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using the installer a page or so back it says installation failed when i try and upgrade Clover... running 2245 and wanting to go 2264.... 


to an SSD...

The installer sometimes has problems un-mounting the EFI partition, do it manually then run the installer again. Also check it you have enough free space for the update.

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What about Sandy Bridge CPUs. Is that automatic as well?

P-state Stepper Error 18 at step 2 ..... on CPU ....


 When trying to boot a fresh installation of Maverick (done on another machine) on my GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 with i7-2600 using clover 2236  with UEFI boot.

Boot process aborts and triggers restart. Never able to boot Maverick.

[Clover set up boots 10.8.5]


Any suggestions what the problem might be?



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P-state Stepper Error 18 at step 2 ..... on CPU ....


I get that panic when I don't have SSDT in patched folder when overclocked. Are you overclocking it?

Everytime when I put my systme to sleep then wake up, my EFI partitions are mounted. I have mountEFI=false in RtVariables.  Is there another way to get this fixed?

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really? who told you that ?



Its the truth, dude


Thats why its not working


en0 needs to be ethernet


Credit for this information can be found here




3. Delete /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist


4. Delete /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.network.identification.plist

5. Reboot your computer.  Both the files deleted above will be automatically recreated.

6. Go back to System Preferences > Network and add your network devices, STARTING with Ethernet type as the first Ethernet interface (do not use WiFi as the first interface!).


- See more at: http://blog.waldrondigital.com/2011/10/12/apple-id-is-valid-but-is-not-an-icloud-account-on-hackintosh-fixed/#sthash.OrwUmeEt.dpuf

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Hi, just switched to clover today after 4 years of using Chameleon. A page is turned and chameleon remains a great bootloader.


But.. clover is in advance and more "powerful"


I have an UEFI board ; it boots faster, really faster among others improvements.


Just a question ; with Chameleon, i inject my HD4600 dev properties via DSDT and IGP yes ; in System Profiler is shown Iris Pro (like iMac14,1)


With clover, still use the same DSDT, in config.plist "inject Intel True".. 


Is Clover overrides my DSDT injection ? 0x03,0x00,0x22,0x0d


Cause in system Profiler is shown HD4600. Yes it's correct considering i have a 4670K, but i like cosmetic things to match the closest to iMac hardware :)



Can i set Intel to false in the plist ?







EDIT : inject intel false, Iris Pro is back in sys profiler ; so intel injection set to no and i have a graphic injection only via DSDT, it rocks :)

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I've installed 10.9 from scratch and my AirPort just happens to be en0, I never ever connected an ethernet cable to this machine and iMessages worked the very moment I've entered my credentials. So I'm not sure what kind of * the truth* are you referring to 






This is a well known problem and its solution is damn easy

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There are so many variables regarding the iMessages and iCloud problem…

Like TimeWalker, I've had it working while my ethernet was en1, 2 and 3, and once I forgot to install the kext and it was activated just fine without ethernet. There are many things that may affect the activation but the ethernet on en0 is not a requirement, at least not for everyone.



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In case if you were wondering, yes, Clover can be used on a real Mac


On my 27 inch iMac right now via Clover boot


I have nothing in my config.plist but "time out". I have no efi drivers installed. No fixes. Nothing. Just straight clover.


And it works

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In case if you were wondering, yes, Clover can be used on a real Mac


On my 27 inch iMac right now via Clover boot


I have nothing in my config.plist but "time out". I have no efi drivers installed. No fixes. Nothing. Just straight clover.


And it works

Question - why would you want to run Clover on a real mac?

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In case if you were wondering, yes, Clover can be used on a real Mac


On my 27 inch iMac right now via Clover boot


I have nothing in my config.plist but "time out". I have no efi drivers installed. No fixes. Nothing. Just straight clover.


And it works

I know very long before.

Mac compatibility rev.981 10.01.2013
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Because Macs pre-2011 don't allow booting MBR USB sticks, and rEFIt and rEFInd can't boot them either

I knew there were compatibility issues, but my 2009 mac pro runs Sun Solaris, with Atto drivers so its no longer a Mac i guess although still looks good.

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I try to create a bootable cd With this Clover2k-2236-X64.iso  

on my mobos GA Z87X UD5H 

I recive an error just before loading kernel Error 0x7  

​and after I receive Error loading all Extensions Error reading :blush:


on my Probook  I dont have this Issue  :( boot fine on the Installer  


Whats wrong ?

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I try to create a bootable cd With this Clover2k-2236-X64.iso  

on my mobos GA Z87X UD5H 

I recive an error just before loading kernel Error 0x7  

​and after I receive Error loading all Extensions Error reading :blush:


on my Probook  I dont have this Issue  :( boot fine on the Installer  


Whats wrong ?

Fix my Issue With Ext dvd righter  :P  :lol:

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P-state Stepper Error 18 at step 2 ..... on CPU ....


 When trying to boot a fresh installation of Maverick (done on another machine) on my GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 with i7-2600 using clover 2236  with UEFI boot.

Boot process aborts and triggers restart. Never able to boot Maverick.

[Clover set up boots 10.8.5]


Any suggestions what the problem might be?



 Problem solved: added  DropOEM = true and Generate SSDT=true


Thanks, pokenguyen!

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Hey guys, I'm getting this error when trying to build the latest clover:

Running on Mac OS X 10.9, with x86_64 architecture.
  Using Xcode SDK: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk
/Users/jonathandrake/Downloads/CloverGrower-master/Files/buildgcc.sh: line 505: archBIT: unbound variable
CloverGrower V6.08 GCC4.8.1 build process...  ERROR!!

Can anyone provide any insight?

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Hi guys, in the website clover-wiki under the boot section it is possible to activate a function to increase boot speed, is explained only in this way: "only search for SATA0 drivers (9 seconds difference)" ( http://clover-wiki.zetam.org/Configuration/Boot ).


About me explain this better?


If the argument has already been dealt sorry but there are too many pages to read.


Thank you.

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