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Hi. I had installed Lion before without any special codes. Now I'm trying to install Mountain Lion. But there's a problem. My computer reboots right after installation of kexts are completed ("read hfs+ file:............" lines). I've tried writing -v, -x, -v npci=0x2000 cpus=1 busratio=12, PCIRootUID=0 and many other combination with that things. But somehow I can't get the installation screen, even not the "pci configuration begin" screen. I've read that someone passed that by deleting NVdaresman.kext. But that didn't work for me.. GraphicsEnabler doesn't exist in my boot.plist.

Can anyone recommend me anything?

My system:

Intel T9300 CPU

NVidia 8600M GT GPU



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When booting with a verbose output, what does the last line of text say before it restarts.

If it goes by too fast to read, try filming it with your phone or something. Then you can just find the relevant frame and can then read the output.


Hope that makes sense.

Moans about x86_64 something.

Is your processor capable of Mountain Lion, I know some core 2 duos were dropped?


"Starting Darwin x86_64" is the first line.

I don't know. Where can I get supported processors?

EDIT: MacBook Pro 4,1 is supported and has the same processor with me. It also has the same graphics adapter with me :(

You didn't mention what motherboard you have.


Several people with Asrock boards had the same problem and solved it with an upgrade to the latest BIOS. For people with older Asrock boards, there was no available BIOS upgrade and they are basically stuck.


I was a lucky one and solved the problem with a BIOS upgrade.

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