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Hi, building Pandora's Box I need to compile Clover from source so I've created a script to do that following Clover devs advices.


Well, Build_Clover.command can easily build a standard Clover, but also permit you to define macros that are not available on the standard package.

So following Slice intruction here you can create a new package containing legacy boot file with all the macro you need by selecting them:

BUILD boot7 with additional macros
	 11) USE_ION
ONLY_SATA_0 added!

That affect boot7 only,
enter you choice or press "b" to build:



also the package is customized to remind you what you have done!  B)




Push here to Download 

  • Like 12

Explanation of the available options:


 1) add "buildclover" symlink to /usr/local/bin

(idea of @STLVNUB)
With this option you can link Build_Clover.command in /usr/local/bin/buildclover, so that you can simply type "buildclover" in Terminal to run the script.
Build_Clover.command Should be placed in a writable path to allow the script to be updated.
Notes that if you move the script it will no longer works or if you run another copy of Build_Clover.command, this one, will ask you to update the symlink.


 2) update Build_Clover.command

This option appears only when an update for Build_Clover.command is available. Mostly because a new edk2 revision is available from Slice (and you should really use that), but also for bug fixes or new functionalities for the script.

 3) update Clover only (no building)


Cause the script to call svn update with --accept tf on both edk2 and Clover.

After that Clover is the latest revision available, edk2 instead is the one defined by "EDK2_REV" variable. "EDK2_REV" is updated as soon as Slice sync with a new revision of edk2 and you should not edit it unless Build_Clover.command is momentarily outdated.
Notice that if edk2 is already at the specified revision It will not be updated until a new version is specified.


 4) update Clover + force edk2 update (no building)

As for the previous option, but this one causes edk2 to be updated again. Why?

You may encounter errors updating the source such lost of Internet connectivity, a reset by peers or conflicts between passing from an old revision to a new one.
If a conflict happened, Build_Clover.command try to call svn resolve on the problematic package or on Clover too.


 5) run my script on the source

This option allow you to add a pre or post action to the script. For me build the directory tree I need for Clover included in Pandora's Box. For you does nothing unless you edit the script adding code or a path to your script.


 6) build existing revision (no update, for testing only)

This option is for testing only and You Should Not Use it unless you are coding something:

in fact this option is really fast (the real purpose) building Clover and allow you to see if your code (maybe a patch diff?) compile fine. What prevent to be a good method to build Clover Is that this way Version.h is not updated (this causes modules that includes it to not be rebuilted) and so the "build" info string in the boot log will be false and not accurate (cosmetic only). For this reason is not reccomended to share or use Clover compiled this way (though that anyway it have 100% of the functionality).


 7) build existing revision for release (no update, standard build)

Proper way to build Clover:
-fr option is passed to ebuild.sh everytime is called that cause Version.h to be overwritten with all correct  build infos (right revision, right arguments passed to ebuild.sh etc.).
Also make clean is called on CloverPackage directory to clean old stuff and have all builted from scratch.
If you encounter errors this way is due to the fact that something goes wrong with the actual source, so don't panic and run:
update Clover + force edk2 update (no building)
.. if that is not enough consider to re download the entire project, but consider also to wait for a new commit appear since Clover is under steady development and some little problems get solved by itself.
Also consider that you can find stable release here.




 8) build existing revision with custom macros enabled




following instruction by Slice here (please read), you can now build Clover with the macros:

BUILD boot3 and boot7 with additional macros
     6) ONLY_SATA_0
     12) USE_ION
     16) REAL_NVRAM
     17) CHECK_FLAGS

actual macros defined: no one

enter you choice or press "b" to build:


.. and all arguments will be passed to ebuild.sh to compile Clover with your needed.


Clover is builted with -fr option for a good result.




 9) info and limitations about this script

this option show info about this script, like what you should expect and what you should not expect  by this script.
Also containing info on supported OSes and more.
You should read those info directly by the actual script because changes may be apported.



 *10) enter Developers mode (only for devs)

Developers mode is a simply method that only "cd" to the source w/o installing, downloading or update anything.
Also require that you have everything in place, like a good nasm, mtoc, gettext etc. (and off course edk2 and Clover) only using what is already defined by tools_def.txt by default.
If you are not a dev, please don't use this option and switch back to the main manu that cause Build_Clover.command to install dependencies for you.


 1) build with ./ebuild.sh -nb

      no boot files (don't build already builted bootsectors)

 2) build with ./ebuild.sh --module=rEFIt_UEFI/refit.inf

      use refit.inf to build Clover

 3) build binaries (boot6 and 7)

     build Clover w/o -fr option (faster, but Version.h is not updated)

 4) build binaries with FORCEREBUILD (boot6 and 7)

     build Clover with -fr option *(slower, but modules which include a new updated Version.h get automatically rebuilted)

 5) build pkg

     build the package only (using existing Clover)

 6) build iso

     build the iso image only (using existing Clover)

 7) build pkg+iso

     build the package + iso image (using existing Clover)

 9) build all for Release

     build every things (*Clover with -fr + package and iso image)

 9) Back to Main Menu

     exit developers mode back to normal mode.


 10) Exit

     exit the script.



 11) Exit

exit the script that is actually in a loop



Selecting the architecture



Idea of @Riley Freeman of building only necessary architecture so that if your Mobo only supports 32 bit bios/UEFi you can build only the 32 bit parts. As well for 64 bit.



Select the desired architecture


1) Standard x64 only

2) ia32 and x64 (ia32 is deprecated)

3) ia32 only (deprecated)

4) Back to Main Menu

5) Exit



To build a standard package (with both architectures) use option 1. 




Clover source in a specific subfolder you like (instead of being in the Home directory)



(idea of RehabMan)


# MODE="S" src is ~/src

# MODE="R" src created where this script is located (use only if the path has no blank spaces in the middle)


---> src in home folder as usual



# MODE="S" src is ~/src

# MODE="R" src created where this script is located (use only if the path has no blank spaces in the middle)


---> src in any sub folder (src is created where the script is located. Make a folder, copy the script inside and run it). Require no empty spaces in the path, anyway a check will prevent this!




Supported OS

macOS X, Ubuntu 16.04 + and Debian Jessie 8.6 + (read)



the package (.pkg) can only be builted in macOS X  since linux use other tecnologies.






Experimental, upgrade the working copy. (Introduced in 4.0.3) by Needy

svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' command
Error: You need to upgrade the working copy first.
Would you like to upgrade the working copy in the /Users/[USER]/src/edk2/?
Upgraded 'src/edk2'
Upgraded 'src/edk2/BaseTools/Bin/Win32'
svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' command
Error: You need to upgrade the working copy first.
Would you like to upgrade the working copy in the /Users/[USER]/src/edk2/Clover/?
Upgraded 'src/edk2/Clover'
Remote revision: 3758 Local revision: 3580svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' command
Error: You need to upgrade the working copy first.
Would you like to upgrade the working copy in the /Users/[USER]/src/edk2/?
You may encounter errors!
Something went wrong while getting the remote revision, check your internet connection!
Something went wrong while getting the local revision!

Ok, we are able to downgrade Clover to a specified revision since v4.2.5!
Step 1, change ekd2 to a supported revision (at this moment is 23550):

# Preferences:
EDK2_REV="23447"   # or any revision supported by Slice (otherwise no claim please)

Step 2, change Clover to the desired revision (atm 3960):

SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV="3952" # empty by default

launch the script using option:

3) update Clover + force edk2 update (no building)

... will call svn resolve if needed, plus clean BaseTools causing it to be rebuilted!
WARNING: too old revision of Clover maybe incompatible with the current script, and off course you should use a revision of Clover compatible with the specified revision of edk2, otherwise will not work!



See full changelog

Edited by Micky1979
  • Like 4
That affect boot7 only

i applied -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED in boot6 manually and it worked. any downside on why it has to be in boot7 only?


Also, i don't see -D USE_APPLE_HFSPLUS_DRIVER in the list.

  • Like 2



First fresh run: Getting multiple "command not found" at the end?

drwxr-xr-x  13 Mike  staff       442 Jul 14 12:13 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 Mike  staff       476 Jul 14 12:13 ..
drwxr-xr-x   5 Mike  staff       170 Jul 14 12:13 CloverCD
drwxr-xr-x   4 Mike  staff       136 Jul 14 12:13 CloverISO-3619
-rw-r--r--   1 Mike  staff   6367733 Jul 14 12:13 CloverISO-3619.tar.lzma
-rw-r--r--@  1 Mike  staff  27842456 Jul 14 12:13 Clover_v2.3k_r3619.pkg
-rw-r--r--   1 Mike  staff        68 Jul 14 12:13 Clover_v2.3k_r3619.pkg.md5
-rw-r--r--   1 Mike  staff  27780057 Jul 14 12:13 Clover_v2.3k_r3619.zip
drwxr-xr-x   3 Mike  staff       102 Jul 14 12:12 Resources
drwxr-xr-x   7 Mike  staff       238 Jul 14 12:13 build
drwxr-xr-x   4 Mike  staff       136 Jul 14 12:13 i386
drwxr-xr-x   3 Mike  staff       102 Jul 14 12:13 package
drwxr-xr-x   7 Mike  staff       238 Jul 14 12:13 utils
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found

2nd run: building pkg skipped due to NO_GRUB_EMBEDDED?

Generating BootSectors
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Build Package/iso skipped because of NO_GRUB_DRIVERS/_EMBEDDED!
DADS:~ Mike$

i applied -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED in boot6 manually and it worked. any downside on why it has to be in boot7 only?


Also, i don't see -D USE_APPLE_HFSPLUS_DRIVER in the list.

Why compile two bootloader with same functionality? I mean, you need only one boot file.

boot6 = standard

boot7 = boot6 with all macros defined that you need. Simply.


About "USE_APPLE_HFSPLUS_DRIVER" I forgot to add it :P




First fresh run: Getting multiple "command not found" at the end?

drwxr-xr-x  13 Mike  staff       442 Jul 14 12:13 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 Mike  staff       476 Jul 14 12:13 ..
drwxr-xr-x   5 Mike  staff       170 Jul 14 12:13 CloverCD
drwxr-xr-x   4 Mike  staff       136 Jul 14 12:13 CloverISO-3619
-rw-r--r--   1 Mike  staff   6367733 Jul 14 12:13 CloverISO-3619.tar.lzma
-rw-r--r--@  1 Mike  staff  27842456 Jul 14 12:13 Clover_v2.3k_r3619.pkg
-rw-r--r--   1 Mike  staff        68 Jul 14 12:13 Clover_v2.3k_r3619.pkg.md5
-rw-r--r--   1 Mike  staff  27780057 Jul 14 12:13 Clover_v2.3k_r3619.zip
drwxr-xr-x   3 Mike  staff       102 Jul 14 12:12 Resources
drwxr-xr-x   7 Mike  staff       238 Jul 14 12:13 build
drwxr-xr-x   4 Mike  staff       136 Jul 14 12:13 i386
drwxr-xr-x   3 Mike  staff       102 Jul 14 12:13 package
drwxr-xr-x   7 Mike  staff       238 Jul 14 12:13 utils
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem32.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ZeroMem.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem16.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/SetMem.nasm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/CopyMem.asm
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem32.S
-bash: A: command not found
HTPC:~ Mike$ A    MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptPei/Ia32/ScanMem8.asm
-bash: A: command not found

2nd run: building pkg skipped due to NO_GRUB_EMBEDDED?

Generating BootSectors
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Build Package/iso skipped because of NO_GRUB_DRIVERS/_EMBEDDED!
DADS:~ Mike$

As I said the path should not include blank spaces, why fail (I guess). Will be corrected.

About NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED, we have to check if the buildpkg.sh script can add all new drivers generated for the legacy options. I guess you need generated drivers not embedded in the boot file and the boot file with no embedded drivers, so the pkg is not generated (I thought you want that since enabling all other macros have no problem generating the pkg).

Finally You know that the boot file where you have applied your choices is boot7 (is a script, and has no brain, so I decide that boot7 will the boot file compiled with your preferences).

Usually in the generated pkg boot7 is the one that report the choice "use Bios block IO", but you will know that your compilation is different.. simply no? ^_^


I'll move these posts in a new topic later..

Edited by Micky1979
added a blank spaces check for MODE=R
  • Like 1


---> src in home folder as usual



attachicon.gifBuild_Clover_R.command.zip (Rehabman idea)

---> src in any sub folder (src is created where the script are located. Make a folder, copy the script inside and run it). Require no empty spaces in the path (ATM).


Note: the two script are the same but with standard/custom path commented as required





following instruction by Slice here, you can now build Clover with the macros you like choosing option 6

Please enter your choice: 
1) check revision
2) update & build Clover
3) update Clover only (no building)
4) run my script on the source
5) build existing revision (no update, standard build)
6) build existing revision with custom macros enabled (affect boot7 only)
7) build Clover from scratch (delete /Users/Micky1979/src)

...you can define all macros you need:

BUILD boot7 with additional macros
	 4) ONLY_SATA_0
	 11) USE_ION

actual macros defined:
no one

That affect boot7 only,
enter you choice or press "b" to build:

after selecting some macros will be like that:



BUILD boot7 with additional macros
	 3) ONLY_SATA_0
	 9) USE_ION

actual macros defined:

That affect boot7 only,
enter you choice or press "b" to build: 




.. you will see all arguments that will be added directly in Terminal, macros already chosed no longer in the array  :D


If you like, will be available in the Download section, please test


PS delete the src folder to automatically redownload a fresh Clover the first time (you will see options later)... since I don't know what you done before (or by someone else script).

     Compatible with my old version of this script, now renamed Build_Clover.




Thank you - it works fine here.  :thumbsup_anim:



  • Like 1

I know :D , also solved the white space characters in the path for the next revision of this script. Going to move all these posts elsewhere..


Build_Clover.sh can handle white spaces in paths, Clover's scripts can't. Leaving this opportunity: user must choose a path w/o blank space in the middle. 

Edited by Micky1979
added a blank spaces check for MODE=R



Generating BootSectors
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Build Package/iso skipped because of NO_GRUB_DRIVERS/_EMBEDDED!
DADS:~ Mike$

v2.5 at first post is corrected to build with all macros enabled, also the package will show you changes you applied!

You want the same for ia32 ..boot3?

If you mean this I can do that for the next update



I saw your edit now, so yes the architecture can be selected adding a switch

I'm not too familiar with Clover build options, but I got it to work as I like by commenting out the boot7 and Clover IA32 entries in the build section. I only need 64-bit UEFI from Clover.


I guess some extra options for the build phase would do it.

  • Like 1

Yes It easy to automate. The resulting package, btw, is showing you boot3 (+ drivers 32 bit)/boot7 options?

Ok, next release will produce selected architecture, and the package will show/contains only drivers/booter for it

There is one nuance.

I installed boot7.







In the boot-log I see a loading boot7.




0:176  0:003  BV new mode: 5 1280x1024
0:320  0:143   SetMode pref 5 (5) = Success
0:384  0:064  Found supported controller for BiosBlockIO class=010601
0:384  0:000  Int13Extensions: INT 13 41 DL=80 : CF=0 BX=AA55 CX=0001
0:384  0:000  GetDriveParameters: INT 13 48 DL=80 : CF=0 AH=00
0:384  0:000  BlockSize = 512  LastBlock = 976773167
0:387  0:002  Int13Extensions: INT 13 41 DL=F2 : CF=0 BX=AA55 CX=0005
0:387  0:000  GetDriveParameters: INT 13 48 DL=F2 : CF=0 AH=00
0:387  0:000  BlockSize = 2048  LastBlock = -1
0:795  0:408  
0:795  0:000  Now is 16.7.2016,  17:12:20 (GMT)
0:795  0:000  Starting Clover rev 3635 on CLOVER EFI
0:795  0:000  Build with: [Args: ./ebuildBorg.sh -D USE_APPLE_HFSPLUS_DRIVER -D USE_BIOS_BLOCKIO -D DISABLE_USB_SUPPORT -D ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT -t XCODE5 | Command: build -D USE_BIOS_BLOCKIO -D DISABLE_USB_SUPPORT -D ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT -D USE_LOW_EBDA -p Clover/Clover.dsc -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -n 9 | OS: 10.11.6 | XCODE: 7.3.1] 




But on screen I see






  • Like 1

@droples that is a message printed by boot1f32 (or its "alt" variant) and not by boot3/6/7, I can't see nothing wrong with it (otherwise you will see "b1f: error"). What do you mean?

New v2.6 available:


What's New in Version 2.6 

  • v2.6: you can now build Clover's package for the selected architecture (32-bit only, 64-bit only or both)
  • v2.6: You can define macros also for 32-bit builds


PS Option 8) show info about the script functionalities and its limitation.

  • Like 1

In v2.8 I've removed commented/unused stuff, also removed uneeded fix in latest Clover source. You may need to remove:


and update Clover (file will be restored). This only in case of failure on "unknown -Wno-shift-negative-value warning option". That was unknown for older Xcode versions, but apparently edk2 devs has removed it.

  • Like 2

In v2.8 I've removed commented/unused stuff, also removed uneeded fix in latest Clover source. You may need to remove:


and update Clover (file will be restored). This only in case of failure on "unknown -Wno-shift-negative-value warning option". That was unknown for older Xcode versions, but apparently edk2 devs has removed it.



