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0:100  0:000  Clover started with option to boot bootmgfw.efi from EFI

Check instructions



I followed the instructions but Clover still wont auto boot OS X. The bootmgfw.efi is located in EFI/Microsoft/Boot/. Idk why its loading EFI from that folder. Im not sure if I have real NVRAM so it might be an issue. 

0:100  0:100  MemLog inited, TSC freq: 3400022970
0:100  0:000  
0:100  0:000  Now is 1.12.2014,  5:54:57 (GMT+2047)
0:100  0:000  Starting Clover rev 3033 on American Megatrends EFI
0:100  0:000  SelfDevicePath=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000) @D1A48518
0:100  0:000  SelfDirPath = \EFI\CLOVER
0:100  0:000  Total Memory Slots Count = 4
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 0
0:100  0:000  Table has error information, checking
0:100  0:000  Found memory information in table 18/1, type=0x3, operation=0x2 syndrome=0x0
0:100  0:000  ...memory OK
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1600MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 0 ChannelA-DIMM0
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 1
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1600MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 1 ChannelA-DIMM1
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 2
0:100  0:000  Table has error information, checking
0:100  0:000  Found memory information in table 18/2, type=0x3, operation=0x2 syndrome=0x0
0:100  0:000  ...memory OK
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1600MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 2 ChannelB-DIMM0
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 3
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1600MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 3 ChannelB-DIMM1
0:100  0:000  Boot status=0
0:100  0:000  Clover revision: 3033  running on System Product Name
0:100  0:000  ... with board P8Z77-V PRO
0:100  0:000  Clover load options size = 40 bytes
0:100  0:000  Clover started with option to boot bootmgfw.efi from EFI
0:103  0:003  Using OEM config.plist at path: EFI\CLOVER\config.plist
0:104  0:000  EFI\CLOVER\config.plist loaded: Success
0:106  0:002  Found theme yosemitelogin
0:109  0:003  Found theme christmas
0:112  0:002  Found theme NEWYEAR
0:114  0:002  Loading early settings
0:114  0:000  timeout set to 2
0:114  0:000  Custom boot CUSTOM_BOOT_DISABLED (0x0)
0:114  0:000  KextsToPatch: 5 requested
0:114  0:000  KextToPatch 0: IOAHCIBlockStorage (TRIM Enabler) Kext bin patch, data len: 11
0:114  0:000  KextToPatch 1: AppleAHCIPort (External icons patch) Kext bin patch, data len: 8
0:114  0:000  KextToPatch 2: AppleHDA (t1-10.9/AppleHDA/Resources/xml>zml) Kext bin patch, data len: 6
0:114  0:000  KextToPatch 3: AppleHDA (t1-10.9/AppleHDA/Realtek ALC892) Kext bin patch, data len: 4
0:114  0:000  KextToPatch 4: AppleHDA (t1-10.9/AppleHDA/Resources/xml>zml) Kext bin patch, data len: 6
0:114  0:000  Default theme: yosemitelogin
0:114  0:000  Hiding entries with string BOOTX64.EFI
0:114  0:000  Hiding entries with string Windows
0:114  0:000  LoadDrivers() start
0:116  0:002  Loading CsmVideoDxe-64.efi
0:117  0:000  load image status=Success
0:117  0:000   - driver needs connecting
0:117  0:000  Loading EmuVariableUefi-64.efi
0:117  0:000  load image status=Success
0:117  0:000  EmuVariableUefi Initialize: VariableCommonInitialize = Success, orig services stored, install gEmuVariableControlProtocolGuid = Success
0:118  0:000  Loading FSInject-64.efi
0:118  0:000  load image status=Success
0:118  0:000  Loading OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi
0:119  0:000  load image status=Success
0:119  0:000  Loading OsxFatBinaryDrv-64.efi
0:120  0:000  load image status=Success
0:120  0:000  Loading VBoxHfs-64.efi
0:120  0:000  load image status=Success
0:120  0:000   - driver needs connecting
0:120  0:000  2 drivers needs connecting ...
0:120  0:000  PlatformDriverOverrideProtocol not found. Installing ... Success
0:120  0:000  Video driver loaded: disconnect Success
0:802  0:681  Searching for invalid DiskIo BY_DRIVER connects: not found, all ok
0:820  0:018  CsmVideoDriverBindingStart
0:820  0:000  mixed support=40010
0:820  0:000  Controller is [030000]
0:820  0:000  Check for VBE
0:826  0:005   found Detail Timing 1920x1080
0:838  0:012    0 1152x864 attr=BB - ok, edid+, working, highest, pref=0
0:839  0:000    1 1280x960 attr=BB - ok, edid+, working, highest, pref=1
0:840  0:000    2 640x480 attr=BB - ok, edid+, 640x480, working
0:840  0:000    3 800x600 attr=BB - ok, edid+, 800x600, working
0:841  0:000    4 1024x768 attr=BB - ok, edid+, 1024x768, working
0:841  0:000    5 1280x1024 attr=BB - ok, edid+, working, highest, pref=5
0:843  0:002    6 1400x1050 attr=BB - ok, edid-
0:854  0:011    7 1920x1080 attr=BB - ok, edid+, working, highest, pref=7
0:854  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 7 1920x1080 - set
0:930  0:075   - SetMode pref 7 (7) = Success
0:930  0:000  CsmVideoCheckForVbe - Success
0:930  0:000  CsmVideoDriverBindingStart end Success
0:930  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 4 1024x768 - blocking that switch
0:935  0:005  CsmVideo: New mode: 8 -1625525372x-1692448513- EFI_UNSUPPORTED
1:033  0:097  LoadDrivers() end
1:033  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
1:054  0:021  SetScreenResolution: 1920x1080 - already set
1:054  0:000  Console modes reported: 3, available modes:
1:054  0:000    Mode 1: 80x25 (current mode)
1:054  0:000    Mode 2: 80x50
1:054  0:000    Mode 3: 100x31
1:054  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
1:054  0:000  CPU Vendor = 756E6547 Model=306A9
1:054  0:000  The CPU supported turbo
1:054  0:000  BrandString = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
1:054  0:000  MSR 0xE2 before patch 1E000400
1:054  0:000  MSR 0xE4              00000414
1:054  0:000  MSR 0xCE              00081010_F0012200
1:054  0:000  non-usable FLEX_RATIO = F0000
1:054  0:000  corrected FLEX_RATIO = E0000
1:054  0:000  MSR 0x1B0             00000000
1:054  0:000  FSBFrequency=100MHz DMIvalue=100000kHz
1:054  0:000  Corrected FSBFrequency=100MHz
1:054  0:000  Vendor/Model/Stepping: 0x756E6547/0x3A/0x9
1:054  0:000  Family/ExtFamily: 0x6/0x0
1:054  0:000  MaxDiv/MinDiv: 34.0/16
1:054  0:000  Turbo: 42/42/42/42
1:054  0:000  Features: 0xBFEBFBFF
1:054  0:000  Threads: 4
1:054  0:000  Cores: 4
1:054  0:000  FSB: 100 MHz
1:054  0:000  CPU: 3418 MHz
1:054  0:000  TSC: 3418 MHz
1:054  0:000  PIS: 400 MHz
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:00.00) : 8086 0150 class=060000
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:01.00) : 8086 0151 class=060400
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|01:00.00) : 1002 6818 class=030000
1:054  0:000  Found Radeon model=AMD Radeon HD 7870 Series
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|01:00.01) : 1002 AAB0 class=040300
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:14.00) : 8086 1E31 class=0C0330
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:16.00) : 8086 1E3A class=078000
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:16.01) : FFFF FFFF class=FFFFFF
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:19.00) : 8086 1503 class=020000
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1A.00) : 8086 1E2D class=0C0320
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1B.00) : 8086 1E20 class=040300
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1C.00) : 8086 1E10 class=060400
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1C.04) : 8086 244E class=060401
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|03:00.00) : 1B21 1080 class=060401
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1C.06) : 8086 1E1C class=060400
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|05:00.00) : 168C 0032 class=028000
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1D.00) : 8086 1E26 class=0C0320
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.00) : 8086 1E44 class=060100
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.02) : 8086 1E02 class=010601
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.03) : 8086 1E22 class=0C0500
1:054  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.06) : FFFF FFFF class=FFFFFF
1:054  0:000  ScanSPD() start
1:054  0:000  SMBus CmdReg: 0x3
1:054  0:000  Scanning SMBus [8086:1E22], mmio: 0xF7F35004, ioport: 0xF000, hostc: 0x1
1:069  0:014  SPD[0]: Type 11 @0x50 
1:077  0:008  Found module with XMP version 1.2XMP Profile1: 10*1/8ns
1:077  0:000  Using XMP Profile1 instead of standard frequency 1600MHz
1:077  0:000  DDR speed 1600MHz 
1:077  0:000  Slot: 0 Type 24 4096MB 1600MHz Vendor=G Skill Intl PartNo=F3-12800CL9-4GBXL SerialNo=0000000000000000 
1:092  0:014  SPD[1]: Type 11 @0x51 
1:100  0:008  Found module with XMP version 1.2XMP Profile1: 10*1/8ns
1:100  0:000  Using XMP Profile1 instead of standard frequency 1600MHz
1:100  0:000  DDR speed 1600MHz 
1:100  0:000  Slot: 1 Type 24 4096MB 1600MHz Vendor=G Skill Intl PartNo=F3-12800CL9-4GBXL SerialNo=0000000000000000 
1:115  0:014  SPD[2]: Type 11 @0x52 
1:123  0:008  Found module with XMP version 1.2XMP Profile1: 10*1/8ns
1:123  0:000  Using XMP Profile1 instead of standard frequency 1600MHz
1:123  0:000  DDR speed 1600MHz 
1:123  0:000  Slot: 2 Type 24 4096MB 1600MHz Vendor=G Skill Intl PartNo=F3-12800CL9-4GBXL SerialNo=0000000000000000 
1:137  0:014  SPD[3]: Type 11 @0x53 
1:146  0:008  Found module with XMP version 1.2XMP Profile1: 10*1/8ns
1:146  0:000  Using XMP Profile1 instead of standard frequency 1600MHz
1:146  0:000  DDR speed 1600MHz 
1:146  0:000  Slot: 3 Type 24 4096MB 1600MHz Vendor=G Skill Intl PartNo=F3-12800CL9-4GBXL SerialNo=0000000000000000 
1:178  0:032  SPD[7]: Type 90 @0x57 
1:275  0:096  ScanSPD() end
1:275  0:000  Get Acpi Tables List from RSDT:
1:275  0:000   Found table: FACP  A M I len=132
1:275  0:000   Found table: APIC  A M I len=114
1:275  0:000   Found table: FPDT  A M I len=68
1:275  0:000   Found table: MCFG  A M I len=60
1:275  0:000   Found table: HPET  A M I len=56
1:275  0:000   Found table: SSDT  SataTabl len=877
1:275  0:000   Found table: BGRT  A M I len=56
1:275  0:000   Found table: SSDT  Cpu0Ist len=2474
1:275  0:000   Found table: SSDT  CpuPm len=2706
1:275  0:000  Calibrated TSC frequency =3400022970 =3400MHz
1:275  0:000  Loading main settings
1:275  0:000  Dropping 3 tables
1:275  0:000  Drop table 0 signature="SSDT" (54445353) table-id="Cpu0Ist" (0074734930757043)
1:275  0:000  set table: 54445353,   74734930757043 to drop:  true
1:275  0:000  
1:275  0:000  Drop table 1 signature="SSDT" (54445353) table-id="CpuPm" (0000006D50757043)
1:275  0:000  set table: 54445353,       6D50757043 to drop:  true
1:275  0:000  
1:275  0:000  Drop table 2 signature="DMAR" (52414D44)
1:275  0:000  set table: 52414D44,                0 to drop:
1:275  0:000  Config set ChassisType=0xD
1:275  0:000  found 11 volumes with blockIO
1:275  0:000   0. Volume:
1:275  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
1:277  0:002    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
1:277  0:000   1. Volume:
1:277  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
1:278  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
1:278  0:000   2. Volume:
1:278  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
1:278  0:000   3. Volume:
1:278  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
1:278  0:000    found optical drive
1:278  0:000   4. Volume:
1:278  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
1:279  0:000   5. Volume:
1:279  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,B93A880C-15F2-4DCE-8339-1C83CD7F8E2A,0x800,0x1788E000)
1:280  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
1:280  0:000   6. Volume:
1:280  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
1:280  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
1:285  0:005    This is SelfVolume !!
1:285  0:000   7. Volume:
1:285  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,E6857661-C218-46C3-8B2C-3075DDCA76D9,0x178F2800,0x62CAB68)
1:286  0:000   8. Volume:
1:286  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,8593CCE6-ACD9-46D2-8765-DFAECCA1473B,0x1DBBD368,0x135F20)
1:286  0:000   9. Volume:
1:286  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x6C762267,0x800,0x74701000)
1:295  0:008    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
1:295  0:000  10. Volume:
1:295  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2E844E58,0x800,0x74705000)
1:296  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
1:299  0:003  Loading nvram.plist from Vol 'MacSSD' - loaded, size=811
1:299  0:000  PutNvramPlistToRtVars ...
