be CFG (MSR) Unlocked


    PLEASE NOTE - If you reset the bios or load bios defaults it will clear the Unlock making CFG Locked again. 




Edited by AudioGod
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8 hours ago, Quiggycn said:


I found the solution for IGPU Only mode. It is a common issue with OS X 10.15.4. The following allows the usage of your EFI for IGPU only:


- Get the normal EFI Download from 1st post.

- Adjust the config.plist:

1. Remove shiki bootargs

2. add igfxonln=1 bootarg (prevent HDMI issues after wake) and -wegnoegpu (Disable dedicated gpu)

- Add the right Framebuffer settings for the IGPU under Devices - Properties


For i9900k with Intel UHD 930 its: plattform-id 3E9B0007 and device id 0x3E988086. Patch can easily created with Hackintool.

So this EFI can be used with IGPU only also!


Heavens be praised! Thank you very much indeed. That bootarg fixed the hdmi issue for me too. Furthermore it allows my machine to wake up from deep sleep (after the fans stop spinning) successfully too. 


The only issue remaining is that after waking up I first get to see a totally green screen. Then I have to wait for about 10 seconds to see the normal login screen. In my previous build the wakeup was almost instant and there was no green screen. Did someone experience a similar green screen issue?


PS If somebody is looking for a fully working config for the aorus z390 WIFI PRO, just contact me. I will be glad to help. 


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2 minutes ago, measwel said:


Heavens be praised! Thank you very much indeed. That bootarg fixed the hdmi issue for me too. Furthermore it allows my machine to wake up from deep sleep (after the fans stop spinning) successfully too. 


The only issue remaining is that after waking up I first get to see a totally green screen. Then I have to wait for about 10 seconds to see the normal login screen. In my previous build the wakeup was almost instant and there was no green screen. Did someone experience a similar green screen issue?


PS If somebody is looking for a fully working config for the aorus z390 WIFI PRO, just contact me. I will be glad to help. 



Awesome there you go, well done.

to fix your green screen is straight forward.

Its actually a flaw in macOS and its sending the wrong colour palette to your monitor.

Heres the fix, :thumbsup_anim:



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1 minute ago, AudioGod said:


Awesome there you go, well done.

to fix your green screen is straight forward.

Its actually a flaw in macOS and its sending the wrong colour palette to your monitor.

Heres the fix, :thumbsup_anim:




I keep postponing sleep, which I shouldn't do :) 


In any case thank you bundles! I will get back to you to tell you if it worked.

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1 minute ago, measwel said:


I keep postponing sleep, which I shouldn't do :) 


In any case thank you bundles! I will get back to you to tell you if it worked.


As long as its for a good cause then I wouldn't worry about it. sleep can wait...:hysterical:

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I'm still on 10.15.4, everything was working fine except today I started seeing random reboots. It happened twice. I left the computer on, went to take a nap and came back to macos booted back in after a crash. Here are teh details. Any idea what could be causing it?


panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff800584c32a): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f8c5f02c7, type 13=general protection, registers:
CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x000000010a5950f0, CR3: 0x000000000d937000, CR4: 0x00000000003626e0
RAX: 0xd3bd474dc6759135, RBX: 0xffffff80cb7387c0, RCX: 0x0000000000000001, RDX: 0x0000000001000000
RSP: 0xffffffa767b53aa0, RBP: 0xffffffa767b53b20, RSI: 0xffffff80a11e14e0, RDI: 0xffffff80a5ec4740
R8:  0xffffff80b6c14180, R9:  0x000000000000000a, R10: 0x0000020000011000, R11: 0x00000000116e0009
R12: 0xffffff7f8c5f1b5f, R13: 0xffffff80a25d4d00, R14: 0xffffff80cb982d01, R15: 0x0000000000000000
RFL: 0x0000000000010282, RIP: 0xffffff7f8c5f02c7, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
Fault CR2: 0x000000010a5950f0, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x4, PL: 0, VF: 0

Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff8005553220 : 0xffffff80057215cd 
0xffffff8005553270 : 0xffffff800585a3c5 
0xffffff80055532b0 : 0xffffff800584bf7e 
0xffffff8005553300 : 0xffffff80056c7a40 
0xffffff8005553320 : 0xffffff8005720c97 
0xffffff8005553420 : 0xffffff8005721087 
0xffffff8005553470 : 0xffffff8005ec2c7c 
0xffffff80055534e0 : 0xffffff800584c32a 
0xffffff8005553660 : 0xffffff800584c028 
0xffffff80055536b0 : 0xffffff80056c7a40 
0xffffff80055536d0 : 0xffffff7f8c5f02c7 
0xffffffa767b53b20 : 0xffffff7f8c5ef6c7 
0xffffffa767b53b80 : 0xffffff8005e08c06 
0xffffffa767b53be0 : 0xffffff8005e08741 
0xffffffa767b53c90 : 0xffffff8005e07ade 
0xffffffa767b53cf0 : 0xffffff8005e07598 
0xffffffa767b53d30 : 0xffffff8005e00484 
0xffffffa767b53d70 : 0xffffff7f866274da 
0xffffffa767b53e00 : 0xffffff7f866266cf 
0xffffffa767b53ea0 : 0xffffff7f864daaf2 
0xffffffa767b53ec0 : 0xffffff8005763545 
0xffffffa767b53f40 : 0xffffff8005763071 
0xffffffa767b53fa0 : 0xffffff80056c713e 
      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
            dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleBusPowerController(1.0)[DEBDD821-1472-371A-896A-BC5C19BD76D0]@0xffffff7f864b1000
            dependency: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBCommon(1.0)[A9FB7951-7658-34C4-9A44-0B6DBE6F7F78]@0xffffff7f864b9000
            dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHostMergeProperties(1.2)[19CEF2B0-63C1-34CC-A9CD-BDF842BE5CB3]@0xffffff7f864c7000
            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[1B1F3BBB-9212-3CF9-94F8-8FEF0D3ACEC4]@0xffffff7f86131000
            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHostFamily(1.2)[CC813BD5-B83C-3B83-A95E-796D87DE8F81]@0xffffff7f864cb000
            dependency: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBCommon(1.0)[A9FB7951-7658-34C4-9A44-0B6DBE6F7F78]@0xffffff7f864b9000
            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily(900.4.2)[3AEBCBF6-21D4-3BDE-8732-1D3984F73392]@0xffffff7f865d5000

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: dart=0 darkwake=0 agdpmod=pikera shikigva=80 

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Wed Mar  4 22:28:40 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~15/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: AB0AA7EE-3D03-3C21-91AD-5719D79D7AF6
Kernel slide:     0x0000000005400000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8005600000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8005500000
System model name: iMac19,1 (Mac-<**masked**>)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 16386185444612
last loaded kext at 16384544841939: com.logitech.driver.LogiWheelDriver    1 (addr 0xffffff7f8c6f1000, size 53248)
last unloaded kext at 16305001482643: >usb.cdc    5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f8c5f5000, size 28672)
loaded kexts:


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@texasdude11 Yuck buddy that’s ugly.......clear out your cache and rebuild your permissions using hackintool and then clear your nvram at the bootpicker.


update to the latest EFI while your at it but that has nothing to do with your problem...lol



that’s caused by the above or a bad overclock can have that effect too.

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Good friends, I can finally see it working.  Only now I have a problem.  In my old configuration I have my windows installed on an internal hdd, the only way to start windows was from the bios menu boot, the problem is that now I don't get the internal disks from the menu boot, how could I see them again?  , (if I delete the default bios configuration everything returns to normal and all the hdd are seen), I can only see the connected usb and the hakintosh hdd.  My second question is: what is and what is CFG (MSR) for ???


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3 minutes ago, erpipas46 said:

Good friends, I can finally see it working.  Only now I have a problem.  In my old configuration I have my windows installed on an internal hdd, the only way to start windows was from the bios menu boot, the problem is that now I don't get the external disks from the menu boot, how could I see them again?  , i can only see the connected usb and hakintosh hdd.  My second question is: what is and what is CFG (MSR) for ???


:hysterical: go into the bios and add the windows drive to the boot order.. :poster_oops:


Also why can’t you start windows from the bootpicker?

sounds to me like you have a legacy instal of windows and if that’s the case that’s why and you need it to be a UEFI windows instal as my EFIs do not and never will support legacy.