  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...

hello micky1979.


i test your script. but no lucky


here is log


[sLINK] BdsDxe

[CC] loader

clang: error: unable to execute command: Illegal instruction: 4

clang: error: linker command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)

make: *** [/users/Supreme/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/Clover/OsxAptioFixDrv/OsxAptioFixDrv/DEBUG/OsxAptioFixDrv.dll] Error 254




 : error 7000: Failed to execute command

make tbuild [/users/Supreme/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/Clover/OsxAptioFixDrv/OsxAptioFixDrv]




 : error 7000: Failed to execute command

make tbuild [/users/Supreme/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/Clover/rEFIt_UEFI/refit]




 : error F002: Failed to build module

/Users/Supreme/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAptioFixDrv/OsxAptioFixDrv.inf [X64, XCODE5, RELEASE]


- Failed -

Build end time: 23:01:22, Aug.12 2016

Build total time: 00:00:53


Supreme-Mac-Pro:~ Supreme$ 



i use latest clover r3695.

Hi Sherlock (Supreme? wow  ), this is the log updating Clover and edk2 without building it using the script in the Download section:

Build_Clover script v2.8
by Micky1979, based on Slice, Zenith432, STLVNB, JrCs, cvad and Rehabman
Please enter your choice: 
1) check revision
2) update Clover only (no building)
3) update & build Clover
4) run my script on the source
5) build existing revision (no update, standard build)
6) build existing revision with custom macros enabled
7) build Clover from scratch (delete /Users/Micky1979/src)
8) info and limitations about this script
#? 2

Updating edk2
D         edksetup.sh
Checked out revision 22367.

Updating 'edksetup.sh':
A    edksetup.sh
Updated to revision 22367.
UU   BaseTools/Conf/build_rule.template
UU   BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template
U    BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/String.py
U    BaseTools/Source/C/VfrCompile/VfrFormPkg.cpp

Fetching external item into 'BaseTools/Bin/Win32':
U    BaseTools/Bin/Win32/VfrCompile.exe
U    BaseTools/Bin/Win32/Readme.txt
U    BaseTools/Bin/Win32/UPT.exe
Checked out external at revision 177.

Checked out revision 22367.
U    MdePkg/Include/Arm/ProcessorBind.h
U    MdePkg/Include/Protocol/HiiImageEx.h
U    MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/FilePaths.c
Checked out revision 22367.
Checked out revision 22367.
Checked out revision 22367.
Checked out revision 22367.
Checked out revision 22367.
U    MdeModulePkg/Universal/SetupBrowserDxe/Setup.c
U    MdeModulePkg/Universal/SetupBrowserDxe/IfrParse.c
U    MdeModulePkg/Universal/DriverSampleDxe/DriverSample.c
U    MdeModulePkg/Universal/HiiDatabaseDxe/HiiDatabase.h
U    MdeModulePkg/Universal/HiiDatabaseDxe/ConfigRouting.c
Checked out revision 22367.
Checked out revision 22367.
U    PcAtChipsetPkg/Library/AcpiTimerLib/BaseAcpiTimerLib.c
U    PcAtChipsetPkg/Library/AcpiTimerLib/AcpiTimerLib.c
U    PcAtChipsetPkg/Library/AcpiTimerLib/DxeAcpiTimerLib.c
Checked out revision 22367.
C    ShellPkg/Application/Shell/FileHandleWrappers.c
G    ShellPkg/Application/Shell/ShellProtocol.c
G    ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib/Ls.c
UU   ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellTftpCommandLib/Tftp.c
GU   ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellCommandLib/ConsistMapping.c
Checked out revision 22367.
Checked out revision 22367.

Updating Clover
Updating '.':
U    Clover.dsc
U    Xcode/Clover/Clover.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
U    rEFIt_UEFI/libeg/image.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/libeg/libscreen.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/Settings.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/nvidia.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/ati.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/FixBiosDsdt.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/smbios.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/Nvram.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/AcpiPatcher.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/Platform.h
U    rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/device_inject.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/refit/screen.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/refit/main.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/refit/menu.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/refit/lib.c
U    rEFIt_UEFI/refit/lib.h
U    rEFIt_UEFI/refit/icns.c
Updated to revision 3695.
Apply Edk2 patches
Done, to build Clover re-run this script!

And this is the succesfully compilation log done some seconds ago:

Last login: Fri Aug 12 16:09:34 on ttys001
Micky1979s-MBP:~ Micky1979$ /Volumes/DATI/Downloads/Build_Clover.command
Build_Clover script v2.8
by Micky1979, based on Slice, Zenith432, STLVNB, JrCs, cvad and Rehabman
Please enter your choice: 
1) check revision
2) update Clover only (no building)
3) update & build Clover
4) run my script on the source
5) build existing revision (no update, standard build)
6) build existing revision with custom macros enabled
7) build Clover from scratch (delete /Users/Micky1979/src)
8) info and limitations about this script
#? 5

Select the desired architecture
	 1) Standard with both ia32 and x64
	 2) x64 only
	 3) ia32 only

NASM version 2.12.02rc1 compiled on May 19 2016
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.19.7
Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Ulrich Drepper.
TOOLCHAIN_DIR: /Users/Micky1979/src/opt/local
Initializing workspace
Loading previous configuration from /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Conf/BuildEnv.sh
WORKSPACE: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2
EDK_TOOLS_PATH: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/BaseTools
CONF_PATH: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Conf

Running edk2 build for CloverX64 using the command:
build  -D USE_LOW_EBDA -p Clover/Clover.dsc  -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -n 5 

Build environment: Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
Build start time: 16:12:16, Aug.12 2016

WORKSPACE        = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2
ECP_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EDK_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EFI_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EDK_TOOLS_PATH   = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/BaseTools

Architecture(s)  = X64
Build target     = RELEASE
Toolchain        = XCODE5

Active Platform          = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Clover.dsc
Flash Image Definition   = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Clover.fdf