1:299  0:000   Skipping EmuVariableUefiPresent
1:299  0:000   Adding Key: LocationServicesEnabled: Data: Size = 1: Success
1:299  0:000   Adding Key: MyVar: Data: Size = 9: Success
1:299  0:000   Skipping OsxAptioFixDrv-RelocBase
1:299  0:000   Adding Key: SystemAudioVolume: Data: Size = 1: Success
1:299  0:000   Adding Key: SystemAudioVolumeDB: Data: Size = 1: Success
1:299  0:000   Adding Key: boot-gamma: Data: Size = 50: Success
1:299  0:000   Adding Key: fmm-computer-name: Data: Size = 14: Success
1:299  0:000   Adding Key: prev-lang:kbd: Data: Size = 5: Success
1:299  0:000   Adding Key: security-mode: String: Size = 4, Val = 'none': Success
1:300  0:001  Using theme 'yosemitelogin' (EFI\CLOVER\themes\yosemitelogin)
1:300  0:000  OS main and drive as badge
1:305  0:004  font font.png loaded from themedir
1:305  0:000  Choosing theme yosemitelogin
1:305  0:000  Custom entries start
1:305  0:000  Custom entries finish
1:305  0:000  Scanning loaders...
1:305  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
1:305  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
1:305  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
1:305  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
1:305  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
1:305  0:000   5: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
1:305  0:000   6: 'EFI'
1:309  0:004      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
1:332  0:022   7: 'MacSSD'
1:334  0:002      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacSSD
1:336  0:001      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
1:336  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
1:342  0:005      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
1:342  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacSSD', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
1:346  0:004      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
1:347  0:000   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=1CA72800, Offset=394E500000 (BlockSize=512)
1:347  0:000   sig lion: 0
1:347  0:000   sig snow: 0
1:347  0:000   no valid sleep image offset was found
1:347  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
1:347  0:000       sleepimage offset could not be acquired
1:347  0:000       hibernated: no - sign
1:358  0:011   8: 'Recovery HD'
1:359  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
1:368  0:009   9: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
1:368  0:000  10: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
1:368  0:000  Custom legacy start
1:368  0:000  Custom legacy end
1:368  0:000  Custom tool start
1:368  0:000  Custom tool end
1:373  0:004  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
1:373  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
1:374  0:000   Found Clover
1:374  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
1:378  0:003  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
1:399  0:021  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
1:399  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
1:399  0:000  Default boot entry not found
1:399  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
1:399  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
1:715  0:315  GUI ready
6:222  4:507  
Boot options:
6:222  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
6:223  0:000   0) Boot0001: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, Attr: 0x1
6:223  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
6:223  0:000      Size: 214 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:66 + FP:102 + Opt:40 = 214 -> OK)
6:223  0:000   1) Boot0002: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, Attr: 0x1
6:223  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
6:223  0:000      Size: 210 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:64 + FP:102 + Opt:38 = 210 -> OK)
6:223  0:000   2) Boot0003: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, Attr: 0x1
6:223  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
6:223  0:000      Size: 230 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:74 + FP:102 + Opt:48 = 230 -> OK)
6:223  0:000   3) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
6:223  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
6:223  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
6:223  0:000  -------------
6:223  0:000  
DeleteBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
6:223  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
6:223  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
6:223  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
6:223  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
6:224  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0001, at index 0
6:224  0:000  	deleted option: 0001
6:224  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0001
6:224  0:000   Boot0001 deleted
6:224  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0001
6:224  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
6:224  0:000   found at index 0
6:228  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
6:228  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
6:228  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
6:228  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
6:228  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
6:229  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0002, at index 0
6:229  0:000  	deleted option: 0002
6:229  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0002
6:229  0:000   Boot0002 deleted
6:229  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0002
6:229  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
6:229  0:000   found at index 0
6:233  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
6:233  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
6:233  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0003, Boot0000
6:233  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
6:233  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
6:233  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0003, at index 0
6:233  0:000  	deleted option: 0003
6:233  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0003
6:234  0:000   Boot0003 deleted
6:234  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0003
6:234  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0003, Boot0000
6:234  0:000   found at index 0
6:238  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
6:238  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
6:238  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
6:238  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
6:238  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
6:238  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Not found.
6:238  0:000  
Boot options:
6:238  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
6:238  0:000   0) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
6:238  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
6:238  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
6:238  0:000  -------------
6:238  0:000  ReinitSelfLib after theme change
6:238  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
6:238  0:000  found 11 volumes with blockIO
6:238  0:000   0. Volume:
6:238  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
6:241  0:002    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
6:241  0:000   1. Volume:
6:241  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
6:242  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
6:242  0:000   2. Volume:
6:242  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
6:243  0:001   3. Volume:
6:243  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
6:243  0:000    found optical drive
6:243  0:000   4. Volume:
6:243  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
6:244  0:000   5. Volume:
6:244  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,B93A880C-15F2-4DCE-8339-1C83CD7F8E2A,0x800,0x1788E000)
6:244  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
6:244  0:000   6. Volume:
6:244  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
6:245  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
6:245  0:000    This is SelfVolume !!
6:245  0:000   7. Volume:
6:245  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,E6857661-C218-46C3-8B2C-3075DDCA76D9,0x178F2800,0x62CAB68)
6:245  0:000   8. Volume:
6:245  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,8593CCE6-ACD9-46D2-8765-DFAECCA1473B,0x1DBBD368,0x135F20)
6:246  0:000   9. Volume:
6:246  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x6C762267,0x800,0x74701000)
6:247  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
6:247  0:000  10. Volume:
6:247  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2E844E58,0x800,0x74705000)
6:247  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
6:247  0:000  Choosing theme yosemitelogin
6:247  0:000  Custom entries start
6:247  0:000  Custom entries finish
6:247  0:000  Scanning loaders...
6:247  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
6:247  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
6:247  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
6:247  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
6:247  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
6:247  0:000   5: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
6:247  0:000   6: 'EFI'
6:250  0:002      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
6:261  0:011   7: 'MacSSD'
6:262  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacSSD
6:262  0:000      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
6:262  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
6:267  0:004      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
6:267  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacSSD', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
6:271  0:004      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
6:272  0:000   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=1CA72800, Offset=394E500000 (BlockSize=512)
6:272  0:000   sig lion: 0
6:272  0:000   sig snow: 0
6:272  0:000   no valid sleep image offset was found
6:272  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
6:272  0:000       sleepimage offset could not be acquired
6:272  0:000       hibernated: no - sign
6:282  0:009   8: 'Recovery HD'
6:282  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
6:290  0:008   9: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
6:290  0:000  10: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
6:290  0:000  Custom legacy start
6:290  0:000  Custom legacy end
6:290  0:000  Custom tool start
6:290  0:000  Custom tool end
6:290  0:000  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
6:290  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
6:292  0:001   Found Clover
6:292  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Invalid Parameter, original var services restored
6:292  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
6:312  0:020  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
6:312  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
6:312  0:000  Default boot entry not found
6:312  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
6:312  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
8:028  1:715  
Boot options:
8:028  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
8:029  0:000   0) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
8:029  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
8:029  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
8:029  0:000  -------------
8:029  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, 0
8:029  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI
8:029  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
8:029  0:000   BootIndex: 0
8:029  0:000   Found BootNum: 0001
8:064  0:035   Boot0001 saved
8:064  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0001 at index 0
8:064  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
8:068  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
8:068  0:000   2: Boot0001, Boot0000
8:068  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
8:068  0:000  Entry 0 assigned option DB210001
8:068  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, 1
8:068  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD
8:068  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
8:068  0:000   BootIndex: 1
8:068  0:000   Found BootNum: 0002
8:103  0:034   Boot0002 saved
8:103  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0002 at index 1
8:103  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0001, Boot0000
