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I've just made the jump from ML to Mavericks and Clover_v2k_r2300 at the same time.


Most things are working even though I've not added my custom DSDT.aml back (causes a panic at boot) – from other posts it looks like some of the DSDT fixes clover does can conflict with the DSDT, so I have some detective work to do.


Main issue right now is lack of iCloud/app store sign in 'unknown error', have recreated network connection and now have my working ethernet on en0. But there are other issues, my ethernet pci card which I was using for network connections is no longer visible and the on board ethernet is not set 'built in' by clover, as far as I can see. Presumably this latter is my current problem.


But I'm wondering what clover's ethos is now: not using a DSDT.aml and just fixing things on the fly? Or just being flexible and doing whatever works?


In other words: Should I be looking at fixing my ethernet built in issue via clover config or custom dsdt?


EDIT: I set all the DSDT fixes in clover config.plist to false, put my dsdt.aml back in place and now everything seems to be working as well as before. Also Legacy boot now seems faster, nice!

TODO: Figure out how to get my Win 7 disk back in clover gui.

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In my Asus S400CA, I have installed Mavericks with clover boot loader version 1942.
It has problem of not identifying camera. It is circumvented using camtwist software.
Audio works ok with voodoohda.kext.
its config.plist file is confi1942.plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
					<string>UEFI Internal</string>
				<string>Legacy HD12</string>
				<string>Recovery</string> #Hide "Recovery" volume
				<string>Data</string> #Hide "Data" volume
				<string>Audio</string> #Hide "Audio" volume
				<string>PhotosVideos</string> #Hide "PhotosVideos" volume
		<string>-v ncpi=0x3000</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Part Component</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>

I wanted to have newer version of boot loader. I tried directly many times with out success to update to v2k.2236.
Finally I tried with bootdiskutility.exe  to put external 2236. It asked for zip file. It just unzips in the target folder. It does not install external one. Then I tried with inbuilt clover version 2082. It worked when I disabled intel inject in graphics where as my graphics is intel 4000. However it could go to gui of os with 800x600 resolution.
Config is config2082.plist.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>-v  npci=0x3000</string>
					<string>UEFI Internal</string>
				<string>Legacy HD12</string>
				<string>Recovery</string> #Hide "Recovery" volume
				<string>Data</string> #Hide "Data" volume
				<string>Audio</string> #Hide "Audio" volume
				<string>PhotosVideos</string> #Hide "PhotosVideos" volume


Then to get better resolution I tried genconfig for generating clover config. It has generated a config file. But it could not boot.


When I tried 2236 version with installer in osx, that just stopped after a few lines.



I will be thankful if a proper way is shown to get the latest clover work.

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In my Asus S400CA, I have installed Mavericks with clover boot loader version 1942.

It has problem of not identifying camera. It is circumvented using camtwist software.

Audio works ok with voodoohda.kext.

its config.plist file is confi1942.plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
					<string>UEFI Internal</string>
				<string>Legacy HD12</string>
				<string>Recovery</string> #Hide "Recovery" volume
				<string>Data</string> #Hide "Data" volume
				<string>Audio</string> #Hide "Audio" volume
				<string>PhotosVideos</string> #Hide "PhotosVideos" volume
		<string>-v ncpi=0x3000</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Part Component</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>

I wanted to have newer version of boot loader. I tried directly many times with out success to update to v2k.2236.

Finally I tried with bootdiskutility.exe  to put external 2236. It asked for zip file. It just unzips in the target folder. It does not install external one. Then I tried with inbuilt clover version 2082. It worked when I disabled intel inject in graphics where as my graphics is intel 4000. However it could go to gui of os with 800x600 resolution.

Config is config2082.plist.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>-v  npci=0x3000</string>
					<string>UEFI Internal</string>
				<string>Legacy HD12</string>
				<string>Recovery</string> #Hide "Recovery" volume
				<string>Data</string> #Hide "Data" volume
				<string>Audio</string> #Hide "Audio" volume
				<string>PhotosVideos</string> #Hide "PhotosVideos" volume


Then to get better resolution I tried genconfig for generating clover config. It has generated a config file. But it could not boot.


When I tried 2236 version with installer in osx, that just stopped after a few lines.



I will be thankful if a proper way is shown to get the latest clover work.


Where is your NullCPUPowerManagement.kext?

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Where is your NullCPUPowerManagement.kext?

It was not in kext folder of clover. I included that also. Still the situation is same. However I have reloaded clover v2k.2236 and booted with -v, it went further and hung as shown below.


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It was not in kext folder of clover. I included that also. Still the situation is same. However I have reloaded clover v2k.2236 and booted with -v, it went further and hung as shown below.


What is your hardware?

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What is your hardware?

Mine is Asus vivobook S400CA ultrabook multibooting win8.1, debian and mavericks, having i5-3317cpu, 8gb ram, intel 4000 display. System info as per the pic below



Any help how to go about for installing new version of clover will be appreciated.