Processing meta-data ............ done!
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib.inf [X64]
[CC] SetMem
[CC] DebugLib
[CC] CheckSum
[CC] ScanMem64Wrapper
[CC] SwitchStack
[CC] ScanMem32Wrapper
[CC] SwapBytes64
[CC] ScanMem16Wrapper
[CC] PcdLib
[CC] SwapBytes32
[CC] ScanMem8Wrapper
[CC] SwapBytes16
[CC] ZeroMemWrapper
[CC] LongJump
[CC] CompareMemWrapper
[CC] SetJump
[CC] SetMem64Wrapper
[CC] SetMem32Wrapper
[CC] RShiftU64
[CC] SetMem16Wrapper
[CC] RRotU64
[CC] SetMemWrapper
[CC] RRotU32
[CC] CopyMemWrapper
[CC] MultU64x64
[CC] MultU64x32
[CC] PrintLibInternal
[CC] MemLibGeneric
[CC] MultS64x64
[CC] PrintLib
[CC] ModU64x32
[CC] MemLibGuid
[CC] LShiftU64
[CC] CopyMem
[CC] LRotU64
[CC] LRotU32
[CC] LowBitSet64
[CC] LowBitSet32
[CC] HighBitSet64
[CC] HighBitSet32
[CC] GetPowerOfTwo64
[CC] GetPowerOfTwo32
[CC] DivU64x64Remainder
[CC] DivU64x32Remainder
[CC] DivU64x32
[CC] DivS64x64Remainder
[CC] ARShiftU64
[CC] BitField
[CC] CpuDeadLoop
[CC] Cpu
[CC] LinkedList
[CC] SafeString
[SLINK] BasePcdLibNull
[SLINK] BaseDebugLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull/BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseIoLibIntrinsic/BaseIoLibIntrinsic.inf [X64]
[CC] String
[CC] BaseReportStatusCodeLib
[CC] FilePaths
[SLINK] BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib/DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib.inf [X64]
[CC] IoLibMmioBuffer
[CC] IoHighLevel
[CC] MemoryAllocationLib
[CC] IoLibGcc
[CC] IoLib
[SLINK] BasePrintLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreEntryPoint/DxeCoreEntryPoint.inf [X64]
[SLINK] BaseIoLibIntrinsic
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.inf [X64]
[CC] DxeCoreMemoryProfileLibNull
[SLINK] DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib/UefiDevicePathLib.inf [X64]
[NASM] Thunk16
[CC] Non-existing
[SLINK] BaseMemoryLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib/UefiBootServicesTableLib.inf [X64]
[CC] Math64
[CC] UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib
[SLINK] UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] Unaligned
[CC] DxeCoreEntryPoint
[SLINK] DxeCoreEntryPoint
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreHobLib/DxeCoreHobLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86WriteIdtr
[CC] PeCoffExtraActionLib
[SLINK] PeCoffExtraActionLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.inf [X64]
[CC] UefiBootServicesTableLib
[CC] X86WriteGdtr
[SLINK] UefiBootServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86Thunk
[CC] X86ReadIdtr
[CC] X86Cache
[CC] DevicePathUtilities
[CC] HobLib
[SLINK] BaseCacheMaintenanceLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseUefiDecompressLib/BaseUefiDecompressLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86ReadGdtr
[SLINK] DxeCoreHobLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePerformanceLibNull/BasePerformanceLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] X86Msr
[CC] PerformanceLib
[CC] X86GetInterruptState
[CC] UefiLibPrint
[SLINK] BasePerformanceLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/VBoxPeCoffLib/VBoxPeCoffLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86FxSave
[CC] X86FxRestore
[CC] UefiNotTiano
[CC] X86EnablePaging64
[CC] BaseUefiDecompressLib
[CC] X86EnablePaging32
[SLINK] BaseUefiDecompressLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86DisablePaging64
[CC] UefiDriverModel
[CC] X86DisablePaging32
[CC] PeCoffGetEntryPoint
[SLINK] BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf [X64]
[CC] GccInline
[CC] DevicePathToText
[CC] BasePeCoff
[CC] PeCoffLoaderEx
[SLINK] VBoxPeCoffLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/DuetTimerLib/DuetTimerLib.inf [X64]
[CC] Console
[CC] DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib
[SLINK] DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeServicesLib/DxeServicesLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86TimerLib
[SLINK] DuetTimerLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DebugAgentLibNull/DebugAgentLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] UefiLib
[CC] DebugAgentLibNull
[CC] DxeServicesLib
[SLINK] UefiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull/CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull.inf [X64]
[SLINK] DxeServicesLib
[SLINK] DebugAgentLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/UefiMemoryAllocationLib.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeHobLib/DxeHobLib.inf [X64]
[CC] CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull
[SLINK] CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint/UefiDriverEntryPoint.inf [X64]
[CC] MemoryAllocationLib
[SLINK] UefiMemoryAllocationLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeLib/UefiRuntimeLib.inf [X64]
[CC] HobLib
[CC] DriverEntryPoint
[SLINK] DxeHobLib
[SLINK] UefiDriverEntryPoint
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckLib/VarCheckLib.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseSynchronizationLib/BaseSynchronizationLib.inf [X64]
[CC] RuntimeLib
[CC] InternalGetSpinLockProperties
[SLINK] UefiRuntimeLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeServicesTableLib/DxeServicesTableLib.inf [X64]
[CC] GccInline
[CC] VarCheckLib
[SLINK] VarCheckLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/TpmMeasurementLibNull/TpmMeasurementLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] SynchronizationGcc
[SLINK] BaseSynchronizationLib
[CC] DxeServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/AuthVariableLibNull/AuthVariableLibNull.inf [X64]
[SLINK] DxeServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckUefiLib/VarCheckUefiLib.inf [X64]
[CC] TpmMeasurementLibNull
[SLINK] TpmMeasurementLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCapsuleLibNull/DxeCapsuleLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] AuthVariableLibNull
[SLINK] AuthVariableLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeSecurityManagementLib/DxeSecurityManagementLib.inf [X64]
[CC] DevicePathFromText
[CC] DxeCapsuleLibNull
[SLINK] DxeCapsuleLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/DxePcdLib.inf [X64]
[CC] VarCheckUefiLibNullClass
[SLINK] VarCheckUefiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/UefiHiiServicesLib/UefiHiiServicesLib.inf [X64]
[CC] UefiDevicePathLib
[CC] DxeSecurityManagementLib
[SLINK] UefiDevicePathLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiHiiLib/UefiHiiLib.inf [X64]
[SLINK] DxeSecurityManagementLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/CustomizedDisplayLib/CustomizedDisplayLib.inf [X64]
[CC] UefiHiiServicesLib
[SLINK] UefiHiiServicesLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/LzmaCustomDecompressLib/LzmaCustomDecompressLib.inf [X64]
[CC] DxePcdLib
[SLINK] DxePcdLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/GenericBdsLib/GenericBdsLib.inf [X64]
[CC] LzmaDecompress
[CC] CustomizedDisplayLib
[CC] DevicePath
[CC] CustomizedDisplayLibInternal
[CC] LzFind
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CustomizedDisplayLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/OsxBdsPlatformLib/PlatformBds.inf [X64]
[CC] HiiLib
[CC] HiiString
[CC] Performance
[CC] HiiLanguage
[SLINK] UefiHiiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePciCf8Lib/BasePciCf8Lib.inf [X64]
[CC] BdsPlatform
[CC] PciCf8Lib
[SLINK] BasePciCf8Lib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePciLibCf8/BasePciLibCf8.inf [X64]
[CC] PciLib
[CC] PlatformData
[CC] BdsConnect
[SLINK] BasePciLibCf8
[SLINK] DuetBds
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/Library/BaseXApicLib/BaseXApicLib.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/Library/BaseIoApicLib/BaseIoApicLib.inf [X64]
[ASM] SwitchStack
[CC] LzmaDec
[CC] BaseXApicLib
[CC] GuidedSectionExtraction
[CC] IoApicLib
[SLINK] BaseXApicLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/MemLogLibDefault/MemLogLibDefault.inf [X64]
[SLINK] LzmaDecompressLib
[SLINK] BaseIoApicLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/VideoBiosPatchLib/VideoBiosPatchLib.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiScsiLib/UefiScsiLib.inf [X64]
[CC] MemLogLib
[CC] VideoBiosPatchLib
[SLINK] MemLogLibDefault
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiUsbLib/UefiUsbLib.inf [X64]
[ASM] SetJump
[CC] UefiScsiLib
[SLINK] UefiScsiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiSortLib/UefiSortLib.inf [X64]
[CC] Hid
[CC] BdsMisc
[CC] UefiSortLib
[CC] UsbDxeLib
[SLINK] UefiSortLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiFileHandleLib/UefiFileHandleLib.inf [X64]
[SLINK] UefiUsbLib
[CC] 915resolution
[ASM] LongJump
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiApplicationEntryPoint/UefiApplicationEntryPoint.inf [X64]
[CC] ApplicationEntryPoint
[SLINK] UefiApplicationEntryPoint
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLib/UefiShellLib.inf [X64]
[CC] edid
[SLINK] VideoBiosPatchLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryLib/UefiMemoryLib.inf [X64]
[CC] UefiFileHandleLib
[ASM] EnableDisableInterrupts
[SLINK] UefiFileHandleLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] ScanMem64Wrapper
[CC] OpensslLibNull
warning: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning for library: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/Clover/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLibNull/OUTPUT/OpensslLib.lib the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library define global symbols)
[SLINK] OpensslLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeNetLib/DxeNetLib.inf [X64]
[CC] ScanMem32Wrapper
[CC] ScanMem16Wrapper
[ASM] DisablePaging64
[CC] ScanMem8Wrapper
[CC] BdsConsole
[CC] ZeroMemWrapper
[ASM] CpuId
[CC] CompareMemWrapper
[CC] SetMem64Wrapper
[CC] UefiShellLib
[CC] DxeNetLib
[CC] SetMem32Wrapper
[SLINK] UefiShellLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseCpuLib/BaseCpuLib.inf [X64]
[ASM] CpuIdEx
[CC] SetMem16Wrapper
[CC] SetMemWrapper
[CC] CopyMemWrapper
[ASM] CpuSleep
[ASM] EnableCache
[CC] MemLibGeneric
[CC] MemLibGuid
[ASM] CpuFlushTlb
[CC] NetBuffer
[SLINK] BaseCpuLib
[SLINK] DxeNetLib
[CC] MemLib
[ASM] DisableCache
[SLINK] UefiMemoryLib
[ASM] RdRand
[CC] ChkStkGcc
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (LongJump.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/LongJump.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/LongJump.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (SetJump.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/SetJump.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/SetJump.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (SwitchStack.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/SwitchStack.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/SwitchStack.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
[SLINK] BaseLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxDxeIpl/DxeIpl.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxDxeCore/DxeMain.inf [X64]
[CC] BdsBoot
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Dxe/Pcd.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/WatchdogTimerDxe/WatchdogTimer.inf [X64]
[CC] String
[CC] DxeInit
[CC] WatchdogTimer
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] GenericBdsLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/RuntimeDxe/RuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Pcd
[SLINK] WatchdogTimer
[CC] Crc32
[CC] CoreSectionExtraction
[CC] LegacyTable
[CC] Runtime
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] RuntimeDxe
[CC] HobGeneration
[CC] Service
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Debug
[SLINK] PcdDxe
[CC] Image
[CC] EnterDxeCore
[CC] DebugImageInfo
[DLINK1] WatchdogTimer
[MTOC] WatchdogTimer
[CC] Paging
[GENFW] WatchdogTimer
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Stall
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DxeIpl
[CC] MonotonicCounter
[CC] SetWatchdogTimer
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] RuntimeDxe
[MTOC] RuntimeDxe
[SLINK] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] RuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe/EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] InstallConfigurationTable
[DLINK1] DxeIpl
[MTOC] DxeIpl
[CC] InitVariable
[CC] Library
[GENFW] DxeIpl
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/FaultTolerantWriteDxe/FaultTolerantWriteDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe/VariableRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Reclaim
[CC] FtwMisc
[CC] DriverSupport
[CC] EmuVariable
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
[CC] Notify
[CC] UpdateWorkingBlock
[DLINK1] PcdDxe
[MTOC] PcdDxe
[CC] FaultTolerantWrite
[CC] Locate
[GENFW] PcdDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsuleRuntimeDxe/CapsuleRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] CapsuleService
[SLINK] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[CC] Handle
[CC] SaveLongModeContext
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[CC] Variable
[DLINK1] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[CC] VariableDxe
[MTOC] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[CC] Gcd
[GENFW] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/MemoryTest/NullMemoryTestDxe/NullMemoryTestDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SecurityStubDxe/SecurityStubDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Measurement
[CC] NullMemoryTest
[CC] SecurityStub
[CC] TcgMorLockDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[SLINK] NullMemoryTestDxe
[MTOC] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[CC] Pool
[CC] AutoGen
[GENFW] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConPlatformDxe/ConPlatformDxe.inf [X64]
[SLINK] SecurityStubDxe
[CC] VarCheck
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] VariableExLib
[CC] ConPlatform
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VariableRuntimeDxe
[CC] Page
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] SecurityStubDxe
[MTOC] SecurityStubDxe
[SLINK] ConPlatformDxe
[DLINK1] NullMemoryTestDxe
[GENFW] SecurityStubDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConSplitterDxe/ConSplitterDxe.inf [X64]
[MTOC] NullMemoryTestDxe
[GENFW] NullMemoryTestDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/HiiDatabaseDxe/HiiDatabaseDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] MemData
[CC] ConSplitterGraphics
[CC] HiiDatabaseEntry
[CC] FwVolBlock
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] FwVolWrite
[CC] Image
[CC] FwVolRead
[DLINK1] ConPlatformDxe
[MTOC] ConPlatformDxe
[GENFW] ConPlatformDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SetupBrowserDxe/SetupBrowserDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] FwVolAttrib
[CC] Ffs
[CC] ConSplitter
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] FwVol
[SLINK] ConSplitterDxe
[CC] Tpl
[CC] Timer
[CC] ConfigRouting
[CC] Event
[CC] Setup
[CC] Dependency
[CC] String
[DLINK1] VariableRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] VariableRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] VariableRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/DisplayEngineDxe/DisplayEngineDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Dispatcher
[CC] IfrParse
[CC] DxeProtocolNotify
[CC] Database
[CC] DxeMain
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DxeCore
[DLINK1] ConSplitterDxe
[MTOC] ConSplitterDxe
[GENFW] ConSplitterDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GraphicsConsoleDxe/GraphicsConsoleDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] Font
[CC] Expression
[CC] LaffStd
[CC] FormDisplay
[CC] GraphicsConsole
[CC] Presentation
[CC] ConfigKeywordHandler
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[CC] ProcessOptions
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SetupBrowser
[SLINK] HiiDatabase
[CC] InputHandler
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DisplayEngine
[DLINK1] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[MTOC] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[GENFW] GraphicsConsoleDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/DevicePathDxe/DevicePathDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] DevicePath
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DevicePathDxe
[DLINK1] DxeCore
[MTOC] DxeCore
[GENFW] DxeCore
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SmbiosDxe/SmbiosDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] DevicePathDxe
[MTOC] DevicePathDxe
[GENFW] DevicePathDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/DuetPkg/SmbiosGenDxe/SmbiosGen.inf [X64]
[CC] SmbiosDxe
[CC] SmbiosGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SmbiosDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SmbiosGenDxe
[DLINK1] DisplayEngine
[MTOC] DisplayEngine
[DLINK1] SmbiosDxe
[DLINK1] SmbiosGenDxe
[MTOC] SmbiosDxe
[MTOC] SmbiosGenDxe
[GENFW] DisplayEngine
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxEfiLdr/EfiLdr.inf [X64]
[GENFW] SmbiosDxe
[GENFW] SmbiosGenDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDxe.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/UefiCpuPkg/CpuIo2Dxe/CpuIo2Dxe.inf [X64]
[CC] EfiLoader
[CC] CpuIo2Dxe
[CC] Debug
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CpuIo2Dxe
[CC] PeLoader
[CC] EbcExecute
[CC] Support
[CC] EbcInt
[DLINK1] CpuIo2Dxe
[MTOC] CpuIo2Dxe
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] SetupBrowser
[GENFW] CpuIo2Dxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CpuDxe/Cpu.inf [X64]
[SLINK] EfiLoader
[MTOC] SetupBrowser
[GENFW] SetupBrowser
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/8259InterruptControllerDxe/8259.inf [X64]
[CC] EbcSupport
[CC] 8259
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Legacy8259
[ASM] EbcLowLevel
[NASM] CpuInterrupt
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EbcDxe
[DLINK1] Legacy8259
[MTOC] Legacy8259
[GENFW] Legacy8259
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AcpiReset/Reset.inf [X64]
[CC] Cpu
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Reset
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AcpiReset
[DLINK1] Cpu
[MTOC] Cpu
[DLINK1] EfiLoader
[MTOC] EfiLoader
[DLINK1] EbcDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Metronome/Metronome.inf [X64]
[MTOC] EbcDxe
[GENFW] EfiLoader
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[GENFW] EbcDxe
[DLINK1] AcpiReset
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/8254TimerDxe/8254Timer.inf [X64]
[MTOC] AcpiReset
[GENFW] AcpiReset
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/HpetTimerDxe/HpetTimerDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Metronome
[CC] PcRtcEntry
[CC] Timer
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Metronome
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Timer
[CC] HpetTimer
[DLINK1] HiiDatabase
[MTOC] HiiDatabase
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] HpetTimerDxe
[GENFW] HiiDatabase
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PciRootBridgeDxe/PciRootBridge.inf [X64]
[CC] PcRtc
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] Timer
[MTOC] Timer
[GENFW] Timer
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxPciBusNoEnumerationDxe/PciBusNoEnumeration.inf [X64]
[CC] PcatPciRootBridge
[DLINK1] Metronome
[MTOC] Metronome
[CC] PciPowerManagement
[GENFW] Metronome
[CC] PcatPciRootBridgeDevicePath
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/NvmExpressDxe/NvmExpressDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] HpetTimerDxe
[MTOC] HpetTimerDxe
[GENFW] HpetTimerDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/DataHubDxe/DataHubDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] PciRomTable
[CC] PcatPciRootBridgeIo
[CC] PciDriverOverride
[CC] NvmExpressBlockIo
[CC] DataHub
[CC] DeviceIo
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DataHubDxe
[CC] PciOptionRomSupport
[CC] PcatIo
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] PciEnumerator
[SLINK] PcatPciRootBridge
[DLINK1] PcRtc
[MTOC] PcRtc
[CC] NvmExpress
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DriverOverride/DriverOverride.inf [X64]
[CC] NvmExpressDiskInfo
[CC] PciEnumeratorSupport
[CC] DriverOverride
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] NvmExpressHci
[SLINK] DriverOverride
[CC] PciCommand
[DLINK1] DataHubDxe
[MTOC] DataHubDxe
[GENFW] DataHubDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxHfs.inf [X64]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] NvmExpressPassthru
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] PciDeviceSupport
[SLINK] NvmExpressDxe
[DLINK1] DriverOverride
[MTOC] DriverOverride
[CC] PciBus
[GENFW] DriverOverride
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxIso9660.inf [X64]
[CC] fsw_hfs
[CC] PciIo
[CC] fsw_iso9660
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[DLINK1] PcatPciRootBridge
[MTOC] PcatPciRootBridge
[CC] fsw_core
[GENFW] PcatPciRootBridge
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxExt2.inf [X64]
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_ext2
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VBoxIso9600
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VBoxExt2
[DLINK1] NvmExpressDxe
[MTOC] NvmExpressDxe
[GENFW] NvmExpressDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxExt4.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[MTOC] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[GENFW] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxReiserFS.inf [X64]
[CC] fsw_ext4
[CC] fsw_reiserfs
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[DLINK1] VBoxIso9600
[MTOC] VBoxIso9600
[CC] fsw_efi
[GENFW] VBoxIso9600
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe/Fat.inf [X64]
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] DirectoryCache
[DLINK1] VBoxHfs
[MTOC] VBoxHfs
[CC] DiskCache
[CC] fsw_lib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/EXFAT.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VBoxExt4
[CC] FileName
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] Hash
[CC] driver
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VBoxReiserFS
[DLINK1] VBoxExt2
[MTOC] VBoxExt2
[GENFW] VBoxExt2
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/HFSPLUS.inf [X64]
[CC] file
[CC] DirectoryManage
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] driver
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] grub_file
[CC] ReadWrite
[CC] file
[CC] OpenVolume
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] grub
[CC] Open
[CC] logging
[CC] grub_file
[CC] missing
[CC] Misc
[CC] grub
[CC] path
[CC] Init
[CC] logging
[CC] utf8
[CC] Info
[CC] missing
[CC] device
[CC] FileSpace
[CC] path
[CC] err
[CC] Flush
[CC] utf8
[CC] Fat
[CC] Delete
[DLINK1] VBoxExt4
[MTOC] VBoxExt4
[CC] misc
[GENFW] VBoxExt4
[CC] Data
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/ISO9660.inf [X64]
[CC] list
[CC] UnicodeCollation
[DLINK1] VBoxReiserFS
[MTOC] VBoxReiserFS
[GENFW] VBoxReiserFS
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/NTFS.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] driver
[CC] fshelp
[CC] driver
[CC] file
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] file
[CC] exfat
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] grub_file
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] grub
[CC] grub_file
[CC] logging
[CC] gzio
[CC] grub
[CC] missing
[CC] logging
[CC] device
[CC] path
[CC] missing
[CC] err
[CC] path
[CC] utf8
[CC] utf8
[CC] device
[CC] misc
[CC] err
[CC] device
[CC] list
[CC] err
[CC] fshelp
[CC] misc
[CC] list
[CC] hfspluscomp
[CC] misc
[CC] list
[CC] fshelp
[CC] fshelp
[DLINK1] Fat
[MTOC] Fat
[CC] hfsplus
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/UDF.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] ntfscomp
[CC] driver
[CC] iso9660
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] GrubISO9660
[CC] file
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] ntfs
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] grub_file
[CC] grub
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Pci/VgaMiniPortDxe/VgaMiniPortDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] logging
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] missing
[CC] path
[CC] VgaMiniPort
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VgaMiniPort
[CC] utf8
[CC] device
[CC] err
[DLINK1] VgaMiniPort
[MTOC] VgaMiniPort
[GENFW] VgaMiniPort
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/BiosVideo/BiosVideo.inf [X64]
[CC] misc
[CC] list
[CC] fshelp
[CC] BiosVideoNew
[CC] udf
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] BiosVideo
[DLINK1] GrubISO9660
[MTOC] GrubISO9660
[GENFW] GrubISO9660
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/LegacyBios/VideoDxe/VideoDxe.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/SataControllerDxe/SataControllerDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] ComponentName
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AtaAtapi/AtaAtapiPassThru.inf [X64]
[CC] SataController
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] BiosVideo
[SLINK] SataController
[CC] AtaAtapiPassThru
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CsmVideoDxe
[CC] AhciMode
[DLINK1] SataController
[MTOC] SataController
[GENFW] SataController
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AtaBus/AtaBusDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] IdeMode
[DLINK1] BiosVideo
[MTOC] BiosVideo
[CC] AtaBus
[GENFW] BiosVideo
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DVDBus/ScsiBusDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AtaPassThruExecute
[SLINK] AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ScsiBus
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AtaBusDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] ScsiBus
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DVDDisk/ScsiDiskDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] ComponentName
[DLINK1] ScsiBus
[MTOC] ScsiBus
[CC] ScsiDisk
[GENFW] ScsiBus
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/UhciDxe/UhciDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] CsmVideoDxe
[MTOC] CsmVideoDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[GENFW] CsmVideoDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OhciDxe/OhciDxe.inf [X64]
[SLINK] ScsiDisk
[DLINK1] AtaBusDxe
[MTOC] AtaBusDxe
[CC] UhciSched
[GENFW] AtaBusDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/EhciDxe/EhciDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] UhciDebug
[CC] EhciUrb
[CC] UhciQueue
[CC] Ohci
[CC] UhciReg
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] OhciSched
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] OhciReg
[CC] EhciSched
[CC] EhciDebug
[CC] Uhci
[CC] OhciUrb
[DLINK1] AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
[MTOC] AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[GENFW] AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
[CC] EhciReg
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Patches_for_EDK2/XhciDxe/XhciDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] OhciDebug
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] UhciDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] Ehci
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Xhci
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] OhciDxe
[SLINK] EhciDxe
[DLINK1] ScsiDisk
[MTOC] ScsiDisk
[GENFW] ScsiDisk
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Patches_for_EDK2/UsbBusDxe/UsbBusDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] XhciReg
[CC] UsbDesc
[CC] UsbEnumer
[CC] UsbBus
[DLINK1] UhciDxe
[MTOC] UhciDxe
[GENFW] UhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbKbDxe/UsbKbDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] XhciSched
[CC] UsbHub
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] EfiKey
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UsbUtility
[DLINK1] EhciDxe
[MTOC] EhciDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[GENFW] EhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMassStorageDxe/UsbMassStorageDxe.inf [X64]
[SLINK] XhciDxe
[SLINK] UsbBusDxe
[CC] KeyBoard
[CC] UsbMassBot
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] OhciDxe
[SLINK] UsbKbDxe
[MTOC] OhciDxe
[GENFW] OhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMouseDxe/UsbMouseDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] UsbMassImpl
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UsbMassBoot
[CC] MouseHid
[CC] UsbMassCbi
[CC] UsbMouse
[CC] UsbMassDiskInfo
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] UsbMouseDxe
[SLINK] UsbMassStorageDxe
[DLINK1] UsbKbDxe
[MTOC] UsbKbDxe
[GENFW] UsbKbDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/IsaAcpiDxe/IsaAcpi.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] UsbBusDxe
[MTOC] UsbBusDxe
[GENFW] UsbBusDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/IsaBusDxe/IsaBusDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] PcatIsaAcpi
[DLINK1] UsbMouseDxe
[MTOC] UsbMouseDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[GENFW] UsbMouseDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/Ps2KeyboardDxe/Ps2keyboardDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] IsaAcpi
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] IsaIo
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] IsaAcpi
[CC] IsaBus
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Ps2KbdCtrller
[SLINK] IsaBusDxe
[CC] Ps2KbdTextIn
[DLINK1] UsbMassStorageDxe
[MTOC] UsbMassStorageDxe
[GENFW] UsbMassStorageDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe/Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Ps2Keyboard
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Ps2KeyboardDxe
[DLINK1] IsaAcpi
[MTOC] IsaAcpi
[GENFW] IsaAcpi
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Ps2MouseDxe/Ps2MouseDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] CommPs2
[DLINK1] IsaBusDxe
[MTOC] IsaBusDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointer
[GENFW] IsaBusDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAcpiTableDxe/AcpiTableDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[CC] CommPs2
[CC] Ps2Mouse
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] XhciDxe
[MTOC] XhciDxe
[SLINK] Ps2MouseDxe
[CC] AcpiTableProtocol
[GENFW] XhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAcpiPlatformDxe/AcpiPlatformDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AcpiTable
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AcpiPlatform
[SLINK] AcpiTableDxe
[DLINK1] Ps2KeyboardDxe
[MTOC] Ps2KeyboardDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AcpiPlatform
[GENFW] Ps2KeyboardDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/DiskIoDxe/DiskIoDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[MTOC] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[GENFW] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UnicodeCollation/EnglishDxe/EnglishDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] UnicodeCollationEng
[CC] DiskIo
[DLINK1] Ps2MouseDxe
[MTOC] Ps2MouseDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EnglishDxe
[GENFW] Ps2MouseDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PartitionDxe/PartitionDxe.inf [X64]
[SLINK] DiskIoDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[DLINK1] AcpiPlatform
[DLINK1] EnglishDxe
[MTOC] AcpiPlatform
[MTOC] EnglishDxe
[CC] Mbr
[GENFW] AcpiPlatform
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/BiosKeyboard/KeyboardDxe.inf [X64]
[GENFW] EnglishDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/LegacyBios/Region2Dxe/LegacyRegion2Dxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Gpt
[CC] ComponentName
[DLINK1] AcpiTableDxe
[MTOC] AcpiTableDxe
[CC] ElTorito
[CC] LegacyRegion2
[GENFW] AcpiTableDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/FSInject/FSInject.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Apple
[SLINK] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[DLINK1] DiskIoDxe
[MTOC] DiskIoDxe
[CC] Partition
[GENFW] DiskIoDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/MsgLog/MsgLog.inf [X64]
[CC] BiosKeyboard
[CC] FSInject
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PartitionDxe
[CC] MsgLog
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] Test
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] MsgLog
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] KeyboardDxe
[SLINK] FSInject
[DLINK1] MsgLog
[MTOC] MsgLog
[GENFW] MsgLog
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DumpUefiCalls/DumpUefiCalls.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[MTOC] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[GENFW] LegacyRegion2Dxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxFatBinaryDrv/OsxFatBinaryDrv.inf [X64]
[CC] DumpUefiCalls
[CC] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[DLINK1] KeyboardDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[MTOC] KeyboardDxe
[CC] Lib
[SLINK] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[GENFW] KeyboardDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/EmuVariableUefi/EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] BootServices
[CC] InitVariable
[CC] RuntimeServices
[DLINK1] FSInject
[MTOC] FSInject
[GENFW] FSInject
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AppleImageCodec/AppleImageCodec.inf [X64]
[CC] Log
[DLINK1] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[MTOC] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[CC] EmuVariable
[GENFW] OsxFatBinaryDrv
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/bdmesg_efi/bdmesg.inf [X64]
[CC] AppleImageCodec
[CC] MemLog
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EmuVariableUefi
[CC] bdmesg
[DLINK1] PartitionDxe
[MTOC] PartitionDxe
[CC] FileLib
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] bdmesg
[GENFW] PartitionDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/rEFIt_UEFI/refit.inf [X64]
[CC] DataHub
[CC] Fs
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DumpUefiCalls
[CC] BdsConnect
[CC] picopng
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AppleImageCodec
[DLINK1] EmuVariableUefi
[MTOC] EmuVariableUefi
[GENFW] EmuVariableUefi
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAptioFixDrv/OsxAptioFixDrv.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] bdmesg
[MTOC] bdmesg
[GENFW] bdmesg
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAptioFixDrv/OsxAptioFix2Drv.inf [X64]
[CC] main
[CC] OsxAptioFixDrv
[CC] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[CC] BootFixes
[CC] BootFixes
[CC] DecodedKernelCheck
[CC] icns
[DLINK1] DumpUefiCalls
[CC] BootArgs
[CC] DecodedKernelCheck
[MTOC] DumpUefiCalls
[GENFW] DumpUefiCalls
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxLowMemFixDrv/OsxLowMemFixDrv.inf [X64]
[CC] BootArgs
[CC] VMem
[CC] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[CC] VMem
[CC] Lib
[CC] Lib
[CC] Lib
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] device_tree
[SLINK] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[CC] device_tree
[CC] Mach-O
[CC] Mach-O
[CC] lib
[DLINK1] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[MTOC] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[GENFW] OsxLowMemFixDrv
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxBdsDxe/BdsDxe.inf [X64]
[NASM] AsmFuncsX64
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] OsxAptioFixDrv
[NASM] AsmFuncsX64
[CC] HwErrRecSupport
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] AppleImageCodec
[VFR] BdsDxe
[SLINK] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[MTOC] AppleImageCodec
[GENFW] AppleImageCodec
[CC] DeviceManagerVfr
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] DriverHealthVfr
[CC] DeviceManager
[VFR] BdsDxe
[DLINK1] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[CC] BootManagerVfr
[MTOC] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[DLINK1] OsxAptioFixDrv
[MTOC] OsxAptioFixDrv
[GENFW] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[GENFW] OsxAptioFixDrv
[CC] BootManager
[CC] menu
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] FileExplorer
[CC] screen
[CC] BootMaint
[CC] BBSsupport
[CC] UpdatePage
[CC] common
[CC] Variable
[CC] legacy
[CC] Data
[CC] BootOption
[CC] BmLib
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] loader
[CC] Bm
[CC] tool
[CC] secureboot
[CC] Hotkey
[CC] securehash
[CC] securemenu
[CC] MemoryTest
[CC] securevars
[CC] Capsules
[CC] bootscreen
[CC] String
[CC] Language
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] lockedgraphics
[CC] FrontPageVfr
[CC] BmLib
[CC] FrontPage
[CC] BdsEntry
[CC] image
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] BdsDxe
[CC] load_bmp
[CC] load_icns
[CC] libscreen
[CC] lodepng
[DLINK1] BdsDxe
[MTOC] BdsDxe
[GENFW] BdsDxe
[CC] text
[CC] AcpiPatcher
[CC] AmlGenerator
[CC] ati
[CC] BootLog
[CC] BootOptions
[CC] Console
[CC] cpu
[CC] DataHubCpu
[CC] device_inject
[CC] device_tree
[CC] Edid
[CC] Events
[CC] gma
[CC] guid
[CC] Injectors
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] LegacyBoot
[CC] nvidia
[CC] picopng
[CC] platformdata
[CC] plist
[CC] Pointer
[CC] Settings
[CC] smbios
[CC] spd
[CC] string
[CC] StateGenerator
[CC] usbfix
[CC] b64cdecode
[CC] FixBiosDsdt
[CC] kernel_patcher
[CC] kext_patcher
[CC] kext_inject
[CC] Nvram
[CC] card_vlist
[CC] PlatformDriverOverride
[CC] Hibernate
[CC] Net
[CC] AutoGen