8:107  0:004  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
8:107  0:000   3: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0000
8:107  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
8:107  0:000  Entry 1 assigned option DB210002
8:107  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, 2
8:107  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD
8:107  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
8:107  0:000   BootIndex: 2
8:108  0:000   Found BootNum: 0003
8:146  0:037   Boot0003 saved
8:146  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0003 at index 2
8:146  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0000
8:150  0:004  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
8:150  0:000   4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
8:150  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
8:150  0:000  Entry 2 assigned option DB210003
8:150  0:000  
Boot options:
8:150  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
8:151  0:000   0) Boot0001: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, Attr: 0x1
8:151  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
8:151  0:000      Size: 214 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:66 + FP:102 + Opt:40 = 214 -> OK)
8:151  0:000   1) Boot0002: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, Attr: 0x1
8:151  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
8:151  0:000      Size: 210 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:64 + FP:102 + Opt:38 = 210 -> OK)
8:151  0:000   2) Boot0003: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, Attr: 0x1
8:151  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
8:151  0:000      Size: 230 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:74 + FP:102 + Opt:48 = 230 -> OK)
8:151  0:000   3) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
8:151  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
8:151  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
8:151  0:000  -------------
8:151  0:000  ReinitSelfLib after theme change
8:151  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
8:151  0:000  found 11 volumes with blockIO
8:151  0:000   0. Volume:
8:151  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
8:154  0:003    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
8:154  0:000   1. Volume:
8:154  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
8:155  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
8:155  0:000   2. Volume:
8:155  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
8:155  0:000   3. Volume:
8:155  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
8:155  0:000    found optical drive
8:155  0:000   4. Volume:
8:155  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
8:156  0:000   5. Volume:
8:156  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,B93A880C-15F2-4DCE-8339-1C83CD7F8E2A,0x800,0x1788E000)
8:157  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
8:157  0:000   6. Volume:
8:157  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
8:157  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
8:157  0:000    This is SelfVolume !!
8:157  0:000   7. Volume:
8:157  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,E6857661-C218-46C3-8B2C-3075DDCA76D9,0x178F2800,0x62CAB68)
8:158  0:000   8. Volume:
8:158  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,8593CCE6-ACD9-46D2-8765-DFAECCA1473B,0x1DBBD368,0x135F20)
8:158  0:000   9. Volume:
8:158  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x6C762267,0x800,0x74701000)
8:159  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
8:159  0:000  10. Volume:
8:159  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2E844E58,0x800,0x74705000)
8:159  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
8:159  0:000  Choosing theme yosemitelogin
8:160  0:000  Custom entries start
8:160  0:000  Custom entries finish
8:160  0:000  Scanning loaders...
8:160  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
8:160  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
8:160  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
8:160  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
8:160  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
8:160  0:000   5: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
8:160  0:000   6: 'EFI'
8:160  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
8:168  0:008   7: 'MacSSD'
8:168  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacSSD
8:169  0:000      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
8:169  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
8:174  0:004      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
8:174  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacSSD', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
8:178  0:004      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
8:179  0:000   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=1CA72800, Offset=394E500000 (BlockSize=512)
8:179  0:000   sig lion: 0
8:179  0:000   sig snow: 0
8:179  0:000   no valid sleep image offset was found
8:179  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
8:179  0:000       sleepimage offset could not be acquired
8:179  0:000       hibernated: no - sign
8:188  0:009   8: 'Recovery HD'
8:188  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
8:197  0:008   9: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
8:197  0:000  10: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
8:197  0:000  Custom legacy start
8:197  0:000  Custom legacy end
8:197  0:000  Custom tool start
8:197  0:000  Custom tool end
8:197  0:000  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
8:197  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
8:197  0:000   Found Clover
8:197  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Invalid Parameter, original var services restored
8:197  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
8:218  0:021  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
8:218  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
8:218  0:000  Default boot entry not found
8:218  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
8:218  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
10:071  1:853  
Boot options:
10:071  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
10:072  0:000   0) Boot0001: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, Attr: 0x1
10:072  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
10:072  0:000      Size: 214 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:66 + FP:102 + Opt:40 = 214 -> OK)
10:072  0:000   1) Boot0002: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, Attr: 0x1
10:072  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
10:072  0:000      Size: 210 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:64 + FP:102 + Opt:38 = 210 -> OK)
10:072  0:000   2) Boot0003: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, Attr: 0x1
10:072  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
10:072  0:000      Size: 230 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:74 + FP:102 + Opt:48 = 230 -> OK)
10:072  0:000   3) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
10:072  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
10:072  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
10:072  0:000  -------------
10:072  0:000  
DeleteBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
10:072  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
10:072  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
10:072  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
10:072  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
10:073  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0001, at index 0
10:073  0:000  	deleted option: 0001
10:073  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0001
10:073  0:000   Boot0001 deleted
10:073  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0001
10:073  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
10:073  0:000   found at index 0
10:077  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
10:077  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
10:077  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
10:077  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
10:077  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
10:078  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0002, at index 0
10:078  0:000  	deleted option: 0002
10:078  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0002
10:078  0:000   Boot0002 deleted
10:078  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0002
10:078  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
10:078  0:000   found at index 0
10:082  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
10:082  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
10:082  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0003, Boot0000
10:082  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
10:082  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
10:082  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0003, at index 0
10:082  0:000  	deleted option: 0003
10:082  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0003
10:083  0:000   Boot0003 deleted
10:083  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0003
10:083  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0003, Boot0000
10:083  0:000   found at index 0
10:086  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
10:086  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
10:086  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
10:087  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
10:087  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
10:087  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Not found.
10:087  0:000  
Boot options:
10:087  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
10:087  0:000   0) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
10:087  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
10:087  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
10:087  0:000  -------------
10:087  0:000  ReinitSelfLib after theme change
10:087  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
10:087  0:000  found 11 volumes with blockIO
10:087  0:000   0. Volume:
10:087  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
10:090  0:003    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
10:090  0:000   1. Volume:
10:090  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
10:091  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
10:091  0:000   2. Volume:
10:091  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
10:091  0:000   3. Volume:
10:091  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
10:091  0:000    found optical drive
10:091  0:000   4. Volume:
10:091  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
10:092  0:000   5. Volume:
10:092  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,B93A880C-15F2-4DCE-8339-1C83CD7F8E2A,0x800,0x1788E000)
10:093  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
10:093  0:000   6. Volume:
10:093  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
10:093  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
10:093  0:000    This is SelfVolume !!
10:093  0:000   7. Volume:
10:093  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,E6857661-C218-46C3-8B2C-3075DDCA76D9,0x178F2800,0x62CAB68)
10:094  0:000   8. Volume:
10:094  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,8593CCE6-ACD9-46D2-8765-DFAECCA1473B,0x1DBBD368,0x135F20)
10:094  0:000   9. Volume:
10:094  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x6C762267,0x800,0x74701000)
10:095  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
10:095  0:000  10. Volume:
10:095  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2E844E58,0x800,0x74705000)
10:095  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
10:095  0:000  Choosing theme yosemitelogin
10:096  0:000  Custom entries start
10:096  0:000  Custom entries finish
10:096  0:000  Scanning loaders...
10:096  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
10:096  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
10:096  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
10:096  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
10:096  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
10:096  0:000   5: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
10:096  0:000   6: 'EFI'
10:096  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
10:104  0:008   7: 'MacSSD'
10:104  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacSSD
10:105  0:000      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
