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@Jief_Machaki mean this one as the pictures posted above:




Unfortunately, few AMD users use Clover Bootloader, and even fewer use it users with the new AM5 platform (I am among them because I found Clover's features to reduce the number of kernel patches AMD was using very useful)

If it would be helpful I am available to do some testing to solve the audio problem

Thanks in any case ;)



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19 minutes ago, Jief_Machak said:

Nope, they didn't. See https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg/pull/277. The PR is closed without merge.

But I can see the modification are indeed imported.

Maybe shaneee did another one ?


Was just a little rant. No need to talk about that further.


@everyone : is there anyone still having a problem ? If aone has an issue, please open an issue an github. I find it way easier to follow that the forum for bug resolution.



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No @Jief_Machak i do not use startup audio

I have bad audio using any audio using OSX (with clover bootloader)  (ie youtube video)


So my question is:

If Shaneee took Clover code to adjust Opencore code and with opencore audio is perfect in AM5 system

Why in clover bootloader i have this crackling audio?


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@PG7 : could you open a github issue ? It'll be easier to discuss there.

@mariosun Ok, if it works with OC and not Clover, it means there is a difference somewhere ! (obvious, right ?).

Could you open an issue an github and I'll take it from there.

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Excellent work you have done these last few days!!!
A couple of hours ago I tested Clover on my PC with Fenvi-T919 and:

  • Clover has compiled fine the code (Xcode 15.1)
  • Sonoma has booted well without settings for Broadcom Wi-Fi
  • Sonoma has booted well with the settings for Broadcom Wi-Fi (no more KP with IOSkywalk enabled)
  • OCLP has detected the available patch (Modern Wireless) and has applied it correctly
  • Broadcom wifi works fine, same as with OpenCore.







Do the changes seem sufficient for a new version 5157?

Congratulations to both of you and thank you for your work.

Edited by miliuco
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Hi @Jief_Machak

Happy NewYear, Bro 😊

I appreciated your work to update submodule to version 0.97 and some other things: it's great. 


This mornin, I can build from Laster branch becaus of Opencore Sudmodule. What I'm doing wrong ? (See below)




2024-01-05T06:48:52CET Checking for updates to Clover..

remote: Enumerating objects: 2297, done.

remote: Counting objects: 100% (2297/2297), done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1585/1585), done.

remote: Total 2297 (delta 474), reused 2289 (delta 466), pack-reused 0

Receiving objects: 100% (2297/2297), 3.41 MiB | 358.00 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (474/474), completed with 51 local objects.

From https://github.com/CloverHackyColor/CloverBootloader

   00466c6e6..bd46eeffe  master      -> origin/master

* [new branch]          0.9.7branch -> origin/0.9.7branch

Fetching submodule OpenCorePkg

error: RPC failed; curl 18 HTTP/2 stream 7 was reset

error: 7773 bytes of body are still expected

fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet

fatal: early EOF

fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output

error: RPC failed; curl 18 HTTP/2 stream 7 was reset

error: 419 bytes of body are still expected

fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet

fatal: early EOF

fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output

Errors during submodule fetch:



2024-01-05T06:51:08CET Build failed!


See the build log for more information: /Users/mathieu/src/Clover_Build.log



SOLVED: updating curl to 8.5.0 version instead of previous 8.1. installed.

Edited by Matgen84
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@Matgen84 I have a lot of this error because my internet is through my phone and there is a lot of small breaks.

I'd try to cd (change directory) inside OpenCorePkg folder and do git fetch.

you can also try to do a git reset --hard (still inside OpenCorePkg folder) to an earlier commit, like git reset --hard ac66179352338185d947b263fc40520f21dfc0f8, then git pull.

If nothing works, you may need a full clone.


Happy new year 🤩




8 minutes ago, LockDown said:

Is it ok to use the already compiled PKG from the artifact than compiling my own?

It doesn't have yet all the modifications.

5 hours ago, cankiulascmnfye said:

I see the latest commit contains "ForceAquantiaEthernet" quiirk. Maybe the config sample should include an entry to represent that quirk as well…

What about doing it and submitting a pull request ?

Edited by Jief_Machak
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On 12/9/2023 at 7:33 PM, jsl2000 said:

It's very strange that Clover 5156 specific version can boot Sonoma 14.2 in my B85M-G hackintosh with BlockSkywalk enabled and WiFiBCM4352 working too after applied OCLP 1.3.0n.

I'm very glad to confirm that this Clover 5156 version also worked in my Z97 hackintosh too !

Unfortunately it still got hang in early boot in my Z690, Z490, X299 & Z370 hackintoshs as well as Haswell laptop if BlockSkywalk was enabled.

In my FX-6300 hackintosh it got red screen panic if BlockSkywalk quirk was enabled.

Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 7.29.15 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 8.28.03 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 3.49.00 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 3.49.00 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 10.16.49 AM.png

Thanks for Jief because his new version of Clover 5156 can boot my FX-6300 hackintosh at Sonoma without red screen now !

Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 9.24.45 PM.png

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Everything, including the BlockSkywalk quirk, works fine, except displaying the order of memory slots. Physically the memory is located in slots 1 and 3, but in the profiler it appears as if it is in slots 3 and 4.