GUID cross reference file can be found at /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/FV/Guid.xref

FV Space Information
DUETEFIMAINFVX64 [35%Full] 2752512 total, 986072 used, 1766440 free

- Done -
Build end time: 16:13:51, Aug.12 2016
Build total time: 00:01:35

Compressing DUETEFIMainFv.FV ...
Compressing DxeCore.efi ...
Compressing DxeIpl.efi ...
Generate Loader Image ...
Created /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/FV/Efildr64
879+0 records in
879+0 records out
450048 bytes transferred in 0.003689 secs (121995613 bytes/sec)
Copy CloverEFI:
  -> boot6
  -> BOOTX64.efi
  -> CLOVERX64.efi
Copy Mandatory drivers:
  -> FSInject-64.efi
  -> FSInject-64.efi
  -> OsxFatBinaryDrv-64.efi
  -> VBoxHfs-64.efi
Copy Optional drivers:
  -> NvmExpressDxe-64.efi
  -> Ps2MouseDxe-64.efi
  -> UsbMouseDxe-64.efi
  -> VBoxExt2-64.efi
  -> VBoxExt4-64.efi
  -> VBoxIso9600-64.efi
  -> XhciDxe-64.efi
  -> GrubEXFAT-64.efi
  -> GrubISO9660-64.efi
  -> GrubNTFS-64.efi
  -> GrubUDF-64.efi
  -> CsmVideoDxe-64.efi
  -> DataHubDxe-64.efi
  -> EmuVariableUefi-64.efi
  -> OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi
  -> OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi
  -> OsxLowMemFixDrv-64.efi
  -> PartitionDxe-64.efi
Copy Applications:
  -> bdmesg.efi

Generating BootSectors
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
TOOLCHAIN_DIR: /Users/Micky1979/src/opt/local
Initializing workspace
Loading previous configuration from /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Conf/BuildEnv.sh
WORKSPACE: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2
EDK_TOOLS_PATH: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/BaseTools
CONF_PATH: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Conf

Running edk2 build for CloverX64 using the command:
build  -D USE_BIOS_BLOCKIO -D DISABLE_USB_SUPPORT -D USE_LOW_EBDA -p Clover/Clover.dsc  -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -n 5 

Build environment: Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
Build start time: 16:13:53, Aug.12 2016

WORKSPACE        = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2
ECP_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EDK_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EFI_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EDK_TOOLS_PATH   = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/BaseTools

Architecture(s)  = X64
Build target     = RELEASE
Toolchain        = XCODE5

Active Platform          = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Clover.dsc
Flash Image Definition   = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Clover.fdf