10:105  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
10:110  0:004      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
10:110  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacSSD', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
10:114  0:004      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
10:114  0:000   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=1CA72800, Offset=394E500000 (BlockSize=512)
10:114  0:000   sig lion: 0
10:114  0:000   sig snow: 0
10:114  0:000   no valid sleep image offset was found
10:114  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
10:115  0:000       sleepimage offset could not be acquired
10:115  0:000       hibernated: no - sign
10:124  0:009   8: 'Recovery HD'
10:124  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
10:133  0:008   9: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
10:133  0:000  10: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
10:133  0:000  Custom legacy start
10:133  0:000  Custom legacy end
10:133  0:000  Custom tool start
10:133  0:000  Custom tool end
10:133  0:000  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
10:133  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
10:133  0:000   Found Clover
10:133  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Invalid Parameter, original var services restored
10:133  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
10:154  0:021  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
10:154  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
10:154  0:000  Default boot entry not found
10:154  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
10:154  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
11:674  1:519  
Boot options:
11:674  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
11:674  0:000   0) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
11:674  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
11:674  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
11:674  0:000  -------------
11:674  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, 0
11:674  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI
11:674  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
11:674  0:000   BootIndex: 0
11:674  0:000   Found BootNum: 0001
11:710  0:035   Boot0001 saved
11:710  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0001 at index 0
11:710  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
11:714  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
11:714  0:000   2: Boot0001, Boot0000
11:714  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
11:714  0:000  Entry 0 assigned option DB210001
11:714  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, 1
11:714  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD
11:714  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
11:714  0:000   BootIndex: 1
11:714  0:000   Found BootNum: 0002
11:749  0:034   Boot0002 saved
11:749  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0002 at index 1
11:749  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0001, Boot0000
11:753  0:004  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
11:753  0:000   3: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0000
11:753  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
11:753  0:000  Entry 1 assigned option DB210002
11:753  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, 2
11:753  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD
11:753  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
11:753  0:000   BootIndex: 2
11:753  0:000   Found BootNum: 0003
11:791  0:037   Boot0003 saved
11:791  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0003 at index 2
11:791  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0000
11:796  0:004  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
11:796  0:000   4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
11:796  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
11:796  0:000  Entry 2 assigned option DB210003
11:796  0:000  
Boot options:
11:796  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
11:796  0:000   0) Boot0001: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, Attr: 0x1
11:796  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
11:796  0:000      Size: 214 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:66 + FP:102 + Opt:40 = 214 -> OK)
11:796  0:000   1) Boot0002: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, Attr: 0x1
11:796  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
11:796  0:000      Size: 210 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:64 + FP:102 + Opt:38 = 210 -> OK)
11:796  0:000   2) Boot0003: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, Attr: 0x1
11:796  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
11:796  0:000      Size: 230 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:74 + FP:102 + Opt:48 = 230 -> OK)
11:797  0:000   3) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
11:797  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
11:797  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
11:797  0:000  -------------
11:797  0:000  ReinitSelfLib after theme change
11:797  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
11:797  0:000  found 11 volumes with blockIO
11:797  0:000   0. Volume:
11:797  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
11:799  0:002    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
11:799  0:000   1. Volume:
11:799  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
11:800  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
11:800  0:000   2. Volume:
11:800  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
11:800  0:000   3. Volume:
11:800  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
11:800  0:000    found optical drive
11:800  0:000   4. Volume:
11:800  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
11:801  0:000   5. Volume:
11:801  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,B93A880C-15F2-4DCE-8339-1C83CD7F8E2A,0x800,0x1788E000)
11:802  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
11:802  0:000   6. Volume:
11:802  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
11:802  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
11:802  0:000    This is SelfVolume !!
11:802  0:000   7. Volume:
11:802  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,E6857661-C218-46C3-8B2C-3075DDCA76D9,0x178F2800,0x62CAB68)
11:803  0:000   8. Volume:
11:803  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,8593CCE6-ACD9-46D2-8765-DFAECCA1473B,0x1DBBD368,0x135F20)
11:803  0:000   9. Volume:
11:803  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x6C762267,0x800,0x74701000)
11:804  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
11:804  0:000  10. Volume:
11:804  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2E844E58,0x800,0x74705000)
11:805  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
11:805  0:000  Choosing theme yosemitelogin
11:805  0:000  Custom entries start
11:805  0:000  Custom entries finish
11:805  0:000  Scanning loaders...
11:805  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
11:805  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
11:805  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
11:805  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
11:805  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
11:805  0:000   5: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
11:805  0:000   6: 'EFI'
11:805  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
11:813  0:008   7: 'MacSSD'
11:813  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacSSD
11:814  0:000      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
11:814  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
11:819  0:004      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
11:819  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacSSD', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
11:823  0:004      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
11:824  0:000   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=1CA72800, Offset=394E500000 (BlockSize=512)
11:824  0:000   sig lion: 0
11:824  0:000   sig snow: 0
11:824  0:000   no valid sleep image offset was found
11:824  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
11:824  0:000       sleepimage offset could not be acquired
11:824  0:000       hibernated: no - sign
11:834  0:009   8: 'Recovery HD'
11:834  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
11:842  0:008   9: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
11:842  0:000  10: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
11:842  0:000  Custom legacy start
11:842  0:000  Custom legacy end
11:842  0:000  Custom tool start
11:842  0:000  Custom tool end
11:842  0:000  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
11:842  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
11:842  0:000   Found Clover
11:842  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Invalid Parameter, original var services restored
11:842  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
11:864  0:022  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
11:864  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
11:864  0:000  Default boot entry not found
11:864  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
11:864  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
13:592  1:727  
Boot options:
13:592  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
13:592  0:000   0) Boot0001: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, Attr: 0x1
13:592  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
13:592  0:000      Size: 214 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:66 + FP:102 + Opt:40 = 214 -> OK)
13:593  0:000   1) Boot0002: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, Attr: 0x1
13:593  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
13:593  0:000      Size: 210 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:64 + FP:102 + Opt:38 = 210 -> OK)
13:593  0:000   2) Boot0003: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, Attr: 0x1
13:593  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
13:593  0:000      Size: 230 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:74 + FP:102 + Opt:48 = 230 -> OK)
13:593  0:000   3) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
13:593  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
13:593  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
13:593  0:000  -------------
13:593  0:000  
DeleteBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
13:593  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
13:593  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
13:593  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
13:593  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
13:593  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0001, at index 0
13:593  0:000  	deleted option: 0001
13:593  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0001
13:594  0:000   Boot0001 deleted
13:594  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0001
13:594  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
13:594  0:000   found at index 0
13:598  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
13:598  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
13:598  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
13:598  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
13:598  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
13:598  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0002, at index 0
13:598  0:000  	deleted option: 0002
13:598  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0002
13:599  0:000   Boot0002 deleted
13:599  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0002
13:599  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
13:599  0:000   found at index 0
13:603  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
13:603  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
13:603  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0003, Boot0000
13:603  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
13:603  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
13:603  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Found Boot0003, at index 0
13:603  0:000  	deleted option: 0003
13:603  0:000  DeleteBootOption: Boot0003
13:604  0:000   Boot0003 deleted
13:604  0:000  DeleteFromBootOrder: 0003
13:604  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0003, Boot0000
13:604  0:000   found at index 0
13:607  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
