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Yosemite fails to wake from sleep


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I have the same problem with you. The system is OS X 10.11.2.


Since my laptop is Thinkpad W550s, DSDT is quite different from yours, so there no SMIP/OSFL/OSFX


So I tried to put each of the parameters, but all return windowsNT.


The original _INI code is:

            If (CondRefOf (\_OSI, Local0))
                If (\_OSI ("Windows 2001"))
                    Store (0x01, \WNTF)
                    Store (0x01, \WXPF)
                    Store (0x00, \WSPV)
                    Store (0x07D1, OSYS)

                If (\_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP1"))
                    Store (0x01, \WSPV)
                    Store (0x07D1, OSYS)

                If (\_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP2"))
                    Store (0x02, \WSPV)
                    Store (0x07D2, OSYS)

                If (\_OSI ("Windows 2006"))
                    Store (0x01, \WVIS)
                    Store (0x07D6, OSYS)

                If (\_OSI ("Windows 2009"))
                    Store (0x01, \WIN7)
                    Store (0x07D9, OSYS)

                If(LOr(_OSI("Darwin"),_OSI("Windows 2012")))
                    Store (0x01, \WIN8)
                    Store (0x07DC, OSYS)

                If (\_OSI ("Windows 2013"))
                    Store (0x01, \WIN8)
                    Store (0x07DD, OSYS)

                If (\_OSI ("Windows 2015"))
                    Store (0x01, \WIN8)
                    Store (0x07DF, OSYS)

                If (\_OSI ("Linux"))
                    Store (0x01, \LNUX)
                    Store (0x03E8, OSYS)

                If (\_OSI ("FreeBSD"))
                    Store (0x01, \LNUX)
                    Store (0x03E8, OSYS)
                If (LEqual (\SCMP (\_OS, "Microsoft Windows NT"), Zero))
                    Store (0x01, \WNTF)

            If (LGreaterEqual (\_REV, 0x02))
                Store (0x01, \H8DR)

            Store (0x01, \OSIF)
            Store (\_SB.PCI0.LPC.EC.AC._PSR (), \PWRS)
            \_SB.PCI0.LPC.MOU.MHID ()
            If (\LNUX)
                \_SB.PCI0.LPC.EC.SAUM (0x02)
                \UCMS (0x1C)

            Store (\SRAH, \_SB.PCI0.RID)
            If (VIGD)
                Store (\SRHE, \_SB.PCI0.VID.RID)
                Store (\SRHE, \_SB.PCI0.PEG.RID)

            Store (\SRE1, \_SB.PCI0.EXP1.RID)
            Store (\SRE2, \_SB.PCI0.EXP2.RID)
            Store (\SRE3, \_SB.PCI0.EXP3.RID)
            Store (\SRU7, \_SB.PCI0.EH01.RID)
            Store (\SRLP, \_SB.PCI0.LPC.RID)
            Store (\SRSA, \_SB.PCI0.SAT1.RID)
            Store (\SRSM, \_SB.PCI0.SMBU.RID)
            \UCMS (0x1D) 

What I was doing is to delete these code, then, for example:

add the code(from my DSDT Windows2001 ) below into _ini method

Store (0x01, \WNTF)
Store (0x01, \WXPF)
Store (0x00, \WSPV)
Store (0x07D1, OSYS) 

I tried from Windows 2001 to Windows 2012, but still "WindowsNT".


I printed the value of _OSI("XXXXX"), it looks like this:

1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Darwin", 0xffffffff, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Windows 2001", 0x0, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Windows 2001 SP1", 0x0, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Windows 2001 SP2", 0x0, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Windows 2006", 0x0, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Windows 2009", 0x0, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Windows 2012", 0x0, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Windows 2013", 0x0, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Windows 2015", 0x0, }
1/7/16 2:16:26.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPIDebug: { "DIY_Microsoft Windows NT", 0x0, }
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