Снимок экрана 2024-01-07 в 20.10.51.jpg

Last login: Sun Jan  7 19:49:51 on console
yitzhakbronstein@Mac-Pro ~ % bdmesg   
0:100  0:100  MemLog inited, TSC freq: 3609652300
0:100  0:000  CPU was calibrated with RTC
0:100  0:000  CloverX64 : Image base = 0x5CC30000
0:100  0:000  Clover ImageHandle = 62a7e698
0:102  0:002  SelfDirPath = \EFI\CLOVER
0:103  0:000  === [ Starting Clover ] =========================
0:103  0:000  Now is 07.01.2024,  17:49:13 (GMT)
0:103  0:000  Starting Clover revision: 5156 (master, commit 5faf2f688) on American Megatrends EFI
0:103  0:000  Build id: 20240107155417-5faf2f6-dirty
0:103  0:000  Build with: [Args: -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -D LESS_DEBUG -t GCC131 | --cmd-len=50000 -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -D LESS_DEBUG --conf=/Users/yitzhakbronstein/src/CloverBootloader/Conf -D USE_LOW_EBDA -a X64 -b RELEASE -t GCC131 -n 21 | OS: 14.2.1]
0:103  0:000  === [ Get Smbios ] ==============================
0:103  0:000  Type 16 Index = 0
0:103  0:000  Total Memory Slots Count = 4
0:103  0:000  Type 17 Index = 0
0:103  0:000  Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:103  0:000  Type 17 Index = 1
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->SlotIndex = 1
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->ModuleSize = 32768MB
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Type = 0
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Frequency = 3200MHz
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 0 Controller0-ChannelA-DIMM1
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = Crucial Technology
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNo = E7908A70
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNo = CT32G4DFD832A.M16FF
0:103  0:000  Type 17 Index = 2
0:103  0:000  Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:103  0:000  Type 17 Index = 3
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->SlotIndex = 3
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->ModuleSize = 32768MB
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Type = 0
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Frequency = 3200MHz
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 0 Controller1-ChannelA-DIMM1
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = Crucial Technology
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNo = E7908B58
0:103  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNo = CT32G4DFD832A.M16FF
0:103  0:000  Boot status=0
0:103  0:000  Running on: 'Z690 PG Riptide' with board 'Z690 PG Riptide'
0:103  0:000  === [ GetCPUProperties ] ========================
0:103  0:000  CPU Vendor = 756E6547 Model=90672
0:103  0:000   The CPU supported SSE4.1
0:103  0:000   The CPU supported RDRAND
0:103  0:000  BrandString = 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF
0:103  0:000   The CPU supported turbo
0:103  0:000   Energy PerfBias is  visible:
0:103  0:000  MSR 0x35               C0014
0:103  0:000   TSC/CCC Information Leaf:
0:103  0:000    numerator     : 188
0:103  0:000    denominator   : 2
0:103  0:000   Calibrated ARTFrequency: 38400556
0:103  0:000   Rounded ARTFrequency: 38400000
0:103  0:000  MSR 0xCE              00040838_F1812400
0:103  0:000  corrected FLEX_RATIO = E0000
0:103  0:000  MSR 0x1B0             00000000
0:103  0:000  FSBFrequency = 99 MHz, DMI FSBFrequency = 100 MHz, Corrected FSBFrequency = 100 MHz
0:103  0:000  MaxDiv/MinDiv: 36.0/8
0:103  0:000  Turbo: 49/49/49/50
0:103  0:000  Features: 0x77FAFBBFBFEBFBFF
0:103  0:000  Threads: 20
0:103  0:000  Cores: 12
0:103  0:000  FSB: 100 MHz
0:103  0:000  CPU: 3564 MHz
0:103  0:000  TSC: 3564 MHz
0:103  0:000  PIS: 100 MHz
0:103  0:000  ExternalClock: 25 MHz
0:103  0:000  === [ GetDevices ] ==============================
0:103  0:000  Found more than one GOP protocol ??? Using the first one
0:103  0:000  GOP found at: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/AcpiAdr(0x80010300)
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:00.00) : 8086 4668 class=060000
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:01.00) : 8086 460D class=060400
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|01:00.00) : 1002 1478 class=060400
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|02:00.00) : 1002 1479 class=060400
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|03:00.00) : 1002 731F class=030000
0:103  0:000   - GFX: Model=AMD Unknown (ATI/AMD)
0:103  0:000   - GOP: Provided by device
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|03:00.01) : 1002 AB38 class=040300
0:103  0:000   - HDMI Audio: 
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:14.00) : 8086 7AE0 class=0C0330
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:14.02) : 8086 7AA7 class=050000
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:15.00) : 8086 7ACC class=0C8000
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:16.00) : 8086 7AE8 class=078000
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:17.00) : 8086 7AE2 class=010601
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:1A.00) : 8086 7AC8 class=060400
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|04:00.00) : 15B7 5030 class=010802
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:1C.00) : 8086 7ABA class=060400
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|05:00.00) : 10EC 3000 class=020000
0:103  0:000   - LAN: 1 Vendor=Realtek
0:103  0:000  Legacy MAC address of LAN #0= FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:1D.00) : 8086 7AB2 class=060400
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|06:00.00) : 1B21 3042 class=0C0330
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:1D.03) : 8086 7AB3 class=060400
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|07:00.00) : 14E4 43A0 class=028000
0:103  0:000   - WIFI: Vendor= Broadcom
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.00) : 8086 7A84 class=060100
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.03) : 8086 7AD0 class=040300
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.04) : 8086 7AA3 class=0C0500
0:103  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.05) : 8086 7AA4 class=0C8000
0:104  0:001  _checkOEMPath Look for oem dir at path '\EFI\CLOVER\OEM\Z690 PG Riptide--FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF'. Dir doesn't exist.
0:105  0:000  _checkOEMPath Look for oem dir at path '\EFI\CLOVER\OEM\Z690 PG Riptide\UEFI'. Dir doesn't exist.
0:106  0:000  _checkOEMPath Look for oem dir at path '\EFI\CLOVER\OEM\Z690 PG Riptide'. Dir doesn't exist.
0:106  0:000  _checkOEMPath Look for oem dir at path '\EFI\CLOVER\OEM\Z690 PG Riptide-3564'. Dir doesn't exist.
0:107  0:000  _checkOEMPath Look for oem dir at path '\EFI\CLOVER\OEM\Z690 PG Riptide'. Dir doesn't exist.
0:108  0:000  _checkOEMPath Look for oem dir at path '\EFI\CLOVER\OEM\Z690 PG Riptide-3564'. Dir doesn't exist.
0:108  0:000  === [ GetUserSettings ] =========================
0:108  0:000  GetDefaultModel()=MacPro7,1
0:108  0:000  === [ LoadUserSettings ] ========================
0:112  0:003  Using config.plist at path: \EFI\CLOVER
0:113  0:000  === [ LoadUserSettings ] ========================
0:113  0:000  Cannot find smbios.plist at path '\EFI\CLOVER' : Not Found
0:113  0:000  '\EFI\CLOVER\smbios.plist' not loaded. Efi error Not Found
0:113  0:000  create SMBIOS list, found 26 dicts
0:113  0:000  ... ACPI
0:113  0:000  ... Boot
0:113  0:000  ... BootGraphics
0:113  0:000  ... CPU
0:113  0:000  ... Devices
0:113  0:000  ... GUI
0:113  0:000  ... Graphics
0:113  0:000  ... KernelAndKextPatches
0:113  0:000  ... SMBIOS
0:113  0:000  ... SystemParameters
0:113  0:000  ... RtVariables
0:113  0:000  ... Quirks
0:113  0:000  get model from config.plist
0:114  0:000  BiosVersion: MP71.88Z.F000.B00.2303040336
0:114  0:000  BiosReleaseDate: 03/04/2023
0:114  0:000  EfiVersion: 1968.
0:114  0:000  got BE smUUID as:A8A15978-A8E6-0000-0000-000000000000
0:114  0:000  Calibrated TSC Frequency = 3609652300 = 3609MHz
0:114  0:000  GOP found at: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/AcpiAdr(0x80010300)
0:119  0:005  === [ GetListOfThemes ] =========================
0:119  0:000  - [00]: macOS
0:122  0:002  - [01]: Clever
0:125  0:003  - [02]: cesium
0:131  0:006  === [ Found config plists ] =====================
0:131  0:000  - config.plist
0:131  0:000  === [ LoadDrivers ] =============================
0:137  0:005  Loading NvmExpressDxe.efi status=Success
0:148  0:011   - driver needs connecting
0:148  0:000  Loading HFSPlus.efi status=Success
0:160  0:011   - driver needs connecting
0:160  0:000  Loading AptioInputFix.efi status=Success
0:172  0:011  Loading ApfsDriverLoader.efi status=Success
0:184  0:011   - driver needs connecting
0:184  0:000  Loading AudioDxe.efi status=Success
0:196  0:012   - driver needs connecting
0:199  0:002  4 drivers needs connecting ...
0:199  0:000  PlatformDriverOverrideProtocol not found. Installing ... Success
0:199  0:000  HFS+ driver loaded
0:199  0:000  APFS driver loaded
0:199  0:000  Searching for invalid DiskIo BY_DRIVER connects: not found, all ok
5:770  5:570  === [ InitScreen ] ==============================
5:770  0:000  Console modes reported: 5, available modes:
5:770  0:000   - [01]: 80x25 (current mode)
5:770  0:000   - [02]: 128x40
5:770  0:000   - [03]: 100x31
5:770  0:000   - [05]: 480x113
5:777  0:007    Setting mode (5): Success
5:777  0:000  SetScreenResolution: 2560x1440 - not found!
5:777  0:000  SetMaxResolution: found best mode 0: 3840x2160
5:784  0:007  Video mode change to mode #0: Success
5:784  0:000   - set
5:789  0:004  === [ ScanSPD ] =================================
5:789  0:000  Scanning SMBus [8086:7AA3], mmio: 0x10118004, ioport: 0xEFA0, hostc: 0x1
5:815  0:025  XMP is not present, XMPDetection deactivated in config.plist
5:815  0:000  Slot: 1 Type 26 32768MB 3200MHz Vendor=Crucial Technology PartNo=CT32G4DFD832A.M16FF SerialNo=E7908A70
5:839  0:024  XMP is not present, XMPDetection deactivated in config.plist
5:839  0:000  Slot: 3 Type 26 32768MB 3200MHz Vendor=Crucial Technology PartNo=CT32G4DFD832A.M16FF SerialNo=E7908B58
5:840  0:001  === [ GetAcpiTablesList ] =======================
5:841  0:000  Get Acpi Tables List from RSDT:
5:841  0:000   - [00]: FACP  A M I  len=276
5:841  0:000   - [01]: FIDT  A M I len=156
5:841  0:000   - [02]: SSDT  Pmax_Dev len=908
5:841  0:000   - [03]: SSDT  CpuSsdt len=23860
5:841  0:000   - [04]: AAFT  OEMAAFT  len=734
5:841  0:000   - [05]: SSDT  SaSsdt  len=10881
5:841  0:000   - [06]: SSDT  IgfxSsdt len=13135
5:841  0:000   - [07]: HPET  A M I  len=56
5:841  0:000   - [08]: APIC  A M I  len=476
5:841  0:000   - [09]: MCFG  A M I  len=60
5:841  0:000   - [10]: NHLT  A M I  len=45
5:841  0:000   - [11]: LPIT  A M I  len=204
5:841  0:000   - [12]: SSDT  TbtTypeC len=37620
