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OSx86 10.4.2 (Possibly) Leaked?


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I was under the impression that the dev kits weren't yours to keep and that devs had to reutrn them. And the costs of the dev kits are mere pennies to a Corp. like Apple.


Thanks once again for the update!


That is correct, but I really doubt that developers would appreciate having to interrupt their work every few months to move to a new machine.

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Maybe there will be an update to OSX86 Mac OS X 10.4.3 build 8F31 ----


Monday, October 03, 2005

Mac OS X 10.4.3 build 8F31


Earlier this week Apple seeded developers with build 8F31 of Mac OS X 10.4.3. The new build includes more than 20 additional fixes on top of the 500-plus the 100MB update is already planned to deliver.


Five relatively obscure issues are still known to exist according to accompanying seed notes, but recent information indicates that a bigger priority for Mac OS X engineers involves correcting recently acknowledged issues with 1.8GHz Power Mac G5 (late 2004) systems. Apple is hoping to eliminate the issue and satiate frustrated owners of such systems with Mac OS X 10.4.3.


Any forthcoming Apple systems, including the previously reported Power Mac G5 revision, are also expected to rely on Mac OS X 10.4.3, although the recently upgraded Mac mini systems have been shipping with a modified version of Mac OS X 10.4.2, build 8D40. Ordinary Mac OS X 10.4.2 installations (that is, those copies of Tiger updated with Apple's Mac OS X 10.4.2 update) include build 8C46.


Source: ThinkSecret


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I'm sure that they'll send out an upgrade at some point, just like they've done for 10.4.2.


This update is more of an OS in progress, though, rather than simple bug fixes. They're still adding more things to the x86 version to catch up to the PPC version in terms of functionality.

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Maybe there will be an update to OSX86 Mac OS X 10.4.3 build 8F31 ----


Monday, October 03, 2005

Mac OS X 10.4.3 build 8F31


Earlier this week Apple seeded developers with build 8F31 of Mac OS X 10.4.3. The new build includes more than 20 additional fixes on top of the 500-plus the 100MB update is already planned to deliver.


Five relatively obscure issues are still known to exist according to accompanying seed notes, but recent information indicates that a bigger priority for Mac OS X engineers involves correcting recently acknowledged issues with 1.8GHz Power Mac G5 (late 2004) systems. Apple is hoping to eliminate the issue and satiate frustrated owners of such systems with Mac OS X 10.4.3.


Any forthcoming Apple systems, including the previously reported Power Mac G5 revision, are also expected to rely on Mac OS X 10.4.3, although the recently upgraded Mac mini systems have been shipping with a modified version of Mac OS X 10.4.2, build 8D40. Ordinary Mac OS X 10.4.2 installations (that is, those copies of Tiger updated with Apple's Mac OS X 10.4.2 update) include build 8C46.


Source: ThinkSecret




Thanks for the interesting article. I suppose I'd better add this site to those I track routinely...

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Lots of new kexts (and tons of updated ones in 10.4.2):


Lots of new Ethernet and Adaptec stuff

AppleHollywood.kext (?)


New Nvidia Drivers (not sure if they're working)

and tons more.


Neato. It looks like they're supporting TONS more hardware as they've written TONS of new Ethernet drivers and it looks like they ported over the Broadcom drivers to automatically work.

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Lots of new kexts (and tons of updated ones in 10.4.2):

and tons more.


Neato. It looks like they're supporting TONS more hardware as they've written TONS of new Ethernet drivers and it looks like they ported over the Broadcom drivers to automatically work.


Sounds fishy, is like Apple really wants a lot of hardware work with OS X, of course a conspiracy theory.

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Lots of new kexts (and tons of updated ones in 10.4.2) [...] TONS more hardware as they've written TONS of new Ethernet drivers
What are "Lots" and "TONS"? I would at least like to get some numbers, rough figures, if you refrain from posting details.
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It looks like they're supporting TONS more hardware as they've written TONS of new Ethernet drivers and it looks like they ported over the Broadcom drivers to automatically work.
We are very curious to a report of the first working install on a vanilla pc...


Lots of new kexts (and tons of updated ones in 10.4.2):


New Nvidia Drivers (not sure if they're working)

and tons more.


