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Creative CA0132 (G1.Sniper M3) patch for AppleHDA or VoodooHDA

wern apfel

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I'm not sure if it's only a High Sierra Beta issue.

But from early testings I can remember that the microphone becomes quieter at full gain, to make it louder you have to reduce the slider to about -16dB to make it louder. Is sounds strange, but you can try it and change dB by dB and see if it gets louder with the Audio-MIDI-Setup tool.


Siri does not care about these settings, that's the reason why it works.


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Well, I am back to 10.12.5 ( no more beta)



Now microphone works, but only front input, back input does not work(motherboard). It is weird, isn't?


Unfortunately, there is currently no auto switching between front and rear microphone.

For working rear microphone use layout-id 6.

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But I tried with the CodecCommander on post #440 and the mic is now ok at rear.

The CodecCommander.kext i've provided with AppleALC has some changes, other revisions make no sense for this codec.



Just to let you know, because is must be a problem on the kexts.

Until now i can't give you better functionality for this codec, like i've described @AppleALC topic, with layout-id 5 you can use the front microphone, all other IDs are patched for the rear jack.

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@wen apfel, I tried to change the lilu in AppleALC with the latest version but it doesn't work. Seems like your lilu is special. Can you update to the last version please. Also is it possible to have the lilu kext out of the plugin folder of AppleALC ?

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Thanks for everyone who is helping!!!


I'm trying to get audio working for my current setup:


- gigabyte ga-z170x-Gaming 7

- i7 7700k

- geforce 1060

- macOS sierra 10.12.5


I used the AppleALC + lilu in the kexts/other and CodecCommander in S/L/E

Tried different Layout-IDs: 0, 3, 5 but no devices found :(


Was a new macOS install without messing with any of the other audio stuff before.


Anyone any idea what is still wrong?


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Tried first to add the Devices > Audio > ResetHDA checkmark - didn't change anything.

Then added the Acpi > DSDT > change HDAS to HDEF patch - output of DCPIManager looks different but still no devices found ...


Created a dump with IOJones - attached.


First time I tried to get this working I also used the HDAS -> HDEF patch + installed voodooHDA, sound worked but not the volume control. was hoping to get this working as well with these new kexts.





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Tried first to add the Devices > Audio > ResetHDA checkmark - didn't change anything.

Don't use ResetHDA


Then added the Acpi > DSDT > change HDAS to HDEF patch - output of DCPIManager looks different but still no devices found ...

The ioreg dump still shows me an HDAS ACPI device. You probably need the FixHDA patch as MikeSantos said.

Or edit your DSDT.aml.

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sooo ... changed a couple of things as you suggested. thank you!!


clover configurator looks like this (see attachment).

but nothing changed - no audio devices found :(


more ideas?

Ok, the HDAS to HDEF patch works, but the AppleALC is not loaded. Download the latest AppleALC binaries + lilu from vit9696s GitHub, or from post #471.

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mmmm, yesterday everything was working ok, today after starting the computer, devices are there but no sound!? without changing anything. :(

how could that be happening?


PS: checked and headphones front + back are working. but line-out just stopped without me changing anything.

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mmmm, yesterday everything was working ok, today after starting the computer, devices are there but no sound!? without changing anything. :(

how could that be happening?


PS: checked and headphones front + back are working. but line-out just stopped without me changing anything.

Does it work if you have started Windows once?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a little applet for your CA0132 codec to switch your outputs, until I finish the App with some more features.

It should work with the AppleALC layouts 4 and 6, the microphone should be switchable on all layouts.

It seems to work well. I'm using layout 4 which has Digital Out, Front, C/Sub, Rear, and Internal Mic. The Mic is switched to Front or Rear, C/Sub is disabled or enabled.

Front Mic seems to enable Front HP and Front Mic, disable C/Sub and Rear Mic. Actually, it seems front Mic is also getting audio from one of the Outputs if I have the output selected (I think it's the C/Sub one). If I select a different output, then all the input comes from the microphone. That could be a feature, if you want to record an output.

Front HP seems to enable Front HP and Rear Mic, disable C/Sub and Front Mic.

C/Sub seems to enable C/Sub and Rear Mic, disable Rear HP, Front HP, Front Mic.

The app quits after 10 seconds or when you click a button. It should probably not quit.

A feature I would like to see in AppleALC is to be able to rename the inputs and outputs. This might require more patches to AppleHDA. Then you're app can also rename the inputs or outputs depending on the button pressed. I can create aggregate devices with custom names, but the Sound preferences panel will only show 9 devices and I can't hide the real devices.