5:841  0:000   - [13]: DBGP  A M I  len=52
5:841  0:000   - [14]: DBG2  A M I  len=84
5:841  0:000   - [15]: SSDT  UsbCTabl len=6410
5:841  0:000   - [16]: DMAR  EDK2     len=80
5:841  0:000   - [17]: FPDT  A M I  len=68
5:841  0:000   - [18]: SSDT  xh_adls3 len=5493
5:841  0:000   - [19]: SSDT  SocGpe  len=15082
5:841  0:000   - [20]: SSDT  SocCmn  len=14810
5:841  0:000   - [21]: VFCT  A M I  len=59524
5:841  0:000   - [22]: BGRT  A M I  len=56
5:841  0:000   - [23]: TPM2  A M I  len=76
5:841  0:000   - [24]: PHAT  A M I  len=2012
5:841  0:000   - [25]: WSMT  A M I  len=40
5:841  0:000  Custom boot CUSTOM_BOOT_USER_DISABLED (0x0)
5:841  0:000  Default theme: Clever
5:841  0:000  Set FakeCPUID: 0xA0655
5:842  0:000  === [ Found DSDT tables ] =======================
5:844  0:002  === [ InitKextList ] ============================
5:847  0:003  Added Kext=Other\Lilu.kext
5:850  0:002  Added Kext=Other\AMFIPass.kext
5:853  0:002  Added Kext=Other\SMCRadeonGPU.kext
5:866  0:012  Added Kext=Other\AppleALC.kext
5:868  0:002  Added Kext=Other\USBToolBox.kext
5:872  0:003  Added Kext=Other\RestrictEvents.kext
5:874  0:002  Added Kext=Other\SMCSuperIO.kext
5:877  0:002  Added Kext=Other\WhateverGreen.kext
5:880  0:002  Added Kext=Other\CPUFriendDataProvider.kext
5:882  0:002  Added Kext=Other\CpuTopologyRebuild.kext
5:885  0:002  Added Kext=Other\USBWakeFixup.kext
5:887  0:002  Added Kext=Other\CPUFriend.kext
5:889  0:002  Added Kext=Other\AGPMInjector.kext
5:892  0:002  Added Kext=Other\RadeonSensor.kext
5:895  0:003  Added Kext=Other\VirtualSMC.kext
5:899  0:003  Added Kext=Other\LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext
5:901  0:002  Added Kext=Other\UTBMap.kext
5:906  0:005  Added Kext=14\IOSkywalkFamily.kext
5:909  0:002  Added Kext=14\IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext
5:919  0:009  Added Kext=14\RtWlanU1827.kext
5:929  0:009  Added Kext=14\RtWlanU.kext
5:933  0:004  Added Kext=off\IOSkywalkFamily.kext
5:935  0:002  Added Kext=off\IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext
5:939  0:003  === [ ScanVolumes ] =============================
5:939  0:000  Found 23 volumes with blockIO
5:939  0:000  - [00]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
5:940  0:000  - [01]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
5:940  0:000  - [02]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,03EC9C2A-01B7-4FA5-945F-5B68D049C590,0x28,0x64000)
5:941  0:000          Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
5:944  0:002            label : EFI
5:944  0:000          This is SelfVolume !!
5:944  0:000  - [03]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)
5:944  0:000          Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
5:944  0:000  - [04]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,AAE1F7C1-823A-4727-9609-7E757E9E119F,0x28,0x64000)
5:945  0:000          Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
5:946  0:001            label : EFI
5:946  0:000  - [05]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,2866BF18-F498-4293-9EB6-50FC13F1654D,0x64028,0xE8DA4867)
5:947  0:000          Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
5:947  0:000            label : Data
5:947  0:000  - [06]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)
5:947  0:000  - [07]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(1,GPT,6B639E3A-9D00-41E6-8721-4CFC6871DF93,0x800,0x64782)
5:947  0:000          Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
5:948  0:000            label : EFI
5:948  0:000  - [08]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(2,GPT,8860C89D-7D93-480F-A1C2-63714303BB04,0x64F88,0x3A1DF878)
5:948  0:000          Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
5:948  0:000            label : Root
5:948  0:000  - [09]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(3,GPT,0FB37DDD-C1AC-45FA-8F75-72078459F9BB,0x3A244800,0x16C800)
5:948  0:000          Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
5:948  0:000            label : Unknown HD3211795
5:948  0:000          hiding this volume
5:948  0:000  - [10]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)
5:948  0:000          Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
5:948  0:000  - [11]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,815AF276DA6FD74FB5785C8984D35337)
5:948  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=76F25A81-6FDA-4FD7-B578-5C8984D35337, ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B, ApfsRole=0x10
5:951  0:002            label : Preboot
5:951  0:000  - [12]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,FBD647D2BE0E4F468557427D0E24CEBC)
5:951  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=D247D6FB-0EBE-464F-8557-427D0E24CEBC, ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B, ApfsRole=0x40
5:999  0:048            label : EVO860 — Data
5:999  0:000  - [13]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,4B95588B912C4F4FBCB6E63607AE8EB6)
5:999  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=8B58954B-2C91-4F4F-BCB6-E63607AE8EB6, ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B, ApfsRole=0x1
6:011  0:012            label : EVO860
6:011  0:000  - [14]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,ECDCB15D92F8AF41B6AAEC5ADE284AE6)
6:011  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=5DB1DCEC-F892-41AF-B6AA-EC5ADE284AE6, ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B, ApfsRole=0x4
6:011  0:000            label : Recovery
6:011  0:000  - [15]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,5FE3FBD6B0DB8849A545AC8ED311E663)
6:011  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=D6FBE35F-DBB0-4988-A545-AC8ED311E663, ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B, ApfsRole=0x8
6:011  0:000            label : VM
6:012  0:000  - [16]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,5369186D82F7254894204D321167268A)
6:012  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=6D186953-F782-4825-9420-4D321167268A, ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B, ApfsRole=0xc0
6:013  0:001            label : Update
6:013  0:000  - [17]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,432640E7E8F96D4AA4D7CDF23B2E3C2B)
6:013  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=E7402643-F9E8-4A6D-A4D7-CDF23B2E3C2B, ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E, ApfsRole=0x10
6:013  0:000            label : Preboot
6:013  0:000  - [18]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,D94B81197C367E4091A4C397EBA5C98E)
6:014  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E, ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E, ApfsRole=0x40
6:020  0:006            label : SN850 - Data
6:020  0:000  - [19]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,9DB6595E557D594B88A94AD2C091F80D)
6:020  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=5E59B69D-7D55-4B59-88A9-4AD2C091F80D, ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E, ApfsRole=0xc0
6:021  0:000            label : Update
6:021  0:000  - [20]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,ACAF0F95E12B0149A5D533EEE9B8E8D1)
6:021  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=950FAFAC-2BE1-4901-A5D5-33EEE9B8E8D1, ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E, ApfsRole=0x1
6:023  0:002            label : SN850
6:023  0:000  - [21]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,CC9E0A4E17B46248808CB57F4517A7AC)
6:023  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=4E0A9ECC-B417-4862-808C-B57F4517A7AC, ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E, ApfsRole=0x4
6:023  0:000            label : Recovery
6:023  0:000  - [22]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,E728F7B436B6EB4D879C9F902D56CD22)
6:023  0:000            apfsFileSystemUUID=B4F728E7-B636-4DEB-879C-9F902D56CD22, ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E, ApfsRole=0x8
6:023  0:000            label : VM
6:023  0:000  No AudioIoProtocols, status=Not Found
6:023  0:000  === [ InitXTheme ] ==============================
6:023  0:000  use night theme
6:028  0:004  Using theme 'Clever' (Clever)
6:028  0:000  chosen theme Clever
6:028  0:000  OS main and drive as badge
6:287  0:259  sound play end with status=Device Error
6:287  0:000  sound play end with status=Device Error
6:291  0:004  theme inited
6:291  0:000  Chosen theme Clever
6:291  0:000  found boot-args in NVRAM:-ctrsmt -wegnoigpu -shikioff, size=29
6:291  0:000  ...found arg:-ctrsmt
6:291  0:000  ...found arg:-wegnoigpu
6:291  0:000  ...found arg:-shikioff
6:291  0:000  after NVRAM boot-args=darkwake=0 revcpu=1 cpuname,sbvmm -ctrsmt -wegnoigpu -shikioff
6:291  0:000  === [ Dump SMC keys from NVRAM ] ================
6:291  0:000  found AppleSMC protocol
6:294  0:003     fakesmc-key-#KEY-ui32:00 00 00 0D 
6:295  0:000     fakesmc-key-$Adr-ui32:00 00 03 00 
6:295  0:000     fakesmc-key-$Num-ui8:01 
6:296  0:000     fakesmc-key-RMde-char:41 
6:296  0:000     fakesmc-key-RPlt-ch8*:6A 31 36 4F 00 00 00 00 
6:297  0:000     fakesmc-key-BEMB-flag:00 
6:297  0:000     fakesmc-key-BATP-flag:00 
6:297  0:000     fakesmc-key-BNum-ui8:00 
6:298  0:000     fakesmc-key-MSTc-ui8:00 
6:298  0:000     fakesmc-key-MSAc-ui16:00 00 
6:298  0:000     fakesmc-key-MSWr-ui8:00 
6:299  0:000     fakesmc-key-MSFW-ui8:01 00 
6:299  0:000     fakesmc-key-MSPS-ui16:00 03 
6:302  0:002  Registered 13 SMC keys
6:303  0:001  === [ ScanLoader ] ==============================
6:303  0:000  - [02]: 'EFI'
6:320  0:017        AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI, idx=0
6:320  0:000        OSVersion= 
6:320  0:000        IconName=unknown comma=-1 size=7
6:320  0:000        Full=unknown
6:320  0:000        Loader entry created for 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,03EC9C2A-01B7-4FA5-945F-5B68D049C590,0x28,0x64000)\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.efi'
6:320  0:000        Menu entry added at index 0
6:320  0:000       hiding entry because DiskKind is DISK_KIND_INTERNAL: \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.efi
6:320  0:000  - [04]: 'EFI'
6:333  0:013  - [05]: 'Data'
6:333  0:000  - [07]: 'EFI'
6:334  0:001        AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI, idx=1
6:334  0:000        OSVersion= 
6:334  0:000        IconName=vista,win comma=5 size=9
6:334  0:000        first=os_vista
6:334  0:000        Loader entry created for 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(1,GPT,6B639E3A-9D00-41E6-8721-4CFC6871DF93,0x800,0x64782)\EFI\microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi'
6:334  0:000       hiding entry: \EFI\microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
6:335  0:000        Menu entry added at index 1
6:336  0:000        AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI, idx=2
