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Touchpad Sony Vaio

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Salve, qualcuno ha il kext per far funzionare bene il touchpad?

Mi servirebbe almeno che funzionassero bene il tap con un dito e quello con 2, poi se ci sono anche le gesture di Mac OS è meglio.
Ho già provato lo SmartTouchpad.kext trovato su internet ma funziona male



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try this :
the content of the package:




I must install all of these or can i install only what i need?

No worries, no kernel panic will coming, but use Kext Wizzard.app to install the drivers and to refresh the cache.




What a bootloader are you using?
if clover, then put the driver to this folder EFI/Clover/Kexts/10.11/ (eg for El Capitan)
and if using Enoch Bootloader, then put the driver to this folder /Extra/Extensions/




What a bootloader are you using?

if clover, then put the driver to this folder EFI/Clover/Kexts/10.11/ (eg for El Capitan)

and if using Enoch Bootloader, then put the driver to this folder /Extra/Extensions/

so must i install and put them in EFI/Clover/Kext/10.12 or only in clover?

so must i install and put them in EFI/Clover/Kext/10.12 or only in clover?

yes put the driver into : EFI/Clover/Kext/10.12

(... as well as the NullPowerManagement.kext and FakeSMC.kext)

you have to find out which model is installed, read the manufacturer website
or use SystemInfo.app or DPCI-Manager.app or use under windows os AIDA64 Tool then upload the details or search on Google

1. did u have tested the drivers that has MARZILLO uploaded?

2. to your question ==> start the tool and make a screenshot and upload it here

Scusate ma essendo la sezione italiana bisognerebbe scrivere anche in questa lingua...

Google Translate va benissimo... :P

Grazie... :)

Infatti mi sembrava strano che qualcuno mi rispondesse in inglese.

Pensando non lo capisse, ho risposto anche io nella medesima lingua

1. did u have tested the drivers that has MARZILLO uploaded?

2. to your question ==> start the tool and make a screenshot and upload it here


Scusate ma essendo la sezione italiana bisognerebbe scrivere anche in questa lingua...

Google Translate va benissimo... :P

Grazie... :)

Scusate ma ero in un'altra pista :)

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