Maybe we need an app to show the layout like the Microsoft "High Definition Audio (HD Audio) tool" does (with better graphing), to understand the options and the results.

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So, I guess I’m next in line…

At first I’d like to thank you all for your efforts and constant work to get this all done. I guess it’s a little annoying to hear these desperate cries for help (guess what, here comes another one) and to answer the same questions over and over again. You seem not to be tired off all of that and I appreciate it very much.


My story so far:

A few weeks ago I felt my MBP 17inch 2009 is old enough to be replaced. I stumbled over this 9to5-guide to set up an up to date hackintosh. It was a very elaborate ‘painting by numbers’- guide so it seemed to be manageable even for a textbook-noob like me. I ordered a similar GA-Z170X gaming 7 based machine, put on my chef hat and followed the detailed instructions in that hackintosh cooking receipt. When clover took over the Sierra installation process it instantly got stuck in a reboot loop. The problem: The guide was based on an older BIOS not the F21 of my similar motherboard. I found another guide here on InsanelyMac which used my BIOS, but was for a slightly different mb (gaming 5 not 7) which has Realtek not Creative sound. I used the clover folder from that guide and everything went smoothly, except sound, which was no surprise. I installed VoodooHD like suggested in the first 9to5-guide - no sound. No surprise neither, because I obviously mixed up those two guides with different sound solutions. In the meantime I installed 10.12.6 which runs without any problems (except sound).

So the next steps would be to remove all the voodoo stuff and replace it with the AppleALC solution à la Apfel.

My goal would be to have at least front headphone, HDMI sound and volume control.

I know all the knowledge is there in the last 487 posts, but I’m totally lost to puzzle it all together by myself. I’m just to uninformed in this field.

What I’m hoping for is a noobproof step-by-step-guide which routes me through the whole process (setting the right layout ID? How?? rebuild the cache? Where?? ...you see what I mean).

I’m sure such a guide would be very helpful to a lot of people not only me. It would sum up the findings of the last months and could prevent a lot of recurrent questions from being asked/answered over again.

I donated some money in advance to show my respect to this community and to valuate all the work that went into it.

I would even send a Kasten Bier (of your choice) to the doorsteps of you, Mr. Apfel, if it would motivate you to give away some more of your precious time and guide me to success.

Thank you!


Edit (8/2/17)

I tried:

Make sure you use an untouched AppleHDA.kext, remove VoodooHDA.kext, AppleHDADisabler/Enabler.kext, Creative*CA0132.kext then put AppleALC.kext + Lilu.kext to clover/kexts/other, CodecCommander to /S/L/E, repair permissions, rebuild the cache, reboot. Try layout-id from 0 to 6

but I'm sure there's a lot off/missing here. As I said before I don't even know where/how to edit the layout-ID.

Right now my audio looks deranged like this...



Edit (8/2/17 - a bit later)

Did the last steps again... et voilà: Audio is working for the first time! (very proud). Right now only from the back panel not front hp. So I will do some more research among all the posts to get front hp and hdmi out running.

Audio look like this now...


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It seems to work well. I'm using layout 4 which has Digital Out, Front, C/Sub, Rear, and Internal Mic. The Mic is switched to Front or Rear, C/Sub is disabled or enabled.

Front Mic seems to enable Front HP and Front Mic, disable C/Sub and Rear Mic. Actually, it seems front Mic is also getting audio from one of the Outputs if I have the output selected (I think it's the C/Sub one). If I select a different output, then all the input comes from the microphone. That could be a feature, if you want to record an output.

Front HP seems to enable Front HP and Rear Mic, disable C/Sub and Front Mic.

C/Sub seems to enable C/Sub and Rear Mic, disable Rear HP, Front HP, Front Mic.

The app quits after 10 seconds or when you click a button. It should probably not quit.

A feature I would like to see in AppleALC is to be able to rename the inputs and outputs. This might require more patches to AppleHDA. Then you're app can also rename the inputs or outputs depending on the button pressed. I can create aggregate devices with custom names, but the Sound preferences panel will only show 9 devices and I can't hide the real devices.


Maybe we need an app to show the layout like the Microsoft "High Definition Audio (HD Audio) tool" does (with better graphing), to understand the options and the results.

Thanks for the feedback. The apps were quickly tinkered, but the second one should work better. 


 Actually, it seems front Mic is also getting audio from one of the Outputs if I have the output selected (I think it's the C/Sub one). If I select a different output, then all the input comes from the microphone. That could be a feature, if you want to record an output.

I guess it is the WUH feature, I will test it.