6:336  0:000        OSVersion= 
6:336  0:000        IconName=unknown comma=-1 size=7
6:336  0:000        Full=unknown
6:336  0:000        Loader entry created for 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(1,GPT,6B639E3A-9D00-41E6-8721-4CFC6871DF93,0x800,0x64782)\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.efi'
6:336  0:000        Menu entry added at index 2
6:336  0:000       hiding entry because DiskKind is DISK_KIND_INTERNAL: \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.efi
6:336  0:000  - [08]: 'Root'
6:336  0:000  - [09]: 'Unknown HD3211795'
6:336  0:000  - [11]: 'Preboot'
6:336  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B
6:336  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=76F25A81-6FDA-4FD7-B578-5C8984D35337
6:336  0:000      APFSTargetUUID=D247D6FB-0EBE-464F-8557-427D0E24CEBC
6:342  0:006        contentDetails name:EVO860
6:343  0:000        AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Preboot, idx=3
6:344  0:001        OSVersion=13.6.3 
6:344  0:000      hibernated: set as never
6:344  0:000        IconName=ventura,mac comma=7 size=11
6:344  0:000        first=os_ventura
6:344  0:000        Loader entry created for 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,815AF276DA6FD74FB5785C8984D35337)\D247D6FB-0EBE-464F-8557-427D0E24CEBC\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
6:347  0:002        Menu entry added at index 3
6:347  0:000  - [12]: 'EVO860 — Data'
6:347  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B
6:347  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=D247D6FB-0EBE-464F-8557-427D0E24CEBC
6:348  0:000  - [13]: 'EVO860'
6:348  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B
6:348  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=8B58954B-2C91-4F4F-BCB6-E63607AE8EB6
6:377  0:028  - [14]: 'Recovery'
6:377  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B
6:377  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=5DB1DCEC-F892-41AF-B6AA-EC5ADE284AE6
6:377  0:000      APFSTargetUUID=D247D6FB-0EBE-464F-8557-427D0E24CEBC
6:377  0:000        contentDetails name:EVO860
6:381  0:003        AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery, idx=4
6:383  0:002        OSVersion=13.6.3 
6:383  0:000        IconName=ventura,mac comma=7 size=11
6:383  0:000        first=os_ventura
6:383  0:000        Loader entry created for 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,706D43C1-1EC1-453D-AB40-CD36786BA614,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,ECDCB15D92F8AF41B6AAEC5ADE284AE6)\D247D6FB-0EBE-464F-8557-427D0E24CEBC\BaseSystem.dmg'
6:385  0:002        Menu entry added at index 4
6:385  0:000  - [15]: 'VM'
6:385  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B
6:385  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=D6FBE35F-DBB0-4988-A545-AC8ED311E663
6:385  0:000  - [16]: 'Update'
6:385  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=9933C736-32F9-44D3-86AE-222C227B1E5B
6:385  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=6D186953-F782-4825-9420-4D321167268A
6:385  0:000  - [17]: 'Preboot'
6:385  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E
6:385  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=E7402643-F9E8-4A6D-A4D7-CDF23B2E3C2B
6:385  0:000      APFSTargetUUID=19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E
6:387  0:001        contentDetails name:SN850
6:387  0:000        AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Preboot, idx=5
6:387  0:000        OSVersion=14.2.1 
6:387  0:000      hibernated: set as never
6:387  0:000        IconName=sonoma,mac comma=6 size=10
6:387  0:000        first=os_sonoma
6:387  0:000        Loader entry created for 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,432640E7E8F96D4AA4D7CDF23B2E3C2B)\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
6:390  0:002        Menu entry added at index 5
6:390  0:000  - [18]: 'SN850 - Data'
6:390  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E
6:390  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E
6:390  0:000  - [19]: 'Update'
6:390  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E
6:390  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=5E59B69D-7D55-4B59-88A9-4AD2C091F80D
6:390  0:000  - [20]: 'SN850'
6:390  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E
6:390  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=950FAFAC-2BE1-4901-A5D5-33EEE9B8E8D1
6:394  0:004  - [21]: 'Recovery'
6:394  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E
6:394  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=4E0A9ECC-B417-4862-808C-B57F4517A7AC
6:394  0:000      APFSTargetUUID=19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E
6:395  0:000        contentDetails name:SN850
6:395  0:000        AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery, idx=6
6:395  0:000        OSVersion=14.2.1 
6:395  0:000        IconName=sonoma,mac comma=6 size=10
6:395  0:000        first=os_sonoma
6:395  0:000        Loader entry created for 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,CC9E0A4E17B46248808CB57F4517A7AC)\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\BaseSystem.dmg'
6:398  0:002        Menu entry added at index 6
6:398  0:000  - [22]: 'VM'
6:398  0:000      ApfsContainerUUID=8B3EBBD2-F933-469A-899D-EEA32F22744E
6:398  0:000      ApfsFileSystemUUID=B4F728E7-B636-4DEB-879C-9F902D56CD22
6:398  0:000  Entries list before ordering
6:398  0:000      Entry 0 : Boot UEFI internal from EFI (hidden)
6:398  0:000      Entry 1 : Boot Microsoft EFI Boot from EFI (hidden)
6:398  0:000      Entry 2 : Boot UEFI internal from EFI (hidden)
6:398  0:000      Entry 3 : Boot Mac OS from EVO860 via Preboot
6:398  0:000      Entry 4 : Boot Mac OS Recovery for EVO860 via Recovery
6:398  0:000      Entry 5 : Boot Mac OS from SN850 via Preboot
6:398  0:000      Entry 6 : Boot Mac OS Recovery for SN850 via Recovery
6:398  0:000  Entries list after ordering
6:398  0:000    Entry 0 : Boot UEFI internal from EFI (hidden)
6:398  0:000    Entry 1 : Boot Microsoft EFI Boot from EFI (hidden)
6:398  0:000    Entry 2 : Boot UEFI internal from EFI (hidden)
6:398  0:000    Entry 3 : Boot Mac OS from EVO860 via Preboot
6:398  0:000    Entry 4 : Boot Mac OS Recovery for EVO860 via Recovery
6:398  0:000    Entry 5 : Boot Mac OS from SN850 via Preboot
6:398  0:000    Entry 6 : Boot Mac OS Recovery for SN850 via Recovery
6:398  0:000  === [ AddCustomTool ] ===========================
6:400  0:001  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
6:400  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 2 for Clover
6:402  0:002   Found Clover
6:402  0:000  === [ GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram ] ===============
6:403  0:000  Got efi-boot-device-data size=276
6:403  0:000   - efi-boot-device-data: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,432640E7E8F96D4AA4D7CDF23B2E3C2B)\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
6:403  0:000    - Volume: 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,432640E7E8F96D4AA4D7CDF23B2E3C2B)'
6:403  0:000    - LoaderPath: '\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
6:403  0:000    - Guid = F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8
6:403  0:000  === [ FindStartupDiskVolume ] ===================
6:403  0:000    - Volume: partition = PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,432640E7E8F96D4AA4D7CDF23B2E3C2B)
6:403  0:000     - searching for that partition and loader '\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
6:403  0:000    checking 'PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1A,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)/HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,432640E7E8F96D4AA4D7CDF23B2E3C2B)'
6:403  0:000     '\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
6:403  0:000      - found entry 2. 'Boot Mac OS from SN850 via Preboot', Volume 'Preboot', '\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
6:403  0:000  Boot redirected to Entry 2. 'Boot Mac OS from SN850 via Preboot'
6:403  0:000  BannerPlace at Clear Screen [1760,732]
6:613  0:210  GUI ready
14:640  8:027  === [ StartLoader ] =============================
14:640  0:000  Starting PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)\Pci(0x0,0x0)\NVMe(0x1,09-B3-14-4A-8B-44-1B-00)\HD(4,GPT,F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8,0x3A3B1800,0x3A355588)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,432640E7E8F96D4AA4D7CDF23B2E3C2B)\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
14:640  0:000  Finally: ExternalClock=26MHz BusSpeed=100269kHz CPUFreq=3610MHz PIS: hw.busfrequency=104000000Hz
14:641  0:000  Beginning OC
14:643  0:002  OCST: Missing vault data, ignoring...
14:643  0:000  Bridge mmioWhiteList[0] to OC : comment=Generic: PCI root is a 0x1000 page memory region used by some firmwares
14:645  0:001  AddKextsInArray from Other
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\Lilu.kext (v.1.6.7)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\AMFIPass.kext (v.1.4.0)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\SMCRadeonGPU.kext (v.0.3.3)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\AppleALC.kext (v.1.8.8)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\USBToolBox.kext (v.1.1.1)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\RestrictEvents.kext (v.1.1.3)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\SMCSuperIO.kext (v.1.3.2)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\WhateverGreen.kext (v.1.6.6)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\CPUFriendDataProvider.kext (v.1.0.1)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\CpuTopologyRebuild.kext (v.1.1.0)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\USBWakeFixup.kext (v.1)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\CPUFriend.kext (v.1.2.7)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\AGPMInjector.kext (v.135)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\RadeonSensor.kext (v.0.3.3)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\VirtualSMC.kext (v.1.3.2)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext (v.1.1.0)
14:645  0:000  ->Extra kext: Other\UTBMap.kext (v.1.1)
14:646  0:001  AddKextsInArray from Off
14:646  0:000  AddKextsInArray from 14
14:646  0:000  ->Extra kext: 14\IOSkywalkFamily.kext (v.1.0)
14:646  0:000  ->Extra kext: 14\IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext (v.1200.12.2b1)
14:646  0:000      |-- PlugIn kext: 14\IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext\Contents\PlugIns\AirPortBrcmNIC.kext (v.)
14:646  0:000  ->Extra kext: 14\RtWlanU1827.kext (v.1827.4.b36)
14:646  0:000  ->Extra kext: 14\RtWlanU.kext (v.1830.32.b27)
14:646  0:000  AddKextsInArray from 14_normal
