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Lenovo ThinkPad T420 with UEFI Only


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@AJ - to get rid of verbose boot you need to change the nvram var. it keeps the last set used in nvram.

$ sudo nvram -p

to see what is in nvarm
$ sudo nvram -d boot-args

which will remove it from nvram and clover will just use what is config.plist

OR next boot go to Options and manually change the boot-args and it will save these next time.


i would get on vanilla 10.8.3 then push in custom kexts.

the attached clover config+kext bundle will allow you boot totally vanilla with clover - some things wont work. but it will be up and running
if you booting vanilla - mv OEM to OEM-NU for the time being.

after you have boot with vanilla OSX - then copy/install custom kexts from the \EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.8 and 10.8-SLE into your OSX /S/L/E
change the folder 4236AT9 to your product ID - use Clover GUI/Options/SMBIOS menu to see your ID.

(rename OEM-NU to OEM )
it will then use \EFI\CLOVER\OEM\ProductID\config.plist instead of the default config.plist

I hope this makes sense. sorry in a rush today.


Update 06-18-2013 - revised pack - see post #242

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@honeywell -


yes - it does seem to be a bit catch-22. but this bundle will get you running on vanilla 10.8.3. The Clover bundle I just posted will auto-patch the generic DSDT and fix/patch the AppleIntelCPUPM kext that usually causes KPs... then you can complete the hack/installation process to get all the other pieces running!



1) install clover bundle+kext pack in ESP (\EFI\CLOVER) partition without OEM stuff - it has some kexts required.

2) install/boot vanilla 10.8.3 - clover loads extra kexts from EFI.

3) install custom kexts in /SLE - so audio, sleep, battery, etc all work and then it will build the kernel cache.

4) install \EFI\CLOVER\OEM folder in ESP - so now the extra kexts are not used from ESP. And clover will find and use the matching OEM\Product folder and use that config.plist if its there instead of the default config.plist.


since you had a running chameleon version - you should not have install/create a new build for clover. essentially if you copy (Carbon Copy etc) your OSX partition a MBR disk to an OSX partition on a GUID format disk you are ready to go. The key difference is really that you just changing the bootloader - which gets all the config/stuff from the ESP /EFI partition vs the /Extra folder.

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Trying to attempt this on my T530, but running into problems when trying to boot off the USB with Clover - I'll get the initial boot menu, select the option to boot from the usb, and be prompted with the following screen:




This is after attempting the "boot in safe mode" from the right click menu in Clover - previous attempts would lock up at the "root device uuid is..." prompt.


I've managed to get ML installed previously using the ##### method, but would much rather go the UEFI route with a clean install. I can boot into the previous ML installation with the Clover usb if I select the safe mode option, but otherwise it gets aways into loading drivers and then reboots.


Any suggestions?

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I updated to 10.8.4. I am able to boot without -x! I followed your instructions, but some things are still not working. First and foremost, the screen is completely glitchy and stretched. Sound doesn't work, but oddly enough, the battery is detected and I can see the percentage. Is there a way to get everything else I listed to work? Thanks! I will also reread the thread.


Oh yea, another thing I forgot to mention - I am still not able to boot without the USB. When I boot to the USB, it allows me to boot into the Clover installed on the hard drive, which is 1794. Then I boot into OS X, and am able to boot without KP. If I boot without the USB, nothing happens - Clover isn't launched or anything. Weird...

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@honeywell - progress is good!


make sure there is /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi and you have set UEFI First in boot order setting in BIOS Startup menus. Clover can make itself as a boot option. go the clover (command key symbol) in the GUI and make it a boot option.


audio - i presume all the kexts from the bundle (both sets from the 10.8. and 10.8-SLE folders) were installed in /S/L/E?

if you dont have 1600x900 screen change DualLink to 0 in both config.plist files in /EFI.

good luck!!!

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@dirtyMetis - you should not have to boot safe. do you required kexts (fakesmc) on the usb? what is your config.plist look like?