13:607  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
13:607  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
13:607  0:000   Searching for: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 130)
13:607  0:000   and for: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI (Len: 102)
13:608  0:000  FindBootOptionForFile: Not found.
13:608  0:000  
Boot options:
13:608  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
13:608  0:000   0) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
13:608  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
13:608  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
13:608  0:000  -------------
13:608  0:000  ReinitSelfLib after theme change
13:608  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
13:608  0:000  found 11 volumes with blockIO
13:608  0:000   0. Volume:
13:608  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
13:611  0:003    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
13:611  0:000   1. Volume:
13:611  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
13:612  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
13:612  0:000   2. Volume:
13:612  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
13:612  0:000   3. Volume:
13:612  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
13:612  0:000    found optical drive
13:612  0:000   4. Volume:
13:612  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
13:613  0:000   5. Volume:
13:613  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,B93A880C-15F2-4DCE-8339-1C83CD7F8E2A,0x800,0x1788E000)
13:613  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
13:613  0:000   6. Volume:
13:613  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
13:614  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
13:614  0:000    This is SelfVolume !!
13:614  0:000   7. Volume:
13:614  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,E6857661-C218-46C3-8B2C-3075DDCA76D9,0x178F2800,0x62CAB68)
13:615  0:000   8. Volume:
13:615  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,8593CCE6-ACD9-46D2-8765-DFAECCA1473B,0x1DBBD368,0x135F20)
13:615  0:000   9. Volume:
13:615  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x6C762267,0x800,0x74701000)
13:616  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
13:616  0:000  10. Volume:
13:616  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2E844E58,0x800,0x74705000)
13:616  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
13:616  0:000  Choosing theme yosemitelogin
13:616  0:000  Custom entries start
13:616  0:000  Custom entries finish
13:616  0:000  Scanning loaders...
13:616  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
13:616  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
13:616  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
13:616  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
13:616  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
13:616  0:000   5: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
13:616  0:000   6: 'EFI'
13:616  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
13:625  0:008   7: 'MacSSD'
13:625  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacSSD
13:626  0:000      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
13:626  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
13:631  0:004      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
13:631  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacSSD', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
13:635  0:004      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
13:635  0:000   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=1CA72800, Offset=394E500000 (BlockSize=512)
13:635  0:000   sig lion: 0
13:635  0:000   sig snow: 0
13:635  0:000   no valid sleep image offset was found
13:635  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
13:635  0:000       sleepimage offset could not be acquired
13:635  0:000       hibernated: no - sign
13:645  0:009   8: 'Recovery HD'
13:645  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
13:654  0:008   9: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
13:654  0:000  10: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
13:654  0:000  Custom legacy start
13:654  0:000  Custom legacy end
13:654  0:000  Custom tool start
13:654  0:000  Custom tool end
13:654  0:000  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
13:654  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
13:654  0:000   Found Clover
13:654  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Invalid Parameter, original var services restored
13:654  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
13:675  0:021  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
13:675  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
13:675  0:000  Default boot entry not found
13:675  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
13:675  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
16:008  2:332  
Boot options:
16:008  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
16:008  0:000   0) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
16:008  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
16:008  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
16:008  0:000  -------------
16:008  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, 0
16:008  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI
16:008  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
16:008  0:000   BootIndex: 0
16:008  0:000   Found BootNum: 0001
16:044  0:035   Boot0001 saved
16:044  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0001 at index 0
16:044  0:000  BootOrder: 1: Boot0000
16:048  0:003  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
16:048  0:000   2: Boot0001, Boot0000
16:048  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
16:048  0:000  Entry 0 assigned option DB210001
16:048  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, 1
16:048  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD
16:048  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
16:048  0:000   BootIndex: 1
16:048  0:000   Found BootNum: 0002
16:083  0:034   Boot0002 saved
16:083  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0002 at index 1
16:083  0:000  BootOrder: 2: Boot0001, Boot0000
16:087  0:004  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
16:087  0:000   3: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0000
16:087  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
16:087  0:000  Entry 1 assigned option DB210002
16:087  0:000  
AddBootOptionForFile: D1A48518, \EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI, ShortDevPath
 Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, 2
16:087  0:000  AddBootOption: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD
16:087  0:000   FilePath: HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
16:087  0:000   BootIndex: 2
16:087  0:000   Found BootNum: 0003
16:125  0:037   Boot0003 saved
16:125  0:000  AddToBootOrder: Boot0003 at index 2
16:125  0:000  BootOrder: 3: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0000
16:130  0:004  SetVariable: BootOrder = Success
16:130  0:000   4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
16:130  0:000  AddBootOptionForFile: done.
16:130  0:000  Entry 2 assigned option DB210003
16:130  0:000  
Boot options:
16:130  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
16:130  0:000   0) Boot0001: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, Attr: 0x1
16:130  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
16:130  0:000      Size: 214 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:66 + FP:102 + Opt:40 = 214 -> OK)
16:130  0:000   1) Boot0002: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, Attr: 0x1
16:130  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
16:130  0:000      Size: 210 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:64 + FP:102 + Opt:38 = 210 -> OK)
16:130  0:000   2) Boot0003: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, Attr: 0x1
16:130  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
16:130  0:000      Size: 230 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:74 + FP:102 + Opt:48 = 230 -> OK)
16:131  0:000   3) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
16:131  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
16:131  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
16:131  0:000  -------------
16:131  0:000  ReinitSelfLib after theme change
16:131  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
16:131  0:000  found 11 volumes with blockIO
16:131  0:000   0. Volume:
16:131  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
16:133  0:002    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
16:133  0:000   1. Volume:
16:133  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
16:134  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
16:134  0:000   2. Volume:
16:134  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
16:134  0:000   3. Volume:
16:134  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
16:134  0:000    found optical drive
16:134  0:000   4. Volume:
16:134  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
16:135  0:000   5. Volume:
16:135  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,B93A880C-15F2-4DCE-8339-1C83CD7F8E2A,0x800,0x1788E000)
16:135  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
16:135  0:000   6. Volume:
16:135  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
16:136  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
16:136  0:000    This is SelfVolume !!
16:136  0:000   7. Volume:
16:136  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,E6857661-C218-46C3-8B2C-3075DDCA76D9,0x178F2800,0x62CAB68)
16:137  0:000   8. Volume:
16:137  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,8593CCE6-ACD9-46D2-8765-DFAECCA1473B,0x1DBBD368,0x135F20)
16:137  0:000   9. Volume:
16:137  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x6C762267,0x800,0x74701000)
16:138  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
16:138  0:000  10. Volume:
16:138  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2E844E58,0x800,0x74705000)
16:138  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
16:138  0:000  Choosing theme yosemitelogin
16:139  0:000  Custom entries start
16:139  0:000  Custom entries finish
16:139  0:000  Scanning loaders...
16:139  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
16:139  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
16:139  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
16:139  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
16:139  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
16:139  0:000   5: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
16:139  0:000   6: 'EFI'
16:139  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
16:147  0:008   7: 'MacSSD'
16:147  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacSSD
16:148  0:000      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
16:148  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
16:153  0:004      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
16:153  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacSSD', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
16:157  0:004      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
16:157  0:000   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=1CA72800, Offset=394E500000 (BlockSize=512)
16:157  0:000   sig lion: 0
16:157  0:000   sig snow: 0
16:157  0:000   no valid sleep image offset was found
16:157  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
16:157  0:000       sleepimage offset could not be acquired
16:157  0:000       hibernated: no - sign
16:167  0:009   8: 'Recovery HD'
16:167  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
16:176  0:008   9: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
16:176  0:000  10: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
16:176  0:000  Custom legacy start
16:176  0:000  Custom legacy end
16:176  0:000  Custom tool start
16:176  0:000  Custom tool end
16:176  0:000  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
16:176  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
16:176  0:000   Found Clover
16:176  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Invalid Parameter, original var services restored
16:176  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
16:199  0:022  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
16:199  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
16:199  0:000  Default boot entry not found
16:199  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