14:646  0:000  AddKextsInArray from 14.2
14:646  0:000  AddKextsInArray from 14.2_normal
14:646  0:000  AddKextsInArray from 14.2.1
14:646  0:000  AddKextsInArray from 14.2.1_normal
14:646  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherLilu.kext
14:648  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\Lilu.kext'
14:649  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:652  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\Lilu'
14:652  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherVirtualSMC.kext
14:653  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\VirtualSMC.kext'
14:654  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:658  0:003  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\VirtualSMC'
14:658  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=14IOSkywalkFamily.kext
14:660  0:001  OC BundlePath     = '14\IOSkywalkFamily.kext'
14:661  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:664  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\IOSkywalkFamily'
14:664  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherWhateverGreen.kext
14:666  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\WhateverGreen.kext'
14:667  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:670  0:003  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\WhateverGreen'
14:670  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherAppleALC.kext
14:671  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\AppleALC.kext'
14:673  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:688  0:015  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\AppleALC'
14:688  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherSMCSuperIO.kext
14:690  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\SMCSuperIO.kext'
14:691  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:694  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\SMCSuperIO'
14:694  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=14IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext
14:695  0:001  OC BundlePath     = '14\IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext'
14:696  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:700  0:003  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\IO80211FamilyLegacy'
14:700  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherAMFIPass.kext
14:701  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\AMFIPass.kext'
14:702  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:705  0:003  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\AMFIPass'
14:705  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherSMCRadeonGPU.kext
14:707  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\SMCRadeonGPU.kext'
14:708  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:711  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\SMCRadeonGPU'
14:711  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherUSBToolBox.kext
14:712  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\USBToolBox.kext'
14:713  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:716  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\USBToolBox'
14:716  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherRestrictEvents.kext
14:717  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\RestrictEvents.kext'
14:718  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:721  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\RestrictEvents'
14:721  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherCPUFriendDataProvider.kext
14:722  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\CPUFriendDataProvider.kext'
14:724  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:725  0:001  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherCpuTopologyRebuild.kext
14:726  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\CpuTopologyRebuild.kext'
14:728  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:730  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\CpuTopologyRebuild'
14:730  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherUSBWakeFixup.kext
14:732  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\USBWakeFixup.kext'
14:733  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:736  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\USBWakeFixup'
14:736  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherCPUFriend.kext
14:737  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\CPUFriend.kext'
14:738  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:741  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\CPUFriend'
14:741  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherAGPMInjector.kext
14:742  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\AGPMInjector.kext'
14:743  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:745  0:001  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherRadeonSensor.kext
14:746  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\RadeonSensor.kext'
14:747  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:750  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\RadeonSensor'
14:750  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherLucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext
14:751  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext'
14:753  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:756  0:003  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\LucyRTL8125Ethernet'
14:756  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=OtherUTBMap.kext
14:757  0:001  OC BundlePath     = 'Other\UTBMap.kext'
14:758  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:760  0:001  Bridge kext to OC : Path=14\IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext\Contents\PlugInsAirPortBrcmNIC.kext
14:762  0:001  OC BundlePath     = '14\IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext\Contents\PlugIns\AirPortBrcmNIC.kext'
14:763  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:766  0:002  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\AirPortBrcmNIC'
14:766  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=14RtWlanU1827.kext
14:767  0:001  OC BundlePath     = '14\RtWlanU1827.kext'
14:769  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:774  0:005  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\RtWlanU1827'
14:774  0:000  Bridge kext to OC : Path=14RtWlanU.kext
14:776  0:001  OC BundlePath     = '14\RtWlanU.kext'
14:777  0:001  OC PlistPath      = 'Contents\Info.plist'
14:785  0:008  OC ExecutablePath = 'Contents\MacOS\RtWlanU'
14:796  0:010  Start 'OpenRuntime.efi' : Status Success
14:796  0:000  OC: config config.plist
14:796  0:000  OC: Got 0 drivers
14:796  0:000  OC: OpenCore DBG-097-2024-01-07 is loading in Optional mode (0/0)...
14:796  0:000  OC: StorageHandle 0 with  LauncherOption pointing to 
14:796  0:000  OCAU: OcAudioInstallProtocols (0, 0)
14:796  0:000  OcOSInfoInstallProtocol
14:796  0:000  OCRTC: OcAppleRtcRamInstallProtocol
14:797  0:000  OCRTC: Wake log is 0x00 0x00   0 0x00
14:797  0:000  OcAppleFbInfoInstallProtocol
14:797  0:000  OcAppleEg2InfoInstallProtocol
14:797  0:000  OCEG: Discovered rotate NVRAM override to 0
14:797  0:000  OC: Loading Apple Secure Boot with Disabled (level 0)
14:797  0:000  OCABC: Got rendezvous with OpenRuntime r12
14:797  0:000  OCABC: MAT support is 1
14:797  0:000  OC: RequestBootVarRouting 0
14:797  0:000  OCDM: Found 0x20050/0x20050 UEFI version (376 bytes, 0 rebuilding to 376) gST 69F65018 gBS 5F43CF20 gBS->CreateEventEx 5F42F2B0 &gBS 5CD99670
14:797  0:000  OC: Setting GPU BARs to 0
14:797  0:000  OCDM: RBAR using PciIo
14:797  0:000  OCDM: Setting RBAR to 0 inc 1 on 5/23
14:797  0:000  OCDM: Found CAP 0x15 at 0x200
14:797  0:000  OCDM: RBAR control is D40, total 2 - Success
14:797  0:000  OCDM: Old BAR 0000000C 00000040 0000000C 00000042 00004001 70300000 - Success
14:797  0:000  OCDM: RBAR 1/2 supports 0x3F00, sizing 0 inc 1 results setting from 13 to 8
14:797  0:000  OCDM: RBAR 2/2 supports 0x1FE, sizing 0 inc 1 results setting from 8 to 1
14:797  0:000  OCDM: Reprogrammed BARs to original - Success
14:797  0:000  OC: Got 0 drivers
14:797  0:000  OCC: GOP exists on ConsoleOutHandle and has 8 modes
14:797  0:000  OCC: Looking for GOP replacement due to blit-only GOP
14:797  0:000  OCC: Alternative GOP status is - Success
14:797  0:000  OCC: Checking alternative GOP mode 1 - Success
14:797  0:000  OC: Requested resolution is 2560x1440@0 (max: 0, force: 0) from 2560x1440
14:797  0:000  OCC: Requesting 2560x1440@0 (max: 0) resolution, curr 0, total 8
14:797  0:000  OCC: Current FB at 0x4000000000 (0x1FA4000), format 1, res 3840x2160 scan 3840
14:797  0:000  OCC: Mode 0 - 3840x2160:1
14:797  0:000  OCC: Mode 1 - 640x480:1
14:797  0:000  OCC: Mode 2 - 800x600:1
14:797  0:000  OCC: Mode 3 - 1024x768:1
14:797  0:000  OCC: Mode 4 - 1280x1024:1
14:797  0:000  OCC: Mode 5 - 1400x1050:1
14:797  0:000  OCC: Mode 6 - 1600x1200:1
14:797  0:000  OCC: Mode 7 - 1280x960:1
14:797  0:000  OCC: No compatible mode for 2560x1440@0 (max: 0) resolution
14:797  0:000  OC: Changed resolution to 2560x1440@0 (max: 0, force: 0) from 2560x1440 - Not Found
14:797  0:000  OCC: Using builtin text renderer with 1 scale
14:797  0:000  OCC: Install console control (5CD85050/5F426148/0), current - Success
14:797  0:000  OCC: Setup ASCII Output - Success
14:797  0:000  OC: Requested console mode is 0x0 (max: 0) from 
14:797  0:000  OC: Requested not to use audio
14:797  0:000  OC: Invalid HibernateMode: 
14:797  0:000  OC: Translated HibernateMode  to 0
14:797  0:000  OC: Hibernation activation - Invalid Parameter, hibernation wake - no
14:797  0:000  OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0)
14:798  0:000  OCB: Arch filtering 5B984018(723512)->5B984018(723512) caps 0 - Success
14:803  0:005  ImageHandle = 5bfe9d18
14:822  0:019  GetOSVersion: 14.2.1 (B)
14:822  0:000  Filtering KextPatches:
14:822  0:000   - [00]: com.apple.driver.AppleRTC (Disable RTC wake scheduling) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 14.2.1 | MatchOS: All | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
14:822  0:000  Filtering KernelPatches:
14:822  0:000   - [00]: force HT enabled for Mojave or later :: [OS: 14.2.1 | MatchOS: 12.x,13.x | MatchBuild: All] ==> disabled by user
14:822  0:000  Will not patch boot.efi
14:822  0:000  BiosVersion: MP71.88Z.F000.B00.2303040336
14:822  0:000  BiosReleaseDate: 03/04/2023
14:822  0:000  EfiVersion: 1968.
14:822  0:000  SMBIOS reloaded with model MacPro7,1
14:822  0:000  Set FakeCPUID: 0xA0655
14:822  0:000  Bridge com.apple.driver.AppleRTC patch to OC : com.apple.driver.AppleRTC (Disable RTC wake scheduling)
14:822  0:000  === [ PatchSmbios ] =============================
14:822  0:000  UpdateSmbiosString : BiosVersion=EfiVersion=1968.