Processing meta-data .......... done!
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] PcdLib
[SLINK] BasePcdLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf [X64]
[CC] DebugLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib.inf [X64]
[SLINK] BaseDebugLibNull
[CC] SetMem
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull/BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] ScanMem64Wrapper
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseIoLibIntrinsic/BaseIoLibIntrinsic.inf [X64]
[CC] ScanMem32Wrapper
[CC] ScanMem16Wrapper
[CC] ScanMem8Wrapper
[CC] IoLibMmioBuffer
[CC] ZeroMemWrapper
[CC] BaseReportStatusCodeLib
[SLINK] BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib/DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib.inf [X64]
[CC] CompareMemWrapper
[CC] SetMem64Wrapper
[CC] SetMem32Wrapper
[CC] IoHighLevel
[CC] SetMem16Wrapper
[CC] IoLibGcc
[CC] SetMemWrapper
[CC] IoLib
[CC] CopyMemWrapper
[SLINK] BaseIoLibIntrinsic
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreEntryPoint/DxeCoreEntryPoint.inf [X64]
[CC] MemoryAllocationLib
[CC] MemLibGeneric
[CC] DxeCoreMemoryProfileLibNull
[SLINK] DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.inf [X64]
[CC] MemLibGuid
[CC] DxeCoreEntryPoint
[SLINK] DxeCoreEntryPoint
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib/UefiDevicePathLib.inf [X64]
[CC] CopyMem
[SLINK] BaseMemoryLib
[CC] PrintLibInternal
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib/UefiBootServicesTableLib.inf [X64]
[CC] CheckSum
[CC] SwitchStack
[CC] SwapBytes64
[CC] SwapBytes32
[CC] SwapBytes16
[CC] LongJump
[CC] SetJump
[CC] RShiftU64
[CC] RRotU64
[CC] RRotU32
[CC] MultU64x64
[CC] MultU64x32
[CC] MultS64x64
[CC] ModU64x32
[CC] LShiftU64
[CC] LRotU64
[CC] LRotU32
[CC] UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib
[CC] PrintLib
[SLINK] UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull.inf [X64]
[SLINK] BasePrintLib
[CC] LowBitSet64
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreHobLib/DxeCoreHobLib.inf [X64]
[CC] PeCoffExtraActionLib
[CC] UefiBootServicesTableLib
[CC] LowBitSet32
[SLINK] PeCoffExtraActionLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.inf [X64]
[SLINK] UefiBootServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib.inf [X64]
[CC] HighBitSet64
[CC] HighBitSet32
[CC] X86Cache
[CC] GetPowerOfTwo64
[SLINK] BaseCacheMaintenanceLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseUefiDecompressLib/BaseUefiDecompressLib.inf [X64]
[CC] HobLib
[SLINK] DxeCoreHobLib
[CC] GetPowerOfTwo32
[CC] DevicePathUtilities
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePerformanceLibNull/BasePerformanceLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] DivU64x64Remainder
[CC] PerformanceLib
[CC] DivU64x32Remainder
[SLINK] BasePerformanceLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/VBoxPeCoffLib/VBoxPeCoffLib.inf [X64]
[CC] UefiLibPrint
[CC] DivU64x32
[CC] DivS64x64Remainder
[CC] ARShiftU64
[CC] UefiNotTiano
[CC] BaseUefiDecompressLib
[SLINK] BaseUefiDecompressLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib.inf [X64]
[CC] BitField
[CC] CpuDeadLoop
[CC] PeCoffGetEntryPoint
[CC] UefiDriverModel
[SLINK] BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf [X64]
[CC] Cpu
[CC] BasePeCoff
[CC] LinkedList
[CC] PeCoffLoaderEx
[SLINK] VBoxPeCoffLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/DuetTimerLib/DuetTimerLib.inf [X64]
[CC] DevicePathToText
[CC] DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib
[CC] Console
[SLINK] DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeServicesLib/DxeServicesLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86TimerLib
[SLINK] DuetTimerLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DebugAgentLibNull/DebugAgentLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] SafeString
[CC] DebugAgentLibNull
[CC] DxeServicesLib
[SLINK] DebugAgentLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull/CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull.inf [X64]
[SLINK] DxeServicesLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/UefiMemoryAllocationLib.inf [X64]
[CC] UefiLib
[SLINK] UefiLib
[CC] CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeHobLib/DxeHobLib.inf [X64]
[SLINK] CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint/UefiDriverEntryPoint.inf [X64]
[CC] String
[CC] MemoryAllocationLib
[SLINK] UefiMemoryAllocationLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeLib/UefiRuntimeLib.inf [X64]
[CC] DriverEntryPoint
[CC] FilePaths
[SLINK] UefiDriverEntryPoint
[CC] HobLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckLib/VarCheckLib.inf [X64]
[SLINK] DxeHobLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseSynchronizationLib/BaseSynchronizationLib.inf [X64]
[CC] InternalGetSpinLockProperties
[CC] GccInline
[CC] RuntimeLib
[SLINK] UefiRuntimeLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeServicesTableLib/DxeServicesTableLib.inf [X64]
[CC] VarCheckLib
[CC] SynchronizationGcc
[SLINK] VarCheckLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/TpmMeasurementLibNull/TpmMeasurementLibNull.inf [X64]
[SLINK] BaseSynchronizationLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/AuthVariableLibNull/AuthVariableLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] DxeServicesTableLib
[SLINK] DxeServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckUefiLib/VarCheckUefiLib.inf [X64]
[NASM] Thunk16
[CC] TpmMeasurementLibNull
[CC] Non-existing
[SLINK] TpmMeasurementLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCapsuleLibNull/DxeCapsuleLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] AuthVariableLibNull
[SLINK] AuthVariableLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeSecurityManagementLib/DxeSecurityManagementLib.inf [X64]
[CC] Math64
[CC] Unaligned
[CC] DxeCapsuleLibNull
[SLINK] DxeCapsuleLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/DxePcdLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86WriteIdtr
[CC] DxeSecurityManagementLib
[CC] X86WriteGdtr
[SLINK] DxeSecurityManagementLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/UefiHiiServicesLib/UefiHiiServicesLib.inf [X64]
[CC] VarCheckUefiLibNullClass
[SLINK] VarCheckUefiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiHiiLib/UefiHiiLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86Thunk
[CC] X86ReadIdtr
[CC] UefiHiiServicesLib
[CC] X86ReadGdtr
[SLINK] UefiHiiServicesLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/CustomizedDisplayLib/CustomizedDisplayLib.inf [X64]
[CC] DevicePathFromText
[CC] X86Msr
[CC] X86GetInterruptState
[CC] DxePcdLib
[CC] UefiDevicePathLib
[SLINK] DxePcdLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/LzmaCustomDecompressLib/LzmaCustomDecompressLib.inf [X64]
[SLINK] UefiDevicePathLib
[CC] X86FxSave
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/GenericBdsLib/GenericBdsLib.inf [X64]
[CC] X86FxRestore
[CC] X86EnablePaging64
[CC] LzmaDecompress
[CC] X86EnablePaging32
[CC] X86DisablePaging64
[CC] CustomizedDisplayLib
[CC] DevicePath
[CC] X86DisablePaging32
[CC] GccInline
[CC] Performance
[CC] CustomizedDisplayLibInternal
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CustomizedDisplayLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/OsxBdsPlatformLib/PlatformBds.inf [X64]
[ASM] SwitchStack
[CC] LzFind
[CC] HiiLib
[CC] HiiString
[CC] BdsConnect
[ASM] SetJump
[CC] HiiLanguage
[SLINK] UefiHiiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePciCf8Lib/BasePciCf8Lib.inf [X64]
[CC] BdsPlatform
[CC] PciCf8Lib
[SLINK] BasePciCf8Lib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePciLibCf8/BasePciLibCf8.inf [X64]
[CC] PlatformData
[SLINK] DuetBds
[ASM] LongJump
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/Library/BaseXApicLib/BaseXApicLib.inf [X64]
[CC] PciLib
[SLINK] BasePciLibCf8
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/Library/BaseIoApicLib/BaseIoApicLib.inf [X64]
[CC] BaseXApicLib
[SLINK] BaseXApicLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/MemLogLibDefault/MemLogLibDefault.inf [X64]
[CC] IoApicLib
[SLINK] BaseIoApicLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/VideoBiosPatchLib/VideoBiosPatchLib.inf [X64]
[ASM] EnableDisableInterrupts
[CC] MemLogLib
[CC] LzmaDec
[SLINK] MemLogLibDefault
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiUsbLib/UefiUsbLib.inf [X64]
[CC] VideoBiosPatchLib
[CC] BdsMisc
[CC] GuidedSectionExtraction
[SLINK] LzmaDecompressLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiSortLib/UefiSortLib.inf [X64]
[CC] Hid
[CC] UefiSortLib
[SLINK] UefiSortLib
[ASM] DisablePaging64
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiFileHandleLib/UefiFileHandleLib.inf [X64]
[CC] UsbDxeLib
[SLINK] UefiUsbLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiApplicationEntryPoint/UefiApplicationEntryPoint.inf [X64]
[CC] 915resolution
[CC] ApplicationEntryPoint
[SLINK] UefiApplicationEntryPoint
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLib/UefiShellLib.inf [X64]
[CC] UefiFileHandleLib
[ASM] CpuId
[SLINK] UefiFileHandleLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryLib/UefiMemoryLib.inf [X64]
[CC] edid
[SLINK] VideoBiosPatchLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLibNull.inf [X64]
[CC] ScanMem64Wrapper
[CC] OpensslLibNull
warning: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning for library: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/Clover/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLibNull/OUTPUT/OpensslLib.lib the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library define global symbols)
[SLINK] OpensslLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeNetLib/DxeNetLib.inf [X64]
[CC] ScanMem32Wrapper
[CC] BdsConsole
[ASM] CpuIdEx
[CC] ScanMem16Wrapper
[CC] ScanMem8Wrapper
[CC] ZeroMemWrapper
[ASM] EnableCache
[CC] CompareMemWrapper
[CC] SetMem64Wrapper
[CC] UefiShellLib
[SLINK] UefiShellLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseCpuLib/BaseCpuLib.inf [X64]
[CC] DxeNetLib
[ASM] DisableCache
[CC] SetMem32Wrapper
[CC] SetMem16Wrapper
[CC] SetMemWrapper
[ASM] RdRand
[ASM] CpuSleep
[CC] CopyMemWrapper
[CC] ChkStkGcc
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (LongJump.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/LongJump.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/LongJump.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (SetJump.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/SetJump.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/SetJump.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (SwitchStack.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/SwitchStack.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/SwitchStack.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
[SLINK] BaseLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxDxeIpl/DxeIpl.inf [X64]
[CC] MemLibGeneric
[CC] MemLibGuid
[CC] NetBuffer
[ASM] CpuFlushTlb
[SLINK] DxeNetLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxDxeCore/DxeMain.inf [X64]
[SLINK] BaseCpuLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Dxe/Pcd.inf [X64]
[CC] MemLib
[CC] DxeInit
[SLINK] UefiMemoryLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/WatchdogTimerDxe/WatchdogTimer.inf [X64]
[CC] WatchdogTimer
[CC] Pcd
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] CoreSectionExtraction
[SLINK] WatchdogTimer
[CC] LegacyTable
[CC] HobGeneration
[DLINK1] WatchdogTimer
[MTOC] WatchdogTimer
[GENFW] WatchdogTimer
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/RuntimeDxe/RuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Service
[CC] Debug
[CC] Image
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] EnterDxeCore
[SLINK] PcdDxe
[CC] Crc32
[CC] BdsBoot
[CC] DebugImageInfo
[CC] String
[CC] Runtime
[CC] Paging
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] GenericBdsLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Stall
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] RuntimeDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DxeIpl
[CC] MonotonicCounter
[CC] SetWatchdogTimer
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[CC] InstallConfigurationTable
[DLINK1] DxeIpl
[MTOC] DxeIpl
[GENFW] DxeIpl
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe/EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Library
[DLINK1] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[CC] InitVariable
[GENFW] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/FaultTolerantWriteDxe/FaultTolerantWriteDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] RuntimeDxe
[MTOC] RuntimeDxe
[GENFW] RuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe/VariableRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] DriverSupport
[CC] Reclaim
[CC] EmuVariable
[CC] FtwMisc
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Notify
[SLINK] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
[CC] UpdateWorkingBlock
[DLINK1] PcdDxe
[CC] Locate
[MTOC] PcdDxe
[CC] FaultTolerantWrite
[GENFW] PcdDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsuleRuntimeDxe/CapsuleRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[CC] CapsuleService
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[CC] Handle
[CC] SaveLongModeContext
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[CC] Variable
[CC] Gcd
[DLINK1] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[MTOC] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[CC] VariableDxe
[DLINK1] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[MTOC] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/MemoryTest/NullMemoryTestDxe/NullMemoryTestDxe.inf [X64]
[GENFW] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SecurityStubDxe/SecurityStubDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Measurement
[CC] NullMemoryTest
[CC] SecurityStub
[CC] Pool
[CC] TcgMorLockDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] NullMemoryTestDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SecurityStubDxe
[DLINK1] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[CC] VarCheck
[GENFW] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConPlatformDxe/ConPlatformDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] VariableExLib
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VariableRuntimeDxe
[CC] Page
[CC] ConPlatform
[DLINK1] NullMemoryTestDxe
[MTOC] NullMemoryTestDxe
[DLINK1] SecurityStubDxe
[MTOC] SecurityStubDxe
[GENFW] NullMemoryTestDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConSplitterDxe/ConSplitterDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[GENFW] SecurityStubDxe
[CC] MemData
[SLINK] ConPlatformDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/HiiDatabaseDxe/HiiDatabaseDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] HiiDatabaseEntry
[CC] ConSplitterGraphics
[CC] FwVolBlock
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] FwVolWrite
[CC] FwVolRead
[CC] Image
[DLINK1] ConPlatformDxe
[MTOC] ConPlatformDxe
[GENFW] ConPlatformDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SetupBrowserDxe/SetupBrowserDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] FwVolAttrib
[CC] Ffs
[CC] ConSplitter
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] FwVol
[SLINK] ConSplitterDxe
[CC] Tpl
[CC] Timer
[CC] ConfigRouting
[CC] Event
[CC] Setup
[CC] Dependency
[CC] String
[DLINK1] VariableRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] VariableRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] VariableRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/DisplayEngineDxe/DisplayEngineDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Dispatcher
[CC] IfrParse
[CC] DxeProtocolNotify
[CC] Database
[CC] DxeMain
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DxeCore
[DLINK1] ConSplitterDxe
[MTOC] ConSplitterDxe
[GENFW] ConSplitterDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GraphicsConsoleDxe/GraphicsConsoleDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Font
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] Expression
[CC] LaffStd
[CC] FormDisplay
[CC] GraphicsConsole
[CC] ProcessOptions
[CC] Presentation
[CC] ConfigKeywordHandler
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SetupBrowser
[SLINK] HiiDatabase
[CC] InputHandler
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DisplayEngine
[DLINK1] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[MTOC] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[GENFW] GraphicsConsoleDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/DevicePathDxe/DevicePathDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] DevicePath
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DevicePathDxe
[DLINK1] DxeCore
[MTOC] DxeCore
[DLINK1] DevicePathDxe
[GENFW] DxeCore
[MTOC] DevicePathDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SmbiosDxe/SmbiosDxe.inf [X64]
[GENFW] DevicePathDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/DuetPkg/SmbiosGenDxe/SmbiosGen.inf [X64]
[CC] SmbiosGen
[CC] SmbiosDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SmbiosGenDxe
[SLINK] SmbiosDxe
[DLINK1] SmbiosGenDxe
[MTOC] SmbiosGenDxe
[DLINK1] DisplayEngine
[DLINK1] SmbiosDxe
[GENFW] SmbiosGenDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxEfiLdr/EfiLdr.inf [X64]
[MTOC] DisplayEngine
[MTOC] SmbiosDxe
[GENFW] DisplayEngine
[GENFW] SmbiosDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDxe.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/UefiCpuPkg/CpuIo2Dxe/CpuIo2Dxe.inf [X64]
[CC] EfiLoader
[CC] Debug
[CC] CpuIo2Dxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CpuIo2Dxe
[CC] PeLoader
[CC] EbcExecute
[CC] Support
[DLINK1] SetupBrowser
[MTOC] SetupBrowser
[GENFW] SetupBrowser
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CpuDxe/Cpu.inf [X64]
[CC] EbcInt
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EfiLoader
[DLINK1] CpuIo2Dxe
[MTOC] CpuIo2Dxe
[CC] EbcSupport
[GENFW] CpuIo2Dxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/8259InterruptControllerDxe/8259.inf [X64]
[CC] 8259
[CC] AutoGen
[ASM] EbcLowLevel
[SLINK] Legacy8259
[NASM] CpuInterrupt
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EbcDxe
[DLINK1] Legacy8259
[CC] Cpu
[MTOC] Legacy8259
[GENFW] Legacy8259
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AcpiReset/Reset.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Reset
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AcpiReset
[DLINK1] EbcDxe
[DLINK1] Cpu
[DLINK1] EfiLoader
[MTOC] EbcDxe
[MTOC] Cpu
[MTOC] EfiLoader
[GENFW] EbcDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Metronome/Metronome.inf [X64]
[GENFW] EfiLoader
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/8254TimerDxe/8254Timer.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] AcpiReset
[MTOC] AcpiReset
[CC] Metronome
[GENFW] AcpiReset
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/HpetTimerDxe/HpetTimerDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] PcRtcEntry
[CC] Timer
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Metronome
[DLINK1] HiiDatabase
[MTOC] HiiDatabase
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Timer
[GENFW] HiiDatabase
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PciRootBridgeDxe/PciRootBridge.inf [X64]
[CC] HpetTimer
[CC] PcRtc
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] HpetTimerDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] Timer
[MTOC] Timer
[GENFW] Timer
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxPciBusNoEnumerationDxe/PciBusNoEnumeration.inf [X64]
[CC] PcatPciRootBridge
[DLINK1] Metronome
[MTOC] Metronome
[CC] PcatPciRootBridgeDevicePath
[GENFW] Metronome
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/NvmExpressDxe/NvmExpressDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] PciPowerManagement
[CC] PcatPciRootBridgeIo
[CC] PciRomTable
[CC] NvmExpressBlockIo
[DLINK1] HpetTimerDxe
[MTOC] HpetTimerDxe
[CC] PciDriverOverride
[GENFW] HpetTimerDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/DataHubDxe/DataHubDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] DeviceIo
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] PcatIo
[CC] PciOptionRomSupport
[CC] DataHub
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] NvmExpress
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PcatPciRootBridge
[SLINK] DataHubDxe
[CC] PciEnumerator
[CC] NvmExpressDiskInfo
[DLINK1] PcRtc
[MTOC] PcRtc
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DriverOverride/DriverOverride.inf [X64]
[CC] PciEnumeratorSupport
[CC] NvmExpressHci
[CC] DriverOverride
[CC] PciCommand
[CC] NvmExpressPassthru
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DriverOverride
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] DataHubDxe
[SLINK] NvmExpressDxe
[MTOC] DataHubDxe
[GENFW] DataHubDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxHfs.inf [X64]
[CC] PciDeviceSupport
[CC] PciBus
[DLINK1] DriverOverride
[MTOC] DriverOverride
[GENFW] DriverOverride
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxIso9660.inf [X64]
[CC] fsw_hfs
[CC] PciIo
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[CC] fsw_iso9660
[DLINK1] PcatPciRootBridge
[MTOC] PcatPciRootBridge
[GENFW] PcatPciRootBridge
[CC] fsw_core
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxExt2.inf [X64]
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] fsw_ext2
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VBoxIso9600
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VBoxExt2
[DLINK1] NvmExpressDxe
[MTOC] NvmExpressDxe
[GENFW] NvmExpressDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxExt4.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[MTOC] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[CC] fsw_ext4
[GENFW] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxReiserFS.inf [X64]
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] fsw_reiserfs
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[DLINK1] VBoxIso9600
[MTOC] VBoxIso9600
[GENFW] VBoxIso9600
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe/Fat.inf [X64]
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] DirectoryCache
[DLINK1] VBoxExt2
[SLINK] VBoxExt4
[MTOC] VBoxExt2
[GENFW] VBoxExt2
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/EXFAT.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] VBoxHfs
[MTOC] VBoxHfs
[CC] DiskCache
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/HFSPLUS.inf [X64]
[CC] driver
[CC] FileName
[CC] driver
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] Hash
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] file
[SLINK] VBoxReiserFS
[CC] file
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] DirectoryManage
[CC] grub_file
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] grub_file
[CC] grub
[CC] ReadWrite
[CC] OpenVolume
[CC] logging
[CC] grub
[CC] missing
[CC] Open
[CC] logging
[CC] path
[CC] missing
[CC] Misc
[CC] path
[CC] utf8
[CC] Init
[CC] utf8
[CC] Info
[CC] device
[CC] err
[DLINK1] VBoxExt4
[CC] FileSpace
[MTOC] VBoxExt4
[GENFW] VBoxExt4
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/ISO9660.inf [X64]
[CC] Flush
[CC] misc
[CC] driver
[CC] Fat
[CC] list
[CC] Delete
[CC] Data
[CC] file
[DLINK1] VBoxReiserFS
[MTOC] VBoxReiserFS
[CC] fshelp
[CC] UnicodeCollation
[GENFW] VBoxReiserFS
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/NTFS.inf [X64]
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] grub_file
[CC] driver
[CC] grub
[CC] file
[CC] exfat
[CC] logging
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] gzio
[CC] missing
[CC] path
[CC] grub_file
[CC] device
[CC] err
[CC] utf8
[CC] grub
[CC] logging
[CC] device
[CC] err
[CC] missing
[CC] misc
[CC] path
[CC] list
[CC] utf8
[CC] fshelp
[CC] misc
[CC] list
[CC] device
[CC] hfspluscomp
[CC] err
[CC] fshelp
[CC] misc
[CC] hfsplus
[CC] list
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] iso9660
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] fshelp
[SLINK] GrubISO9660
[DLINK1] Fat
[MTOC] Fat
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/UDF.inf [X64]
[CC] ntfscomp
[CC] driver
[CC] file
[CC] ntfs
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] AutoGen
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Pci/VgaMiniPortDxe/VgaMiniPortDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] grub_file
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] grub
[CC] VgaMiniPort
[CC] logging
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] missing
[SLINK] VgaMiniPort
[CC] path
[CC] utf8
[DLINK1] VgaMiniPort
[MTOC] VgaMiniPort
[CC] device
[GENFW] VgaMiniPort
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/BiosVideo/BiosVideo.inf [X64]
[CC] err
[CC] misc
[CC] list
[CC] fshelp
[CC] BiosVideoNew
[CC] ComponentName
[DLINK1] GrubISO9660
[MTOC] GrubISO9660
[GENFW] GrubISO9660
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/LegacyBios/VideoDxe/VideoDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] udf
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] BiosVideo
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/LegacyBios/BlockIoDxe/BlockIoDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] BiosVideo
[CC] BiosBlkIo
[CC] ComponentName
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/UhciDxe/UhciDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CsmVideoDxe
[CC] UhciSched
[CC] UhciDebug
[CC] BiosInt13
[CC] UhciQueue
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UhciReg
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] BiosBlockIoDxe
[CC] UsbHcMem
[DLINK1] BiosVideo
[MTOC] BiosVideo
[GENFW] BiosVideo
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OhciDxe/OhciDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Uhci
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] UhciDxe
[CC] Ohci
[CC] OhciSched
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/EhciDxe/EhciDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] CsmVideoDxe
[CC] OhciReg
[MTOC] CsmVideoDxe
[GENFW] CsmVideoDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Patches_for_EDK2/XhciDxe/XhciDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] EhciUrb
[CC] OhciUrb
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] OhciDebug
[CC] Xhci
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] EhciSched
[DLINK1] UhciDxe
[MTOC] UhciDxe
[CC] XhciReg
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] EhciDebug
[GENFW] UhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Patches_for_EDK2/UsbBusDxe/UsbBusDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] OhciDxe
[CC] EhciReg
[DLINK1] BiosBlockIoDxe
[MTOC] BiosBlockIoDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UsbDesc
[GENFW] BiosBlockIoDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbKbDxe/UsbKbDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] UsbEnumer
[CC] EfiKey
[CC] Ehci
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EhciDxe
[CC] UsbBus
[CC] KeyBoard
[CC] UsbHub
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] XhciSched
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] UsbKbDxe
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] UsbUtility
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] ComponentName
[SLINK] UsbBusDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] XhciDxe
[DLINK1] OhciDxe
[MTOC] OhciDxe
[GENFW] OhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMassStorageDxe/UsbMassStorageDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] EhciDxe
[MTOC] EhciDxe
[DLINK1] UsbKbDxe
[GENFW] EhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMouseDxe/UsbMouseDxe.inf [X64]
[MTOC] UsbKbDxe
[GENFW] UsbKbDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/IsaAcpiDxe/IsaAcpi.inf [X64]
[CC] UsbMassBot
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] PcatIsaAcpi
[CC] MouseHid
[CC] UsbMassImpl
[CC] IsaAcpi
[CC] UsbMouse
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UsbMassBoot
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] UsbMouseDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] IsaAcpi
[CC] UsbMassCbi
[DLINK1] UsbBusDxe
[MTOC] UsbBusDxe
[CC] UsbMassDiskInfo
[GENFW] UsbBusDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/IsaBusDxe/IsaBusDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] UsbMassStorageDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] IsaIo
[DLINK1] IsaAcpi
[MTOC] IsaAcpi
[DLINK1] UsbMouseDxe
[MTOC] UsbMouseDxe
[GENFW] IsaAcpi
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/Ps2KeyboardDxe/Ps2keyboardDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] IsaBus
[GENFW] UsbMouseDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe/Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] IsaBusDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] CommPs2
[CC] Ps2KbdCtrller
[CC] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointer
[CC] Ps2KbdTextIn
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[CC] Ps2Keyboard
[DLINK1] IsaBusDxe
[MTOC] IsaBusDxe
[DLINK1] UsbMassStorageDxe
[MTOC] UsbMassStorageDxe
[GENFW] IsaBusDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Ps2MouseDxe/Ps2MouseDxe.inf [X64]
[GENFW] UsbMassStorageDxe
[CC] AutoGen
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAcpiTableDxe/AcpiTableDxe.inf [X64]
[SLINK] Ps2KeyboardDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] CommPs2
[DLINK1] XhciDxe
[MTOC] XhciDxe
[CC] AcpiTableProtocol
[GENFW] XhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAcpiPlatformDxe/AcpiPlatformDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] Ps2Mouse
[CC] AcpiTable
[DLINK1] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[MTOC] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Ps2MouseDxe
[GENFW] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/DiskIoDxe/DiskIoDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AcpiPlatform
[SLINK] AcpiTableDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AcpiPlatform
[CC] DiskIo
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DiskIoDxe
[DLINK1] Ps2KeyboardDxe
[MTOC] Ps2KeyboardDxe
[GENFW] Ps2KeyboardDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UnicodeCollation/EnglishDxe/EnglishDxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] Ps2MouseDxe
[MTOC] Ps2MouseDxe
[CC] UnicodeCollationEng
[GENFW] Ps2MouseDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PartitionDxe/PartitionDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] AcpiPlatform
[SLINK] EnglishDxe
[MTOC] AcpiPlatform
[GENFW] AcpiPlatform
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/BiosKeyboard/KeyboardDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] Mbr
[DLINK1] AcpiTableDxe
[MTOC] AcpiTableDxe
[GENFW] AcpiTableDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/LegacyBios/Region2Dxe/LegacyRegion2Dxe.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] EnglishDxe
[MTOC] EnglishDxe
[DLINK1] DiskIoDxe
[MTOC] DiskIoDxe
[GENFW] EnglishDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/FSInject/FSInject.inf [X64]
[CC] Gpt
[GENFW] DiskIoDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/MsgLog/MsgLog.inf [X64]
[CC] ElTorito
[CC] MsgLog
[CC] LegacyRegion2
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Apple
[SLINK] MsgLog
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[CC] BiosKeyboard
[CC] FSInject
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] Partition
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Test
[SLINK] KeyboardDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PartitionDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] MsgLog
[MTOC] MsgLog
[SLINK] FSInject
[GENFW] MsgLog
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DumpUefiCalls/DumpUefiCalls.inf [X64]
[CC] DumpUefiCalls
[CC] Lib
[DLINK1] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[MTOC] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[GENFW] LegacyRegion2Dxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxFatBinaryDrv/OsxFatBinaryDrv.inf [X64]
[CC] BootServices
[DLINK1] KeyboardDxe
[CC] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[MTOC] KeyboardDxe
[CC] RuntimeServices
[GENFW] KeyboardDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/EmuVariableUefi/EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[CC] Log
[CC] MemLog
[CC] InitVariable
[CC] FileLib
[DLINK1] FSInject
[MTOC] FSInject
[CC] DataHub
[CC] EmuVariable
[GENFW] FSInject
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AppleImageCodec/AppleImageCodec.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[MTOC] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EmuVariableUefi
[GENFW] OsxFatBinaryDrv
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/bdmesg_efi/bdmesg.inf [X64]
[CC] Fs
[CC] AppleImageCodec
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] bdmesg
[SLINK] DumpUefiCalls
[DLINK1] PartitionDxe
[MTOC] PartitionDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] bdmesg
[GENFW] PartitionDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxBdsDxe/BdsDxe.inf [X64]
[CC] HwErrRecSupport
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] DeviceManagerVfr
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] DriverHealthVfr
[CC] picopng
[CC] DeviceManager
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AppleImageCodec
[VFR] BdsDxe
[DLINK1] EmuVariableUefi
[MTOC] EmuVariableUefi
[GENFW] EmuVariableUefi
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/rEFIt_UEFI/refit.inf [X64]
[CC] BootManagerVfr
[DLINK1] bdmesg
[MTOC] bdmesg
[GENFW] bdmesg
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAptioFixDrv/OsxAptioFixDrv.inf [X64]
[DLINK1] DumpUefiCalls
[CC] BootManager
[MTOC] DumpUefiCalls
[VFR] BdsDxe
[GENFW] DumpUefiCalls
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAptioFixDrv/OsxAptioFix2Drv.inf [X64]
[CC] OsxAptioFixDrv
[CC] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[CC] BootFixes
[CC] FileExplorer
[CC] DecodedKernelCheck
[CC] BootFixes
[CC] BdsConnect
[CC] BootArgs
[CC] DecodedKernelCheck
[CC] BootMaint
[CC] BootArgs
[CC] VMem
[CC] VMem
[CC] Lib
[CC] BBSsupport
[CC] Lib
[CC] device_tree
[CC] device_tree
[CC] Mach-O
[CC] UpdatePage
[CC] Mach-O
[CC] main
[CC] Variable
[NASM] AsmFuncsX64
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] AppleImageCodec
[SLINK] OsxAptioFixDrv
[MTOC] AppleImageCodec
[NASM] AsmFuncsX64
[CC] Data
[GENFW] AppleImageCodec
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxLowMemFixDrv/OsxLowMemFixDrv.inf [X64]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[CC] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[CC] icns
[CC] Lib
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[CC] BootOption
[CC] BmLib
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] Bm
[DLINK1] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[MTOC] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[GENFW] OsxLowMemFixDrv
[CC] lib
[DLINK1] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[CC] Hotkey
[MTOC] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[GENFW] OsxAptioFix2Drv
[DLINK1] OsxAptioFixDrv
[MTOC] OsxAptioFixDrv
[GENFW] OsxAptioFixDrv
[CC] MemoryTest
[CC] Capsules
[CC] String
[CC] Language
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] FrontPageVfr
[CC] menu
[CC] FrontPage
[CC] BdsEntry
[CC] screen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] BdsDxe
[CC] common
[CC] legacy
[CC] loader
[CC] tool
[CC] secureboot
[CC] securehash
[CC] securemenu
[CC] securevars
[CC] bootscreen
[CC] lockedgraphics
[CC] BmLib
[CC] image
[CC] load_bmp
[DLINK1] BdsDxe
[MTOC] BdsDxe
[GENFW] BdsDxe
[CC] load_icns
[CC] libscreen
[CC] lodepng
[CC] text
[CC] AcpiPatcher
[CC] AmlGenerator
[CC] ati
[CC] BootLog
[CC] BootOptions
[CC] Console
[CC] cpu
[CC] DataHubCpu
[CC] device_inject
[CC] device_tree
[CC] Edid
[CC] Events
[CC] gma
[CC] guid
[CC] Injectors
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] LegacyBoot
[CC] nvidia
[CC] picopng
[CC] platformdata
[CC] plist
[CC] Pointer
[CC] Settings
[CC] smbios
[CC] spd
[CC] string
[CC] StateGenerator
[CC] usbfix
[CC] b64cdecode
[CC] FixBiosDsdt
[CC] kernel_patcher
[CC] kext_patcher
[CC] kext_inject
[CC] Nvram
[CC] card_vlist
[CC] PlatformDriverOverride
[CC] Hibernate
[CC] Net
[CC] AutoGen

