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AppleALC — dynamic AppleHDA patching

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Thank you vit9696, I understand your point! :)


vandroiy2012, you're the man !  It's working, thank you ! A good start


This is my report :


The only working AppleALC is the 2nd version and only with Layout-ID 11 (5,1 ) - Attached,



What I'm noticing : 


- No Volume Control


1- Line-out 1 : Working - It activates either Front Or Rear Out - One at a time

2- Headphones : Not working.

3- Line-out 2 : Working - It activate only Rear Out.

4- DigitalOut : I cannot test it atm.

5- Mic Ok but with a feedback delay.


6- C/Sub     : Not working / Not mapped ?



This is a wonderful start, I'm really grateful. 


Can you help for the next step ?




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Try this. 

Layout 11 - 5.1 (from previous version)

Layout 12 - NEW version 







Layout 12 - it not working ( Only HDMI audio from my Nvidia is showing in sound control pannel )


Btw : when I add  "21570A01" at the end of the ConfigData in PinConfigs for Layer 11, I can see Volume Control, this works but has no effect on sound ( like it's not mapped )...

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Exactly, the same Kext. This is why I included it in my first post. I'm using it now, VC works, but rear out not working.



I'm using with this Kext Layout-ID : 0  ( The first one in the HDAConfigDefault array list )


You can find my ioreg zipped export.


Tell me if it's ok for you.


Edit : I did another test, with this kext Headphone is working Front and rear/ Rear output Ok too. yes this is the best kext...



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yassinex, might you have additional clover patches or pin config kexts installed anywhere else?


Here is my config file. I don't have any AppleHDA patch on it, at the same time, perhaps something is wrong on the ACPI part...

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Thanks Mikey 1979. I saw CodeComander.kext bundled inside the patched AppleHDA.kext provided in #408. But in my current configuration I don't have it loaded, only AppleALC.
I'll try to load it to see the effect.



No changes..... :(


You can find my Config.plist, CodeCommander.kext, IoReg and the last AppleALC I use atm ( with CodeCommander this time ). and a screen ....still no VC, no headphone sound out.

Perhaps I can help with logs if you need any ? And btw if you can confirm that my config,plist is ok, it 'll help me going forward. 

I'm asking people with CA0132 from the CA0132 post : http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/309283-creative-ca0132-g1sniper-m3-patch-for-applehda-or-voodoohda to test the latest AppleALC.







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I made an AppleALC.kext which works with the CA0132 codec, but i don't use it since i've replaced my old drive, if i found the time i will upload that kext.


@yassinex, that kind of feedback you made @post #403 is exactly what i've missed @my topic.

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I made an AppleALC.kext which works with the CA0132 codec, but i don't use it since i've replaced my old drive, if i found the time i will upload that kext.


@yassinex, that kind of feedback you made @post #403 is exactly what i've missed @my topic.


Thanks for your feedback wern apfel. It will be fantastic id you could find this file and share it publicly :) Specially if the sound control is working !



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Thanks for your feedback wern apfel. It will be fantastic id you could find this file and share it publicly :) Specially if the sound control is working !



Hi, yassinex,


I have the exact same board and cpu system,but my graphic is radeon R9390


Anyway, I am looking for the solution for audio too. I saw one guy who just said solved audio problem. I tried his guide with new install 10.11.4, but it is working with VC and sound. However, the sound is very unclear like very bad. I can control the sound itself which is good but the actual sound is so bad. This is his instruction.


File is here


Original Audio with Volume Control:

1)Don't modify the original AppleHDA.kext in S/L/E. If you did, just undone it. Remove VoodooHDA if you have.

2)Search AppleALC at github, run it. Mount EFI by Clover Configurator then Put the AppleALC,kext in EFI/Clover/kexts/10.11/

3)Modify config.plist using Clover Configurator, find devices/audio, inject 9 and reset AppleHDA.


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Hi, yassinex,


I have the exact same board and cpu system,but my graphic is radeon R9390


Anyway, I am looking for the solution for audio too. I saw one guy who just said solved audio problem. I tried his guide with new install 10.11.4, but it is working with VC and sound. However, the sound is very unclear like very bad. I can control the sound itself which is good but the actual sound is so bad. This is his instruction.


File is here


Original Audio with Volume Control


1)Don't modify the original AppleHDA.kext in S/L/E. If you did, just undone it. Remove VoodooHDA if you have.

2)Search AppleALC at github, run it. Mount EFI by Clover Configurator then Put the AppleALC,kext in EFI/Clover/kexts/10.11/

3)Modify config.plist using Clover Configurator, find devices/audio, inject 9 and reset AppleHDA.

I really don't now what you mean with "the solution for audio", there are a lot of solutions floating around for your codec.

If you're not able to edit your files upload the dsdt.aml and config.plist you actually use and i will edit this files for you, so that you can use all kexts i've patched. 

I don't think the audio kext from user kencar you linked is fully working.

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You can find the attached kext with my contribution :


With Layout -11 you can get :


Working :

- Main Out

- Headphones Front and back

- Rear

- Mic

- HP switching


Not Working :

- Volume Control

- Sub/c

- SPIDIF/Digital ( Although not tested ) 


With Layout 12 you can get :

- Main Out - OK but sound is boosted

- Volume Control - OK


I made 100 try and test to narrow the right ConfigData codes/ Map.


Fyi, This is the configdata that map I found :


Volume Control                                  = 01570A01
Rear                                                  = 01171E01
Front                                                  =  Any/Nothing
Headphone Front / Headphone rear = 01270881
SUB                                                   = ???
Microphone                                       = 01271F90 
SPIDIF DIGITAL                                 = ???
The weird thing is that you cannot combine the volume control code with the rest, it will mute HP / Rear...etc.
@buyjoey, thanks alot for your help ;)
@wern apfel, you said you have a kext with Sub working...if you can pass it to me ( or narrow the right code ), it will make the Layout 11 more complete.
@vandroiy2012/vit9696, it's really strange that with wern apfel AppleHDA kext, the code is combining VC HP ..etc is working and not with AppleALC. is it a bug  ?


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It's not a bug i'm sure... For now i haven't seen 100% working resources for CA0132. Resources from wern apfel's kext kinda weird... I don't know how they work with this pinconfig



It shouldn't work at all with this pinconfig data... 

This data i take from the kext you confirm WORKING for you 100%!!!




So my point is you should beg wern apfel to upload all resources with correct pinconfig data, unpacked platforms and layout... Also ask him to define what bin patches he made in his kext... 


Your codec is NOT an exception. If you provide WORKING resources, correct pinconfig data and correct binpatches AppleALC will inject it and you get the same working sound as with kext attached higher.


Please understand me i don't want to dig in this mess... 

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