16:199  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
17:801  1:602  
Boot options:
17:801  0:000  BootOrder: 4: Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0003, Boot0000
17:801  0:000   0) Boot0001: Clover start bootmgfw.efi at EFI, Attr: 0x1
17:801  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
17:801  0:000      Size: 214 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:66 + FP:102 + Opt:40 = 214 -> OK)
17:802  0:000   1) Boot0002: Clover start boot.efi at MacSSD, Attr: 0x1
17:802  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
17:802  0:000      Size: 210 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:64 + FP:102 + Opt:38 = 210 -> OK)
17:802  0:000   2) Boot0003: Clover start boot.efi at Recovery HD, Attr: 0x1
17:802  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI
17:802  0:000      Size: 230 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:74 + FP:102 + Opt:48 = 230 -> OK)
17:802  0:000   3) Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager, Attr: 0x1
17:802  0:000      HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
17:802  0:000      Size: 300 (Attr:4 + FPl:2 + Desc:42 + FP:116 + Opt:136 = 300 -> OK)
17:802  0:000  
Boot options not in BootOrder list:
23:560  5:758   not found
23:560  0:000  -------------
23:560  0:000  ReinitSelfLib after theme change
23:560  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
23:560  0:000  found 11 volumes with blockIO
23:560  0:000   0. Volume:
23:560  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
23:563  0:002    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
23:563  0:000   1. Volume:
23:563  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
23:564  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
23:564  0:000   2. Volume:
23:564  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
23:564  0:000   3. Volume:
23:564  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
23:564  0:000    found optical drive
23:564  0:000   4. Volume:
23:564  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
23:565  0:000   5. Volume:
23:565  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,B93A880C-15F2-4DCE-8339-1C83CD7F8E2A,0x800,0x1788E000)
23:565  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
23:565  0:000   6. Volume:
23:565  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,0D35F2DD-81AD-4415-BB22-F5B363C24C20,0x1788E800,0x64000)
23:566  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
23:566  0:000    This is SelfVolume !!
23:566  0:000   7. Volume:
23:566  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,E6857661-C218-46C3-8B2C-3075DDCA76D9,0x178F2800,0x62CAB68)
23:567  0:000   8. Volume:
23:567  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,8593CCE6-ACD9-46D2-8765-DFAECCA1473B,0x1DBBD368,0x135F20)
23:567  0:000   9. Volume:
23:567  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x6C762267,0x800,0x74701000)
23:568  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
23:568  0:000  10. Volume:
23:568  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2E844E58,0x800,0x74705000)
23:568  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
23:568  0:000  Choosing theme yosemitelogin
23:568  0:000  Custom entries start
23:568  0:000  Custom entries finish
23:568  0:000  Scanning loaders...
23:568  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
23:568  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
23:568  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
23:568  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
23:568  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
23:568  0:000   5: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
23:568  0:000   6: 'EFI'
23:568  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
23:577  0:008   7: 'MacSSD'
23:577  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacSSD
23:578  0:000      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
23:578  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
23:583  0:004      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
23:583  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacSSD', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
23:587  0:004      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
23:587  0:000   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=1CA72800, Offset=394E500000 (BlockSize=512)
23:587  0:000   sig lion: 0
23:587  0:000   sig snow: 0
23:587  0:000   no valid sleep image offset was found
23:587  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
23:587  0:000       sleepimage offset could not be acquired
23:587  0:000       hibernated: no - sign
23:597  0:009   8: 'Recovery HD'
23:597  0:000      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
23:606  0:008   9: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
23:606  0:000  10: 'Legacy HD1' no file system
23:606  0:000  Custom legacy start
23:606  0:000  Custom legacy end
23:606  0:000  Custom tool start
23:606  0:000  Custom tool end
23:606  0:000  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
23:606  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 6 for Clover
23:606  0:000   Found Clover
23:606  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Invalid Parameter, original var services restored
23:606  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
23:629  0:022  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
23:629  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
23:629  0:000  Default boot entry not found
23:629  0:000  EmuVariable UninstallEmulation: CloseEvent = Success, original var services restored
23:629  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
24:969  1:340  BootOption of the entry is empty
24:969  0:000  StartLoader() start
24:969  0:000  Finally: Bus=100000kHz CPU=3400MHz
24:969  0:000  Kernel and Kext Patches:
24:969  0:000  	Allowed: y
24:969  0:000  	Debug: n
24:969  0:000  	KernelCpu: n
24:969  0:000  	Lapic: n
24:969  0:000  	AICPUPM: n
24:969  0:000  	AppleRTC: n
24:969  0:000  	KernelPm: n
24:969  0:000  	FakeCPUID: 0x0
24:969  0:000  	ATIController: <null string>
24:969  0:000  	ATIDataLength: 0
24:969  0:000  	0 Kexts to load
24:969  0:000  	5 Kexts to patch
24:969  0:000  	  KextPatch[0]: 11 bytes, IOAHCIBlockStorage
24:969  0:000  	  KextPatch[1]: 8 bytes, AppleAHCIPort
24:969  0:000  	  KextPatch[2]: 6 bytes, AppleHDA
24:969  0:000  	  KextPatch[3]: 4 bytes, AppleHDA
24:969  0:000  	  KextPatch[4]: 6 bytes, AppleHDA
24:969  0:000  Loading boot.efi
25:046  0:077  load image status=Success
25:130  0:083  GetOSVersion: : 10.10.1
25:130  0:000  EmuVariable InstallEmulation: orig vars copied, emu.var.services installed, CreateEvent VirtualAddressChange = Success, CreateEvent ExitBootServices = Success, set Status=Success
25:153  0:023  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
25:153  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 19:0
25:153  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
25:154  0:000  Injecting user memory modules to SMBIOS
25:154  0:000  Channels: 2
25:154  0:000  Interleave: 0 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 8 10 9 11 12 14 13 15 16 18 17 19 20 22 21 23
25:154  0:000  BANK0 DIMM0 1600MHz 4096MB
25:154  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 4096
25:154  0:000  BANK1 DIMM0 1600MHz 4096MB
25:154  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 8192
25:154  0:000  BANK0 DIMM1 1600MHz 4096MB
25:154  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 12288
25:154  0:000  BANK1 DIMM1 1600MHz 4096MB
25:154  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 16384
25:154  0:000  NumberOfMemoryDevices = 4
25:154  0:000  Type20[0]->End = 0x3FFFFF, Type17[0] = 0x1000
25:154  0:000  Type20[1]->End = 0xBFFFFF, Type17[2] = 0x4000
25:154  0:000  Type20[2]->End = 0x7FFFFF, Type17[1] = 0x6000
25:154  0:000  Type20[3]->End = 0xFFFFFF, Type17[3] = 0xA000
25:154  0:000  RSDT 0xDD736028
25:154  0:000  FADT from RSDT: 0xDD7360F8
25:154  0:000  XSDT 0xDD736078
25:154  0:000  FADT from XSDT: 0xDD740F48
25:154  0:000  Xsdt reallocation done
25:154  0:000  old FADT length=10C
25:154  0:000  Found OperationRegion(GNVS, SystemMemory, DD865E18, ...)
25:154  0:000  Found OperationRegion(MCHT, SystemMemory, FED10000, ...)
25:154  0:000  Found OperationRegion(RCRB, SystemMemory, FED1C000, ...)
25:154  0:000  Found OperationRegion(CPSB, SystemMemory, DD715E18, ...)
25:154  0:000  Found OperationRegion(IGDM, SystemMemory, 0, ...)
25:154  0:000  Found OperationRegion(RAMW, SystemMemory, DD854018, ...)
25:156  0:002  DSDT len = 0xADC1 new len = 0xC379
25:156  0:000  Apply DsdtFixMask=0x00000000 old way
25:156  0:000     drop _DSM mask=0x0000
25:156  0:000  ========= Auto patch DSDT Starting ========
25:156  0:000  VideoCard devID=0x68181002
25:156  0:000  DisplayADR1[0] = 0x10000, DisplayADR2[0] = 0x0
25:156  0:000  USBADR[0] = 0x140000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
25:156  0:000  USBADR[1] = 0x1A0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
25:428  0:271  Audio HDA (addr:0x1B0000) setting specified layout-id=1 (0x1)
25:428  0:000  Found Airport Atheros at 0x1C0006, 0x0, DeviceID=0x0032
25:428  0:000  USBADR[2] = 0x1D0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
25:428  0:000  first CPU found at 7212 offset 7215
25:428  0:000  score candidate at 720E
25:428  0:000  score inserted in acpi_cpu_score _PR_
25:428  0:000  Found ACPI CPU: CPU0 And CPU1 And CPU2 And CPU3 And CPU4 And CPU5 And CPU6 And CPU7 
  within the score: _PR_
25:428  0:000  Found PCIROOTUID = 0
25:428  0:000  ========= Auto patch DSDT Finished ========
25:428  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=SSDT TableID=CpuPm Length=2706
25:428  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=9 
25:428  0:000   Table: SSDT  CpuPm  2706 dropped
25:428  0:000  corrected XSDT length=100
25:428  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=SSDT TableID=Cpu0Ist Length=2474
25:428  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=8 
25:428  0:000   Table: SSDT  Cpu0Ist  2474 dropped
25:428  0:000  corrected XSDT length=92
25:428  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=SSDT TableID= Length=0
25:428  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=7 
25:428  0:000   Table: SSDT  SataTabl  877 dropped
25:428  0:000  corrected XSDT length=84
25:428  0:000  Inserting SSDT.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched ... Success
25:431  0:002   CPUBase=0 and ApicCPUBase=1 ApicCPUNum=4
25:431  0:000  EdidDiscovered size=128
25:431  0:000  00 | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 04 69 93 24 01 01 01 01 
25:431  0:000  16 | 14 17 01 03 80 35 1E 78 EA 2C C5 A4 56 50 A1 28 
25:431  0:000  32 | 0F 50 54 BF EF 00 71 4F 81 80 81 40 95 00 A9 40 
25:431  0:000  48 | B3 00 D1 C0 01 01 02 3A 80 18 71 38 2D 40 58 2C 
25:431  0:000  64 | 45 00 13 2B 21 00 00 1E 00 00 00 FD 00 32 4C 1E 
25:431  0:000  80 | 53 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 00 56 
25:431  0:000  96 | 45 32 34 37 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FF 
25:431  0:000  112 | 00 44 35 4C 4D 51 53 30 35 37 32 37 34 0A 00 C2 
25:431  0:000  ATI injection not set
25:431  0:000  LAN Controller [8086:1503] :: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x19,0x0)
25:431  0:000  HDA Controller [8086:1E20] :: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1B,0x0) => setting specified layout-id=1 (0x1)
25:431  0:000  stringlength = 540
25:431  0:000  CurrentMode: Width=1920 Height=1080
25:431  0:000  FSInjection: using kexts path: 'EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.10'
25:435  0:003  MSR 0x1B0   set to        00000000
25:435  0:000  Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.10
25:437  0:001    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.10\AHCIPortInjector.kext
25:440  0:003    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.10\VoodooPS2Controller.kext
25:447  0:006      Extra PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.10\VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext
25:451  0:004      Extra PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.10\VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Mouse.kext
25:454  0:003      Extra PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.10\VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext
25:459  0:004    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.10\realtekALC.kext
25:462  0:003  Removed efi-boot-device-data variable: Not Found
25:462  0:000  Custom boot is disabled
25:462  0:000  Closing log
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Need Help on the clover boot GUI 