14:822  0:000  UpdateSmbiosString : ReleaseDate=03/04/2023
14:822  0:000  void PatchTableType1(const SmbiosInjectedSettings&) : UpdateSmbiosString ProductName=MacPro7,1
14:822  0:000  void PatchTableType2(const SmbiosInjectedSettings&) : UpdateSmbiosString ProductName=BoardNumber=Mac-27AD2F918AE68F61
14:822  0:000  void PatchTableType2(const SmbiosInjectedSettings&) : UpdateSmbiosString Version=BoardVersion=MacPro7,1
14:823  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
14:823  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:1
14:823  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
14:823  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
14:823  0:000  Do not inject memory table
14:823  0:000  Trusting SMBIOS...
14:823  0:000  Channels: 2
14:823  0:000  Interleave: 0 2 1 3
14:823  0:000  !trusted SMBIOS data, Table index 0:!gRAM.SMBIOS.doesSlotForIndexExist(SMBIOSIndex) 
14:823  0:000    SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 0 => SMBIOSIndex=0 SPDIndex=0:
14:823  0:000   DIMM1 EMPTY
14:823  0:000  !trusted SMBIOS data, Table index 2:!gRAM.SMBIOS.doesSlotForIndexExist(SMBIOSIndex) 
14:823  0:000    SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 1 => SMBIOSIndex=2 SPDIndex=2:
14:823  0:000   DIMM2 EMPTY
14:823  0:000  trusted SMBIOS data, table index 1:
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[1]->ModuleSize = 32768
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[1]->Type = 0
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[1]->Frequency = 3200
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[1]->Vendor = Crucial Technology
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[1]->PartNo = CT32G4DFD832A.M16FF
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[1]->SerialNo = E7908A70
14:823  0:000  SPD data in use:
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[1]->ModuleSize = 32768
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[1]->Type = 26
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[1]->Frequency = 3200
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[1]->Vendor = Crucial Technology
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[1]->SerialNo = E7908A70
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[1]->PartNo = CT32G4DFD832A.M16FF
14:823  0:000    SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 2 => SMBIOSIndex=1 SPDIndex=1:
14:823  0:000   DIMM3 3200MHz 32767MB(Ext:32768MB)
14:823  0:000  trusted SMBIOS data, table index 3:
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[3]->ModuleSize = 32768
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[3]->Type = 0
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[3]->Frequency = 3200
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[3]->Vendor = Crucial Technology
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[3]->PartNo = CT32G4DFD832A.M16FF
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SMBIOS[3]->SerialNo = E7908B58
14:823  0:000  SPD data in use:
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[3]->ModuleSize = 32768
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[3]->Type = 26
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[3]->Frequency = 3200
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[3]->Vendor = Crucial Technology
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[3]->SerialNo = E7908B58
14:823  0:000    gRAM.SPD[3]->PartNo = CT32G4DFD832A.M16FF
14:823  0:000    SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 3 => SMBIOSIndex=3 SPDIndex=3:
14:823  0:000   DIMM4 3200MHz 32767MB(Ext:32768MB)
14:823  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 65536
14:823  0:000  NumberOfMemoryDevices = 4
14:823  0:000  Type20[0]->End = 0x1FFFFFF, Type17[2] = 8000
14:823  0:000  Table 131 is present, CPUType=31
14:823  0:000  Change to: F01
14:823  0:000  === [ PatchACPI ] ===============================
14:823  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68DBB000 (1) - Success
14:823  0:000  Xsdt reallocation done
14:823  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68DBA000 (1) - Success
14:823  0:000  old FADT length=114
14:823  0:000   SignatureFixup: 0x878C50D8 -> 0x0
14:823  0:000  Found OperationRegion(SANV, SystemMemory, 68FB0098, ...)
14:823  0:000  Found OperationRegion(GNVS, SystemMemory, 68ED7000, ...)
14:823  0:000  Found OperationRegion(CPNV, SystemMemory, 687DA000, ...)
14:823  0:000  Found OperationRegion(SBNV, SystemMemory, 68EDB000, ...)
14:823  0:000  Found OperationRegion(PNVA, SystemMemory, 68FB0B18, ...)
14:834  0:010  Found OperationRegion(MTBR, SystemMemory, FE100000, ...)
14:873  0:038  Found OperationRegion(TMMB, SystemMemory, FED40000, ...)
14:873  0:000  Found OperationRegion(CRBD, SystemMemory, FED40000, ...)
14:873  0:000  Found OperationRegion(TPMR, SystemMemory, FED40040, ...)
14:873  0:000  Found OperationRegion(ATNV, SystemMemory, 68FB0F18, ...)
14:874  0:001  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D1E000 (156) - Success
14:874  0:000  Apply DsdtFixMask=0x50400000
14:874  0:000  === [ FixBiosDsdt ] =============================
14:875  0:000  Patching DSDT:
14:875  0:000   - [HPET _STA to XSTA Rename]: pattern 115F5354, patched at: [ (89469) ]
14:875  0:000   - [HPET _CRS to XCRS Rename]: pattern 255F4352, patched at: [ (8947B) ]
14:875  0:000   - [ADBG to XDBG]: pattern 41444247, patched at: [ (E075) ]
14:876  0:000   - [_OSI to XOSI rename - requires SSDT-XOSI.aml]: pattern 5F4F5349, patched at: [ (22AFA) ]
14:876  0:000   - [MC_ to MCHC]: pattern 4D435F5F, patched at: [ (D5F3) ]
14:877  0:000   - [IPIC IRQ 2 Patch]: pattern 22040079, patched at: [ (89542) ]
14:877  0:000   - [RTC IRQ 8 Patch]: pattern 22000179, patched at: [ (8962E) ]
14:877  0:000   - [TIMR IRQ 0 Patch]: pattern 22010079, patched at: [ (89673) ]
14:879  0:001   deleting device CRT_
14:886  0:007   deleting device DVI_
14:894  0:007   deleting device SPKR
14:901  0:007   deleting device ECP_
14:909  0:007   deleting device LPT_
14:916  0:007   deleting device FDC0
14:923  0:007   deleting device ECP1
14:931  0:007   deleting device LPT1
14:938  0:007   deleting device FDC_
14:945  0:007    indirect name=SANB
14:945  0:000    indirect name=CNVB
14:945  0:000    indirect name=SNVB
14:945  0:000    indirect name=PNVB
14:946  0:000    indirect name=TPMM
14:946  0:000    indirect name=FTPM
14:946  0:000    indirect name=PPIM
14:946  0:000  Start Mutex Fix
14:946  0:000  PreCleanup XSDT: count=26, length=244
14:946  0:000  PreCleanup XSDT, corrected XSDT: count=26, length=244
14:946  0:000  === [ ACPIDropTables ] ==========================
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D1C000 (2) - Success
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D1C000 (2) - Success
14:946  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:946  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 41444247, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D15000 (7) - Success
14:946  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:946  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 41444247, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000  Found OperationRegion(PNVS, SystemMemory, 68F0F000, ...)
14:946  0:000  Found OperationRegion(BGNV, SystemMemory, FFFF0000, ...)
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D13000 (2) - Success
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D11000 (4) - Success
14:946  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:946  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 41444247, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D0C000 (5) - Success
14:946  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:946  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 41444247, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, patched at: [ (2D) ]
14:946  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D0A000 (2) - Success
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D0A000 (2) - Success
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D0A000 (2) - Success
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D08000 (2) - Success
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68D08000 (2) - Success
14:946  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CFF000 (11) - Success
14:946  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:946  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:946  0:000   pattern 41444247, patched at: [ (24D) ]
14:947  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CFD000 (2) - Success
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CFD000 (2) - Success
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CFC000 (3) - Success
14:947  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:947  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 41444247, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CFA000 (2) - Success
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CFA000 (2) - Success
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CF9000 (3) - Success
14:947  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:947  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 41444247, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CF4000 (5) - Success
14:947  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:947  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 41444247, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, patched at: [ (3B) ]
14:947  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CEF000 (5) - Success
14:947  0:000  Patching SSDTs: 8 patches each
14:947  0:000   pattern 115F5354, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 255F4352, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 41444247, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 5F4F5349, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 4D435F5F, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22040079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22000179, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000   pattern 22010079, bin not found / already patched!
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CDF000 (16) - Success
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CED000 (2) - Success
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CED000 (2) - Success
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CED000 (2) - Success
14:947  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CED000 (2) - Success
14:947  0:000  === [ ACPIPatchedAML ] ==========================
14:947  0:000  Unsorted
14:947  0:000  Inserting SSDT-APPLE.aml from \EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=6196 OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CED000 (2) - Success
... Success
14:948  0:001  Inserting SSDT-BRG0.aml from \EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=108 OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CEC000 (1) - Success
