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Thanks chris111 but already tried removing windows hdd but still get Service only ran for 8 seconds this only happens in high Sierra beta 4 and 5

You can try to remove the latest  Update attempting. There is no guarantee that it will work!
If you have another OS X ssd's;  boot to this ssd and Remove at  the (broken) root disk the folder macOS Install Data


this is completely removing latest attempt Update
Also a hide file .IAProductInfo may be at the root of the disk, Remove also this file
I successfully rebooting on my OS X this way on a bad update
EDIT ***
If that work, you need to find how to upgrade Beta 6 on that System 
May be upgrading Clover, unplug Windows drive, disabling the Web Drivers if you have it,  before update ?
Hope that help
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Also, to note yoummay need to reinstall or run the beta utility app on target machine. If it was installed on a different machine and then loaded onto a different machine it's not there. I removed the " Instal Mac OS data" folder, ran the beta utility and then updated.

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