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2 hours ago, MaLd0n said:

Thanks! Btw i've got a Kernel Panic :( 


Panic(CPU 0, time 3683901359437): NMIPI for spinlock acquisition timeout, spinlock: 0xffffff804be01780, spinlock owner: 0xffffff8044475000, current_thread: 0xffffff8044475000, spinlock_owner_cpu: 0x0

RAX: 0x0000000000000000, RBX: 0x0000000000000001, RCX: 0xffffff8003d355c2, RDX: 0xffffff8003d358ec

RSP: 0xffffff837e952db0, RBP: 0xffffff837e952e30, RSI: 0x0000000000000001, RDI: 0xffffff839f123083

R8:  0x0000000000000000, R9:  0x0000000000000083, R10: 0x0000000000000051, R11: 0x0000000000000000

R12: 0x0000000000000000, R13: 0x0000000000000000, R14: 0x0000000000000020, R15: 0xffffff839f123083

RFL: 0x0000000000000093, RIP: 0xffffff8003d355c6, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010

Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff837e952c60 : 0xffffff8003e49e8b 

0xffffff837e952cb0 : 0xffffff8003cc5d47 

0xffffff837e952e30 : 0xffffff7f8a34d785 

0xffffff837e952e80 : 0xffffff7f8a347b29 

0xffffff837e952ed0 : 0xffffff8004431e46 

0xffffff837e952f00 : 0xffffff7f84751052 

0xffffff837e952f50 : 0xffffff7f86e4288c 

0xffffff837e952f60 : 0xffffff7f86e4b547 

0xffffff837e952f80 : 0xffffff8003e49edd 

0xffffff837e952fd0 : 0xffffff8003cc5bed 

0xffffff839f45bda0 : 0xffffff8004223d31 

0xffffff839f45be00 : 0xffffff80042283d6 

0xffffff839f45be50 : 0xffffff800425292e 

0xffffff839f45be90 : 0xffffff8004253846 

0xffffff839f45bec0 : 0xffffff8003d61565 

0xffffff839f45bf40 : 0xffffff8003d61091 

0xffffff839f45bfa0 : 0xffffff8003cc513e 

      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:



            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[0A7D7382-66FE-391B-9F93-97A996256C25]@0xffffff7f84cb5000

            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[BE052F4D-9B80-3FCD-B36D-BACB7DEE0DF2]@0xffffff7f84731000

            dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleSMC(3.1.9)[4589419D-7CCC-39A9-9E2F-F73FE42DD902]@0xffffff7f851dd000


            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[BE052F4D-9B80-3FCD-B36D-BACB7DEE0DF2]@0xffffff7f84731000

            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(576.1)[946300BB-3488-3655-B4A3-2263D72C525C]@0xffffff7f866a4000

            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily(300.2)[F0D7D949-499E-37D6-B15A-365091650B05]@0xffffff7f863e5000

            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[B1C0006F-E1F5-37D9-9548-5F918E92B422]@0xffffff7f84cbe000


BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Boot args: dart=0 alcid=1 


Mac OS version:



Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue May 26 20:41:44 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64

Kernel UUID: 54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF

Kernel slide:     0x0000000003a00000

Kernel text base: 0xffffff8003c00000

__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8003b00000

System model name: iMac19,1 (Mac-AA95B1DDAB278B95)

System shutdown begun: NO

Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)


System uptime in nanoseconds: 3683901392545

last loaded kext at 2952018886088: @filesystems.exfat 1.4 (addr 0xffffff7f8afa1000, size 65536)

last unloaded kext at 3630863497372: >!AXsanScheme 3 (addr 0xffffff7f8ac50000, size 32768)

loaded kexts:

panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff8003e3fb30): "Spinlock acquisition timed out: lock=0xffffff804be01780, lock owner thread=0xffffff8044475000, current_thread: 0xffffff8047c50000, lock owner active on CPU 0x0, current owner: 0xffffff8044475000, time: 3683901395645"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.121.2/osfmk/i386/locks_i386.c:501

Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff839f0fbba0 : 0xffffff8003d1f5cd 

0xffffff839f0fbbf0 : 0xffffff8003e58b05 

0xffffff839f0fbc30 : 0xffffff8003e4a68e 

0xffffff839f0fbc80 : 0xffffff8003cc5a40 

0xffffff839f0fbca0 : 0xffffff8003d1ec97 

0xffffff839f0fbda0 : 0xffffff8003d1f087 

0xffffff839f0fbdf0 : 0xffffff80044c27cc 

0xffffff839f0fbe60 : 0xffffff8003e3fb30 

0xffffff839f0fbea0 : 0xffffff8004226e86 

0xffffff839f0fbec0 : 0xffffff8003d61565 

0xffffff839f0fbf40 : 0xffffff8003d61091 

0xffffff839f0fbfa0 : 0xffffff8003cc513e 


BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task




do you know why? thank you!