... Success
14:950  0:001  Out of control with CPU numbers
14:950  0:000  ApicCPUNum=20
14:950  0:000  Cleanup XSDT: count=28, length=260
14:950  0:000  corrected XSDT count=28, length=260
14:950  0:000  === [ RestSetup macOS ] =========================
14:950  0:000  EdidDiscovered size=128
14:950  0:000  --- Discovered EDID Table size:128
14:950  0:000  000  |  00  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  FF  00  5A  63
14:950  0:000  010  |  36  C3  01  01  01  01  06  20  01  04
14:950  0:000  020  |  B5  46  28  78  3F  59  95  AF  4F  42
14:950  0:000  030  |  AF  26  0F  50  54  BF  EF  80  D1  C0
14:950  0:000  040  |  B3  00  A9  40  95  00  90  40  81  80
14:950  0:000  050  |  81  40  81  C0  4D  D0  00  A0  F0  70
14:950  0:000  060  |  3E  80  30  20  35  00  BA  89  21  00
14:950  0:000  070  |  00  1A  00  00  00  FF  00  56  46  57
14:950  0:000  080  |  32  32  30  36  32  30  30  36  35  0A
14:950  0:000  090  |  00  00  00  FD  00  28  3C  A0  A0  3C
14:950  0:000  100  |  01  0A  20  20  20  20  20  20  00  00
14:950  0:000  110  |  00  FC  00  56  58  33  32  31  31  2D
14:950  0:000  120  |  34  4B  0A  20  20  20  01  FD
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=15
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=12
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=51
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=15
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=54
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=19
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=47
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=23
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=49
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=@0,name valuelen=10
14:950  0:000     Add key=@1,name valuelen=10
14:950  0:000     Add key=@2,name valuelen=10
14:950  0:000     Add key=@3,name valuelen=10
14:950  0:000     Add key=PP_PhmSoftPowerPlayTable valuelen=1674
14:950  0:000     Add key=agdpmod valuelen=8
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x1)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=27
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=13
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=19
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=acpi-wake-gpe valuelen=1
14:950  0:000     Add key=acpi-wake-type valuelen=1
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=15
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=49
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x2)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=29
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x15,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=22
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=45
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x16,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=25
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=36
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=45
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1A,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=43
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1A,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=20
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=31
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=25
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=40
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=20
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=20
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=31
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1D,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=40
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1D,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=20
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=15
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=38
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1D,0x3)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=42
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1D,0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=20
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=19
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=42
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x0)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=11
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=33
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x3)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=13
14:950  0:000     Add key=layout-id valuelen=4
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=33
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x4)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=6
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=34
14:950  0:000  add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x5)
14:950  0:000     Add key=AAPL,slot-name valuelen=16
14:950  0:000     Add key=device_type valuelen=22
14:950  0:000     Add key=model valuelen=32
14:950  0:000  ATI injection not set
14:950  0:000  found same device
14:950  0:000  found same device
14:950  0:000   RCBA disabled; cannot use it
14:951  0:000  stringlength = 13564
14:951  0:000  OCABC: AllocPages 1 0x68CEA000 (2) - Success
14:951  0:000  CurrentMode: Width=3840 Height=2160
14:951  0:000  SetNvramVariable (system-id, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x2, 16): -> writing new (Success)
14:951  0:000  SetNvramVariable (MLB, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 17): -> writing new (Success)
14:951  0:000  SetNvramVariable (ROM, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 6): -> writing new (Success)
14:951  0:000  SetNvramVariable (FirmwareFeatures, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 4): -> writing new (Success)
14:951  0:000  SetNvramVariable (FirmwareFeaturesMask, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 4): -> writing new (Success)
14:952  0:000  SetNvramVariable (ExtendedFirmwareFeatures, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 8): -> writing new (Success)
14:952  0:000  SetNvramVariable (ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 8): -> writing new (Success)
14:952  0:000  AddNvramVariable (HW_BID, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 20): -> writing new (Success)
14:952  0:000  SetNvramVariable (prev-lang:kbd, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x6, 6): -> writing new (Success)
14:952  0:000  AddNvramVariable (security-mode, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x6, 5): -> writing new (Success)
14:952  0:000  set DefaultBackgroundColor=0x0
14:952  0:000  SetNvramVariable (DefaultBackgroundColor, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 4): -> writing new (Success)
14:953  0:000  SetNvramVariable (ActualDensity, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x6, 2): -> writing new (Success)
14:953  0:000  SetNvramVariable (DensityThreshold, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x6, 2): -> writing new (Success)
14:953  0:000  SetNvramVariable (gfx-saved-config-restore-status, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 8): -> writing new (Success)
14:953  0:000  SetNvramVariable (UIScale, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14, 0x6, 1): -> writing new (Success)
14:953  0:000  SetNvramVariable (EFILoginHiDPI, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x6, 4): -> writing new (Success)
14:953  0:000  SetNvramVariable (flagstate, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x6, 32): -> writing new (Success)
14:954  0:000  SetNvramVariable (csr-active-config, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x6, 4): -> writing new (Success)
14:954  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (BridgeOSHardwareModel, 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14):
14:954  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (bootercfg, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82):
14:954  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (nvda_drv, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82):
14:954  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (recovery-boot-mode, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82):
14:954  0:000  AddNvramVariable (wake-failure, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x6, 5): -> writing new (Success)
14:954  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (opencore-version, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (ApBoardID, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (ApSecurityDomain, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (ApProductionStatus, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (ApSecurityMode, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (EffectiveProductionStatus, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (EffectiveSecurityMode, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (CertificateEpoch, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (MixNMatchPreventionStatus, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:955  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (CryptoDigestMethod, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:956  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (InternalUseOnlyUnit, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:956  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (ApECID, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:956  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (HardwareModel, 94B73556-2197-4702-82A8-3E1337DAFBFB):
14:956  0:000  Use origin smbios table type 1 guid.
14:960  0:003  SetStartupDiskVolume:
14:960  0:000    * Volume: 'Preboot'
14:960  0:000    * LoaderPath: '\19814BD9-367C-407E-91A4-C397EBA5C98E\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
14:960  0:000    * DevPath: Preboot
14:960  0:000    * EFI_GUID = F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8
14:960  0:000  SetNvramVariable (efi-boot-device-data, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x7, 276): exists(0x7, 276), equal -> not writing again.
14:960  0:000    * efi-boot-device: <array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>F6A13940-9BB6-4456-AC0C-1E4312708EB8</string></dict></dict></dict></array>
14:960  0:000  SetNvramVariable (efi-boot-device, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82, 0x7, 216): exists(0x7, 216), equal -> not writing again.
14:960  0:000  Custom boot is disabled
14:960  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (IOHibernateRTCVariables, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82):
14:960  0:000  DeleteNvramVariable (boot-image, 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82):

