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4 hours ago, Slice said:



Again AsciiSPrint()  != snprintf()


I know. And I didn't replaced any. They were already replaced quite some time ago.


Please confirm that when I start macIASL (should I use the rehabman version ?), macIASL download the patched DSDT currently used by the computer.

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I found that in IOReg, HDEF has as property Model, which is ok with previous clover, but now it's the hex version of that string.

I don't see where this Model is set.

I've compare DSDT and they are the same.


When I click PCI in system report, I have "This computer doesn’t contain any PCI cards or devices. If you installed or connected a PCI card or device, make sure it is properly installed."


Graphics card name is ok in about (HD3000). @Slice what card brand do you have ?


@iCanaro Could you send me the same screenshot you've sent, but when it's working ?
I can see that tipo is also an hex string that convert to "USB controller". But there is a 06 at the end. That is probably not right.

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15 minutes ago, Jief_Machak said:

Could you send me the same screenshot you've sent, but when it's working ?

with Clover 5119



but same thing with the Z170 on high sierra


Edited by iCanaro
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On 8/13/2020 at 2:17 PM, Jief_Machak said:

Ok. I wrote the serialize method for SETTINGS_DATA, which should make the Clover.app config generation working again. The only thing I didn't include is KernelAndKextPatches. I wrote 0 instead. I guessed it's not used in Clover.app. Could someone confirm that ?


That said, if people who maintains the Clover.app could work on a deserialize method (instead of mapping a big structure), it would have 3 advantages :

  - member not used can be remove from serialization/deserialization.

  - fixed string length can be removed. Strings could be included as a pair length + data and be deserialize as a swift string.

  - member in SETTINGS_DATA can be reordered, added or removed without breaking Clover.app each time.


Sorry, I don't know swift at all, can't do it myself. Is there anyone up to help me ?

Hi, and sorry for the late I was out of home. Every things inside KernelAndKextPatches was there but KextsToPatch 


// MARK: KernelAndKextPatches

      var KernelAndKextPatches = [String : Any]()


      KernelAndKextPatches["#Debug"] =                      s.kpValue(for: "KPDebug", type: .BOOLEAN)

      if AppSD.CloverRevision <= 5016 {


         removed for 5017 (release 5016 still has it) commit:



        KernelAndKextPatches["KernelCpu"] =                   s.kpValue(for: "KPKernelCpu", type: .BOOLEAN)


      KernelAndKextPatches["KernelLapic"] =                 s.kpValue(for: "KPKernelLapic", type: .BOOLEAN)

      if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 4250 {

        KernelAndKextPatches["KernelXCPM"] =                s.kpValue(for: "KPKernelXCPM", type: .BOOLEAN)

      } else {

        KernelAndKextPatches["KernelIvyXCPM"] =             s.kpValue(for: "KernelIvyXCPM", type: .BOOLEAN)


      KernelAndKextPatches["KernelPm"] =                    s.kpValue(for: "KPKernelPm", type: .BOOLEAN)

      if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 4152 {

        KernelAndKextPatches["AppleIntelCPUPM"] =           s.kpValue(for: "KPAppleIntelCPUPM", type: .BOOLEAN)

      } else {

        KernelAndKextPatches["AsusAICPUPM"] =               s.kpValue(for: "KPAsusAICPUPM", type: .BOOLEAN)



      KernelAndKextPatches["AppleRTC"] =                    s.kpValue(for: "KPAppleRTC", type: .BOOLEAN)

      KernelAndKextPatches["DellSMBIOSPatch"] =             s.kpValue(for: "KPDELLSMBIOS", type: .BOOLEAN)

      KernelAndKextPatches["#Number of KextsToPatch"] =     s.kpValue(for: "NrKexts", type: .INTEGER)

      KernelAndKextPatches["#Number of Patchs To Kernel"] = s.kpValue(for: "NrKernels", type: .INTEGER)

      KernelAndKextPatches["#FakeCPUID"] =                  s.kpValue(for: "FakeCPUID", type: .HexString)


      // MARK: KernelAndKextPatches->KextsToPatch

      var KextsToPatch = [Any]()

      var KextsToPatchDict1 = [String : Any]()