23 minutes ago, bumer96 said:

Thanks! Btw i've got a Kernel Panic :( 


Panic(CPU 0, time 3683901359437): NMIPI for spinlock acquisition timeout, spinlock: 0xffffff804be01780, spinlock owner: 0xffffff8044475000, current_thread: 0xffffff8044475000, spinlock_owner_cpu: 0x0

RAX: 0x0000000000000000, RBX: 0x0000000000000001, RCX: 0xffffff8003d355c2, RDX: 0xffffff8003d358ec

RSP: 0xffffff837e952db0, RBP: 0xffffff837e952e30, RSI: 0x0000000000000001, RDI: 0xffffff839f123083

R8:  0x0000000000000000, R9:  0x0000000000000083, R10: 0x0000000000000051, R11: 0x0000000000000000

R12: 0x0000000000000000, R13: 0x0000000000000000, R14: 0x0000000000000020, R15: 0xffffff839f123083

RFL: 0x0000000000000093, RIP: 0xffffff8003d355c6, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010

Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff837e952c60 : 0xffffff8003e49e8b 

0xffffff837e952cb0 : 0xffffff8003cc5d47 

0xffffff837e952e30 : 0xffffff7f8a34d785 

0xffffff837e952e80 : 0xffffff7f8a347b29 

0xffffff837e952ed0 : 0xffffff8004431e46 

0xffffff837e952f00 : 0xffffff7f84751052 

0xffffff837e952f50 : 0xffffff7f86e4288c 

0xffffff837e952f60 : 0xffffff7f86e4b547 

0xffffff837e952f80 : 0xffffff8003e49edd 

0xffffff837e952fd0 : 0xffffff8003cc5bed 

0xffffff839f45bda0 : 0xffffff8004223d31 

0xffffff839f45be00 : 0xffffff80042283d6 

0xffffff839f45be50 : 0xffffff800425292e 

0xffffff839f45be90 : 0xffffff8004253846 

0xffffff839f45bec0 : 0xffffff8003d61565 

0xffffff839f45bf40 : 0xffffff8003d61091 

0xffffff839f45bfa0 : 0xffffff8003cc513e 

      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:



            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[0A7D7382-66FE-391B-9F93-97A996256C25]@0xffffff7f84cb5000

            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[BE052F4D-9B80-3FCD-B36D-BACB7DEE0DF2]@0xffffff7f84731000

            dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleSMC(3.1.9)[4589419D-7CCC-39A9-9E2F-F73FE42DD902]@0xffffff7f851dd000


            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[BE052F4D-9B80-3FCD-B36D-BACB7DEE0DF2]@0xffffff7f84731000

            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(576.1)[946300BB-3488-3655-B4A3-2263D72C525C]@0xffffff7f866a4000

            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily(300.2)[F0D7D949-499E-37D6-B15A-365091650B05]@0xffffff7f863e5000

            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[B1C0006F-E1F5-37D9-9548-5F918E92B422]@0xffffff7f84cbe000


BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Boot args: dart=0 alcid=1 


Mac OS version:



Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue May 26 20:41:44 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64

Kernel UUID: 54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF

Kernel slide:     0x0000000003a00000

Kernel text base: 0xffffff8003c00000

__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8003b00000

System model name: iMac19,1 (Mac-AA95B1DDAB278B95)

System shutdown begun: NO

Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)


System uptime in nanoseconds: 3683901392545

last loaded kext at 2952018886088: @filesystems.exfat 1.4 (addr 0xffffff7f8afa1000, size 65536)

last unloaded kext at 3630863497372: >!AXsanScheme 3 (addr 0xffffff7f8ac50000, size 32768)

loaded kexts:

panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff8003e3fb30): "Spinlock acquisition timed out: lock=0xffffff804be01780, lock owner thread=0xffffff8044475000, current_thread: 0xffffff8047c50000, lock owner active on CPU 0x0, current owner: 0xffffff8044475000, time: 3683901395645"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.121.2/osfmk/i386/locks_i386.c:501

Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff839f0fbba0 : 0xffffff8003d1f5cd 

0xffffff839f0fbbf0 : 0xffffff8003e58b05 

0xffffff839f0fbc30 : 0xffffff8003e4a68e 

0xffffff839f0fbc80 : 0xffffff8003cc5a40 

0xffffff839f0fbca0 : 0xffffff8003d1ec97 

0xffffff839f0fbda0 : 0xffffff8003d1f087 

0xffffff839f0fbdf0 : 0xffffff80044c27cc 

0xffffff839f0fbe60 : 0xffffff8003e3fb30 

0xffffff839f0fbea0 : 0xffffff8004226e86 

0xffffff839f0fbec0 : 0xffffff8003d61565 

0xffffff839f0fbf40 : 0xffffff8003d61091 

0xffffff839f0fbfa0 : 0xffffff8003cc513e 


BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task




do you know why? thank you!

another 2 panic...


it slowly freezes then reboots..



5 hours ago, bumer96 said:

@MaLd0n i removed my Orico USB hub and now no kernel panics, BUT after some time it starts running super laggy..

no idea what happens. use fresh install

No clue, it happened again.. even without USB hub.. I think is the power supply.. even when off and you just power it on it goes in a boot loop.. I’ll let you know! And off course donate as soon as I can! Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it! 

  • 4 months later...

Hi Madlon,

I'm using your EFI folder with my Designare


Simple Overclock to 5 GHz

Radeon vega 64

My problem is that the Hack does't go in sleep mode. It does a reboot after a (it seems) system failure (fan goes at 100% than the hackintosh reboot).

Can you please help me? You got a beer from me!

Thanks in advance

Send me hackintosh-academy.zip

Edited by edgarallan
7 hours ago, edgarallan said:

I'm using your EFI folder with my Designare

use updated folder with last clover


with this dsdt


  • 2 months later...


I never updated the OS from the day I got your files because the Hackintosh worked ALWAYS smooth. I have now the 10.15.1 and I checked the new update is 10.15.7

Do you think can I got the update? Is it safe?

In Nov 2019 I used your file for installation.

I attached my hardware config


Thanks always for your support



Schermata 2021-02-06 alle 17.42.24.png

Edited by Contedracula081
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