Never figured out why the 10.4.1 version contains Ati, Nvidia, drivers etc, but not to a complete, working extend :) and now, new Nvidia drivers you say? What good would that be on an onboard Intel gpu developpers board? Unless ...

Why would they put in new Nvidia drivers...if they are not supposed to work...?

Sounds fishy, is like Apple really wants a lot of hardware work with OS X, of course a conspiracy theory.
And this is something bad? Would you mind osx on vanilla x86 instead of Windows?
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Dont hold your breath, the NVidia drivers do not contain the i386 counterpart only the ppc (at least the NVDAResman which is the key to running proper NV HAL driver).


As to why Apple includes them, maybe they are part of the PPC build or an overal build process and will eventually support i386. Or maybe we are missing something ...

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Never figured out why the 10.4.1 version contains Ati, Nvidia, drivers etc, but not to a complete, working extend and now, new Nvidia drivers you say? What good would that be on an onboard Intel gpu developpers board? Unless ...

Why would they put in new Nvidia drivers...if they are not supposed to work...?


Has anyone put a Mac video card ( Mac BIOS ) in a vanila box to see if the PPC side of the code will work on that card!?

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I'm not sure that 'tons of new kexts' is fishy - Apple will probably source internal components from many different manufacturers when they release their x86 machines. It makes sense that they would put the support into the build as early as possible so the bugs can be ironed out during development - that way they can ship BrandX ethernet (or whatever) if their supply of BrandZ cards dries up, or offer ProductY as a faster/cheaper/newer alternative to ProductX at order time.


As for non-working or wrong-processor kexts in the development build, I'm not surprised by that either. When I used to write programs I often put stub modules or modules borrowed from other builds into test versions as placeholders so I could (1) check that calls worked, (2) get a feel for the size of the build, (3) work on the logic overview and flow without missing components. Usually we went back and swapped out the dud module for the proper one later in the process. (I say 'usually' because of course sometimes things got missed :( and sometimes things turned out to be redundant but weren't removed...)


Just a thought on the 'identifiability' of each dev DVD. I haven't seen a genuine developer DVD but I'm assuming they're pressed, not DVD/R? If they're pressed, it would be astronomically expensive to have hundreds of different masters and have the foundry create each one as a unique disc. Which is why commercial software relies on user serials. If they're DVD/R then of course it's easy to make a few slight differences.


That's my two penn'orth (or 2 cents worth if you prefer).

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If I've understood this correctly, the Dev DVD was a pressed disk, and un-identifiable, the 10.4.2 update is a download, localised, and possibly identifiable.


Thanks Hagar - that makes sense.

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As for non-working or wrong-processor kexts in the development build, I'm not surprised by that either. When I used to write programs I often put stub modules or modules borrowed from other builds into test versions as placeholders so I could (1) check that calls worked, (2) get a feel for the size of the build, (3) work on the logic overview and flow without missing components. Usually we went back and swapped out the dud module for the proper one later in the process. (I say 'usually' because of course sometimes things got missed ;) and sometimes things turned out to be redundant but weren't removed...)


Finally some common, and educated, sense about why things are included (or missing). Most people are not aware of development processes and assume all kinds of things. This post should help shine some light onto the subject. Thanks Metrogirl. :D

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Here is an update on what is up with 10.4.2.


First of all, sHARD has reported that Apple has actually seeded a new verison of 10.4.2 with developers: http://forum.osx86project.org/index.php?showtopic=3339


Next, although attempts to explictly verfy that 10.4.2 has been marked and to clean it, seem to have stalled, DeathChill is now reporting some success installing 10.4.2 on PearPC: http://www.win2osx.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1296&page=23


Finally, a reliable source has reported that Apple has busted a developer for leaking 10.4.2 and that anyone who has a copy from that particular developer should go ahead and seed it: http://www.win2osx.net/forum/showpost.php?p=9619&postcount=7

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The mark is confirmed, then? This is going to be chaos for the next few weeks while people scramble to get things ordered correctly. Incidentally, does anyone have backup sources to cite for that leak claim? More detaills would be nice; I'm not even asking for a link. I doubt this is going to get out there into the public until someone seeds it.

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Here is latest:


Apple has apparently shipped pressed DVD copies of 10.4.2 to developers as part of it's normal monthly mailing.


It is unlikely that these are marked and if that can be confirmed we may see a bona fide leak in the near future.

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