      KextsToPatchDict1["Comment"] = "this is a sample"

      KextsToPatchDict1["#Name"] = "AppleUSBXHCIPCI"

      KextsToPatchDict1["#Find"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"

      KextsToPatchDict1["#Replace"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"


      if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3327 {

        KextsToPatchDict1["#Disabled"] = true


      if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3580 {

        KextsToPatchDict1["#MatchOS"] = "10.11.6,10.12.x"


      if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3920 {

        KextsToPatchDict1["#MatchBuild"] = "16D1111"



      KernelAndKextPatches["#KextsToPatch"] = KextsToPatch


      self.config["KernelAndKextPatches"] = KernelAndKextPatches


..KextsToPatch was only a sample..

Edited by vector sigma
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8 hours ago, Jief_Machak said:

I know. And I didn't replaced any. They were already replaced quite some time ago.


Please confirm that when I start macIASL (should I use the rehabman version ?), macIASL download the patched DSDT currently used by the computer.

Yes, it is current DSDT.

6 hours ago, Jief_Machak said:

I found that in IOReg, HDEF has as property Model, which is ok with previous clover, but now it's the hex version of that string.

I don't see where this Model is set.

I've compare DSDT and they are the same.


When I click PCI in system report, I have "This computer doesn’t contain any PCI cards or devices. If you installed or connected a PCI card or device, make sure it is properly installed."


Graphics card name is ok in about (HD3000). @Slice what card brand do you have ?


@iCanaro Could you send me the same screenshot you've sent, but when it's working ?
I can see that tipo is also an hex string that convert to "USB controller". But there is a 06 at the end. That is probably not right.

My card is Intel HD4000.

Model set by Device Properties which uses AsciiSPrint  snprintf to generate a string.

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Under Legacy, once reaching the GUI I press "U" (Exit) then it brings me to VBox alike Firmware. But when I press "Boot Maintenance Manager" I get Red Screen with Segmentation Fault immediately. I have replaced the "boot6 / boot7" from older revs as well but it produced a similar result.. Hmmmb

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The difference in DeviceProperties

-		<key>AAPL,current-extra</key>
+		<key>AAPL,current-extra­Ü­ÿÿptal8</key>
-		<key>AAPL,current-in-sleep</key>
+		<key>AAPL,current-in-sleep­ÿÿptal8</key>
-		<key>built-in</key>
+		<key>built-inptal(</key>

So ending zero is absent.

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this Clover 5120 with the latest commits, tested on Z68, Z97, Z170 and Z370 seems very good to me, at least I have not detected bugs; so I planted a flag for him to use as a stable. :thumbsup_anim: 

thanks Clover team 

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59 minutes ago, Jief_Machak said:

What kext should I use to get the battery indicator ? ACPIBatteryManager.kext ? I think sometimes it stops working. Is there any others ?

VoodooBattery from HWsensors3. The link in my signature.

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I've committed a refactor of plist handling. I basically hardened the thing. Meaning, if an access to a string is made on a int property -> panic. I've check all access I found and now they are protected by a test like "if ( prop->isString)" do something with "prop->stringValue()". If I forgot some, it means it's possible to panic if you have a bad config.plist.


I've tested on my computer, and it boot normally. I checked smbios (with dmidecode), I checked the about panel, I checked pci page in system report. Oh I forgot to check DSDT. Doing it now. 

DSDT seems ok.

Edited by Jief_Machak
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37 minutes ago, Jief_Machak said:

I've committed a refactor of plist handling. I basically hardened the thing. Meaning, if an access to a string is made on a int property -> panic. I've check all access I found and now they are protected by a test like "if ( prop->isString)" do something with "prop->stringValue()". If I forgot some, it means it's possible to panic if your have a bad config.plist.


I've tested on my computer, and it boot normally. I checked smbios (with dmidecode), I checked the about panel, I checked pci page in system report. Oh I forgot to check DSDT. Doing it now. 


Снимок экрана 2020-08-18 в 20.29.29.png


I will see what is wrong.

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1 hour ago, Jief_Machak said:

If I forgot some, it means it's possible to panic if you have a bad config.plist.


Very bad. Good program should never crash on bad user input.

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