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The latest version added an option: 

Added -rad4200 option to fix freezes and possibly improve the performance of Radeon Pro 560 on 10.13



Does anybody know more on this? Do we know in which ways AMDRadeonX4250 and AMDRadeonX4200 differ and what their pros and cons are? AMDRadeonX4200 seems to have far less device ID matches. 

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The latest version added an option: 


Does anybody know more on this? Do we know in which ways AMDRadeonX4250 and AMDRadeonX4200 differ and what their pros and cons are? AMDRadeonX4200 seems to have far less device ID matches. 


It's only for RX560 on 10.13 and 10.13.1 It freezes during boot process on X4250 kext. Two latest betas 10.13.2 works fine with X4250 kext. 

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I have tried several different methods to get my replacement AMD Radeon Pro WX 5100 working under 10.12.6 10G1036 to no avail.

I am using ErmaC Enoch as this system is temperamental when using Clover. I've never gotten a decent configuration for it.

It's my understanding that WX 5100 does not have proper device IDs in the necessary kernel extensions.

It's been a long time since I've had to modify kernel extensions to get things to work (Currently using my old ATI Radeon HD 5870).

I don't think the fan on the 5870 is going to live for much longer sadly.

Currently using Lilu and Whatevergreen with the HD5870 results in great performance and has even helped the fan on its last legs.

Any Ideas?

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It's only for RX560 on 10.13 and 10.13.1 It freezes during boot process on X4250 kext. Two latest betas 10.13.2 works fine with X4250 kext.


Ah, thank you for the clarification. I never experienced a freeze with ice on 10.13(.1), I terestingly. I gave it a try on my system, though, and it seems like it boots significantly faster with that option (I never used that card with Sierra though so I’ve got no way to compare).

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Is there any reason why using Whatevergreen or RadeonDeinit would prevent me from injecting an ATI Framebuffer? I'm trying desperately to inject and patch ACRE because I'm having multi display issues (pink/green screen on second display, solved if I connect three displays). EFI with config attached.


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Ah, thank you for the clarification. I never experienced a freeze with ice on 10.13(.1), I terestingly. I gave it a try on my system, though, and it seems like it boots significantly faster with that option (I never used that card with Sierra though so I’ve got no way to compare).

I can confirm that bootup/sleep/wake is significantly faster by adding -rad4200. Additionally the fan dosn't spin up to full speed anymore after wake. Thats good. :thumbsup_anim:

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"Additionally the fan doesn't spin up to full speed anymore after wake." 

I am on Sierra 12.6 and use AMD RX 460 - all works good.

Beside that fan speedup (short) after wake up.

Sierra loaded & using  9500 Controller & 4200 kext.

How can i avoid this fan speed up using Sierra (not HS). I think that  -rad4200 is for HS. (use 4200 insted of 4250?).

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Hi Mitch. Maybe some even older Radeon kext like 4150 helps you... but i really don't know. I'm not experienced in AMD Graphics. Bought my RX 560 2 days ago.

You can try this. But i don't know, if InfoPlistPatch works here. I changed IOPCIMatch in AMDRadeonX4200 from your card's 0x67EF1002 to 0x00001002 so that it will hopefully be ignored. No guaranty here! :)

				<string>Bypass AMDRadeonX4200</string>
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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally found the solution.

Thanks Mork vom Ork for the suggestion in other forum. By following the suggestion, all I had to do is, set CFG_USE_AGDC to false (0x00) using SSDT. For SSDT I used the template provided in WhateverGreen FAQ (https://github.com/vit9696/WhateverGreen/blob/master/Manual/Sample.dsl). I took hint from the line

// This will change CFG_FB_LIMIT in aty_config to 6

and actually made it look like 

"CFG,CFG_USE_AGDC", Buffer () { 

This effectively disables AGDC in the card. 


I checked 10.12.6 and found using iorey that this CFG is actually false there, in 10.13 it was true by default. The fix in SSDT and WhateverGreen together, both the DP monitors are now working at 4k. 


Thanks again Mork vom Ork and Vit9696.

I have 7700k, but was also having similar issues, like the initial score would be 130K range and if taken after a while, it would be in 80K range. I found the running simple webgl page would take 100% gpu. After enabling quick sync (HD630) and setting ig-platform-id to 0x59120003 helped improve the performance and it didn't degrade after some use. I am using imac18,3 smbios. This may not relate to your case, but just incase...

Disabling AGDC didn't change anything for me (checked with ioreg, it actually is disabled). Can you provide me with your SSDT please? Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally found the solution.

