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I recently build up a new computer with the following components:

  • Mainboard: GA-H97M-D3H
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 4590
  • RAM: 2 x 4 GB Crucial
  • PSU: Corsair CW 430 Watts
  • HDD: WD Green 1 TB
  • GPU: HD 4600 / Palit GeForce GTX 750 Ti (Maxwell)

I decided to install OS X 10.9.3 with myHack 3.3.1, which went very smooth. Likewise the first boot of OS X went without any specific trouble and I got ethernet and audio running with the help of installing the appropriate kexts. As side note: the GTX 750 Ti is not intended to be used as GPU but only for CUDA (with Linux), I named it only for completeness.


The only problem remaining now is QE which I cannot enable on the integrated HD 4600 graphics which are connected via HDMI. Which, however, runs at full resolution of 1920x1080. But, as many related posts note, it only shows 7 MB VRAM (or similar less) in system information dialog.


I've tried several things to enable QE:

  • Used Chameleon with GraphicsEnabler=No and IntelAzulFB between 0 to 15.
  • Result: screen works most of the time with full resolution. Sometimes GPU shows 1024 MB VRAM, but no QE enabled (e.g. on "10").


  • Used Chimera with IGPlatformID=XXXXXXXX (basically equivalent to IntelAzulFB).
  • Same result as with Chameleon, but *never* 1024 MB VRAM but always only 7 MB.


  • Used Clover with FakeID 0x0 and likewise combinations for ig-platform-id
  • Same result as with Chimera, sometimes I got a blank screen but system seemed working, maybe it used another graphics Port I couldn't connect to (possibly DVI, but I currently do not have a DVI cable, will have one on Monday).


  • Replaced 10.9.3 AppleIntelFramebufferAzul.kext with the one of 10.9.1.
  • No success.


What's now missing is an DSDT edit as suggested by some threads (inject IGPU section with parameters). But TBH I'm a bit afraid of this, since the GB mainboards usually should work without DSDT, right? Maybe there is no reason to be afraid taking this last step and maybe I'll do it after some encouragement.


Now I'm pretty much at my wit's end. Maybe here are some more suggestions. Or could it be, that the Haswell refresh CPU I'm using is still "too new" and 10.9.4 or whatever will fix this?



Cheers & Thanks,


Well, after some thinking about this topic I might have a rough idea of what's going on. While reading http://support.apple.com/kb/ht3246 (About integrated video on Intel-based Macs) I've noticed, that *no* Mac has a HD 4600 as main GPU. Furthermore, in another blog which deals with graphics performance and smbios.plist (http://thedotnetter.wordpress.com/tag/smbios-plist/), I noticed that for the author it was crucial to set the correct entry in smbios.plist. Long story short: he changed the entry from iMac13,1 to MacPro3,1 (!) and this boosted the graphics performance by 20%. Most probably because the Mac Pro is extensible while the iMac is not and thus the internals of OS X are advised to do some more magic when selecting graphics drivers.


TL;DR: I'll have to try whether changing smbios.plist entry from iMac (now) to Mac Pro or something that comes more close to my HD4600 setup works, because it's highly likely, that the currently identified machine simply does not allow loading the HD4600 driver. Unfortunately this won't happen before monday, but then I'll report back...

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