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VirtualSMC — SMC Emulator

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4 hours ago, Tony Arnold said:

I'd like to second this. My sleep has not been working for the past week or two (I'm guessing when I updated to OpenCore 0.0.2 and VirtualSMC 1.0.4). 


Setting up the SMC-related options under PlatformInfo/DataHub in my OpenCore configuration has fixed sleep for my X299 system.


Thanks for confirming, I already thought I was alone, and going nuts.


What data did you fill the options with?


For now, I filled in only SmcRevision with iMac19,1 data. You know, just for the fun of it.


I hope there are no adverse effects for doing this... I'll take working sleep over seemingly perfect hardware overview report in the system profiler :)

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4 hours ago, J1mmyS said:

What data did you fill the options with?


I used the data from macserial: https://github.com/acidanthera/MacInfoPkg/commit/540a8a6c9bd65190c3ea701497e275a765980d17#diff-003e5ca88551c5fbf0bbd9c8a84e5501R430, which ended up looking like this:


SmcBranch: <6a313337>

SmcPlatform: <6a313337>

SmcRevision: <02004100 0f00>


No idea if it's right or wrong, either, but the data in System Profiler seems correct (well, "correct" these aren't actually iMacs, right?).



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Hi everyone, I have made a kind request a few times about some kind soul to direct me (and others) in understanding how to add support for newer SuperI/O devices and what SMC keys must either be communicated to you here, so you can kindly add them to the repo (I am not a programmer) and perhaps change/set variables in Info.plist or other.


Can anyone assist us on this? Just a bullet point instructions will suffice, I am happy to learn more of course.

Can a custom SSDT-lxx.aml provide access to expected SMC keys, if the names don't match with what VirtualSMC plugins expect?

Thank you again..

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For those having sleep issues on latest Mac models with OpenCore, it appears that the problem is caused by RGEN key being set to 3 on T2-based models. This leads to incompatible AppleSMCPMC class of AppleIntelPCHPMC.kext being used (due to Generation 3 match), which prevents sleep support. I posted a workaround at https://github.com/acidanthera/bugtracker/issues/388 that forces RGEN to always be 2 or 1, please confirm the fix.

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On 6/18/2019 at 11:00 AM, Matgen84 said:

What is the best way to use virtualsmc plugins in EFI/Clover/Kexts/other or in Virtualsmc/contents/plugins?

is the same, but usually using the plugins directory inside the bundle's kext remind you that plug-ins needs to be updated to match the minimum super class version (i.e Lilu ....not VirtualSMC).

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17 hours ago, phucnguyen.2411 said:

I tried VirtualSMC replace FakeSMC but GPU sensor can't display correctly, I just receive - for this. Is it a problem now or this function not implemented yet. Thanks. 

Have you read just 3 post above? Anyway what's the monitor used?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have got that error over almost every boot with virtualsmc is I am on mojave 10.14.6 anyone can help:

SYSLOG("vsmc", "postInterrupt reserve overflow");

edit: I can boot with v1.0.5 without any issue problem comes with 1.0.6 

Edited by valinor61
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  • 2 weeks later...

This question may be silly.


Is there any easy way to re-map some sensor keys.


The reason why I ask this is that the smbios I used has only one fan (F0Ac) but the CPU fan of my motherboard is mapped to F1Ac. 


This makes iStat only report one Fan Speed but is not my CPU fan. So I was wondering whether it is possible to replace F0Ac and F1Ac.

Edited by xiaodai
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15 minutes ago, Wackymac said:

can someone help with adapting sensors found in this kext? https://github.com/interferenc/HWSensors

this works perfectly for my x299 system.


VirtualSMC has his own sensors. But if you want take a look on HWSensors more recent made for FakeSMC. I don't try them.



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1 minute ago, Matgen84 said:


VirtualSMC has his own sensors. But if you want take a look on HWSensors more recent made for FakeSMC. I don't try them.



i understand that. however using virtualsmc some sensors are missing from my system in istat, which i previously had using that fork of fakesmc

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HI . 
SMCBatteryManager is not work good on asus gl553vd .

I'm using https://github.com/acidanthera/VirtualSMC for show battery number , but it's not right !

In mac OS battery always charge Full (100% ) , it's very bad for battery health but in Win 10 jut charge up to 97% or 96% or stoping charge in other number like 92% !

my clover https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rJkoLFa5zIk1Ay-_jnLzJBIiXoyoNuZu/view?usp=sharing


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On 8/18/2019 at 12:13 AM, darkbluecode said:

HI . 
SMCBatteryManager is not work good on asus gl553vd .

I'm using https://github.com/acidanthera/VirtualSMC for show battery number , but it's not right !

In mac OS battery always charge Full (100% ) , it's very bad for battery health but in Win 10 jut charge up to 97% or 96% or stoping charge in other number like 92% !

my clover https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rJkoLFa5zIk1Ay-_jnLzJBIiXoyoNuZu/view?usp=sharing


Any one haven't any an idea for fixing this problem ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's the recommended method for getting the CPU frequency with VirtualSMC installed? Still Intel Power Gadget, or is there any alternative (rather than FakeSMC + plugin kexts + HWMonitor)?

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14 minutes ago, BuXb said:

What's the recommended method for getting the CPU frequency with VirtualSMC installed? Still Intel Power Gadget, or is there any alternative (rather than FakeSMC + plugin kexts + HWMonitor)?


You still need IPG.

Edited by mnfesq
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@mnfesq: I see you edited your reply. Replying to your previous reply, I have CPUFriend + my own CPUFriendDataProvider in use but still don't see frequencies only in IPG but not in HWMonitor. Your edited reply solidifies that indeed there still is no mod of HWM which picks up the frequency from VirtualSMC sensor kexts. Bummer, because the source code of HWM is open, isn't it. I am not a coder so it would need someone with expertise. I like the small little HWM icon in the menu bar so much more than IPG.

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2 minutes ago, BuXb said:

@mnfesq: I see you edited your reply. Replying to your previous reply, I have CPUFriend + my own CPUFriendDataProvider in use but still don't see frequencies only in IPG but not in HWMonitor. Your edited reply solidifies that indeed there still is no mod of HWM which picks up the frequency from VirtualSMC sensor kexts. Bummer, because the source code of HWM is open, isn't it. I am not a coder so it would need someone with expertise. I like the small little HWM icon in the menu bar so much more than IPG.

You have to enable IPG in the settings by clicking the gear. (HWMonitorSMC2.app)

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