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Ok now take this with a grain of salt. I did NOT go through the full install but:

Both Catalina and Big Sur booted into the install screen / recovery environment from USB using clover revision_ 5122-ocint-3009.3 + config changes from @Jief_Machak


I personally would like to say thank you to Jief and the rest of the Clover team for getting this far before the GM release of Big Sur.

I am also glad i could to be of some help.

I am now using this as my primary boot loader / picker again.


This was all done on my intel laptop, specs in signature. If you would like my EFI let me know and i will be happy to help.


Next step for me is to try adapt this to my Ryzen hack.

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2 minutes ago, SavageAUS said:

Next step for me is to try adapt this to my Ryzen hack.



technical information @Jief_Machak
With Clover 5120 (OcQuirks.efi - Ocquirks.plist - OpenRuntime.efi) rev. 24, I was able to start catalina and high sierra my ryzen 3950x on MSI X570 Unify

Now with Clover 5122-ocint-3009.3 the way to inject kernel patches has remained the same as previous Clover or has taken oc's method of inserting such patches???

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@iCanaroI have tested both (clover experimental patches and the same I am using with success in opencore)

I have not followed new clover boot loader progress but I think for my AMD platform problem is related to EFI drivers


TRX40 is a bit different from others AMD platform but if some of you have had success with this @Jief_Machak release it is a good start to put some efforts to understand also for me :)



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22 minutes ago, iCanaro said:

this is great news!!! :thumbsup_anim:
In fact, the AMD kernel patches for Clover are not up to date, while OC's patches are up to date, so if you can now use those, I'll update the config and test

try it yourself @fabiosun





Too bad I don't have a platform with an AMD processor to be able to help in this part ...

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30 minutes ago, iCanaro said:

this is great news!!! :thumbsup_anim:
In fact, the AMD kernel patches for Clover are not up to date, while OC's patches are up to date, so if you can now use those, I'll update the config and test

try it yourself @fabiosun

I’m up for the challenge.....maybe lol. 
First I need to modify my Clover config for AMD then adjust quirks then I’ll try adding in the kernel patches from OC and see how it goes on my build. 

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44 minutes ago, Jief_Machak said:

Yes, currently kext injection and patch are delegated to OC.


Is it that that prevents you to boot ?

In previous version of Clover KernelToPatch for AMD CPUs is quite different from Kernel/Patch in OpenCore.

We need fine modification to make it work.

Do you mean with current Clover we do not need modification of this patch ?

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26 minutes ago, SavageAUS said:

Can anyone share a config.plist for clover for AMD. I’m not sure where to place the kernel patches. My first attempt got stuck pretty soon after selecting boot drive. 
I’ll also recheck my quirks. 


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if you try to modify and add to test one kernel patch you will understand how to add


and if you see in my log the patches are loaded for proper system..so that injection works ;)


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2 hours ago, SavageAUS said:

Quelqu'un peut-il partager un config.plist pour le trèfle pour AMD. Je ne sais pas où placer les correctifs du noyau. Ma première tentative est restée bloquée peu de temps après avoir sélectionné le lecteur de démarrage. 
Je revérifierai également mes bizarreries. 


1 hour ago, iCanaro said:




test ! 

config-test Ryzen.plist

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Dell Vostro 2520


BigSur Beta 9

upgrade = Opencore Clover Error Inthernet !


intel i5-3210M

intel HD4000

SSD 256go

8go RAM

Cirrus CS4213 = VoodooHDA NO microphone !!! = ALC no Work 

Atheros AR9285 = No Actived 

Realtek RTL8111


Bootloader = Powered by Clover revision 5122-ocint-3009.2











r5122 Dell Vostro 2520 BigSur beta 9 1-10-20.zip

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15 minutes ago, iCanaro said:

great idea @PG7
but so far all attempts to start with Clover 5122-ocint3009.3 have failed debug_5122-ocint3009.3_Catalina.log.zip


I can start Catalina with Clover 5120 - OcQuirks rev24 debug_5120_ocquirks24_catalina.log.zip


send your functional EFI du Ryzen to Catalina
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58 minutes ago, iCanaro said:

great idea @PG7
but so far all attempts to start with Clover 5122-ocint3009.3 have failed debug_5122-ocint3009.3_Catalina.log.zip


I can start Catalina with Clover 5120 - OcQuirks rev24 debug_5120_ocquirks24_catalina.log.zip

@iCanaro : if you have a working OpenCore configuration that doesn't work with latest Clover, we'll make it work. We'll do tests through the EFI we share. Basically : if OC works, I should be able to have Clover to work because Clover is using OC inside.


Contact me in 3/4 days. I won't be available before then.


One thing you can do in the meantime : take the folder we share (remember ? it contains OpenCore AND Clover). Configure it to work with OC (config in config-oc.plist). Once it works : commit and contact me.

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7 minutes ago, Jief_Machak said:

Configure it to work with OC (config in config-oc.plist)

my AMD ryzen hack is working with OC from December 2019 :) 
no hurry, when you're available I'll make you available via mega or if I can, github, my OC EFI

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8 minutes ago, Jief_Machak said:

Salut à tous, pourriez-vous essayer ces efis. C'est exactement la même chose, mais compilé avec le script intégré. Version de débogage et version de publication.

Pas besoin d'essayer tous les systèmes d'exploitation. Si tout le monde peut faire 1 test ... ce sera assez bien.




Work 100% release ! 





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The release version, I have a freeze on startup (both with VirtualSMC and FakeSMC)
The debug version, starts normal, but my processor is not shown in the "system information"

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It almost works now, thank you so much Jief_Machak!


The one thing that does not work perfect is USB. I rely on FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext and FakePCIID.kext to make USB work 100% and I think somehow Clover does not load them both, perhaps it tries to load them in the wrong order and therefore does not load FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext?


I use USBInjectAll.kext as well but I think it is loading as it should.


Other than that everything is identical in OC and Clover.


EDIT: It works to create kext dependencies in Clover by creating a directory called PlugIns inside the Contents directory of the kext. Just drop the kext that depends on the kext inside that directory and they will load after the kext they depend on.

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5 hours ago, Jief_Machak said:

Hi everyone, could you try these efis. It's the exact same, but compiled with the integrated script. Debug version and release version.

No need to try every operating system. If everyone can do 1 test... that'll be good enough.



Release - Stuck on STARTBS




Debug - Boots Big Sur and Catalina fine. 


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