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Darwin 17.0.0 kernel (extracted from prelinkedkernel in BaseSystem.dmg) is attached. KBEYosECSieSearchEXT is still there.

Thanks! Could you please also give me the OSInstaller bin?


And the APFS driver: /usr/standalone/i386/apfs.efi


Thx again!

Hi, I don't know whether this is somewhat off-topic, if so, feel free to contact me and delete the post.


As for XCPM for unsupported CPUs patches of 10.13, please try this one:


1) Patch for _cpuid_set_info:

The disassembled code looks like this: (From DP1)

ffffff80003a1326	8a 05 21 5d 75 00 	movb	0x755d21(%rip), %al
ffffff80003a132c	04 72 	addb	$0x72, %al
ffffff80003a132e	3c d0 	cmpb	$-0x30, %al
ffffff80003a1330	77 50 	ja	0xffffff80003a1382

Alright, so that add is what we want to patch, and it's only needed for Broadwell-E CPUs, the patch will be:

72 3c d0 77 50 0f b6 c0
6a 3c d0 77 50 0f b6 c0

2) Patch for _xcpm_bootstrap:

The disassembled code looks like this:

ffffff80003d08c3	89 d8 	movl	%ebx, %eax
ffffff80003d08c5	04 c4 	addb	$-0x3c, %al
ffffff80003d08c7	3c 22 	cmpb	$0x22, %al
ffffff80003d08c9	77 22 	ja	0xffffff80003d08ed

And the patch will be:

89 d8 04 c4 3c 22 77 22
89 d8 04 xx 3c 22 77 22

Note: The xx is your exact platform CPUID, for example, the default one is 0x3C and I want it to be Ivy Bridge which is 0x3A, and the desired patch is:

89 d8 04 c4 3c 22 77 22
89 d8 04 c6 3c 22 77 22

3) Instant reboot fix

Look at these ones:

ffffff80003d107e	48 8d 3d 9b e1 65 00 	leaq	_xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs(%rip), %rdi
ffffff80003d1085	be 07 00 00 00 	movl	$0x7, %esi
ffffff80003d108a	31 d2 	xorl	%edx, %edx
ffffff80003d108c	e8 8f fc ff ff 	callq	0xffffff80003d0d20
ffffff80003d1091	83 fb 00 	cmpl	$0x0, %ebx
ffffff80003d1094	74 05 	je	0xffffff80003d109b
ffffff80003d1096	45 20 e5 	andb	%r12b, %r13b
ffffff80003d1099	74 13 	je	0xffffff80003d10ae
ffffff80003d109b	48 8d 3d ce e2 65 00 	leaq	_xcpm_core_scope_msrs(%rip), %rdi
ffffff80003d10a2	be 03 00 00 00 	movl	$0x3, %esi
ffffff80003d10a7	31 d2 	xorl	%edx, %edx
ffffff80003d10a9	e8 72 fc ff ff 	callq	0xffffff80003d0d20
ffffff80003d10ae	48 8d 3d 4b e3 65 00 	leaq	_xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs(%rip), %rdi
ffffff80003d10b5	be 0b 00 00 00 	movl	$0xb, %esi
ffffff80003d10ba	31 d2 	xorl	%edx, %edx
ffffff80003d10bc	e8 5f fc ff ff 	callq	0xffffff80003d0d20

Alright, so the patches will be:

# _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs
be 0b 00 00 00 5d e9 08 00 00 00 -> be 0b 00 00 00 5d c3 90 90 90 90
be 0b 00 00 00 31 d2 e8 5f fc ff ff -> be 0b 00 00 00 31 d2 90 90 90 90 90

# _xcpm_core_scope_msrs
be 03 00 00 00 31 d2 e8 72 fc ff ff -> be 03 00 00 00 31 d2 90 90 90 90 90

# _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs
be 07 00 00 00 31 d2 e8 8f fc ff ff -> be 07 00 00 00 31 d2 90 90 90 90 90

And if you want to disable the calls/jumps entirely, you should ret this offset:

ffffff80003d0d20	55 	pushq	%rbp  // Change this '55' to 'c3'

The patch is:

BE 0B 00 00 00 5D E9 08 00 00 00 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00 55 48 89 E5 41 57 -> BE 0B 00 00 00 5D E9 08 00 00 00 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00 C3 48 89 E5 41 57

4) Performance fix

89 D8 C1 E0 08 48 63 D0 -> B8 00 FF 00 00 48 63 D0 

5) AVX stuffs (Only for Pentium and Celeron users)

B9 A0 01 00 00 0F 32 -> B9 A0 01 00 00 31 C0 

All credits go to Pike R. Alpha, okrasit, vit9696 and other generous guys.


EDIT @ 25/07/17: Removed redundant bytes for 10.13 DP4 compatibility

EDIT @ 17/07/17: Added more patches and credit information

EDIT @ 22/06/17: Removed redundant bytes for 10.13 DP2 compatibility

Edited by PMheart
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smbios Macpro 6.1 AMD CPU :P


Install macOSDeveloperBetaAccessUtility.dmg, restart and try again. You really need to enroll your device. After that, you can access macappstores://itunes.apple.com/app/id1209167288 in your Safari browser. It should open the download page for High Sierra in App Store.

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