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I've just tried Sleepless 1.7.1, and found out it depends on a kext named "Insomnia.kext". Fortunately, it is a open source kext which you may found here (Insomnia ). I just grab the source, and compile it with XCode 2.1. Now it works!



1. Build from source or grab the kext I upload. (Insomnia.kext.zip )

2. chown -R root:wheel Insomnia.kext

chmod -R 755 Insomnia.kext

for correcting permissions.

3. sudo kextload Insomnia.kext

4. Now you've got it.

5. Let it sleep -> sudo kextunload Insomnia.kext



My 700m still goes to sleep when the lid is closed...


Did you just put it in Extensions folder or load it after system started?


On my notebook, it won't work if it loaded automatically by putting in Extensions, must load it manually in Terminal after system started completely.

I tried adding this to my Extensions folder, and it loaded but it didn't work.


So then I added a line to my /etc/rc file like macgirl suggested, and again it loaded but didn't work.


But then I was thinking, what if I made a script to do it for me. I googled some basic applescript, and made one that worked. Made this script into an app bundle, threw the kext into the bundle, added it to my dock, and right-clicked it to Open at Login.


Now it loads after everything else, and works. But what good is this discovery without sharing eh?


Here's the applescript inside the bundle:

do shell script "kextload /Applications/Insomnia.app/contents/Insomnia.kext" with administrator privileges

specifically in Insomnia.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/main.scpt


If you change it to:

do shell script "kextload /Applications/Insomnia.app/contents/Insomnia.kext" password "your password" with administrator privileges


then it wont prompt you for your password to run. And if you look at the script, it's made to run from the Applications folder. If you really want to run it from somewhere else, change the path to the kext in the script.


Well, here she is, enjoy!


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