GUID cross reference file can be found at /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/FV/Guid.xref

FV Space Information
DUETEFIMAINFVX64 [30%Full] 2752512 total, 846304 used, 1906208 free

- Done -
Build end time: 16:15:23, Aug.12 2016
Build total time: 00:01:30

Compressing DUETEFIMainFv.FV ...
Compressing DxeCore.efi ...
Compressing DxeIpl.efi ...
Generate Loader Image ...
Created /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/FV/Efildr64
879+0 records in
879+0 records out
450048 bytes transferred in 0.003853 secs (116802062 bytes/sec)
Copy CloverEFI:
  -> boot6
  -> BOOTX64.efi
  -> CLOVERX64.efi
Copy Mandatory drivers:
  -> FSInject-64.efi
  -> FSInject-64.efi
  -> OsxFatBinaryDrv-64.efi
  -> VBoxHfs-64.efi
Copy Optional drivers:
  -> NvmExpressDxe-64.efi
  -> Ps2MouseDxe-64.efi
  -> UsbMouseDxe-64.efi
  -> VBoxExt2-64.efi
  -> VBoxExt4-64.efi
  -> VBoxIso9600-64.efi
  -> XhciDxe-64.efi
  -> GrubEXFAT-64.efi
  -> GrubISO9660-64.efi
  -> GrubNTFS-64.efi
  -> GrubUDF-64.efi
  -> CsmVideoDxe-64.efi
  -> DataHubDxe-64.efi
  -> EmuVariableUefi-64.efi
  -> OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi
  -> OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi
  -> OsxLowMemFixDrv-64.efi
  -> PartitionDxe-64.efi
Copy Applications:
  -> bdmesg.efi

Generating BootSectors
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
TOOLCHAIN_DIR: /Users/Micky1979/src/opt/local
Initializing workspace
Loading previous configuration from /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Conf/BuildEnv.sh
WORKSPACE: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2
EDK_TOOLS_PATH: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/BaseTools
CONF_PATH: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Conf

Running edk2 build for CloverIA32 using the command:
build  -D USE_LOW_EBDA -p Clover/Clover.dsc  -a IA32 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -n 5 

Build environment: Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
Build start time: 16:15:25, Aug.12 2016

WORKSPACE        = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2
ECP_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EDK_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EFI_SOURCE       = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EDK_TOOLS_PATH   = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/BaseTools

Architecture(s)  = IA32
Build target     = RELEASE
Toolchain        = XCODE5

Active Platform          = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Clover.dsc
Flash Image Definition   = /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Clover.fdf