Just followed the steps as directed in the first post, created the usb install drive with Lion DiskMaker, then ran Korgen's linked "Clover_v2_r1625k0.pkg" and chose the newly created install usb as the destination. Reboot with usb drive and experience the above-mentioned results.


Would it make any difference than I'm creating the USB drive in VirtualMachine on a different sysetm?

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tluck - gah this is frustrating! I'm pretty sure I followed your instructions perfectly but the screen and audio are still not cooperating. I have the 1600x900 screen.


Also, could you explain the folder structure of /EFI/? I have /EFI/BOOT, /EFI/CLOVER/, and /EFI/OEM. However, I also have /EFI/CLOVER/OEM.


Another thing - I'm not sure how to find the product ID. When I looked in the Clover menu at boot, I didn't see it. However, if I install Clover 1625, inside /EFI/CLOVER/OEM there is a folder with a product ID (I don't know if it is my product ID). Installing Clover 1794 gives me a generic folder in /EFI/CLOVER/OEM called "Product Name" with some config and other folders in it.

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@honeywell - yeah understood. just to recap...

you should be able totally replace the contents of /EFI with the zip contents in post 202.

after you install the kexts in your OSX /S/L/E, then the OEM folder comes into play. check/fix perms on the kexts?! the DSDT from the OEM folder will set id 12.

make sure your product number matches the folder name. Note: i have model 4236AT9 - which may match yours (or not?) - it is listed by the clover GUI (hit F1 i think).

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I was able to get everything working (audio, battery, usb) except for a perfect screen. I'm still getting frequent ring stalls (graphics lag). I'm using tluck's config.plist and his display overrides. The EDID seems to inject correctly. Anyone know what to do? I'm using the 1600x900 screen.


As a side note, and this might be relevant, I was only able to boot successfully by formatting the ESP partition as hfs - not msdos. However, I still need to boot from the USB, and then boot into the SSD's Clover.


Here is my boot.log: https://dl.dropboxus...566087/boot.log

and my system.log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66566087/system.log


from /Library/Logs/CloverEFI

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@honeywell - it am not sure what happened to your ESP partition as it should have been automatically be formatted fat32 when you partition the disk as GUID. the reason you cant boot from your HD is because the lenovo UEFI cant read the hfs formatting. does your diskutil output look like this? the EFI partition really should be fat32 formatted.



$ diskutil list



0: GUID_partition_scheme *750.2 GB disk0

1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS OSX+ 698.3 GB disk0s2

3: Microsoft Basic Data C 51.5 GB disk0s3


not sure what to say about your LCD and the EDID that seem to work for me. i did figure out how to make this work on chameleon today. i was able put the working EDID in the dsdt and i dont get ring stalls. I boot the GUID disk with chimera/chameleon on USB. the reason i have explored chimera is that it does loose trackpad after sleep.

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That is what "diskutil list" in terminal looks like.


The reason it isn't fat32 formatted is because when I installed Clover 1794 the first time, it failed and spit out an installation error log that told me that I needed to create the EFI partition myself. It said I could either use msdos or hfs and I chose hfs.


Also, I don't know if this is relevant to the graphics thing, but in ioreg -l, under AppleBacklightDisplay, my IODisplayPrefsKey is this: "IODisplayPrefsKey" = "IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/IGPU@2/AppleIntelFramebuffer@0/display0/AppleBacklightDisplay-6af-203e"


Since is AppleBacklightDisplay-6af-203e, I removed the DisplayVendorID-30e4 override folder from my display overrides and added the 6af one. Still getting ring stalls though.


Update: Wow... I am at the white screen error again. When I boot with slide=0 darkwake=10 -v, I get a white screen after I see the verbose print. This happened after I tried sleeping the computer but sleep failed (the power button was rapidly blinking) so I held the power button down to shut down.

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@honeywell - sorry about your challenges.


i have too experience sleep issues (rapid blinking - often) and sometimes the trackpad goes away after wake.

i dont know if this is a Clover problem or config problem (dsdt, options etc). its very frustrating.


T420 users - are you seeing the same thing?

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