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This Mountain Lion just won't boot up into Installion screen. I've gone through the "still waiting for root device" thread to no avail - nothing explained there - is of any help so far. That is why I deided to start a new thread as an Acer 8940G.


I've tried USB and HDD plus all the flags -f -x -v npci=0x2000 GraphicsEnabler=No busratio=25 PCIRootUID=0 & 1 myhack, ######, chameleon 2045 - NOTHING NADA Nichewo NICHTS NIENTE Grrrrrrr


System Quad Core i7 1.6 Mhz 4gb Ram Gts 250m


Any suggestions any help out there?


Also I cannot get 10.7.4 to work all Network is gone after installation BCM LAN and Atheros wireless nothing functions PLUS iCloud failure though I tried removing connections and Networkinterfaces plist nothing no registering possible, snow leopard flows like a smoothy though.


I thank any of you for their time and advice!!!


  • 5 months later...

Man the stupid freaking quizes to post a reply here.


I got Mountian lion working on the Acer 8940G. Here is what ya need to do.


First look for on google Acer 8940G bios mod you need to get the mod.rar file it contains a custom bios that allow you to edit things in the bios.

Under PCH controls you have to disable all PCI express power management stuff.

Also make sure to set dvd to boot too the iatkos which seems to be the only version that works.


It will now allow you to install Mountain lion takes some time but works.

After you reboot it will reset all settings in the bios so youll have to rememeber to set them back to what I said above only this time set HD to boot.

Now it will start loading but the graphics will not work. Reason for this is iatkos sets the Smbios to a MacBook Pro 3,1 it needs to be 8,1 to boot.

Boot iatkos in single user mode and mount the root directory.

cd to extra and then nano smbios.plist

Change the 3,1 to 8,1 save and reboot. Same goto bios make sure settings are correct.

After that it will boot into Mac OSX 10.8.2 but a few things I have not figured out how to get working yet.

The keyboard and touch pad will not work, USB mouse and Keyboard will.

Wireless is a no go but if you use something like a airlink 101 USB adapter it will.

I'll keep trying differnent things to get touch pad working and keyboard but for now I'm very happy it works.

  • 3 weeks later...
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