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We NEED an alternative remedy for Mouse TEARING!


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hey all, well I know I'm certainly not the only one that's sick of Mousepose and Mouse-Locator for a mouse-tearing remedy....I mean I think it's just ridiculous, the atitear app isant being developed, at all. so that's definately a shot in the dark, Mouse-Locator is in my opinion; a peice of {censored}. first off the mouse is flickering soo much that its inacurate and it just looks really ugly. and it also slows down /all/ animations....



so, does anyone know of any alternative to such app's for mouse-tearing? I mean seriously, this is just ridiculous. also, heres my video card;

Mobility Radeon X300 PCIe 64MB QE/CI/Q2D enabled.


if you guys know of /anything/ that could possibly work, please reply.



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If we look at the situation when we start clean without anything, we have 1024 x 768 with glorious QE and CI, along with a stable mouse cursor.


ATI have 'ATI Displays' which doesn't work with any of our PC cards so there goes that idea.


Only with Callisto can we get our displays higher than 1024 x 768, but using the Callisto buffer we can also get CI and QE... at the cost of an unstable mouse cursor.


I'm content with the current situation, but it would be awesome if there were a way to use the ATI drivers to get higher res, QE, CI and the stable mouse cursor... ie. not looking for another hack on top, but going back to the source and working out why...


My post is rather useless and unhelpful, but do you know what I mean? I wish I knew a way to help :)

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well of COURSE you have no tearing.....sheesh. you're using a 1600. anything other then the x1000 series is what this thread is about, becuase they're the obvious problem cards here.


Mouse-Locator is a peice of $hit, we need to find something else. its definately not a good remedy, at all.


keep the idea's comming.

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to tell u that i have and this board has come along way from what we had " NOTHING " to now

i know the knowledge on this board is looking at it just like you and say the samethings as you


but we just have to wait for the powers that be to come and break this issue wide open and getladone



i am happy to date with the progress


thanks to guys on this board i am not a slave to bill gates and his ways


so just deal with what we have and it will come in do time


my 2cents

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what we really need is a "macvidia like" project for our ati cards. Omni's has written the base driver, but since we need a fixed hardware acceleration driver, someone should develop a new atiraden9700ga.plugin from scratch ( or whatever it needs), or at least try to make some working script in order to fix the cursor rendering or disable it.

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  • 3 months later...

it's going to be one of the few things actually holding me back from going all out osx86 on my laptop, really. my wireless card will soon be supported (based on the progress with these new pro/wireless drivers . . . so I'm just waiting for someone to figure out something with this . . .

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I don't think there'll be any solution for ATI cards except X1x00 series (X1x00 cards can use Natit driver), the problem is in the frame buffer driver. Callisto replace the original frame buffer driver to support resolution beyond 1024x768 and give us QE/CI, but the project is already halt, very unlikely there'll be further development to fix the mouse tearing/window corruption bug........... What we can do is here:




and I guess that's about it.......

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well I agree with you that not having the instability of mouse tearing and artifacts would be nice, but unless someone with knowledge like Omni, who by the way has bowed out of this over some issue with linking his files to a website, takes the time and effort to develop this, we are out of luck. As I type this, I just recently re-installed OS X with all the patches etc and low and behold no more mouse tearing or artifacts. I am not using Mouse Locator or any thing and I no longer have the problem. I used the JaS 10.4.6 and JaS 10.4.7 update. I applied all the kext, Callisto, and Koverg patches to 10.4.6 then upgraded to 10.4.7. See my sig

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Are you fkn serious???????????



You guys are being ungrateful coz you have mousetearing? (with QE,CI and res change)


how about the ones who dont even have QE and CI?????? Ever thought of lending a helping hand to those who need your help??


All everyone tells me is that I need to "do my research", i have been doin my fkn research for the past two months now.. without any success....

Cant anyone even spend a little time to help someone else?? I mean, come on!! you weren't born geniuses, someone must have helped YOU too..



Anyhow, if someone ends up deciding to help me, here's my post!



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