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52 minutes ago, AudioGod said:

:histérico: vaya a la BIOS y agregue la unidad de Windows al orden de arranque. : poster_oops:


Además, ¿por qué no puede iniciar Windows desde el bootpicker?

Me parece que tiene una instalación heredada de Windows y, si ese es el caso, es por eso y necesita que sea una instalación de Windows UEFI, ya que mis EFI no admiten y nunca admitirán el legado.

The problem is that from the bios menu I only have the hackintosh hdd as in the boot menu.  I can't add it.  It will be like you say it is installed in legacy mode.  But now I tell you, why when restoring default values if I can access everything, from the bios menu and from the boot menu?

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8 minutes ago, erpipas46 said:

The problem is that from the bios menu I only have the hackintosh hdd as in the boot menu.  I can't add it.  It will be like you say it is installed in legacy mode.  But now I tell you, why when restoring default values if I can access everything, from the bios menu and from the boot menu?

Because your enabling CSM mode and this allows legacy again. Catalina and my EFIs are not designed for it.

the only real solution is to convert it to UEFI or even better clean install windows with the correct bios settings to start with.


Legacy is a old solution and should no longer be used.



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On 16/11/2019 at 15:04, AudioGod said:


aquí está mi EFI 1,1 actual, por lo que si 19,1 falla, entonces cambia a este y pruébalo, haré todos los detalles nuevos para ti, incluido un nuevo número de serie, así que regístralo como un nuevo inicio de sesión en iCloud :)


Z390 Master 1,1 EFI.zip

This EFI works with clover or is there a special one to download ?, I would be interested in macpro 1.1.

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16 minutes ago, erpipas46 said:

This EFI works with clover or is there a special one to download ?, I would be interested in macpro 1.1.


Use the new clover EFI and using clover configurator change the SMBios over to iMacPro1,1 and generate new details. Also remove shikigva=80 from the boot arguments and done. Converted to 1,1 (make sure you disable the igpu in the bios too)

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12 minutes ago, AudioGod said:

Porque habilita el modo CSM y esto permite el legado nuevamente. Catalina y mis EFI no están diseñados para eso.

la única solución real es convertirlo a UEFI o incluso mejor limpiar las ventanas de instalación con la configuración de BIOS correcta para comenzar.


Legacy es una solución antigua y ya no debe usarse.



Well friend, I greatly appreciate your help and explanation, now I understand it better after so many headaches.  The last question is, how could I convert that installation to uefi so as not to delete it?  Or do I have to do a clean installation of windows in uefi mode?

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1 minute ago, erpipas46 said:

Well friend, I greatly appreciate your help and explanation, now I understand it better after so many headaches.  The last question is, how could I convert that installation to uefi so as not to delete it?  Or do I have to do a clean installation of windows in uefi mode?

I sent you a link already on how to convert it buddy,

clean install is always the best solution but you can try conversion first and see how you get on.

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3 minutes ago, AudioGod said:

Ya te envié un enlace sobre cómo convertirlo amigo,

La instalación limpia siempre es la mejor solución, pero primero puede intentar la conversión y ver cómo se lleva.

Well friend, sorry, very grateful for this post and the people who care and help like you.  A thousand thanks to all.  Good place to learn.

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Just now, erpipas46 said:

Well friend, sorry, very grateful for this post and the people who care and help like you.  A thousand thanks to all.  Good place to learn.

Anytime Buddy :thumbsup_anim:

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Friends, I have to say it and that way we will all learn  Since October that I set up my hackintosh I have broken my head on how to start windows 10 from the clover menu, I only had OSX, bored, disappointed and more ... I was really tired.  Today at this time I am super happy to find people like you.  It has really been super easy and everything works as I have always wanted.  Eternally grateful and sold this group.  many thanks.


Friends, I have to say it and that way we will all learn  Since October that I set up my hackintosh I have broken my head on how to start windows 10 from the clover menu, I only had OSX, bored, disappointed and more ... I was really tired.  Today at this time I am super happy to find people like you.  It has really been super easy and everything works as I have always wanted.  Eternally grateful and sold this group.  many thanks.

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7 hours ago, ryanafdahl said:

Is the OpenCore setup compatible with f10 bios ? 

Yes, any bios revision is fine with OpenCore but you should update the bios anyway as F10 is bugged badly.

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