I can't get the clover boot GUI full resolution (1920x1080)


Here's what I tried so far:


     - no custom EDID, No Patch VBios, No PatchVBiosBtyes  -->   GUI shows like squashed 1920x1440


     - with or without custom EDID, Patch VBios Enable, no PatchVBiosBytes  -->  GUI shows like stretched 800x600


     - with or without custom EDID, NO Patch VBios Enable,  with PatchVBiosBytes  -->  GUI still shows like stretched 800x600

       (with PatchVBiosBytes:  find "gAeoAqAF"  replace "gAeoAjgE" )

       I attached the boot log of this test.


what else I missed ? 

attached the clover config.plist



my setup:

Clover v2k r2999

Yosemite 10.10.1

CPU Sandy i7

Gigabyte P67A-UD3R-B3   -->  Non UEFI

Intel 120G SSD

DDR3 8G Memory

You are wrong, this is UEFI

Starting Clover rev 2999 on TianoCore.org EFI

So you have to use CsmVideoDxe in the folder /EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/

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@thy: Slice is right, your motherboard includes a hybrid BIOS, which makes it capable of booting in UEFI mode. I'd advice you to stay away from that hybrid EFI {censored}, my mobo have that too and it can't be unlocked to get more resolutions (not even by adding the LegacyRegion2Dxe driver, missing from that hybrid EFI). Just delete the /EFI/BOOT folder, install a bootloader in the MBR and it should work with "PatchVBios" and "ScreenResolution".

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Hi, I've a question, the lastest version of Clover recognize the MBP 6.2 correctly? (SMC 1.58f17).

In this post they talk about this:




But Clover correctly recognizes config.plist.

SMC version can be injected by FakeSMC.

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Slight issue


For some reason booting clover with my mobo set to UEFI does not let me have onboard ethernet, but when I boot it through legacy, it works.


During a -v boot it tells me that the BIOS has disabled the NIC.


Specs in my signature.

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Slight issue


For some reason booting clover with my mobo set to UEFI does not let me have onboard ethernet, but when I boot it through legacy, it works.


During a -v boot it tells me that the BIOS has disabled the NIC.


Specs in my signature.

I think DarwinDumper report may shine on the problem.

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Not too many LAN drivers?

54:348  0:003    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.9\ALXEthernet.kext
54:355  0:007    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.9\AppleIntelE1000e.kext
54:364  0:008    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.9\AtherosE2200Ethernet.kext
54:369  0:004    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.9\RealtekRTL8111.kext



Hello slice

Question: Can you explain this entry

9:135  0:008  Removed efi-boot-device-data variable: Not Found





No, it is not my idea. I just know it works and now you know this too.

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Not too many LAN drivers?

54:348  0:003    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.9\ALXEthernet.kext
54:355  0:007    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.9\AppleIntelE1000e.kext
54:364  0:008    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.9\AtherosE2200Ethernet.kext
54:369  0:004    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.9\RealtekRTL8111.kext




No, it is not my idea. I just know it works and now you know this too.


I have the same exact extensions in /e/e and /efi/clover/kexts. Plus, when booted legacy, Clover works with the AtherosE2200Ethernet.kext

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@fabio -  


Removed efi-boot-device-data variable: Not Found
not a problem can be ignored - but this is my understanding
clover would normally use/boot from the device listed by this NVRAM variable and then remove/delete the NVRAM variable. how would this be set? this is set by OSX to restart on a certain disk (System Preferences/Startup Disk). if the variable is not found clover - just issues this notice and then uses the default or selected device etc.
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@ slice

No, it is not my idea. I just know it works and now you know this too.



