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So I recently followed a tutorial by Chris111 (or something like that) on how to install Yosemite on my PC. I've been spending hours and hours trying to get my mackintosh up and running after trying a million times with different installers (chameleon, uni--.-.-.-.-.-beast). Originally, with (the naughty word), i was getting an AppleUSBxhci kext error but now with chameleon i'm getting AppleUSBAudio error.


Any help is appreciated!


---My Specs---

CPU - Intel Xeon e3-1230v3

GPU - Gigabyte GTX 970




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1. Installed GenericUSBXHCI (https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/os-x-generic-usb3/downloads)? - Are you using a boot-flag for it, like "-gux-defer-usb2" and "kext-dev-mode=1"?

2. Could it be that your USB3.0-Boost is the problem?

3. Really rebuilt the kernel-cache via commandline (sudo kextcache -m /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext /System/Library/Extensions)?

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