Processing meta-data ........... done!
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] DebugLib
[SLINK] BaseDebugLibNull
[CC] PcdLib
[CC] SetMem
[SLINK] BasePcdLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull/BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseIoLibIntrinsic/BaseIoLibIntrinsic.inf [IA32]
[CC] ScanMem64Wrapper
[CC] ScanMem32Wrapper
[CC] IoLibMmioBuffer
[CC] CheckSum
[CC] ScanMem16Wrapper
[CC] SwitchStack
[CC] BaseReportStatusCodeLib
[CC] ScanMem8Wrapper
[SLINK] BaseReportStatusCodeLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib/DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] ZeroMemWrapper
[CC] SwapBytes64
[CC] IoHighLevel
[CC] SwapBytes32
[CC] CompareMemWrapper
[CC] IoLibGcc
[CC] SetMem64Wrapper
[CC] SwapBytes16
[CC] SetMem32Wrapper
[CC] LongJump
[CC] IoLib
[SLINK] BaseIoLibIntrinsic
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreEntryPoint/DxeCoreEntryPoint.inf [IA32]
[CC] SetMem16Wrapper
[CC] SetJump
[CC] SetMemWrapper
[CC] RShiftU64
[CC] RRotU64
[CC] CopyMemWrapper
[CC] MemoryAllocationLib
[CC] RRotU32
[CC] DxeCoreEntryPoint
[SLINK] DxeCoreEntryPoint
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] MemLibGeneric
[CC] DxeCoreMemoryProfileLibNull
[CC] MultU64x64
[SLINK] DxeCoreMemoryAllocationLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib/UefiDevicePathLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] MemLibGuid
[CC] MultU64x32
[CC] UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib
[CC] CopyMem
[CC] MultS64x64
[SLINK] UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib/UefiBootServicesTableLib.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] BaseMemoryLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull.inf [IA32]
[CC] PrintLibInternal
[CC] ModU64x32
[CC] LShiftU64
[CC] PrintLib
[CC] PeCoffExtraActionLib
[SLINK] PeCoffExtraActionLibNull
[SLINK] BasePrintLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreHobLib/DxeCoreHobLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] LRotU64
[CC] UefiBootServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] UefiBootServicesTableLib
[CC] LRotU32
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] LowBitSet64
[CC] X86Cache
[CC] LowBitSet32
[CC] DevicePathUtilities
[SLINK] BaseCacheMaintenanceLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseUefiDecompressLib/BaseUefiDecompressLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] HobLib
[CC] HighBitSet64
[SLINK] DxeCoreHobLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePerformanceLibNull/BasePerformanceLibNull.inf [IA32]
[CC] HighBitSet32
[CC] PerformanceLib
[CC] GetPowerOfTwo64
[CC] UefiLibPrint
[SLINK] BasePerformanceLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/VBoxPeCoffLib/VBoxPeCoffLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] GetPowerOfTwo32
[CC] DivU64x64Remainder
[CC] UefiNotTiano
[CC] BaseUefiDecompressLib
[SLINK] BaseUefiDecompressLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] DivU64x32Remainder
[CC] DivU64x32
[CC] PeCoffGetEntryPoint
[CC] DivS64x64Remainder
[SLINK] BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib/DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] UefiDriverModel
[CC] ARShiftU64
[CC] BitField
[CC] DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib
[CC] CpuDeadLoop
[CC] BasePeCoff
[SLINK] DxeExtractGuidedSectionLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/DuetTimerLib/DuetTimerLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] DevicePathToText
[CC] Console
[CC] PeCoffLoaderEx
[CC] Cpu
[SLINK] VBoxPeCoffLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeServicesLib/DxeServicesLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] LinkedList
[CC] X86TimerLib
[SLINK] DuetTimerLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DebugAgentLibNull/DebugAgentLibNull.inf [IA32]
[CC] DxeServicesLib
[CC] SafeString
[SLINK] DxeServicesLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull/CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull.inf [IA32]
[CC] DebugAgentLibNull
[CC] UefiLib
[SLINK] DebugAgentLibNull
[SLINK] UefiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/UefiMemoryAllocationLib.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeHobLib/DxeHobLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull
[SLINK] CpuExceptionHandlerLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint/UefiDriverEntryPoint.inf [IA32]
[CC] MemoryAllocationLib
[CC] HobLib
[SLINK] UefiMemoryAllocationLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeLib/UefiRuntimeLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] DriverEntryPoint
[CC] String
[SLINK] UefiDriverEntryPoint
[SLINK] DxeHobLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckLib/VarCheckLib.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseSynchronizationLib/BaseSynchronizationLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] FilePaths
[CC] InternalGetSpinLockProperties
[CC] RuntimeLib
[CC] GccInline
[CC] GccInline
[SLINK] UefiRuntimeLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeServicesTableLib/DxeServicesTableLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] SynchronizationGcc
[SLINK] BaseSynchronizationLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/TpmMeasurementLibNull/TpmMeasurementLibNull.inf [IA32]
[CC] VarCheckLib
[SLINK] VarCheckLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/AuthVariableLibNull/AuthVariableLibNull.inf [IA32]
[CC] DxeServicesTableLib
[SLINK] DxeServicesTableLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckUefiLib/VarCheckUefiLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] TpmMeasurementLibNull
[SLINK] TpmMeasurementLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeCapsuleLibNull/DxeCapsuleLibNull.inf [IA32]
[CC] AuthVariableLibNull
[SLINK] AuthVariableLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeSecurityManagementLib/DxeSecurityManagementLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] DxeCapsuleLibNull
[SLINK] DxeCapsuleLibNull
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/DxePcdLib.inf [IA32]
[NASM] Thunk16
[CC] DxeSecurityManagementLib
[CC] VarCheckUefiLibNullClass
[SLINK] VarCheckUefiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/UefiHiiServicesLib/UefiHiiServicesLib.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] DxeSecurityManagementLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiHiiLib/UefiHiiLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] UefiHiiServicesLib
[CC] DevicePathFromText
[SLINK] UefiHiiServicesLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/CustomizedDisplayLib/CustomizedDisplayLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] DxePcdLib
[SLINK] DxePcdLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/LzmaCustomDecompressLib/LzmaCustomDecompressLib.inf [IA32]
[ASM] EnableDisableInterrupts
[CC] UefiDevicePathLib
[SLINK] UefiDevicePathLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/GenericBdsLib/GenericBdsLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] LzmaDecompress
[CC] CustomizedDisplayLib
[CC] DevicePath
[ASM] EnablePaging64
[CC] CustomizedDisplayLibInternal
[CC] Performance
[ASM] DisablePaging32
[CC] LzFind
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CustomizedDisplayLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/OsxBdsPlatformLib/PlatformBds.inf [IA32]
[CC] HiiLib
[ASM] EnablePaging32
[CC] HiiString
[CC] BdsConnect
[CC] HiiLanguage
[SLINK] UefiHiiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePciCf8Lib/BasePciCf8Lib.inf [IA32]
[CC] BdsPlatform
[ASM] Mwait
[CC] PciCf8Lib
[SLINK] BasePciCf8Lib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BasePciLibCf8/BasePciLibCf8.inf [IA32]
[CC] PlatformData
[SLINK] DuetBds
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/Library/BaseXApicLib/BaseXApicLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] PciLib
[CC] LzmaDec
[SLINK] BasePciLibCf8
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/Library/BaseIoApicLib/BaseIoApicLib.inf [IA32]
[ASM] Monitor
[CC] GuidedSectionExtraction
[CC] IoApicLib
[SLINK] LzmaDecompressLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/MemLogLibDefault/MemLogLibDefault.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] BaseIoApicLib
[CC] BaseXApicLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/VideoBiosPatchLib/VideoBiosPatchLib.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] BaseXApicLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiScsiLib/UefiScsiLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] MemLogLib
[SLINK] MemLogLibDefault
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiUsbLib/UefiUsbLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] VideoBiosPatchLib
[CC] BdsMisc
[ASM] CpuIdEx
[CC] Hid
[CC] UefiScsiLib
[SLINK] UefiScsiLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiSortLib/UefiSortLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] UsbDxeLib
[CC] 915resolution
[SLINK] UefiUsbLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiFileHandleLib/UefiFileHandleLib.inf [IA32]
[ASM] CpuId
[CC] UefiSortLib
[SLINK] UefiSortLib
[CC] edid
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiApplicationEntryPoint/UefiApplicationEntryPoint.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] VideoBiosPatchLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLib/UefiShellLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] ApplicationEntryPoint
[CC] UefiFileHandleLib
[SLINK] UefiApplicationEntryPoint
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryLib/UefiMemoryLib.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] UefiFileHandleLib
[ASM] LongJump
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLibNull.inf [IA32]
[CC] ScanMem64Wrapper
[CC] OpensslLibNull
warning: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning for library: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/Clover/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLibNull/OUTPUT/OpensslLib.lib the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library define global symbols)
[SLINK] OpensslLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeNetLib/DxeNetLib.inf [IA32]
[CC] BdsConsole
[CC] ScanMem32Wrapper
[CC] ScanMem16Wrapper
[ASM] SetJump
[CC] ScanMem8Wrapper
[CC] ZeroMemWrapper
[ASM] SwapBytes64
[CC] CompareMemWrapper
[CC] UefiShellLib
[CC] SetMem64Wrapper
[SLINK] UefiShellLib
[CC] DxeNetLib
[CC] SetMem32Wrapper
[ASM] DivU64x64Remainder
[CC] SetMem16Wrapper
[CC] SetMemWrapper
[CC] NetBuffer
[SLINK] DxeNetLib
[ASM] DivU64x32Remainder
[CC] CopyMemWrapper
[CC] MemLibGeneric
[CC] MemLibGuid
[ASM] ModU64x32
[CC] BdsBoot
[CC] MemLib
[SLINK] UefiMemoryLib
[CC] String
[ASM] DivU64x32
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] GenericBdsLib
[ASM] MultU64x64
[ASM] MultU64x32
[ASM] RRotU64
[ASM] LRotU64
[ASM] ARShiftU64
[ASM] RShiftU64
[ASM] LShiftU64
[ASM] EnableCache
[ASM] DisableCache
[ASM] RdRand
[CC] DivS64x64Remainder
[ASM] InternalSwitchStack
[CC] Non-existing
[CC] Unaligned
[CC] X86WriteIdtr
[CC] X86WriteGdtr
[CC] X86Thunk
[CC] X86ReadIdtr
[CC] X86ReadGdtr
[CC] X86Msr
[CC] X86GetInterruptState
[CC] X86FxSave
[CC] X86FxRestore
[CC] X86EnablePaging64
[CC] X86EnablePaging32
[CC] X86DisablePaging64
[CC] X86DisablePaging32
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (ARShiftU64.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/ARShiftU64.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/ARShiftU64.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (DivS64x64Remainder.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/DivS64x64Remainder.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/DivS64x64Remainder.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (DivU64x32.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/DivU64x32.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/DivU64x32.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (DivU64x32Remainder.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/DivU64x32Remainder.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/DivU64x32Remainder.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (DivU64x64Remainder.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/DivU64x64Remainder.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/DivU64x64Remainder.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (LRotU64.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/LRotU64.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/LRotU64.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (LShiftU64.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/LShiftU64.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/LShiftU64.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (LongJump.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/LongJump.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/LongJump.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (ModU64x32.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/ModU64x32.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/ModU64x32.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (MultU64x32.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/MultU64x32.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/MultU64x32.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (MultU64x64.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/MultU64x64.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/MultU64x64.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (RRotU64.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/RRotU64.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/RRotU64.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (RShiftU64.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/RShiftU64.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/RShiftU64.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (SetJump.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/SetJump.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/SetJump.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: warning same member name (SwapBytes64.obj) in output file used for input files: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/Ia32/SwapBytes64.obj and: /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/IA32/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/SwapBytes64.obj (due to use of basename, truncation, blank padding or duplicate input files)
[SLINK] BaseLib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxDxeIpl/DxeIpl.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxDxeCore/DxeMain.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Dxe/Pcd.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/WatchdogTimerDxe/WatchdogTimer.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/RuntimeDxe/RuntimeDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] DxeInit
[CC] WatchdogTimer
[CC] Crc32
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] WatchdogTimer
[CC] Pcd
[CC] Runtime
[DLINK1] WatchdogTimer
[MTOC] WatchdogTimer
[CC] CoreSectionExtraction
[GENFW] WatchdogTimer
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] RuntimeDxe
[CC] LegacyTable
[CC] MonotonicCounter
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] HobGeneration
[DLINK1] RuntimeDxe
[SLINK] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] RuntimeDxe
[GENFW] RuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe/EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] Service
[DLINK1] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/FaultTolerantWriteDxe/FaultTolerantWriteDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] Debug
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PcdDxe
[CC] InitVariable
[CC] Image
[CC] EnterDxeCore
[CC] DebugImageInfo
[CC] Paging
[CC] FtwMisc
[CC] Stall
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] EmuVariable
[SLINK] DxeIpl
[DLINK1] DxeIpl
[CC] UpdateWorkingBlock
[CC] AutoGen
[MTOC] DxeIpl
[SLINK] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
[CC] SetWatchdogTimer
[GENFW] DxeIpl
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe/VariableRuntimeDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] InstallConfigurationTable
[CC] FaultTolerantWrite
[CC] Reclaim
[CC] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[CC] Library
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[DLINK1] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
[DLINK1] PcdDxe
[MTOC] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
[CC] DriverSupport
[MTOC] PcdDxe
[DLINK1] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[MTOC] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
[GENFW] PcdDxe
[GENFW] EmuVariableRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsuleRuntimeDxe/CapsuleRuntimeDxe.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/MemoryTest/NullMemoryTestDxe/NullMemoryTestDxe.inf [IA32]
[GENFW] FaultTolerantWriteDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SecurityStubDxe/SecurityStubDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] Notify
[CC] NullMemoryTest
[CC] CapsuleService
[CC] SecurityStub
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] SaveLongModeContext
[SLINK] NullMemoryTestDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SecurityStubDxe
[CC] Locate
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[DLINK1] NullMemoryTestDxe
[MTOC] NullMemoryTestDxe
[GENFW] NullMemoryTestDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConPlatformDxe/ConPlatformDxe.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
[DLINK1] SecurityStubDxe
[GENFW] CapsuleRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConSplitterDxe/ConSplitterDxe.inf [IA32]
[MTOC] SecurityStubDxe
[CC] Variable
[CC] ComponentName
[GENFW] SecurityStubDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/HiiDatabaseDxe/HiiDatabaseDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] VariableDxe
[CC] Handle
[CC] ConSplitterGraphics
[CC] ConPlatform
[CC] HiiDatabaseEntry
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] ConPlatformDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] Measurement
[CC] TcgMorLockDxe
[CC] VarCheck
[CC] Image
[CC] Gcd
[CC] VariableExLib
[DLINK1] ConPlatformDxe
[MTOC] ConPlatformDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VariableRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] ConPlatformDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SetupBrowserDxe/SetupBrowserDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] Pool
[CC] ConSplitter
[CC] Page
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] ConSplitterDxe
[CC] MemData
[CC] FwVolBlock
[CC] FwVolWrite
[CC] ConfigRouting
[CC] FwVolRead
[CC] Setup
[CC] FwVolAttrib
[CC] String
[CC] Ffs
[DLINK1] ConSplitterDxe
[CC] FwVol
[MTOC] ConSplitterDxe
[GENFW] ConSplitterDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/DisplayEngineDxe/DisplayEngineDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] IfrParse
[CC] Tpl
[CC] Database
[CC] Timer
[DLINK1] VariableRuntimeDxe
[MTOC] VariableRuntimeDxe
[GENFW] VariableRuntimeDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GraphicsConsoleDxe/GraphicsConsoleDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] Event
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] Dependency
[CC] LaffStd
[CC] Font
[CC] Expression
[CC] Dispatcher
[CC] GraphicsConsole
[CC] DxeProtocolNotify
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[CC] FormDisplay
[CC] DxeMain
[CC] ConfigKeywordHandler
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Presentation
[SLINK] DxeCore
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] HiiDatabase
[SLINK] SetupBrowser
[CC] ProcessOptions
[DLINK1] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[MTOC] GraphicsConsoleDxe
[GENFW] GraphicsConsoleDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/DevicePathDxe/DevicePathDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] DevicePath
[CC] InputHandler
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DevicePathDxe
[SLINK] DisplayEngine
[DLINK1] DevicePathDxe
[MTOC] DevicePathDxe
[GENFW] DevicePathDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SmbiosDxe/SmbiosDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] SmbiosDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SmbiosDxe
[DLINK1] SmbiosDxe
[MTOC] SmbiosDxe
[DLINK1] DxeCore
[MTOC] DxeCore
[GENFW] SmbiosDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/DuetPkg/SmbiosGenDxe/SmbiosGen.inf [IA32]
[GENFW] DxeCore
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxEfiLdr/EfiLdr.inf [IA32]
[CC] EfiLoader
[CC] SmbiosGen
[DLINK1] DisplayEngine
[MTOC] DisplayEngine
[CC] Debug
[GENFW] DisplayEngine
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxBdsDxe/BdsDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SmbiosGenDxe
[CC] PeLoader
[CC] HwErrRecSupport
[CC] Support
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EfiLoader
[CC] DeviceManagerVfr
[VFR] BdsDxe
[DLINK1] SmbiosGenDxe
[MTOC] SmbiosGenDxe
[CC] DriverHealthVfr
[GENFW] SmbiosGenDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDxe.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] SetupBrowser
[MTOC] SetupBrowser
[CC] DeviceManager
[GENFW] SetupBrowser
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/UefiCpuPkg/CpuIo2Dxe/CpuIo2Dxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] EbcExecute
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] BootManagerVfr
[CC] CpuIo2Dxe
[CC] EbcInt
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CpuIo2Dxe
[CC] BootManager
[CC] EbcSupport
[VFR] BdsDxe
[DLINK1] CpuIo2Dxe
[MTOC] CpuIo2Dxe
[GENFW] CpuIo2Dxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CpuDxe/Cpu.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] EfiLoader
[MTOC] EfiLoader
[GENFW] EfiLoader
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/8259InterruptControllerDxe/8259.inf [IA32]
[ASM] EbcLowLevel
[CC] FileExplorer
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EbcDxe
[CC] 8259
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Legacy8259
[NASM] CpuInterrupt
[DLINK1] Legacy8259
[MTOC] Legacy8259
[CC] BootMaint
[GENFW] Legacy8259
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AcpiReset/Reset.inf [IA32]
[CC] Cpu
[CC] BBSsupport
[CC] Reset
[DLINK1] HiiDatabase
[MTOC] HiiDatabase
[CC] AutoGen
[GENFW] HiiDatabase
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Metronome/Metronome.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AcpiReset
[CC] Metronome
[DLINK1] AcpiReset
[CC] UpdatePage
[MTOC] AcpiReset
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Metronome
[GENFW] AcpiReset
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] Cpu
[DLINK1] EbcDxe
[MTOC] Cpu
[MTOC] EbcDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/8254TimerDxe/8254Timer.inf [IA32]
[GENFW] EbcDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/HpetTimerDxe/HpetTimerDxe.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] Metronome
[MTOC] Metronome
[CC] PcRtcEntry
[GENFW] Metronome
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PciRootBridgeDxe/PciRootBridge.inf [IA32]
[CC] Timer
[CC] Variable
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] HpetTimer
[SLINK] Timer
[CC] Data
[DLINK1] Timer
[CC] PcRtc
[CC] AutoGen
[MTOC] Timer
[SLINK] HpetTimerDxe
[GENFW] Timer
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxPciBusNoEnumerationDxe/PciBusNoEnumeration.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] PcatPciRootBridge
[CC] PciPowerManagement
[DLINK1] HpetTimerDxe
[MTOC] HpetTimerDxe
[CC] PcatPciRootBridgeDevicePath
[GENFW] HpetTimerDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/NvmExpressDxe/NvmExpressDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] PciRomTable
[CC] BootOption
[CC] PcatPciRootBridgeIo
[CC] PciDriverOverride
[CC] BmLib
[CC] NvmExpressBlockIo
[CC] DeviceIo
[DLINK1] PcRtc
[MTOC] PcRtc
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] PciOptionRomSupport
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/DataHubDxe/DataHubDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] Bm
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] PciEnumerator
[CC] PcatIo
[CC] DataHub
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PcatPciRootBridge
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DataHubDxe
[CC] NvmExpress
[CC] PciEnumeratorSupport
[CC] Hotkey
[CC] NvmExpressDiskInfo
[CC] PciCommand
[DLINK1] DataHubDxe
[MTOC] DataHubDxe
[GENFW] DataHubDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DriverOverride/DriverOverride.inf [IA32]
[CC] MemoryTest
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] NvmExpressHci
[CC] DriverOverride
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Capsules
[SLINK] DriverOverride
[CC] PciDeviceSupport
[DLINK1] DriverOverride
[MTOC] DriverOverride
[CC] NvmExpressPassthru
[CC] PciBus
[CC] String
[GENFW] DriverOverride
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxHfs.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] NvmExpressDxe
[CC] Language
[VFR] BdsDxe
[CC] PciIo
[CC] FrontPageVfr
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[CC] fsw_hfs
[DLINK1] PcatPciRootBridge
[MTOC] PcatPciRootBridge
[GENFW] PcatPciRootBridge
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxIso9660.inf [IA32]
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] FrontPage
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_iso9660
[CC] BdsEntry
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] BdsDxe
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_lib
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_lib
[DLINK1] NvmExpressDxe
[DLINK1] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[MTOC] NvmExpressDxe
[MTOC] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
[GENFW] NvmExpressDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxExt2.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[GENFW] PciBusNoEnumerationDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxExt4.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] VBoxIso9600
[CC] fsw_ext2
[CC] fsw_ext4
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] fsw_lib
[DLINK1] VBoxIso9600
[MTOC] VBoxIso9600
[GENFW] VBoxIso9600
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/VBoxFsDxe/VBoxReiserFS.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] VBoxHfs
[MTOC] VBoxHfs
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] fsw_lib
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe/Fat.inf [IA32]
[SLINK] VBoxExt2
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VBoxExt4
[CC] DirectoryCache
[CC] fsw_reiserfs
[CC] DiskCache
[CC] FileName
[CC] fsw_core
[CC] Hash
[CC] fsw_efi_lib
[CC] DirectoryManage
[CC] fsw_efi
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ReadWrite
[DLINK1] VBoxExt2
[MTOC] VBoxExt2
[GENFW] VBoxExt2
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/EXFAT.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] VBoxExt4
[CC] fsw_lib
[MTOC] VBoxExt4
[CC] OpenVolume
[GENFW] VBoxExt4
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/HFSPLUS.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VBoxReiserFS
[CC] Open
[CC] driver
[CC] driver
[CC] Misc
[CC] Init
[CC] file
[CC] file
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] Info
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] FileSpace
[CC] grub_file
[CC] grub_file
[CC] Flush
[CC] grub
[CC] grub
[CC] Fat
[CC] logging
[CC] logging
[CC] Delete
[CC] missing
[CC] missing
[CC] Data
[CC] path
[CC] path
[CC] UnicodeCollation
[CC] utf8
[CC] utf8
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] VBoxReiserFS
[CC] device
[MTOC] VBoxReiserFS
[GENFW] VBoxReiserFS
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/ISO9660.inf [IA32]
[CC] err
[CC] driver
[CC] misc
[CC] file
[CC] list
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] fshelp
[CC] grub_file
[CC] gzio
[CC] grub
[CC] exfat
[CC] device
[CC] logging
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] err
[CC] missing
[CC] path
[CC] utf8
[CC] misc
[DLINK1] BdsDxe
[MTOC] BdsDxe
[CC] list
[CC] device
[GENFW] BdsDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/NTFS.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] Fat
[MTOC] Fat
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/GrubFS/src/UDF.inf [IA32]
[CC] err
[CC] fshelp
[CC] driver
[CC] driver
[CC] hfspluscomp
[CC] file
[CC] file
[CC] misc
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] list
[CC] grub_driver
[CC] grub_file
[CC] fshelp
[CC] grub_file
[CC] hfsplus
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] grub
[CC] grub
[CC] logging
[CC] logging
[CC] missing
[CC] missing
[CC] path
[CC] iso9660
[CC] path
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] GrubISO9660
[CC] utf8
[CC] utf8
[CC] device
[CC] device
[CC] err
[CC] err
[CC] misc
[CC] misc
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Pci/VgaMiniPortDxe/VgaMiniPortDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] list
[CC] list
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] fshelp
[CC] fshelp
[CC] VgaMiniPort
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] VgaMiniPort
[CC] ntfscomp
[DLINK1] VgaMiniPort
[MTOC] VgaMiniPort
[CC] udf
[GENFW] VgaMiniPort
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/BiosVideo/BiosVideo.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] ntfs
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] BiosVideoNew
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] BiosVideo
[DLINK1] GrubISO9660
[MTOC] GrubISO9660
[GENFW] GrubISO9660
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/LegacyBios/VideoDxe/VideoDxe.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/SataControllerDxe/SataControllerDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] SataController
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] SataController
[CC] BiosVideo
[CC] ComponentName
[DLINK1] SataController
[MTOC] SataController
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] CsmVideoDxe
[GENFW] SataController
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AtaAtapi/AtaAtapiPassThru.inf [IA32]
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AtaBus/AtaBusDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] AtaAtapiPassThru
[CC] AtaBus
[DLINK1] BiosVideo
[MTOC] BiosVideo
[GENFW] BiosVideo
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DVDBus/ScsiBusDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] AtaPassThruExecute
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AhciMode
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AtaBusDxe
[CC] ScsiBus
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] ScsiBus
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DVDDisk/ScsiDiskDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] IdeMode
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] ScsiBus
[MTOC] ScsiBus
[SLINK] AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
[GENFW] ScsiBus
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/UhciDxe/UhciDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] ScsiDisk
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] CsmVideoDxe
[SLINK] ScsiDisk
[MTOC] CsmVideoDxe
[GENFW] CsmVideoDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OhciDxe/OhciDxe.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] AtaBusDxe
[MTOC] AtaBusDxe
[GENFW] AtaBusDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/EhciDxe/EhciDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] UhciSched
[CC] UhciDebug
[CC] EhciUrb
[CC] UhciQueue
[CC] Ohci
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] UhciReg
[CC] OhciSched
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] EhciSched
[CC] EhciDebug
[CC] OhciReg
[CC] Uhci
[CC] EhciReg
[CC] OhciUrb
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] OhciDebug
[SLINK] UhciDxe
[DLINK1] ScsiDisk
[MTOC] ScsiDisk
[GENFW] ScsiDisk
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Patches_for_EDK2/XhciDxe/XhciDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] Ehci
[CC] UsbHcMem
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EhciDxe
[SLINK] OhciDxe
[CC] Xhci
[CC] XhciReg
[DLINK1] AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
[MTOC] AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
[GENFW] AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Patches_for_EDK2/UsbBusDxe/UsbBusDxe.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] UhciDxe
[MTOC] UhciDxe
[GENFW] UhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbKbDxe/UsbKbDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] UsbDesc
[CC] EfiKey
[CC] UsbEnumer
[DLINK1] EhciDxe
[MTOC] EhciDxe
[GENFW] EhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMassStorageDxe/UsbMassStorageDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] KeyBoard
[CC] UsbBus
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] XhciSched
[CC] UsbMassBot
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] UsbKbDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UsbHub
[DLINK1] OhciDxe
[CC] ComponentName
[MTOC] OhciDxe
[CC] UsbHcMem
[GENFW] OhciDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMouseDxe/UsbMouseDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UsbMassImpl
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] UsbUtility
[SLINK] XhciDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] MouseHid
[SLINK] UsbBusDxe
[CC] UsbMassBoot
[CC] UsbMassCbi
[CC] UsbMouse
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] UsbMassDiskInfo
[SLINK] UsbMouseDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] UsbMassStorageDxe
[DLINK1] UsbKbDxe
[MTOC] UsbKbDxe
[GENFW] UsbKbDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/PcAtChipsetPkg/IsaAcpiDxe/IsaAcpi.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] UsbMouseDxe
[MTOC] UsbMouseDxe
[GENFW] UsbMouseDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/IsaBusDxe/IsaBusDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] PcatIsaAcpi
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] IsaAcpi
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] IsaIo
[DLINK1] UsbBusDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[MTOC] UsbBusDxe
[SLINK] IsaAcpi
[GENFW] UsbBusDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/Ps2KeyboardDxe/Ps2keyboardDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] IsaBus
[DLINK1] UsbMassStorageDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[MTOC] UsbMassStorageDxe
[SLINK] IsaBusDxe
[GENFW] UsbMassStorageDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Bus/Isa/Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe/Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] ComponentName
[DLINK1] IsaAcpi
[MTOC] IsaAcpi
[GENFW] IsaAcpi
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/Ps2MouseDxe/Ps2MouseDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] Ps2KbdCtrller
[CC] CommPs2
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] Ps2KbdTextIn
[CC] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointer
[DLINK1] IsaBusDxe
[MTOC] IsaBusDxe
[GENFW] IsaBusDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAcpiTableDxe/AcpiTableDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Ps2Keyboard
[SLINK] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[CC] CommPs2
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Ps2KeyboardDxe
[CC] Ps2Mouse
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] Ps2MouseDxe
[CC] AcpiTableProtocol
[DLINK1] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[MTOC] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
[GENFW] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxAcpiPlatformDxe/AcpiPlatformDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] AcpiTable
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AcpiTableDxe
[CC] AcpiPlatform
[DLINK1] Ps2MouseDxe
[MTOC] Ps2MouseDxe
[DLINK1] XhciDxe
[GENFW] Ps2MouseDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/DiskIoDxe/DiskIoDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[MTOC] XhciDxe
[SLINK] AcpiPlatform
[DLINK1] Ps2KeyboardDxe
[GENFW] XhciDxe
[MTOC] Ps2KeyboardDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UnicodeCollation/EnglishDxe/EnglishDxe.inf [IA32]
[GENFW] Ps2KeyboardDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/PartitionDxe/PartitionDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] UnicodeCollationEng
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EnglishDxe
[CC] DiskIo
[CC] Mbr
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] EnglishDxe
[MTOC] EnglishDxe
[SLINK] DiskIoDxe
[DLINK1] AcpiPlatform
[MTOC] AcpiPlatform
[GENFW] EnglishDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/BiosKeyboard/KeyboardDxe.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] AcpiTableDxe
[MTOC] AcpiTableDxe
[GENFW] AcpiPlatform
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/LegacyBios/Region2Dxe/LegacyRegion2Dxe.inf [IA32]
[GENFW] AcpiTableDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/FSInject/FSInject.inf [IA32]
[CC] Gpt
[CC] ComponentName
[CC] LegacyRegion2
[CC] ElTorito
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] Apple
[SLINK] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[CC] FSInject
[DLINK1] DiskIoDxe
[MTOC] DiskIoDxe
[GENFW] DiskIoDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/MsgLog/MsgLog.inf [IA32]
[CC] Test
[CC] BiosKeyboard
[CC] Partition
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] FSInject
[CC] MsgLog
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] PartitionDxe
[CC] AutoGen
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[SLINK] MsgLog
[CC] AutoGen
[DLINK1] MsgLog
[MTOC] MsgLog
[SLINK] KeyboardDxe
[GENFW] MsgLog
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/DumpUefiCalls/DumpUefiCalls.inf [IA32]
[CC] DumpUefiCalls
[DLINK1] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[MTOC] LegacyRegion2Dxe
[GENFW] LegacyRegion2Dxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/OsxFatBinaryDrv/OsxFatBinaryDrv.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] KeyboardDxe
[MTOC] KeyboardDxe
[CC] Lib
[CC] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[GENFW] KeyboardDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/EmuVariableUefi/EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.inf [IA32]
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[CC] BootServices
[CC] InitVariable
[CC] RuntimeServices
[DLINK1] FSInject
[MTOC] FSInject
[GENFW] FSInject
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/AppleImageCodec/AppleImageCodec.inf [IA32]
[DLINK1] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[MTOC] OsxFatBinaryDrv
[CC] Log
[GENFW] OsxFatBinaryDrv
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/bdmesg_efi/bdmesg.inf [IA32]
[CC] AppleImageCodec
[CC] MemLog
[CC] EmuVariable
[CC] bdmesg
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] EmuVariableUefi
[CC] FileLib
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] bdmesg
[CC] DataHub
[DLINK1] PartitionDxe
[MTOC] PartitionDxe
[GENFW] PartitionDxe
Building ... /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/rEFIt_UEFI/refit.inf [IA32]
[CC] Fs
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] DumpUefiCalls
[CC] BdsConnect
[CC] picopng
[CC] AutoGen
[SLINK] AppleImageCodec
[DLINK1] EmuVariableUefi
[MTOC] EmuVariableUefi
[GENFW] EmuVariableUefi
[DLINK1] bdmesg
[MTOC] bdmesg
[GENFW] bdmesg
[DLINK1] DumpUefiCalls
[MTOC] DumpUefiCalls
[CC] main
[GENFW] DumpUefiCalls
[DLINK1] AppleImageCodec
[MTOC] AppleImageCodec
[GENFW] AppleImageCodec
[CC] icns
[CC] lib
[CC] menu
[CC] screen
[CC] common
[CC] legacy
[CC] loader
[CC] tool
[CC] secureboot
[CC] securehash
[CC] securemenu
[CC] securevars
[CC] bootscreen
[CC] lockedgraphics
[CC] BmLib
[CC] image
[CC] load_bmp
[CC] load_icns
[CC] libscreen
[CC] lodepng
[CC] text
[CC] AcpiPatcher
[CC] AmlGenerator
[CC] ati
[CC] BootLog
[CC] BootOptions
[CC] Console
[CC] cpu
[CC] DataHubCpu
[CC] device_inject
[CC] device_tree
[CC] Edid
[CC] Events
[CC] gma
[CC] guid
[CC] Injectors
[CC] LegacyBiosThunk
[CC] LegacyBoot
[CC] nvidia
[CC] picopng
[CC] platformdata
[CC] plist
[CC] Pointer
[CC] Settings
[CC] smbios
[CC] spd
[CC] string
[CC] StateGenerator
[CC] usbfix
[CC] b64cdecode
[CC] FixBiosDsdt
[CC] kernel_patcher
[CC] kext_patcher
[CC] kext_inject
[CC] Nvram
[CC] card_vlist
[CC] PlatformDriverOverride
[CC] Hibernate
[CC] Net
[CC] AutoGen

