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Hello Ive been trying to install mac OS X on my GIGAbyte motherboard for some time now and could really use some help.

Please Help getting stuck at Using PCI-Root-UID value: 1 or 0 <---- This is where it Pauses!! Argghh :/


i7-950 @ 3.06 8 cores

Haf 932 coolermaster case

12 gbs of ram

H100 corsair liquid cooling

Msi n250gts

Samsung 24x DVD/cd burner

Gigabyte g1 guerilla motherboard

Antec 850w power supply

Dual moniters 24" lg 19"

Sidewinder Keyboard x4

Mx518 mouse

5.1 Logitech speakers

20" high grade mouse pad

16gb USB stick

1 more tb external HDD

If anyone could please help me it would greatly apprciated

Im trying to install it on a 250GB partition i made from the external i have windows 8 installed on the other but not plugged i

Im trying Hackboot v7 as we speak.

Will be back with results.

Well HackBoot didnt work as well. Running out of options i cant even get to Installation screen Using 10.6.6i Snow Leapord.

Edited by ChaserMac

You should format the text of your specs so you can be read without a microscope :)


Otherwise, you ask help but don't say what's exactly happening. If it's because no one asked, there it goes: what's exactly happening? Answer, please, and put your specs in a decent sized format. :D


All the best!

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Which method are you using? Never heard about hack boot. Distro? Use them at your own peril.


I personally recommend you start over, this time Mountain Lion retail (c'mon, man: it costs only $19 a.k.a. the price of two Big Mac combos) and this method, with which i had 100% success: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/280756-guide-the-all-in-one-guide-to-vanilla-os-x-mountain-lion-chameleon-dsdt-for-beginners/


Best regards and post results. You can ask help also in the linked topic.

I've used just about every method Known VirtualBox, #####, HackBoot, Chamelean. HackBoot makes it where i can boot from the Leapoard CD.

I havent been able to find where to buy Mac OS X and before i do i'd like to know it will work alongside windows 8 or atleast on a seperate hard drive.

Can you please link me to where i can buy it ive looked and it seems unable to buy it from PC without apple store.


can we link up via skype and msg or teamviewer or something of that nature. I need a step by step help ive read all i can read and have tried all boot commands

Can't you just walk in an Apple store and buy it there? I think, but i'm not sure, that when a Mac owner has no internet connection, s/he can buy it and download it in the Apple store itself, and put it on an USB stick.


If that's not possible, cannot you use a friend's Macintosh to buy it?


I have quite a heterodox hardware, as long as Mac OSX is concerned, and yet i have both Mountain Lion and Windows 8 working just fine, each one with its own HDD. If i could, you can, specially with your Intel hardware. If it cannot work at all with OSX, which is highly unlikely, that $19 would be well spent anyway. You'll have to ditch two Big Mac combos to compensate your spending, and that will probably be good for your health. ;)


All the best!


P.S.: http://www.apple.com...how-to-upgrade/


And i quote:



"Step 3:

Download OS X Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store.

Open the Mac App Store from your Dock to buy and download Mountain Lion. Then follow the onscreen instructions to install it. If you don’t have broadband access, you can visit any Apple Retail Store to get help with downloading."[/font]

Unfortunately, We don't have a Mac Store where i live. Also I followed link to Apple to upgrade but i cant purchase i guess from windows 8. I guess ill continue looking for more answers how to buy. or try and borrow it from a friend. If i did that how would i get it from them?

P.P.S.: About multibooting with OSX and other OSs: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/287046-mountain-lion-xp-and-windows-8/unread/


Not a big deal at all! :)


Unfortunately, We don't have a Mac Store where i live. Also I followed link to Apple to upgrade but i cant purchase i guess from windows 8. I guess ill continue looking for more answers how to buy. or try and borrow it from a friend. If i did that how would i get it from them?


Didn't understand the question, Chaser...

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