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So, currently I'm running Mountain Lion 10.8.5 on the laptop in my signature. It is able to boot and most everything works so far. One of those things is sleep, but it acts kind of strange. When I boot and make it to the desktop, it's quite slow and the graphics are laggy to the point of where the thing is unusable, but when I close the lid or somehow reach the menu and hit sleep and then wake, everything is fast again. I want it to just be fast on startup. Any ideas? I've google'd quite a lot and haven't the slightest clue what's wrong.

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You should see it with ioregestry explorer at the first entry for the cpu. There should show up AGPM Enabler and AGPM controller and also AGPM and AGPM client under your IGPU display, if activated and sucessfully loaded.


In any case you schould use with Clover the by Clover recognized SMBios platform. For this platform you have to generate a valid Board SN to get AGPM loaded and working. If this only does not work, a possible way, to slove this issue, seems to be creating LegacyPlatform and AGPM kexts with a faked not existing Apple device name or whatever you want to name it. This kexts have to be based on the by Clover for your device recognized SMBios platform with necessary edits.


Have fun.



Replace in the Info.plist of the attached kext the digits "Fake-name" with yours and install it to S/L/E.


If everything else is proper configured, it could be the missing part for working AGPM. Important is, that you use a fake name and not a real existing Apple device name.


Have fun.

Master Chiefs LegacyAGPM-kext.zip

I FIXED IT! Seems like it was processor-related. I injected the kernel extension "VoodooTSCsync.kext" and I was able to successfully boot into mountain lion without any startup lag. Not sure how sleep substitutes this at all though. But, also this fixed my mavericks and yosemite problem as i was able to install both and successfully get to the desktop with native power management. I'm writing from the Yosemite beta as we speak! :)

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