Thanks Mork vom Ork for the suggestion in other forum. By following the suggestion, all I had to do is, set CFG_USE_AGDC to false (0x00) using SSDT. For SSDT I used the template provided in WhateverGreen FAQ (https://github.com/vit9696/WhateverGreen/blob/master/Manual/Sample.dsl). I took hint from the line

// This will change CFG_FB_LIMIT in aty_config to 6

and actually made it look like 

"CFG,CFG_USE_AGDC", Buffer () { 

This effectively disables AGDC in the card. 


I checked 10.12.6 and found using iorey that this CFG is actually false there, in 10.13 it was true by default. The fix in SSDT and WhateverGreen together, both the DP monitors are now working at 4k. 


Thanks again Mork vom Ork and Vit9696.

I have 7700k, but was also having similar issues, like the initial score would be 130K range and if taken after a while, it would be in 80K range. I found the running simple webgl page would take 100% gpu. After enabling quick sync (HD630) and setting ig-platform-id to 0x59120003 helped improve the performance and it didn't degrade after some use. I am using imac18,3 smbios. This may not relate to your case, but just incase...

I tried disabling AGDC but doesn't seem to work? Do you mind uploading your DSDT?

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It's not like I seriously care but something that can be automated probably should be.


Added automatic screen boot artifact correction (-radlogo is no longer necessary and is removed)
Added automatic CFG_FB_LIMIT correction to avoid issues on several Polaris GPUs on 10.13
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It's not like I seriously care but something that can be automated probably should be.


Added automatic screen boot artifact correction (-radlogo is no longer necessary and is removed)
Added automatic CFG_FB_LIMIT correction to avoid issues on several Polaris GPUs on 10.13


@vit9696 just wanted to say you are a god send, finally someone that has been looking at this GPU issue like I have thinking from the beginning. 

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It's not like I seriously care but something that can be automated probably should be.


Added automatic screen boot artifact correction (-radlogo is no longer necessary and is removed)
Added automatic CFG_FB_LIMIT correction to avoid issues on several Polaris GPUs on 10.13


Thanks for this new WEG.kext which works for RX-560 at 10.13.3 DB2 (17D25b) in my Z87 hackintosh.

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pico joe, well, noted, but I do not know when I could give it a look. Just like 2xx and 3xx, newer 7xxx GPUs are very problematic, mainly due to their VBIOSes.

Even when we did the main research for WhateverGreen, we could not figure a way to deterministically make 2 or 3 screens work and wake, for example.

Is it a local problem or others with the same GPU have the same issue? How many screens do you use? Could you create a minimalistic set of kexts that which allow you to fix the problem? Ideally with the closest ones that break stuff (upload them just in case).


I'd suggest experimenting with params, especially with AGDC, PowerPlay, connector order (that thing is really messy), and perhaps the connectors themselves. Most likely very little changed in the driver itself, and you just need to find some configuration with trial & error.

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Hi Vit9696 & vandroiy2012


just reported dual screen HDMI & DVI .. sleep wake worked, but single monitor HDMI or DVI .. still get sleep wake issues


so What should I do .. ?



like you said "Just like 2xx and 3xx, newer 7xxx GPUs" <-- thit is a clue at least for me


I'm not sure but for couple time the problem is gone with bf -raddvi


edited II

Yes I'm sure now the problem is gone .. thaks for your support

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Is anyone else unable to get dual 4k monitors to work over DP with Sapphire RX 580 Pulse 8GB? I am using iMac18,3 SMBIOS. The second monitor turns off immediately after boot.


I am using latest Lilu and WhateverGreen. I've also tried with RadeonDeInit=True and no WhateverGreen.

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Is anyone else unable to get dual 4k monitors to work over DP with Sapphire RX 580 Pulse 8GB? I am using iMac18,3 SMBIOS. The second monitor turns off immediately after boot.


I am using latest Lilu and WhateverGreen. I've also tried with RadeonDeInit=True and no WhateverGreen.

Your on 10.13.1?

Try changing smbios to 6,1

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Hi, has anyone encountered this issue?


My 270x is not recognized correctly. Specifically, detection works fine (card has correct name and correct connectors, judging from system logs), HDMI works fine but DP results in a white screen.

I am using an ASUS X299-A PRIME, on ASUS X99-A the card works great with the very same configuration. 


I also made a custom ssdt with proper Framebuffer, connectors count, connectors properties... But I only get a white screen when connecting to DP.


I am using a single display with 4k resolution and DP is mandatory for me (60Hz vs 30Hz with HDMI). Using -radvesa DP works without acceleration (no resolution change possible).


Anyone with a similar problem? Any suggestion on how to investigate further?



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