@ tluck

not a problem can be ignored - but this is my understanding
clover would normally use/boot from the device listed by this NVRAM variable and then remove/delete the NVRAM variable. how would this be set? this is set by OSX to restart on a certain disk (System Preferences/Startup Disk). if the variable is not found clover - just issues this notice and then uses the default or selected device etc.


Thanks for the answer, I wanted to understand if it was a mistake



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Long-time TonyMac/Chimera guy, been using it since SL.  As OSX has progressed, its been more and more difficult to get full functionality - now impossible on Yosemite.  A buddy of mine suggested Clover and I have been working on it for a week now tih no success.  Looking for some help/suggestions on how to get it running:


Using Clover r3033


System specs:

Asus P8Z68-V Pro Gen 3

Dual GTX 560-Ti-448 GPUs (three monitors)



I'm using the configuration suggested on the Easy Yosemite Install thread but I can't seem to get to the OS X installer.  When I boot into the USB, the screen goes black after "DSMOD has arrived".  I changed the GPU to IGFX in my bios and booted again and the system just restarts after "DSMOD has arrived".  Won't boot into the actual installer. 


Not sure if it matters but for full disclosure: I am dual booting into 2 separate HDDs, the one I'm on now is a 1TB drive running Yosemite via Chimera (not much working but functional).  The drive I am wanting to install Clover bootloader on is a 2TB HDD which is currently a clone of this drive.  I planned on formatting the drive in the OSX installer but it won't make it that far... would be of any benefit/difference to format it prior to trying to install?  I'm also using a basic NVidia specific config.plist I got from Tony's site... is there a repository on config.plist files somewhere more specific to individual boards? (wouldn't that be convenient)


Also, I haven't used a DSDT since ML, hasn't been necessary with Chimera.  Do I need one with Clover?


Lastly, it's time for a new build.  I still want to get this one running Yosemite ... and the Probook after this, but a new desktop will do me good.  Any suggestions (or link to a section discussing new builds) on optimal components for a new build for an easy, fully funtional build?


Thanks for the help.


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Long-time TonyMac/Chimera guy, been using it since SL.  As OSX has progressed, its been more and more difficult to get full functionality - now impossible on Yosemite.  A buddy of mine suggested Clover and I have been working on it for a week now tih no success.  Looking for some help/suggestions on how to get it running:


Using Clover r3033


System specs:

Asus P8Z68-V Pro Gen 3

Dual GTX 560-Ti-448 GPUs (three monitors)



I'm using the configuration suggested on the Easy Yosemite Install thread but I can't seem to get to the OS X installer.  When I boot into the USB, the screen goes black after "DSMOD has arrived".  I changed the GPU to IGFX in my bios and booted again and the system just restarts after "DSMOD has arrived".  Won't boot into the actual installer. 


Not sure if it matters but for full disclosure: I am dual booting into 2 separate HDDs, the one I'm on now is a 1TB drive running Yosemite via Chimera (not much working but functional).  The drive I am wanting to install Clover bootloader on is a 2TB HDD which is currently a clone of this drive.  I planned on formatting the drive in the OSX installer but it won't make it that far... would be of any benefit/difference to format it prior to trying to install?  I'm also using a basic NVidia specific config.plist I got from Tony's site... is there a repository on config.plist files somewhere more specific to individual boards? (wouldn't that be convenient)


Also, I haven't used a DSDT since ML, hasn't been necessary with Chimera.  Do I need one with Clover?


Lastly, it's time for a new build.  I still want to get this one running Yosemite ... and the Probook after this, but a new desktop will do me good.  Any suggestions (or link to a section discussing new builds) on optimal components for a new build for an easy, fully funtional build?


Thanks for the help.


Have you tried InjectNvidia=TRUE?

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Have you tried InjectNvidia=TRUE?


I have not, I did not, I did not see that option in my Clover configurator.  Would this be a boot argument to add to my config.plist?


Some sort of graphics issue, you can also try boot arg nv_disable=1.


I did and had less favorable result, immediate "going to sleep for 10 seconds..." kext when attempting to boot to USB.

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I have not, I did not, I did not see that option in my Clover configurator.  Would this be a boot argument to add to my config.plist?




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There is definitely something up with versions higher than r2976. I just created a USB boot drive with r2976 and boot times are very fast. Any thing over that I get the long delay after BIOS boot screen.


FYI-I updated to r3033 today and the long wait from BIOS to Clover GUI is down to an acceptable 7-8 seconds.

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I have two quick questions:


1) Where is Clover pulling the "Serial Number (processor tray):" number from as shown in System Information? I did not enter anything into the "Board Serial Number" entry under SMBIOS in Clover Configurator but I get a 17 digit number here. Should I continue using that number by entering it into Board Serial number so Messages works?


2) Why do I get the entry "PutNvramPlistToRtVars: nvram.plist not found" in my boot log?



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Update - 


Tinkering with the config.plist and boot arguments finally got me to the installer screen and allowed me to install 10.10.  

Rebooted back into USB - loaded to installer USB and completed installation.

Rebooted back into USB - loaded to HDD and completed installation

Yosemite boots up

Reformatter EFI partition from NFS to Fat32

Installed Clover r3033

Copied FakeSMC, ethernet, and Null CPU Mgmt kext to EFI/Clover/Kexts

Replaced config.plist with file from USB

Installed tolled audio kext - ALC892 working


Current Issue:

1. Cannot boot directly to new UEFI Yosemite drive - in my BIOS I have a new UEFI drive named "MAC OS X" and then my HDD.  Choosing either option immediately goes black and boots to my other HDD with Chimera Yosemite installed.  No Clover boot loader comes up.

2. I have three monitors running on two GTX 56-Ti-448 GUIs.  Both are detected in System report however the monitor connected to the second (lower) card is not showing and does not work.  Other two work fine - in HD.


Still need to work on iMessage/Facetime, and Bluetooth - any pointers in the right direction would be helpful.

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Update - 


Tinkering with the config.plist and boot arguments finally got me to the installer screen and allowed me to install 10.10.  

Rebooted back into USB - loaded to installer USB and completed installation.

Rebooted back into USB - loaded to HDD and completed installation

Yosemite boots up

Reformatter EFI partition from NFS to Fat32

Installed Clover r3033

Copied FakeSMC, ethernet, and Null CPU Mgmt kext to EFI/Clover/Kexts

Replaced config.plist with file from USB

Installed tolled audio kext - ALC892 working


Current Issue:

1. Cannot boot directly to new UEFI Yosemite drive - in my BIOS I have a new UEFI drive named "MAC OS X" and then my HDD.  Choosing either option immediately goes black and boots to my other HDD with Chimera Yosemite installed.  No Clover boot loader comes up.

2. I have three monitors running on two GTX 56-Ti-448 GUIs.  Both are detected in System report however the monitor connected to the second (lower) card is not showing and does not work.  Other two work fine - in HD.


Still need to work on iMessage/Facetime, and Bluetooth - any pointers in the right direction would be helpful.


Here's my boot section from config.plist

		<string>darkwake=1 nvda_drv=1 kext-dev-mode=1</string>
		<string>Macintosh HD</string>

Note the default volume is set to the name of my Yosemite partition (Macintosh HD). My timeout is set at 0 because I don't want to see the Clover menu (I want speed) but you could set it to 5 to give you plenty of time to press a key.

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Current Issue:

1. Cannot boot directly to new UEFI Yosemite drive - in my BIOS I have a new UEFI drive named "MAC OS X" and then my HDD.  Choosing either option immediately goes black and boots to my other HDD with Chimera Yosemite installed.  No Clover boot loader comes up.

2. I have three monitors running on two GTX 56-Ti-448 GUIs.  Both are detected in System report however the monitor connected to the second (lower) card is not showing and does not work.  Other two work fine - in HD.


Still need to work on iMessage/Facetime, and Bluetooth - any pointers in the right direction would be helpful.

1. UEFI BIOS usually doesn't see the entry like /EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERX64.EFI

Be sure you have /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI - it should be seen. Really this file is the renamed Clover.


2. Multiple monitor issue is still required for investigations.


iMessage etc will be working with good SN.

Bluetooth will be working with good drivers. No magics here. Vanilla drivers work only with some bluetooth adapters no matter how did you set definitions at bootloader stage or in OS.

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