yitzhakbronstein@Mac-Pro ~ % 


Thanks @Jief_Machak

Edited by MakAsus
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Does the order of slots depend on SMBIOS? I see you use MacPro7,1 which has very specific memory configuration.

Try to set iMacPro1,1 or Macmini8,1

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27 minutes ago, Slice said:


Does the order of slots depend on SMBIOS? I see you use MacPro7,1 which has very specific memory configuration.

Try to set iMacPro1,1 or Macmini8,1

With Macmini8.1 does not start. With iMacPro1.1 nothing changes, but in OpenCore and MacPro7.1 everything is displayed correctly. In the Preboot.log, everything is correct too. This glitch appeared a long time ago, I noticed it on on my old Ivy Bridge who is no longer on the profile.

Edited by MakAsus
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It was a problem that different Macs have different memory map so we didn't come to final solution. One wants this, other wants other.

I will looks what to do to make memory map good for you and me.

SMBIOS->Trust = false?

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3 hours ago, Slice said:

It was a problem that different Macs have different memory map so we didn't come to final solution. One wants this, other wants other.

I will looks what to do to make memory map good for you and me.

SMBIOS->Trust = false?

Yes SMBIOS->Trust = false.

I understand so we didn't come to final solution. And I also just want so that it becomes as it was earlier in Clover and as it is in OpenCore now. The last release in which I saw the correct memory map, it seems to me, was v5.0 r5119.

Edited by MakAsus
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