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VoodooHDA 3.0.2

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is there a way to edit the info.plist so that voodoohda does not attach to HDMI? currently it takes over my alc221 and my hd4600 hdmi.

As usual. Remove PCIClassMatch and set PCIMatch to your HDA device. It will not match to your HDMI device in this case.

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Thanks, I still don't see boost there. There is output gain, but I can't move the slider. The only sliders I can move is PCM and iMIX & moving them causes the sound to drop very low (no matter which direction i move them in) - Needed to reboot to get my normal sound level back

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My info.plist is just an example what can be written here. This is not working example and will be ignored by the driver.

You have to write here all you want and yes it will be the same as 2.8.8 if you know how to disable InputMonitor.

The version 2.8.9 is for those who don't care about it.

Thanx a lot


sent from my iPhone 7 Plus

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! My rear & front speaker jack are working. The front mic works but the rear mic not. The "input level" of rear mic doesn't rise too. I have no idea what's going on. 


My device info: 

Asus H81M-D

Intel 4th Gen i3 4150 Processor

ALC 887 onboard



The same here. The rear line input (BLUE) does not appear. And the sound is lower than using the "AppleHDA" kext.


Codec Realtek ALC887VD

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sergey..good evening


sergey, when I turned on the speakers, and I move my mouse, I hear a rustling annoying from the speakers, I am using latest version of voodoo


This happens to me when I have my iPhone near my speakers.  I think that the speakers are able to pick up electrical interference.  This may be caused by your mouse.  Try another if you have one or can borrow one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Umm, thats actually supposed to be the other way around. SLE is intended to be locked now after the introduction of SIP and any 3rd party kexts are intended to go to LE.

I have to repeat. Yes, LE intended for third party kexts, but for SIGNED kexts. 

Anyway my unsigned kexts (fakeSMC, VoodooHDA etc) live in SLE and works fine.

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I have to repeat. Yes, LE intended for third party kexts, but for SIGNED kexts. 

Anyway my unsigned kexts (fakeSMC, VoodooHDA etc) live in SLE and works fine.

With SIP disabled, both signed and unsigned kexts work equally in either /L/E or /S/L/E. There is absolutely no difference currently.

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So what's the difference between installing kexts in SLE and /CLOVER/kexts/10.12?

When you will do update to new OS then kexts from CLOVER will not be injected.

Having all kexts in SLE is safe for update.

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  • 2 weeks later...



This is VoodooHDA is working very well for my needs on my old HP Pavilion dv6 under Sierra. Here are a couple of (not insanely needed) features I never got working:

- Front speakers of the laptop (not very important as I almost always use either headphones or external speakers connected to headphones jack)

- HDMI sound through the ATI Mobility Radeon 5650. I don't need this at all.

- Being able to change the volume from the menu bar / Preferences panel, instead of the VoodooHDA panel. This is the feature I miss the most. In order to control the volume I have to change the PCM slider here:




Somehow this PCM slider would have to be linked to the main volume slider of the MacOS. On the sound preferences I see the device, but if I move the slider nothing happens:



I tried with both VoodooHDAEnableMuteFix and VoodooHDAEnableVolumeChangeFix, but doesn't seem to make a difference to have those set to true or false.


I attach getdump file and current plist, in case you might have some ideas on how to fix this. 


getdump: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nv4mwaj6wbvvyfq/getdump.rtf?dl=0

info.plist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bo65n0hovs1ja35/voodooHDAinfo_plist.rtf?dl=0


Thank you so much for your effort on this.

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  • 1 month later...


No VoodooHDA Devices Detected


how to install this kext

I use Pro easykext to install


install to P5QL ""VIA VT1708S""  El Capitan

i use VGA  ""OLD MONITOR""

thanks all

The problem is marked red.

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