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Clover Themes

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Hi chris1111

Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too.  :)
Note: As your themes already exist in the repo the steps will be slightly different. You will need to follow steps:
- 1,2 - Once you have created a sourceforge account, let me know your username and I will give you access to edit your themes in the repo. 


Thank you  :)


My name chris1111 is already takin by other 

So I create account with  User name christ1111

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No problem.

I just looked at your Harley theme and it's currently a huge 9.7MB.

Maybe you could look at optimising your files ;)


EDIT: I've got to go out now but if you need any help then I'll be around later.

ok I deleted two backgroud and is drop to 6.4 MB  :yes:

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Removing extra images is one way to reduce a theme's size  :)

However, what I was referring to was better compressing your images and using .PNG instead of .ICNS as described here
I’ve run the v1.1 optimisation script against your theme files and without removing any background images we have an average reduction of 50% file size.
black. Now 1.9MB (from 3.7MB)
chrome. Now 2.9MB (from 5.4MB)
gold_clover. Now 5.2MB (from 8.7MB)
Harley. Now 4.4MB (from 9.7MB) (Can be smaller still with removed background images).
I’m away from my hack ATM so have not tested loading these files with Clover. But can you check the files and let me know if you’re happy with them? If yes then I (or you) can update the repo with them.
EDIT: Attached themes removed. The final themes can be downloaded from the Clover Theme Repository either manually or using Clover Theme Manager.
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thank you blackosx Now I cloning the theme to  the User directory

I changing my theme  and the next command  not wok !

No such fil of directory 

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git  :(

Thats 2 hour trying and not working  :angel:

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Hi chris1111


Did you cd in to your cloned cloverefiboot-themes directory before running the git command?

You say you cloned the repo to your user directory, so you would do this.

$ cd /Users/<YOU>/cloverefiboot-themes
$ git status


NO ! I try  :rolleyes:

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blackosx I think is good  B)

I am using  a different  Strategie  :lol:

Do you please verifying  the terminal result  :D


edit........Ha {censored} I forgot to put the new compressing theme  you giving me  :blush:

I am waiting your instruction

Sorry .

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Hi Chris1111


You did it! Well done  :D


I have updated the repo with the optimised files and combined your new vol_internal_hfs.icns files.

You can see the commit's here: http://sourceforge.net/p/cloverefiboot/themes/commit_browser


You can keep your local repo in sync with the remote repo by running git pull.

So for you, do this:

$ cd /Users/chris/cloverefiboot-themes
$ git pull

To keep away from any problems, always run git pull before making any future changes or commits.


Let me know if there are any issues with the themes.



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Hi Chris1111


You did it! Well done  :D


I have updated the repo with the optimised files and combined your new vol_internal_hfs.icns files.

You can see the commit's here: http://sourceforge.net/p/cloverefiboot/themes/commit_browser


You can keep your local repo in sync with the remote repo by running git pull.

So for you, do this:

$ cd /Users/chris/cloverefiboot-themes
$ git pull

To keep away from any problems, always run git pull before making any future changes or commits.


Let me know if there are any issues with the themes.



blackosx Thank you verry mutch :thumbsup_anim:  :wink_anim:

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Another Theme!

Well done chris1111 :D

Happy New Year.


I've added this theme title to your access list at the Clover Theme Repository if you want to add it? ;) Just remember to cd to your local repo and run git pull before doing so.

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Another Theme!

Well done chris1111 :D

Happy New Year.


I've added this theme title to your access list at the Clover Theme Repository if you want to add it? ;) Just remember to cd to your local repo and run git pull before doing so.

Ok thank you blackosx  the name is red  :D

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Ah. okay. I've done it using RED and not red.

I'm not sure if it's case sensitive or not.  Let me know if it fails.

ok I let you know .

Thanks Again ! 

blackosx I think its  not working ? 

This is the message at the end



remote: Counting objects: 723, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (551/551), done.

remote: Total 554 (delta 28), reused 425 (delta 2)

Receiving objects: 100% (554/554), 11.09 MiB | 1.23 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (28/28), completed with 8 local objects.

From ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/cloverefiboot/themes

   56f67a3..2598676  master     -> origin/master

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:



Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.


chriss-iMac:cloverefiboot-themes chris$ 





New atemp  :P 

I retry  the all setup and this is the message 



remote: Checking permission to change themes/red/theme.plist

remote: You do not have permission to modify themes/red/theme.plist

remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master

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Sorry. I had to pop out.


EDIT: Your 1st attempt failed because you had different versions of two files against those on the server.

Your 2nd attempt failed due to me setting RED and not red. I have now set it to red. Can you try again please?
EDIT2: You will want to run git pull again.
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This is the message   :)

chriss-iMac:cloverefiboot-themes chris$ git add themes/red/

chriss-iMac:cloverefiboot-themes chris$ git pull


Already up-to-date.

chriss-iMac:cloverefiboot-themes chris$ git status 

On branch master

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.


Changes to be committed:

  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)


new file:   themes/red/Selection_big.png

new file:   themes/red/Selection_small.png

new file:   themes/red/WoG_Monaco_ExtraSmooth_10W.png

new file:   themes/red/background.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/boot_linux.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/boot_win.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/boot_win8.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/cd.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/cd_lin.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/cd_mac.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/cd_win.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/func_about.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/func_clover.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/func_help.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/func_options.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/func_reset.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/func_secureboot.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/func_secureboot_config.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/func_shutdown.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_clover.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_cougar.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_legacy.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_leo.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_linux.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_lion.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_mac.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_mav.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_recovery.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_snow.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_tiger.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_unknown.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_vista.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_win.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/os_yos.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/pointer.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/pointer.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/tool_shell.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/tool_shell.png

new file:   themes/red/icons/vol_clover.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/vol_external.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/vol_firewire.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/vol_internal.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/vol_internal_hfs.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/vol_internal_ntfs.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/vol_optical.icns

new file:   themes/red/icons/vol_recovery.icns

new file:   themes/red/logo.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_000.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_001.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_002.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_003.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_004.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_005.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_006.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_007.png

new file:   themes/red/red_logo/red_logo_008.png

new file:   themes/red/screenshot.png

new file:   themes/red/scrollbar/bar_end.png

new file:   themes/red/scrollbar/bar_fill.png

new file:   themes/red/scrollbar/bar_start.png

new file:   themes/red/scrollbar/down_button.png

new file:   themes/red/scrollbar/scroll_end.png

new file:   themes/red/scrollbar/scroll_fill.png

new file:   themes/red/scrollbar/scroll_start.png

new file:   themes/red/scrollbar/up_button.png

new file:   themes/red/theme.plist


chriss-iMac:cloverefiboot-themes chris$ cd /Users/chris/cloverefiboot-themes 

chriss-iMac:cloverefiboot-themes chris$ git pull 


Already up-to-date.

chriss-iMac:cloverefiboot-themes chris$ 


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Now run:

git commit -m "Add my new theme"
git push origin master

chriss-iMac:~ chris$ git commit -m "Add my new theme"

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

chriss-iMac:~ chris$ git push origin master

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

chriss-iMac:~ chris$ 


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You need to cd in to your local repository first, as you did in post #220

$ cd /Users/chris/cloverefiboot-themes

Then run the commit and push commands.

Sorry  :lol:  My mistake  Thats work perfect   :thumbsup_anim:  :D

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