So, I guess I’m next in line…

At first I’d like to thank you all for your efforts and constant work to get this all done. I guess it’s a little annoying to hear these desperate cries for help (guess what, here comes another one) and to answer the same questions over and over again. You seem not to be tired off all of that and I appreciate it very much.


My story so far:

A few weeks ago I felt my MBP 17inch 2009 is old enough to be replaced. I stumbled over this 9to5-guide to set up an up to date hackintosh. It was a very elaborate ‘painting by numbers’- guide so it seemed to be manageable even for a textbook-noob like me. I ordered a similar GA-Z170X gaming 7 based machine, put on my chef hat and followed the detailed instructions in that hackintosh cooking receipt. When clover took over the Sierra installation process it instantly got stuck in a reboot loop. The problem: The guide was based on an older BIOS not the F21 of my similar motherboard. I found another guide here on InsanelyMac which used my BIOS, but was for a slightly different mb (gaming 5 not 7) which has Realtek not Creative sound. I used the clover folder from that guide and everything went smoothly, except sound, which was no surprise. I installed VoodooHD like suggested in the first 9to5-guide - no sound. No surprise neither, because I obviously mixed up those two guides with different sound solutions. In the meantime I installed 10.12.6 which runs without any problems (except sound).

So the next steps would be to remove all the voodoo stuff and replace it with the AppleALC solution à la Apfel.

My goal would be to have at least front headphone, HDMI sound and volume control.

I know all the knowledge is there in the last 487 posts, but I’m totally lost to puzzle it all together by myself. I’m just to uninformed in this field.

What I’m hoping for is a noobproof step-by-step-guide which routes me through the whole process (setting the right layout ID? How?? rebuild the cache? Where?? ...you see what I mean).

I’m sure such a guide would be very helpful to a lot of people not only me. It would sum up the findings of the last months and could prevent a lot of recurrent questions from being asked/answered over again.

I donated some money in advance to show my respect to this community and to valuate all the work that went into it.

I would even send a Kasten Bier (of your choice) to the doorsteps of you, Mr. Apfel, if it would motivate you to give away some more of your precious time and guide me to success.

Thank you!


Edit (8/2/17)

I tried:

Make sure you use an untouched AppleHDA.kext, remove VoodooHDA.kext, AppleHDADisabler/Enabler.kext, Creative*CA0132.kext then put AppleALC.kext + Lilu.kext to clover/kexts/other, CodecCommander to /S/L/E, repair permissions, rebuild the cache, reboot. Try layout-id from 0 to 6

but I'm sure there's a lot off/missing here. As I said before I don't even know where/how to edit the layout-ID.

Right now my audio looks deranged like this...



Edit (8/2/17 - a bit later)

Did the last steps again... et voilà: Audio is working for the first time! (very proud). Right now only from the back panel not front hp. So I will do some more research among all the posts to get front hp and hdmi out running.

Audio look like this now...


Congratulation, it seems that you did it right. Since the screenshot shows internal speakers I guess you use layout-id 1, which is for Alienware laptops. If you want to use front Headphones change the layout-id to 4,5,6. Look at the very detailed test results of joevt. With that layout-IDs you can use the small app, which I've attached below. 

post-448675-0-89468100-1501682775_thumb.png  CA0132Tool.zip

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Congratulation, it seems that you did it right. Since the screenshot shows internal speakers I guess you use layout-id 1, which is for Alienware laptops. If you want to use front Headphones change the layout-id to 4,5,6. Look at the very detailed test results of joevt. With that layout-IDs you can use the small app, which I've attached below. 

attachicon.gifca0132tool.png  attachicon.gifCA0132Tool.zip


Wow, works like a charm now! Thank you!!

Any advise how to get sound over the nvidia hdmi as well?

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Wow, works like a charm now! Thank you!!

Any advise how to get sound over the nvidia hdmi as well?

You have to add some code to your DSDT for HDMI, there are also some SSDTs which can fix it. Do you use a custom DSDT?. You could also try the Clover AddHDMI patch.

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You have to add some code to your DSDT for HDMI, there are also some SSDTs which can fix it. Do you use a custom DSDT?. You could also try the Clover AddHDMI patch.


I enabled 2 hdmi options in Clover Configuratur I could find on first sight (pic). One is for the patch I guess. But hdmi did not show up in system profile.

I guess I use a custom DSDT and there are some SSDTs regarding hdmi in the *patched" folder as well (pic). Remember I just copied the whole clover folder from another guide. I never touched anything beside the config.plist via Clover Config. and the kext folders. Any idea how to move forward from here?



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