A few more doubts. Whether dsdt.aml generated will vary with clover?

Why intel inject works with old clover but not in 2082 in graphics.

Has clover version and associated config.plist anything with camera working. I found camera was not working with 1942 version of clover. Where as it was working right out of box with 2082 but resolution of screen went down to 800x600but after removing intel inject.

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Mine is Asus vivobook S400CA ultrabook multibooting win8.1, debian and mavericks, having i5-3317cpu, 8gb ram, intel 4000 display. System info as per the pic below



Any help how to go about for installing new version of clover will be appreciated.

A few more doubts. Whether dsdt.aml generated will vary with clover?

Why intel inject works with old clover but not in 2082 in graphics.

Has clover version and associated config.plist anything with camera working. I found camera was not working with 1942 version of clover. Where as it was working right out of box with 2082 but resolution of screen went down to 800x600but after removing intel inject.

1. To install new version of Clover you have to double click on the package.

2. DSDT.aml is a property of BIOS. It is not depending on Clover. But Clover may apply some fixes if you set them.

3. Intel graphics works with new Clover as well as with old. No regress here. You must read descriptions what to do.

4. There is no config for camera. There is a config for USB.

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1. To install new version of Clover you have to double click on the package.

2. DSDT.aml is a property of BIOS. It is not depending on Clover. But Clover may apply some fixes if you set them.

3. Intel graphics works with new Clover as well as with old. No regress here. You must read descriptions what to do.

4. There is no config for camera. There is a config for USB.

Thanks, Slice.

I am trying last 15 days. Still unable to find the solution.

With old version 1942, osx boots and goes to the system. But for camera, everything works out of box and camera I get work by camtwist.

I  installed latest 2236, as you said clicking the .pkg file in working mavericks on usb stick. It shows installation complete. With same kexts and driver efi files as I used for old version and same dsdt.aml file, I am unable to boot into osx with new version.

I tried bootdiskutility to get latest 2236 to be installed. It asks for zip file and just unzips in usb stick. However it installs inbuilt 2082 version. It reduces my pixel to 800x600 and does not work with intel inject.

I request kindly see my config.plist, kests list and drivers list and suggest some solutions so that I can further try.

My present config.plist is as below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>-v npci=0x2000</string>
				<string>External icons patch</string>
					<string>UEFI Internal</string>

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Sorry, I can't catch your question.




When booting InjectATI in graphics injection menu of Clover is unticked


In config.plist I have this code:


in graphics section. Also, Clover Configurator shows ATI injection as active when loading this plist

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When booting InjectATI in graphics injection menu of Clover is unticked


In config.plist I have this code:


in graphics section. Also, Clover Configurator shows ATI injection as active when loading this plist

May you have other config.plist loaded?

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Problem: Just installed Clover to EFI Partition but when I boot, it boots with the old Chameleon bootloader.  How do I fix this?


I made sure that the EFI partition is FAT32.


Ran the installer and selected the following:


Install Clover in the ESP

Bootloader -> Install boot0af

Themes -> Black_Green

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tried to over clock colour  as this solve the artefacts for whom having problem also on chameleon 

but no effect on clover the same artefacts for me


i reported about this from period  

Thanks. It's not a solution. I have already tried all possible solutions from years born for chameleon, but nothing, stop tries now. I have no artifacts with chameleon with stock edid, with stock all. So problem is Clover.

Hope that Slice can see this.  ;)

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Thanks. It's not a solution. I have already tried all possible solutions from years born for chameleon, but nothing, stop tries now. I have no artifacts with chameleon with stock edid, with stock all. So problem is Clover.

Hope that Slice can see this.  ;)


it was just hopeless try

now iam working with chameleon with the original edid without any gfx problem  :)

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I found a fix for that


Download this http://www.tonymacx86.com/hp-probook/87816-hp-probook-installer-6-1-4x30s-4x40s-support.html

and just install the option that says "Graphics Glitch" fix  then restart and you'll be done

Thank you Anerik, but at least for me, smcping daemon is completely unuseful with Clover, no difference for me. It's an old solution for chameleon and Lion, but in my case i have no artifacts with Cham, never. 

So i think that 's time of a good real solution. With Clover..

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I found a fix for that


Download this http://www.tonymacx86.com/hp-probook/87816-hp-probook-installer-6-1-4x30s-4x40s-support.html

and just install the option that says "Graphics Glitch" fix  then restart and you'll be done


i had seen this option on that but didn't tried it before will extract it from package and see what it do 

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Sorry but here dont speaking


read here

Carmine i think that u get that wrong or maybe i am wrong but we dont support tonymac's products

HP ProBook Installer its not tonymac product?

Again maybe i am wrong...


Edit:This graphics glitcs fix can be found in this post 



its actualy SMCpingDaemon



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I LOVE the kext patching Clover has


No more TRIM patches needed.


FYI: if you are trying to put this into Clover Configurator and it is not working, remember that Clover Configurator converts hex into base64. Took me a while to realize that.

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