GUID cross reference file can be found at /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/FV/Guid.xref

FV Space Information
DUETEFIMAINFVIA32 [32%Full] 2752512 total, 883280 used, 1869232 free

- Done -
Build end time: 16:16:53, Aug.12 2016
Build total time: 00:01:29

Compressing DUETEFIMainFv.FV ...
Compressing DxeCore.efi ...
Compressing DxeIpl.efi ...
Generate Loader Image ...
Created /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_XCODE5/FV/Efildr32
  -> boot3
  -> BOOTIA32.efi
  -> CLOVERIA32.efi
Copy Mandatory drivers:
  -> FSInject-32.efi
  -> FSInject-32.efi
  -> OsxFatBinaryDrv-32.efi
  -> VBoxHfs-32.efi
Copy Optional drivers:
  -> VBoxIso9600-32.efi
  -> VBoxExt2-32.efi
  -> VBoxExt4-32.efi
  -> GrubEXFAT-32.efi
  -> GrubISO9660-32.efi
  -> GrubNTFS-32.efi
  -> GrubUDF-32.efi
  -> Ps2KeyboardDxe-32.efi
  -> Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe-32.efi
  -> Ps2MouseDxe-32.efi
  -> UsbMouseDxe-32.efi
  -> XhciDxe-32.efi
Copy Applications:
  -> bdmesg-32.efi

Generating BootSectors
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
rm -rf sym obj dst

========= Translating Resources ========
Updating 'en' strings file for CloverUpdater... done
Updating 'en' strings file for Clover Preference Panel... done
Updating strings file for Clover Preference Panel... done
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/sv.lproj/Welcome.html (0 of 10 strings; only 0% translated; need 80%).
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/sv.lproj/Description.html (0 of 26 strings; only 0% translated; need 80%).
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/sv.lproj/Conclusion.html (0 of 4 strings; only 0% translated; need 80%).
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings (0 of 116 strings; only 0% translated; need 74%).
Discard ../CloverUpdater/src/sv.lproj/CloverUpdater.strings (0 of 12 strings; only 0% translated; need 74%).
Discard ../CloverPrefpane/src/sv.lproj/CloverPrefpane.strings (0 of 39 strings; only 0% translated; need 74%).

Building CloverUpdater application...
Building CloverPrefpane preference...
================= Making all in fdisk440 =================
	[MKDIR] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440
	[CC32] auto.c
	[CC32] cmd.c
	[CC32] disk.c
	[CC32] fdisk.c
	[CC32] getrawpartition.c
	[CC32] mbr.c
	[CC32] misc.c
	[CC32] opendev.c
	[CC32] part.c
	[CC32] user.c
	[CC64] auto.c
	[CC64] cmd.c
	[CC64] disk.c
	[CC64] fdisk.c
	[CC64] getrawpartition.c
	[CC64] mbr.c
	[CC64] misc.c
	[CC64] opendev.c
	[CC64] part.c
	[CC64] user.c
	[LD32] fdisk440_32
ld: warning: ld: warning: ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/auto.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/disk.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/cmd.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)

ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/fdisk.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/getrawpartition.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: ld: warning: ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/opendev.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/misc.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/mbr.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)

ld: warning: ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/part.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/user.o32) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)

	[LD64] fdisk440_64
ld: warning: ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/cmd.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/auto.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)

ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/disk.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/fdisk.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/getrawpartition.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/mbr.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/opendev.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/part.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/misc.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
ld: warning: object file (/Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440/user.o64) was built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.5)
	[LIPO] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/utils/fdisk440
================= Making all in boot1-install =================
	[XCODE] boot1-install
================= Making all in partutil =================
	[XCODE] partutil
================= Making all in bdmesg =================
	[XCODE] bdmesg
================= Making all in clover-genconfig =================
	[XCODE] clover-genconfig

  Building Clover Install Package

====================== Preinstall ======================
	[BUILD] Pre
===================== Installation =====================
	[BUILD] UEFI.only
================== Target ESP ==========================
	[BUILD] Target.ESP
=================== BiosBoot ===========================
	[BUILD] BiosBoot
===================== Utils ============================
	[BUILD] Utils
===================== EFI folder =======================
	[BUILD] EFIFolder
===================== BootLoaders ======================
	[BUILD] AltBoot
	[BUILD] bootNo
	[BUILD] boot0af
	[BUILD] boot0ss
====================== CloverEFI =======================
	[BUILD] cloverEFI.32
	[BUILD] cloverEFI.64.sata
	[BUILD] cloverEFI.64.blockio2
======================== Themes ========================
	[BUILD] applestyle
	[BUILD] black_green
	[BUILD] bluemac
	[BUILD] bootcamp
	[BUILD] chrome
	[BUILD] iclover
	[BUILD] magnifico
	[BUILD] metal
	[BUILD] orange
	[BUILD] os_box
	[BUILD] os_one
	[BUILD] Shield
	[BUILD] Space
	[BUILD] steampunkblack
	[BUILD] thinkpad
================= drivers32 mandatory ==================
	[BUILD] FSInject-32
===================== drivers32 ========================
	[BUILD] GrubISO9660-32
	[BUILD] GrubNTFS-32
	[BUILD] GrubUDF-32
	[BUILD] Ps2KeyboardDxe-32
	[BUILD] Ps2MouseAbsolutePointerDxe-32
	[BUILD] Ps2MouseDxe-32
	[BUILD] UsbMouseDxe-32
	[BUILD] VBoxExt2-32
	[BUILD] VBoxExt4-32
	[BUILD] VBoxIso9600-32
	[BUILD] XhciDxe-32
=============== drivers32 UEFI mandatory ===============
	[BUILD] FSInject-32.UEFI
	[BUILD] OsxFatBinaryDrv-32.UEFI
	[BUILD] VBoxHfs-32.UEFI
================= drivers64 mandatory ==================
	[BUILD] FSInject-64
===================== drivers64 ========================
	[BUILD] GrubISO9660-64
	[BUILD] GrubNTFS-64
	[BUILD] GrubUDF-64
	[BUILD] NvmExpressDxe-64
	[BUILD] Ps2MouseDxe-64
	[BUILD] UsbMouseDxe-64
	[BUILD] VBoxExt2-64
	[BUILD] VBoxExt4-64
	[BUILD] VBoxIso9600-64
	[BUILD] XhciDxe-64
=============== drivers64 UEFI mandatory ===============
	[BUILD] FSInject-64.UEFI
	[BUILD] OsxFatBinaryDrv-64.UEFI
	[BUILD] VBoxHfs-64.UEFI
=================== drivers64 UEFI =====================
	[BUILD] CsmVideoDxe-64
	[BUILD] DataHubDxe-64
	[BUILD] EmuVariableUefi-64
	[BUILD] OsxAptioFix2Drv-64
	[BUILD] OsxAptioFixDrv-64
	[BUILD] OsxLowMemFixDrv-64
	[BUILD] PartitionDxe-64
===================== RC Scripts =======================
	[BUILD] rc.scripts.on.target
	[BUILD] rc.scripts.on.all.volumes
	[BUILD] rc.scripts.core
================= Optional RC Scripts ==================
	[BUILD] disable_sleep_proxy_client
==================== Clover Prefpane ===================
	[BUILD] CloverPrefpane
================= Post =================
	[BUILD] Post

 Building process complete!

 Build info.
  Package name: Clover_v2.3k_r3695.pkg
  MD5:          0fc4eea82896de4b7f09b794ccf53205
  Version:      v2.3k
  Stage:        v2.3k
  Date/Time:    2016-08-12 16:15:25
  Built by:     Micky1979
  Copyright     2012-2016

  adding: Clover_v2.3k_r3695.pkg (deflated 0%)
  adding: Clover_v2.3k_r3695.pkg.md5 (stored 0%)
total 111560
drwxr-xr-x   9 Micky1979  staff       306 Aug 12 16:17 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 Micky1979  staff       476 Aug 12 16:17 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 Micky1979  staff  28395764 Aug 12 16:17 Clover_v2.3k_r3695.pkg
-rw-r--r--   1 Micky1979  staff        68 Aug 12 16:17 Clover_v2.3k_r3695.pkg.md5
-rw-r--r--   1 Micky1979  staff  28333053 Aug 12 16:17 Clover_v2.3k_r3695.zip
drwxr-xr-x   3 Micky1979  staff       102 Aug 12 16:16 Resources
drwxr-xr-x   7 Micky1979  staff       238 Aug 12 16:17 build
drwxr-xr-x   3 Micky1979  staff       102 Aug 12 16:17 package
drwxr-xr-x   7 Micky1979  staff       238 Aug 12 16:17 utils
================= Making all in fdisk440 =================
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
================= Making all in boot1-install =================
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
================= Making all in partutil =================
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
================= Making all in bdmesg =================
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
================= Making all in clover-genconfig =================
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
====================== Creating cdboot =====================
Update cdboot with boot file size info
===================== Creating cdboot32 ====================
Update cdboot32 with boot file size info
======================= Creating ISO =======================
[RM] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/CloverCD
[MKDIR] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/CloverCD/usr/standalone/i386
[MKDIR] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/CloverCD/EFI/BOOT
[MKDIR] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/CloverCD/EFI/CLOVER/themes/
[MKDIR] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/CloverCD/usr/bin
[MKDIR] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/CloverCD/usr/local/bin
[MKDIR] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/CloverCD/Library/Application Support/Clover
[MKDIR] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/CloverCD/Library/PreferencePanes
[CP] cdboot
[CP] cdboot32
[CP] metal
[CP] drivers64
[CP] kexts and OEM
[CP] tools
[CP] doc
[CP] drivers32
[CP] drivers-off
[CP] boot
[HDIUTIL] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/Clover-v2.3k-3695-X64.iso
[HDIUTIL] /Users/Micky1979/src/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/Clover-v2.3k-3695-IA32.iso
[TAR] CloverISO-3695
a .
a ./Clover-v2.3k-3695-IA32.iso
a ./Clover-v2.3k-3695-X64.iso
[LZMA] CloverISO-3695
total 124160
drwxr-xr-x  14 Micky1979  staff       476 Aug 12 16:17 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 Micky1979  staff       476 Aug 12 16:17 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 Micky1979  staff      6148 Aug 12 16:17 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x   5 Micky1979  staff       170 Aug 12 16:17 CloverCD
drwxr-xr-x   4 Micky1979  staff       136 Aug 12 16:17 CloverISO-3695
-rw-r--r--   1 Micky1979  staff   6439272 Aug 12 16:17 CloverISO-3695.tar.lzma
-rw-r--r--@  1 Micky1979  staff  28395764 Aug 12 16:17 Clover_v2.3k_r3695.pkg
-rw-r--r--   1 Micky1979  staff        68 Aug 12 16:17 Clover_v2.3k_r3695.pkg.md5
-rw-r--r--   1 Micky1979  staff  28333053 Aug 12 16:17 Clover_v2.3k_r3695.zip
drwxr-xr-x   3 Micky1979  staff       102 Aug 12 16:16 Resources
drwxr-xr-x   7 Micky1979  staff       238 Aug 12 16:17 build
drwxr-xr-x   4 Micky1979  staff       136 Aug 12 16:17 i386
drwxr-xr-x   3 Micky1979  staff       102 Aug 12 16:17 package
drwxr-xr-x   7 Micky1979  staff       238 Aug 12 16:17 utils
Micky1979s-MBP:~ Micky1979$ 

Be sure that no errors happened during the update using the option 2):

2) update Clover only (no building)

and look for conflictual file or timeout errors during the update...if any

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